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A Quick and Easy ‘Dead Cert’ Way To Spank Those Greedy, Bloated Bookies”</span></p></center> <table width="500" border="2" align="right" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFcc"><tr><td valign=top> <center><p><span class="h11"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>FINAL LAST PERSON DISCOUNT!</b></span></span></p></center> <p><span class="h11"><b>Read about Jack Harvey’s Pro Hustler Gambling Course below or <a href="order.php?tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>" target="_blank">click here to order</a> in the next <span id="countdownv"> Minutes</span> to Grab Your Copy With a FINAL LAST PERSON DISCOUNT and the 8 valuable bonuses.</b></span></p> <p><span class="h11"><b>Please note:</b> In <span id="countdownw"> Minutes</span>, we will do a sales check and if the final last person discounted copy has gone, the bonuses and the discount will disappear.</span></p> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table width="575" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <p><span class="h3"><b>Just imagine...</b></span></p> <p> <b>You go to your PC and visit a free to use website I will tell you about in a moment.</b> You make a note of a few races for the day and the times they are running. You make a few easy calculations (just adding or subtracting). Jot down the answers. Then later that day you pop back to the website, place a few bets on the day’s winners and some time later you collect around £200 - <u><b>TAX FREE</b></u>! <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>This is what I do on a daily basis and in a moment I am going to show you how you can do the same.</b></span> <p> Just before I do that, let me explain how this all came about... <p> It all started when I found two dusty old leather bound books in my attic... <p><IMG src="images/book22.jpg" width="179" height="191" hspace="10" vspace="0" align="right" alt="Old Books"> They turned out to be the Diaries of a horse racing <b><u>fanatic</u></b> who used to live in my house before me. <p> These Diaries contained detailed hand written charts, statistics, fixtures, results tables, form analysis, hot tips ... <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>and lots of sneaky but legal ways to make a killing gambling on the gee gees.</b></span> <p> In short, these Diaries were chock-a-block full-to-bust brimming over with <b><u>loads of solid gold simple to understand Insider Gambling Hacks</u></b> I have never seen before in my life! <p> And I thought I’d seen them all ! <p> Because over the years, I’ve bought all the books, all the manuals and all the ‘systems’ going on horseracing and gambling... <p> I’ve got a whole cupboard full of the sodding things! <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>But all those systems I bought before were <u>nothing</u> compared to the powerful Insider Gambling Hacks in those Diaries I found in my attic.</b></span> <p> I don’t regret much in life but my biggest regret to date was not finding these Diaries sooner - it would have <u><b>saved me thousands of pounds</b></u>! <p> Not to mention how much money I would have made by now. <p> <b><u>Talk about ‘Cash in the Attic’!</u></b> <p> And of course, one of the Insider Gambling Hacks in those Diaries was to bet on a horse <u><b>after</b></u> it has won - for a nice juicy profit. <p> In fact, I was so blown away by the Insider Gambling Hacks in those Diaries that when I next looked, my hair seemed to have parted on the other side! <p> Just kidding - but you get my point. <p> Anyway, I decided to test these Insider Gambling Hacks out for myself... <p> I placed ‘pretend’ bets at first. That’s the only sensible way to test out gambling systems you haven’t tried before. <p> To my absolute shock, I was making a consistent £50-£100 a day with my pretend bets! <p> So now it was time to bet for real... <p> Still having my sensible head on, I bet much smaller amounts of real money. £10 a day in total. But low and behold, <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>with just £10 a day bets I brought in daily profits of £40-£50.</b></span> <p> All I had to do now was to raise my bets. <p> This was not as easy as it sounds because everyone has their max ‘bottling’ point and mine was at £50 - I just couldn’t bet more than £50 in total without getting in a flap. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>But with £50 total bets, I was clearing around £200 profit each day.</b></span> <p> At this point, I do need to come clean about a few things... <p class="g" style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2.5em;"><span class="f"><span class="h7"><b>• </b></span>You have to be fully prepared to place bets as soon as possible to get the best odds - but I will soon show you exactly how to make sure this happens. <p class="g" style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2.5em;"><span class="f"><span class="h7"><b>• </b></span>Sometimes you only break even - but I found a way to spot these ‘pointless’ bets and focus instead on the bigger winners. <p class="g" style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2.5em;"><span class="f"><span class="h7"><b>• </b></span>It’s possible to be too late to place a bet - but I will soon show you how to make sure you’re not. <p class="g" style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2.5em;"><span class="f"><span class="h7"><b>• </b></span>Sometimes you can lose your bet - but I came up with a strategy for reducing the chances of this happening to almost zero. I will tell you more about this shortly. <p> I’ve got to tell you I made quite a few newbie mistakes with these Insider Gambling Hacks at first. <p> But after giving them all a right good live testing, I got rid of all the newbie mistakes for good and <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>I honed and perfected everything to create the mother of all low risk high return ‘A Team’ Insider Gambling Hacks.</b></span> <p> Here’s a screenshot of one of my typical wins... <center><p><IMG src="images/slip.jpg" width="510" height="490" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="center" alt="Gambling Slip"></p></center> <p> £124.45 returns from a £20 total stake is pretty good yes? <p> As you can imagine I got quite excited about all this and it was inevitable that I would end up telling my friends about these Insider Gambling Hacks. <p> Some didn’t believe me - that’s fine - some people don’t like to know that you can make a great living just from gambling. They’d much rather work 40+ hours a week for a lot less (and pay tax on it!). <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>But a few courageous souls accepted my advice and took the plunge. Here are some comments...</b></span> <table width="505" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFF99"><tr><td valign=top> <p><i>“Thanks for the I G Hacks mate. So far so good with some great wins in the bag already.”</i><br>Luke Gardener</span></p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p></center> <p><i>“I’ve not seen anything like these hacks before. I win nearly every time. Profits galore. Thanks!”</i><br>Jayne McGregor</span></p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p></center> <p><i>“Thanks for these Hacks Jack. I’m not a gambler to be honest. But really, this isn’t gambling at all. It’s just win win win. I’m sure I will lose every now and again but so far I’m impressed. And it’s great fun as well. Have you thought about selling this information to other people looking to earn extra money?”</i><br>R Clarke (Publisher) </span></p> </td></tr></table> <p> Not bad comments I’m sure you’ll agree. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>The last comment from Richard Clarke made me think about selling the information as a course but then I thought “What for? I’m happy as Larry earning a £1000ish a week. Why bother?”</b></span> <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>And that was the way it was going to stay until <u>something a bit terrible happened</u>...</b></span> <p> My sister’s had Asthma all her life and she’s had attacks before but the last one she had nearly killed her. Luckily I was there and know what to do to help. This time though, she had to be taken to hospital. They ran routine tests and scans and found she had a degenerative lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis. <p> LAM disease it is known as. <p> The worst thing about it was, UK doctors can’t do anything to help her. There is nothing approved by the powers that be in this country apparently. <p> They said it was just going to get steadily worse until one day she would just not be able to breathe and die. She was basically condemned to a slow suffocating death. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>We were devastated as you can imagine.</b></span> <p> And even at this early stage of the disease she can’t go up the stairs without gasping for breath - she’s only in her 40s! <p> I couldn’t let that happen to her - I simply had to do something... <p> So I did some research and found a place in Switzerland proven to halt and sometimes cure this awful LAM disease with natural remedies and treatments, in house care and after care. <p> <b>It was the only solution.</b> <p> Problem was, they wanted £100,000 <p> No ifs or buts - no loans - no part payments - insurance wouldn’t cover it... But I was determined to get my sister into that Switzerland Hospital. <p> We worked out we could rustle together £10-£15 grand quite quickly selling and liquidating things. And I asked a few people I knew to chip in and we have now managed to scrape together £48,600. <p> Not enough - we are still about £50,000 short. <p> We needed to raise the rest <b><u>as soon as possible</u></b>. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>So I decided to take Richard’s advice and put all the honed and perfected Insider Gambling Hacks into a course and try and sell it to raise the remaining money for my sister’s stay at the Switzerland Hospital.</b></span> <p> I got a friend of mine to help with putting it together. He is a proof reader so I knew it would all be done quickly and be all <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>good quality reading material.</b></span> <p> It took us 2 weeks of 12 hour working days but we were on a mission so the work didn’t actually seem like work and those two weeks flew by. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>All done, we called the course “Jack Harvey’s Pro Hustler Gambling Course”. I think that’s a great name because when you read it you will indeed become a Pro Hustler.</b></span> <p> My course teaches you all the Insider Gambling Hacks that were in the Diaries - that I honed and perfected. <p> Everything is easy to follow - easy to execute - easy to do. <p> It shows you all the pitfalls - all the mistakes I made - and how to avoid making them yourself. <p> Absolutely nothing is missing or left out. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>Even though I say so myself, I think it is THE best gambling course I have ever come across ever.</b></span> <p> So as not to overwhelm you, my course comes in 4 parts. <p> You will be able to start winning money just with the information in Part 1. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>Parts 2-4 will show you <b><u>even more</u></b> Insider Gambling Hacks you can use to <u>win a great deal of money</u></b></span>. <p> <b>You will receive all 4 Parts of my Course as soon as you become one of my <i>Pro Hustlers</i></b>. <p> <b>Imagine winning more and more and MORE money over the next few weeks</b>. I just know you will absolutely love my course and the feeling of winning more and more money as time goes by - even if you’re only a little bit into gambling. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>And just in case you’re wondering, everything you do will appear to be like normal betting - so you can’t really get banned.</b></span> I never have been. Maybe if you get too greedy and start betting too much. <p> But even if you do get banned from one bookie, there are absolutely loads of them to choose from these days... <center><p><IMG src="images/betting-sites.gif" width="200" height="250" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="center" alt="Gambling Sites"></p></center> <p><span class="h6">So... How Much Should I Charge For My Course ?</span></p> <p> Well I discussed this with a few people who know what they’re talking about and they suggested I sell it for about 10% of my best monthly winnings. <p> To be fairer, I decided to use my average monthly winnings after I had honed and perfected everything. That average worked out at £3476 <p> So 10% of that is £347.60. Rounded down to £347 <p> Sound fair to you? <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>Well if it does sound fair then I’ve got even better news because I have decided to give <u>the first 30 people</u> a huge discount off that fair price - in return for their success stories.</b></span> <p> I will then post those success stories on this website so I can remove the discount, put the price up to £347, and raise the money we need a lot quicker. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>So as long as you promise to send me your success story and you are one of the first 30 people to sign up as a Pro Hustler and get my course, you can qualify for the huge discount.</b></span> <p> That is an unbelievable deal if you ask me. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>I am also limiting the amount of people who can become a Pro Hustler and get my course.</b></span> <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>As soon as we have the money we need for my sister’s stay at the Switzerland Hospital, I will close the doors completely and that will be that.</b></span> <p><span class="h7">So... What Do You Get For Your Money ?</span></p> <p><a href="order.php?tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>" target="_blank"><IMG src="images/hustlerpic17.jpg" width="250" height="304" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="right" alt="Pro Hustler Course"></a> As a Pro Hustler, You will receive the “Jack Harvey’s Pro Hustler Gambling Course”. <p> To reiterate, my course teaches you all the Insider Gambling Hacks - that I have honed and perfected. <p> Everything is easy to follow - easy to execute - easy to do. <p> It shows you all the pitfalls - all the mistakes I made - and how to avoid making them yourself. <p> Absolutely nothing is missing or left out. <p> In fact, with my course under your belt, you will find it hard NOT to trip into profits every day. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>To become a Pro Hustler and get my course, just scroll to the bottom of this webpage and click grey button/graphic as soon as possible to make sure you get the best deal.</b></span> <p><span class="h7">“That’s All Well And Good Jack But What If I Don’t Make Money Using The Information in Your Course ?”</span></p> <p> If you follow my advice in my course, you will make money. In fact, use the information to the letter and you are GUARANTEED to make money spanking the bookies big time. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>You could technically retire really.</b></span> <p> I’m not kidding around here. <p> Armed with the information in my course you just can’t lose. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>The information in my course is what the top 1% of gamblers use to make fortunes.</b></span> This is your chance to join that top 1% yourself. <p> You’ll get everything you need to make great money by betting on the gee gees. <p> You don’t need to know anything or have any special skills. <p> Rubbish at Maths? No problem. <p> Not very good at using a computer? No problem. <p> I will be there to hold your hand every step of the way if necessary. <p><a href="order.php?tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>" target="_blank"><IMG src="images/guarantee.jpg" width="198" height="220" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="right" alt="Money Back Guarantee"></a> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>But in the unlikely event that you don’t make a satisfactory amount of money with the information in my course just let me know within 90 days of receipt by sending an email to me at...</b></span> <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>jackharveyemails@gmail.com</b></span> <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>...and you will promptly receive a full 100% refund of every penny you paid.</b></span> <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>And if you’re unlucky enough to lose money with the information in my course, here’s what I will do for you. . .</b></span> <p><span class="h7">£20 Insurance Guarantee</span><br><span class="h5">(First 30 People To Sign Up Only)</span></p> <p> After you have read “Jack Harvey’s Pro Hustler Gambling Course”, learnt and practiced ‘dry’’ without using real money until you are 100% confident, you will only have to punt £20 of real money to get started. <p> You can punt more if you like but £20 is more than enough to get going winning money at this. You can then raise your bets with the money you win from then on. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>In the unlikely event that you lose your initial £20 (If you follow my advice, it just doesn’t happen!), let my know by email at jackharveyemails@gmail.com and I will reimburse you this £20 right out of my own pocket.</b></span> <p> Fair enough? <p> I am THAT confident you will win and win and WIN and KEEP winning using the information in my course. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>So... you get 90 days from receipt to decide if my course is for you or not (and get a full refund if not delighted). AND you are covered just in case you are unlucky enough to lose your initial £20 starting betting bank.</b></span> <p> I don’t know of ANY other gambling system that offers this kind of Guarantee. <p> To put it bluntly, this information WORKS! And works WELL. <p> It has not failed me yet so I know for fact it does work - but I do want to take away every conceivable risk you might have about trying it. <p> I’m sure you’ll agree that because of these safeguards, this is now a 100% absolute sure thing yes? <p><span class="h7">What About Bonuses?</span></p> <p> You’ll be blown away by the content in my course. <p> You’ be able to easily make £204, £428 or even £1062 a week with the sneaky but legal Insider Gambling Hacks in my course. <p> That much is true. <p> But what I want to do is make absolutely sure that you get much MUCH more than your money’s worth. <p> So I’m going to make you an even better offer that you would be insane not to take me up on. <p> Here it is. . . <p> If you order my course quickly, you will get these incredibly valuable free bonuses as well... gambling systems that work really well that i have picked up along the way <center><p><u>BONUS #1</u><br><u>THE MINDSET OF GAMBLING WINNERS</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £97<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/winners.jpg" alt="THE MINDSET OF GAMBLING WINNERS" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <center><p><br><u>BONUS #2</u><br><u>ALL-SPORTS BETTING SYSTEMS</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £47<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/sports.jpg" alt="ALL SPORTS BETTING SYSTEM" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <center><p><br><u>BONUS #3</u><br><u>FOOTBALL BETTING SYSTEMS</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £47<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/football.jpg" alt="FOOTBALL BETTING SYSTEM" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <center><p><br><u>BONUS #4</u><br><u>ZERO RISK SPORTS ARBITRAGE BETTING</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £97<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/arbitrage.jpg" alt="ZERO RISK SPORTS ARBITRAGE BETTING" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <center><p><br><u>BONUS #5</u><br><u>MAKE £1000s BETTING ON THE MONEY MARKETS</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £97<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/markets.jpg" alt="BETTING ON THE MARKETS" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <center><p><br><u>BONUS #6</u><br><u>ONLINE BLACKJACK GAMBLING SYSTEM</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £197<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/blackjack.jpg" alt="ONLINE BLACKJACK GAMBLING SYSTEM MANUAL" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <center><p><br><u>BONUS #7</u><br><u>A UNIQUE ONLINE ROULETTE SYSTEM</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £147<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/roulette.jpg" alt="A NEW AND UNIQUE ONLINE ROULETTE SYSTEM" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <center><p><br><u>BONUS #8</u><br><u>TOP ONLINE ROULETTE SYSTEMS</u><br>NORMAL PRICE £97<br><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE TO ORDER JACK HARVEY’S PRO HUSTLER GAMBLING COURSE</span></b></p></center> <center><p><IMG src="../course/images/roulettes.jpg" alt="TOP ONLINE ROULETTE SYSTEMS" border="0" height=150 hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle"></a></p></center> <p> Those free bonuses, worth nearly £850 pounds, are all yours free of charge when you take the plunge and get my course today. <p><span class="h7">Whatever Happens, You Need to <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>Decide to Become a Pro Hustler (or not) and Get My Course in The Next <span id="countdownx">1 Hour, 1 Minute, 2 Seconds</span></b></span> - Here’s Why. . .</span></p> <p><img src="images/hurry2.png" height="105" width="121" hspace="20" vspace="20" align="right" alt="Hurry"> Every 2 hours from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, my assistant will check how many discounted Pro Hustler Places have been taken and if 30 have gone she will remove the discount and put the price up to £347. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b><span id="countdowny">The next sales check is due in 4 Hours, 32 Minutes and 8 Seconds. Just so you know.</span></b></span> <p> So as soon as you decide to become a Pro Hustler and get my course - which shouldn’t take long really - <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>don’t delay in securing a Place because my assistant will be removing the discount and putting the price up to £347 as soon as 30 Places have gone</b></span> and then after that, you won’t be able to get in on this as cheap again. <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>Wait too long and you won’t be able to get in at all ever!</b></span> <p> So ideally decide to become a Pro Hustler and get my course <u><b>today</b></u> and this time next week you too could be making great money each week betting on the gee gees. <p> Here’s to your future success in horseracing. <p> Speak soon <p><a href="order.php?tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>" target="_blank"><img src="images/jacksign55.jpg" height="64" width="190" alt="Jack Harvey"></a><br> Jack Harvey</p> <p><b>P.S.</b> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>I am only making a limited number of Pro Hustler Places available. Once these Places have gone, that’s it.</b></span> <p><b>P.P.S.</b> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>The first 30 people to sign up as a Pro Hustler get a big discount off the soon-to-be price of £347</b></span> in return for their success stories. I will then post those success stories on this website so that we can remove the discount, put the price back up to £347, and raise the money we need for my sister’s stay at the Switzerland Hospital a lot quicker. <p><b>P.P.P.S.</b> To find out if you qualify for the discount for my course today, click the grey button below that says “YES! I Want to Become a Pro Hustler and Make £204, £428 or Even £1062 a Week With Sneaky But Legal Insider Gambling Hacks”. <center><a href="order.php?tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>" target="_blank"><IMG src="images/reddown.gif" width="24" height="45" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="center" alt="Click below"></a></center> <center><a href="order.php?tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>" target="_blank"><IMG src="images/order.jpg" width="535" height="267" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="center" alt="Become a Pro Hustler Here"></a></center> <center><p><span class="h7">Click the grey button above<br>or <a href="order.php?tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>" target="_blank">Click Here</a></span></p></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><px><span style="color:#ffffff">Copyright © Proscript - All rights reserved<br>The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard<br>Coventry. 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