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Thank you. . .</b></span></p> <p> If you know how to, <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><b>put my FULL name ( Rico Mente ) AND new private dedicated email address ( ricoserve@aol.com ) into your email contacts list.</b></span></p> <p> If you do not know how to put an email address in your contacts list, just <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><b>find your Email Service Provider from the alphabetical list below and click for exact instructions.</b></span> If yours isn’t there or the information is outdated, do let me know by email.</p> <table align="center" width="555" border="1" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr> <td valign="top"><p2><b><u>PLEASE NOTE</u>:</b> If you use a third party spam filter like Norton AntiSpam, McAfee Spamkiller, Barracuda Networks, Trend Micro PC-Cillin, Cloudmark SpamNet, CA Anti Spam, Mailblocks, MailShield, MailWasher, Oddpost, SpamAssassin, SpamFighter, ChoiceMail, SpamButcher, Spameater Pro Spam Inspector, Spam Interceptor, SpamPal, Spam Sleuth, or Spamarrest, please whitelist my details in that program as well.</p2> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><b>Find your Email Service Provider from the alphabetical list below. . .</b></span> <table align="center" width="555" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table> <tr> <td width="250" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <p> <a href="#aol">@aim.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/aim.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a><br> <a href="#aol">@aol.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/aol.gif" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#virgin">@blueyonder.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/blueyonder.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#yahoo">@btconnect.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bt.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#yahoo">@btinternet.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bt.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#yahoo">@btopenworld.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bt.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talktalk">@dsl.pipex.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/pipex.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#excite">@excite.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/excite.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#excite">@excite.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/excite.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talktalk">@f2s.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bl.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#orange">@fsmail.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bl.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#gmail">@gmail.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/gmail.gif" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#gmail">@googlemail.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/gmail.gif" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#gmx">@gmx.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/gmx.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#gmx">@gmx.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/gmx.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talktalk">@homecall.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bl.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#hotmail">@hotmail.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/hotmail.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#hotmail">@hotmail.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/hotmail.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talktalk">@lineone.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bl.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#hotmail">@live.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/live.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#hotmail">@live.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/live.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> </p></td><td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"> <p> <a href="#mac">@mac.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/mac.png" alt="" border="0" height="29" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#madasafish">@madasafish.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/madasafish.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#me">@me.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/me.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#hotmail">@msn.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/msn.gif" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#virgin">@ntlworld.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/ntl.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talktalk">@onetel.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/onetel.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#orange">@orange.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/orange.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#yahoo">@rocketmail.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/rocket.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#safe-mail">@safe-mail.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/safemail.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#sky">@sky.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/sky.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#supanet">@supanet.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/supanet.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talk21">@talk21.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/talktalk.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talktalk">@talktalk.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/talktalk.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#tesco">@tesco.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/tesco.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#talktalk">@tiscali.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/tiscali.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#uwclub">@uwclub.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bl.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#virgin">@virgin.net<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/virgin.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#virgin">@virginmedia.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/virgin.png" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#yahoo">@yahoo.co.uk<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/yahoo.gif" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#yahoo">@yahoo.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/yahoo.gif" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> <br> <a href="#ymail">@ymail.com<IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/bl.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="28" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=middle></a> </p> <p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">AOL and AIM<a name="aol"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>To add a contact:</p><p>1. Log in to your AOL/AIM account online at https://my.screenname.aol.com</p><p>2. In the left panel, click <strong>Contacts</strong>.</p><p><img alt="””" src="http://help.aol.com/Platform/Publishing/images/Screen%20Shot%202012-07-27%20at%2015.48.11.png"></p><p>3. Above your list of contacts, click the <strong>New Contact</strong> icon (the single silhouette with a + sign).</p><p><img alt="””" src="http://help.aol.com/Platform/Publishing/images/Screen%20Shot%202012-07-27%20at%2015.47.53.png"></p><p>4. On the 'New Contact' page, add:</p> <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>5. At the bottom, click the <strong>Add Contact</strong> button.</p><p>All done </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">EXCITE<a name="excite"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account at http://community.excite.co.uk <p>2. Go to your email and click the CONTACTS tab at the top of the page <p>This will bring up your Address Book page. <p>3. Click the ADD CONTACT button to add a new contact. <p>4. Enter this information <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>5. Click the ADD INFORMATION button. <p>All done </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">GMAIL/GOOGLEMAIL<a name="gmail"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account at https://accounts.google.com <p>2. Go to your email, look left under Google and click the little arrow next to GMAIL (highlighted below) <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/googlecontacts.JPG" width="126" height="190" border="0" alt="" /> <p>3. Now click NEW CONTACT <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/googlecontacts2.JPG" width="110" height="115" border="0" alt="" /> <p>3. Enter this information <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>4. This should auto save but check and if need be click the SAVE button on the right. <p>All done </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">GMX<a name="gmx"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log in to your account online at http://www.gmx.com/ <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/addnewcontact.gif" width="419" height="223" border="0" alt="" /> <p>2. Find and click <b>New Contact</b> and a blank Contact Details form is displayed. <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/addnewcontact2.gif" width="550" height="537" border="0" alt="" /> <p>3. Enter the contact data below... <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>4. Click <b>Save</b>. <p>All done </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">HOTMAIL/WINDOWS LIVE/MSN<a name="hotmail"></a><br> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account at http://login.live.com <p>2. Go to your email, look left and click the little arrow next to Outlook (highlighted below) <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/outlookcontacts.jpg" width="178" height="121" border="0" alt="" /> <p>3. Now click PEOPLE (see below) <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/outlookcontacts2.jpg" width="295" height="100" border="0" alt="" /> <p>4. Now click the arrow next to NEW (see below) <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/outlookcontacts3.jpg" width="536" height="44" border="0" alt="" /> <p>5. Click New Contact (See below) <p><img src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/outlookcontacts4.jpg" width="217" height="127" border="0" alt="" /> <p>6. Enter this information <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Surname: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address (Personal): <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>7. Click the SAVE button <p>All done </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">MADASAFISH<a name="madasafish"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>To add a new contact... <p>1. Log into your account at https://secure.madasafish.com/myaccountdx/summary/ <p>2. Click on the option MANAGE CONTACTS from within Webmail <p>3. Then click on ADD NEW CONACT and fill in the details of your contact in the following fields: <p>4. Enter the contact data below... <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>5. Click on the SAVE CHANGES button. </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">ORANGE/FSMAIL<a name="orange"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account at http://fsmail02.orange.co.uk <p>2. Go to your email and click the MY CONTACTS tab <p>3. Look down a bit for QUICK ADD CONTACT and enter this information <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>5. Click the ADD button. <p>All done </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">SAFE-MAIL<a name="safe-mail"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account at https://www.safe-mail.net/cgi-bin/Safe-mail.net/gate <p>2. Go to your email and click the ADDRESS BOOK tab <p>3. Look down a bit for QUICK ADD and enter this information <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>5. Click the SAVE button. <p>All done </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">SKY<a name="sky"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>To add a new contact in Sky Contacts:</p> <p>1. Go to https://skyid.sky.com/signin/mysky</p> <p>2. Log into your account </p> <p>3. Click the <strong>Contacts </strong>tab.</p> <p>4. Click <strong>New Contact</strong>. Blank contact information displays.</p> <p>5. Enter the contact information below.<br /> <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>6. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</p> <p>All done.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">SUPANET<a name="supanet"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> http://www.supanet.com/login/ </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">TALKTALK/TISCALI/HOMECALL/PIPEX/F2S/LINEONE<a name="talktalk"></a><br> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account online at https://myaccount.talktalk.co.uk <p>2. Click on <strong>Contacts</strong> in the left hand menu <p><img alt="Contacts Heading" src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/talktalkcontactsheading.png" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 75px; height: 24px;" /> <p>You will now be presented with your contacts where you can add/remove contacts and create groups <img alt="Contacts page" src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/talktalkcontacts.png" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 500px; height: 145px;" /> <p>3. Click on <b>Add Contact</b> <p>4. Enter the contact information below.<br /> <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>5. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</p> <p>All done.</p></ol> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">TESCO<a name="tesco"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account online at http://email.tesco.net/login/ <p>2. Click NEW <p>3. Choose CONTACT from the menu <p>4. Enter the contact information below.<br /> <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>5. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</p> <p>All done.</p></ol> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">UWCLUB<a name="uwclub"></a> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>1. Log into your account <p>2. Open the Address Book (click the Address Book link from the links on the left of the Web Mail page). <p>3. Click the Add pull-down menu above the list of contacts, then choose Contact. The Add Contact window will open. <p>4. Fill in the contact's email address and other optional information. <p>5. Click the Save button at the top or bottom of the screen. </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">VIRGIN/NTLWORLD/BLUEYONDER<a name="virgin"></a><br> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <P>To create a contact: <p>1. Go to the Virgin Media Mail sign in screen at http://www.virginmedia.com/customers/emailgateway.php <p>2. Sign into your email account <p>3. Click <STRONG>Contacts</STRONG> under <STRONG>Mail</STRONG> along the left side of any page. <P><IMG src="http://www.ricomente.com/guild/emailimages/mail_dropdown.png"></P><p>4. Click the <STRONG>New Contact</STRONG> button in the top-left corner of the Contact Manager. <p>5. Enter the contact information below in the appropriate fields. <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>The information you add should save automatically but check. </P> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="style8" style="white-space: normal;"><span class="h5">BT/YAHOO/TALK21/YMAIL<a name="yahoo"></a><br> <a href="#top">BACK TO THE TOP</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="white-space: normal;" colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%"> <p>To add a new contact in Yahoo Contacts:</p> <p>1. Go to http://uk.mail.yahoo.com </p> <p>2. Log into your account </p> <p>3. Click the <strong>Contacts </strong>tab.</p> <p>4. Click <strong>New Contact</strong>. Blank contact information displays.</p> <p>5. Enter the contact information below.<br /> <p>First Name: <b>Rico</b><br>Last Name: <b>Mente</b><br>Email Address: <b>ricoserve@aol.com</b></p> <p>6. Click <strong>Save</strong>.</p> <p>All done.</p> </td> </tr> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table align="center" width="620" border="0" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #231c3a"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">Copyright © www.ricomente.com All rights reserved.<br>C/O Proscript, 2 Taplins Court, Church Lane<br>Hartley Wintney, Hampshire. RG27 8XU<br>Tel: 08704 285131 Fax: 01252 849 250 Email: Rico@ricomente.com</span></p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
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