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What have I been doing all my life?”</i> George Hamilton</span> </td></tr></table> <p><span class="h14"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/rico.jpg" alt="Rico Mente - President of The Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" height="96" width="79" hspace="18" vspace="0" align=left><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/wealthsmiths30.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" width="171" height="146" hspace="10" vspace="8" align=right><b><font color="000000">“</font>Join my other <i>Senior Officers</i> using two simple methods and these 8 websites to make regular incomes and bumper pay days - without risking a penny, doing practically nothing. . .</b></span></span></p> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <span class="p2"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/malcolm2.jpg" alt="Malcolm Thompson" border="0" height="74" width="68" hspace="10" vspace="0" align=left><i>“So far I've made exactly £7,381 with your websites. Best part is they cost me nothing to run.”</i> Malcolm Thompson<br>Email: Malcthomo@gmx.co.uk</span> </td></tr></table> <p><span class="h12"><b><font color="000000">“</font>Become one of ten high flying <i><u>Senior Officers</u></i> of my prestigious *Board of Wealthsmiths* <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b><font color="000000"><?php echo $first_name; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var addition = "23"; var relative = "today, "; var relation = 0; var currentTime = new Date() currentTime.setMinutes(currentTime.getMinutes() + 242) var hours = currentTime.getHours() if (hours < 4) hours = 23; if (hours == 23) addition = "52"; if (hours > 18) relative = "tonight, "; if (hours < 10) hours = "0" + hours document.write("before " + hours + ":" + addition + " " + relative + "")</script><script type="text/javascript"> var now = new Date(); now.setDate(now.getDate()+relation); var days = new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); var datey = new Array ('31st','1st','2nd','3rd','4th','5th','6th','7th','8th','9th','10th','11th','12th','13th','14th','15th','16th','17th','18th','19th','20th','21st','22nd','23rd','24th','25th','26th','27th','28th','29th','30th','31st') var months = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "") + now.getDate(); function fourdigits(number) { return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number; } today = days[now.getDay()] + " " + datey[now.getDate()] + " " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + (fourdigits(now.getYear())) ; document.write("" +today+ ",");</script></font></b></span> and you will receive<span id="countdownx"></span></b></span></span></p> <table align="center" width="600" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign="top"> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"><p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>8 High Converting Wealth Producing Websites (See below for details)</b></span> - Written by a top UK copywriter, these websites will cost you nothing to run, they will be put up at your own unique web address and <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>hosted for you live online for free</b></span> within 48 hours of you becoming <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b>. <b>The websites sell high ticket downloadable products (so there’s nothing for you to post). And they will pay you 100% of the money they take right into your PayPal account within 2 hours</b>, without revealing your bank details to anyone </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“Thanks for setting my websites up for me.”</i> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“I'm glad to know I get to keep all the money my websites take and that I don't have to pay anything for hosting and running the websites which saves me a fair bit of money.”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>2 Simple Proven Methods For Making A Regular Income And Significant Bumper Pay Days From ANY Website</b></span> - <b>If you have an email account, a reliable internet connection, have (or can get) a PayPal account, and can follow simple instructions, you can do them. Both methods will cost you nothing and are quick to get started with.</b> Step by step instructions for each method will be given to you as soon as you become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b>. <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>With these methods, you can LITERALLY be making money the day after your websites are set up for you</b></span></p> </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“ I have found hundreds of opportunities for method 2 so far. I will keep you posted.”</i><br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“ The best thing about your 2 methods are they cost nothing and it's <b>impossible to lose any money trying them.</b>”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>Full Support</b></span> - You will be given the <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>email address and phone number of the President</b></span> of <b>*The Board of Wealthsmiths*</b> when you become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b> and <b>you will be able to call for 1-2-1 advice</b></p> </td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>PAY NOTHING</span> today <?php echo $first_name; ?></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You need <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>NO TECHNICAL SKILLS</span></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You get <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>FREE COPIES</span> of all the products</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>And you get <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>LIFETIME LICENCES</span> for the products</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>Here are details of the products your 8 websites will be selling for you when you become <i>Senior Officer</i>. . .</b></span> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sptw2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Secret Path To Wealth</b></span><span class="pv"> - At Long Last! 7 Easy, Proven And Highly Profitable Ways For The Average Man on The Street To Generate Great Money, Good Times or Bad, Using Just The Internet - Guaranteed! Starting with nothing, this course shows you how to build an online wealth generating empire. This course contains material never before published and gives you the tools you need to make thousands a month selling any product or products. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Secret Path To Wealth is currently selling fast at £197. A free copy and a website proven to sell it is yours when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Secret Path To Wealth<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/biab2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Business in a Box</b></span><span class="pv"> - Proven And Tested ‘Business In A Box’ That Will Generate £112.55 Per Day For 1/2 Hour of Simple Enjoyable ‘Work’ - This is a direct mail/internet marketing course and comes complete with a hugely profitable product to sell through those mediums. This product enables you to compete with the big boys in direct mail. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Business in a Box product is currently selling well at £670. You get it all free with a website proven to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Business in a Box<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/if2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Inside Force Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - Would you like to be able to generate a lump sum right now by making just a few quick phone calls ? And would you like to be able to make that lump sum generate you a fantastic lifetime income ? An income that can propel you round the world to exotic countries, 5 star hotels, the finest restaurants, sun drenched beaches - The best that life can offer - For you and whoever you decide to take with you ? This course will show you how. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Inside Force Course is currently selling well at £197. You get the course free with a website that sells it well when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Inside Force Course<br><br><span class="pv">4 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sosn2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Secrets of Successful Newsletters</b></span><span class="pv"> - How You Can Make £60,000 - £100,000 (or more) Every Year, Working Part-Time From Anywhere You Want - I personally know many people who have made hundreds of thousands of pounds selling newsletters. This course teaches you everything you need to know to get subscribers, keep them hooked, how to write effortlessly using a unique structure... it’s the perfect course for anyone wanting to earn A LOT of money writing just a few pages a week. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Secrets of Successful Newsletters sells very well at £197. You the package free with a website that sells it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Secrets of Successful Newsletters<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sohpbi2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas</b></span><span class="pv"> - Uncover The Secret That Quickly Empowers YOU To Easily Come Up With As Many Successful Business Ideas As You Like - This is the ultimate guide for coming up with million pound business ideas. Copy the secret of these very ‘normal’, uncreative people (who became super rich) and come up with your own hugely successful ideas in minutes. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas is currently selling like hotcakes at £67. You get a free of the guide with a website you can use to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/em2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Entrepreneur Magic</b></span><span class="pv"> - Revolutionary New Interactive Ebook Removes All 4 of Your Natural Psychological Barriers to Success... Just By Asking Yourself Some Simple Questions - Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to become more successful and make more money? As if the odds are stacked heavily against you ? Wouldn’t you like to know how to reverse that situation ? Quickly easily and permanently ? So you automatically gravitate towards more success and more money ? Entrepreneur Magic is an interactive ebook that shows you how. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Entrepreneur Magic is currently selling extremely well at £67. You get a free copy with a website that sells it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Entrepreneur Magic<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/mss2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Millionaire Secrets Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - Who Doesn’t Want To Learn Some Simple ‘Aladdin’s Lamp’ Techniques That Automatically Bring You All The Success You Want - Guaranteed - In this superb course, a multi-millionaire shows you step-by-step how to create as much wealth as you want. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Millionaire Secrets Course This course is selling like wildfire at £97 but it’s yours free with a website proven to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Millionaire Secrets Course<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/make-money-online3.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Wealth By Internet Video Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - These powerful videos will show you all the easy free methods for quickly getting 100s of buyers to any website for free. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Wealth By Internet Video Course is currently selling well at £670. You get all the videos free with a website proven to sell them when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Wealth By Internet Video Course<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>Those are the main products on the 8 high converting wealth producing websites you are given as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*.</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You get free copies of all the products - enjoy them and benefit from them at your leisure.</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>And remember, the products are all digital downloads so you will have <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>NOTHING TO POST</span></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b><u>THE ONLY CATCH</u> is you have to follow through with the quick and easy instructions given for the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from your new websites.</b></b></span> <p> <span class="pv"><b>But I will hold your hand until you know exactly what you’re doing if you need me to.</b></span></p> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“<b>I just sent people who bought one product, details of one of the others and made £3800 in a week.</b>”</i> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“I was expecting a 5% refund rate but no one asked for one! They love the products!”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>Think about it, with just one of your new wealth producing websites, you can easily make a few hundred pounds a month without really trying. So imagine how much money you could make with eight of them pumping away.</b></span> <p> <span class="pv"><b>To become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths* and get your 8 high converting wealth producing websites and the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from any website, <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>just quickly read the paragraph below and if you agree click “Become Senior Officer”.</b></span></span></p> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" style="border:5px dashed red;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF"><tr><td valign="top"> <span class="p2"><b>Yes please.</b> I want to become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b> of your <b>*Board of Wealthsmiths*</b> so I can have the 8 high converting wealth producing websites and the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from any website. I am willing AND able to spend at least half an hour a day making my new websites pay. I am familiar with such terms as URL and Browser and I know how to highlight/copy/paste text. I have an email account, a reliable internet connection, a PayPal account (or I can get one), and I can follow simple instructions...</b></span></p> <?php if ($first_name=="my friend") {$all_cap_first_name="My Friend";}else{$all_cap_first_name=$first_name;}?> <form method = "post" action = "choose.php" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"> <input type="hidden" name="01-first_name" value="<?php echo $first_name; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="09-email" value="<?php echo $email_address; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="tk" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['tk']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="n" value="<?php echo $n; ?>"> <center><p><span class="p2"><input style="white-space: normal; width:333px; height:55px; font: bold 28px Times new roman; border: 1; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 13px 21px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 11px 25px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); outline: none;" type="submit" name="button" value="Become Senior Officer"><img src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/hand_left2.gif" height="16" width="44" alt=""> <b>Click when ready</b></span></p></center></form> </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="003300" style="border-color:#003300"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><p><b><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003300">PLEASE NOTE: There are only 10 <i>Senior officers</i> allowed any one time so as soon as you get the opportunity, we strongly suggest you decide to become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The board* (or not) as soon as you can because there are other people extremely eager to do so. <font color="FFFF00">After all 10 spots are filled, this webpage will be inaccesible.</font></span></span></b></p></center> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="630"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><px><span style="color:#000000">Copyright © www.ricomente.com<br>All rights reserved - Rico Mente<br>The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard<br>Coventry. CV1 3PP<br>Email: ricoserve@aol.com</span></px></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></div></body></html> <div id='ExitDive1' style='display:none;'> <!doctype html><html><body> <table align="center" width="632" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top"> <table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <?php if ($first_name=="Click and type first name") {$first_name="my friend";}?> <p><span class="h14"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/rico.jpg" alt="Rico Mente - President of The Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" height="96" width="79" hspace="18" vspace="0" align=left><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/wealthsmiths30.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" width="171" height="146" hspace="10" vspace="8" align=right><b><font color="000000">“<span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>Please hurry <?php echo $first_name; ?> because if you try to become <i><u>Senior Officer</u></i> <script type="text/javascript"> var addition = "23"; var relative = "today, "; var relation = 0; var currentTime = new Date() currentTime.setMinutes(currentTime.getMinutes() + 242) var hours = currentTime.getHours() if (hours < 4) hours = 23; if (hours == 23) addition = "52"; if (hours > 18) relative = "tonight, "; if (hours < 10) hours = "0" + hours document.write("after " + hours + ":" + addition + " " + relative + "")</script><script type="text/javascript"> var now = new Date(); now.setDate(now.getDate()+relation); var days = new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); var datey = new Array ('31st','1st','2nd','3rd','4th','5th','6th','7th','8th','9th','10th','11th','12th','13th','14th','15th','16th','17th','18th','19th','20th','21st','22nd','23rd','24th','25th','26th','27th','28th','29th','30th','31st') var months = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "") + now.getDate(); function fourdigits(number) { return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number; } today = days[now.getDay()] + " " + datey[now.getDate()] + " " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + (fourdigits(now.getYear())) ; document.write("" +today+ ",");</script> you will get refused entry. . .</span></font></b><br><br><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b><font color="000000">Get in <u>NOW</u> <?php echo $first_name; ?> and you will receive. . .</font></b></span></span></p> <table align="center" width="600" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign="top"> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"><p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>8 High Converting Wealth Producing Websites (See below for details)</b></span> - Written by a top UK copywriter, these websites will cost you nothing to run, they will be put up at your own unique web address and <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>hosted for you live online for free</b></span> within 48 hours of you becoming <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b>. <b>The websites sell high ticket downloadable products (so there’s nothing for you to post). And they will pay you 100% of the money they take right into your PayPal account within 2 hours</b>, without revealing your bank details to anyone </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“Thanks for setting my websites up for me.”</i> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“I'm glad to know I get to keep all the money my websites take and that I don't have to pay anything for hosting and running the websites which saves me a fair bit of money.”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>2 Simple Proven Methods For Making A Regular Income And Significant Bumper Pay Days From ANY Website</b></span> - <b>If you have an email account, a reliable internet connection, have (or can get) a PayPal account, and can follow simple instructions, you can do them. Both methods will cost you nothing and are quick to get started with.</b> Step by step instructions for each method will be given to you as soon as you become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b>. <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>With these methods, you can LITERALLY be making money the day after your websites are set up for you</b></span></p> </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“ I have found hundreds of opportunities for method 2 so far. I will keep you posted.”</i><br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“ The best thing about your 2 methods are they cost nothing and it's <b>impossible to lose any money trying them.</b>”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>Full Support</b></span> - You will be given the <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>email address and phone number of the President</b></span> of <b>*The Board of Wealthsmiths*</b> when you become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b> and <b>you will be able to call for 1-2-1 advice</b></p> </td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>PAY NOTHING</span> today <?php echo $first_name; ?></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You need <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>NO TECHNICAL SKILLS</span></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You get <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>FREE COPIES</span> of all the products</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>And you get <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>LIFETIME LICENCES</span> for the products</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>Here are details of the products your 8 websites will be selling for you when you become <i>Senior Officer</i>. . .</b></span> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sptw2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Secret Path To Wealth</b></span><span class="pv"> - At Long Last! 7 Easy, Proven And Highly Profitable Ways For The Average Man on The Street To Generate Great Money, Good Times or Bad, Using Just The Internet - Guaranteed! Starting with nothing, this course shows you how to build an online wealth generating empire. This course contains material never before published and gives you the tools you need to make thousands a month selling any product or products. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Secret Path To Wealth is currently selling fast at £197. A free copy and a website proven to sell it is yours when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Secret Path To Wealth<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/biab2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Business in a Box</b></span><span class="pv"> - Proven And Tested ‘Business In A Box’ That Will Generate £112.55 Per Day For 1/2 Hour of Simple Enjoyable ‘Work’ - This is a direct mail/internet marketing course and comes complete with a hugely profitable product to sell through those mediums. This product enables you to compete with the big boys in direct mail. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Business in a Box product is currently selling well at £670. You get it all free with a website proven to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Business in a Box<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/if2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Inside Force Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - Would you like to be able to generate a lump sum right now by making just a few quick phone calls ? And would you like to be able to make that lump sum generate you a fantastic lifetime income ? An income that can propel you round the world to exotic countries, 5 star hotels, the finest restaurants, sun drenched beaches - The best that life can offer - For you and whoever you decide to take with you ? This course will show you how. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Inside Force Course is currently selling well at £197. You get the course free with a website that sells it well when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Inside Force Course<br><br><span class="pv">4 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sosn2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Secrets of Successful Newsletters</b></span><span class="pv"> - How You Can Make £60,000 - £100,000 (or more) Every Year, Working Part-Time From Anywhere You Want - I personally know many people who have made hundreds of thousands of pounds selling newsletters. This course teaches you everything you need to know to get subscribers, keep them hooked, how to write effortlessly using a unique structure... it’s the perfect course for anyone wanting to earn A LOT of money writing just a few pages a week. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Secrets of Successful Newsletters sells very well at £197. You the package free with a website that sells it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Secrets of Successful Newsletters<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sohpbi2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas</b></span><span class="pv"> - Uncover The Secret That Quickly Empowers YOU To Easily Come Up With As Many Successful Business Ideas As You Like - This is the ultimate guide for coming up with million pound business ideas. Copy the secret of these very ‘normal’, uncreative people (who became super rich) and come up with your own hugely successful ideas in minutes. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas is currently selling like hotcakes at £67. You get a free of the guide with a website you can use to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/em2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Entrepreneur Magic</b></span><span class="pv"> - Revolutionary New Interactive Ebook Removes All 4 of Your Natural Psychological Barriers to Success... Just By Asking Yourself Some Simple Questions - Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to become more successful and make more money? As if the odds are stacked heavily against you ? Wouldn’t you like to know how to reverse that situation ? Quickly easily and permanently ? So you automatically gravitate towards more success and more money ? Entrepreneur Magic is an interactive ebook that shows you how. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Entrepreneur Magic is currently selling extremely well at £67. You get a free copy with a website that sells it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Entrepreneur Magic<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/mss2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Millionaire Secrets Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - Who Doesn’t Want To Learn Some Simple ‘Aladdin’s Lamp’ Techniques That Automatically Bring You All The Success You Want - Guaranteed - In this superb course, a multi-millionaire shows you step-by-step how to create as much wealth as you want. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Millionaire Secrets Course This course is selling like wildfire at £97 but it’s yours free with a website proven to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Millionaire Secrets Course<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/make-money-online3.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Wealth By Internet Video Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - These powerful videos will show you all the easy free methods for quickly getting 100s of buyers to any website for free. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Wealth By Internet Video Course is currently selling well at £670. You get all the videos free with a website proven to sell them when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Wealth By Internet Video Course<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>Those are the main products on the 8 high converting wealth producing websites you are given as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*.</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You get free copies of all the products - enjoy them and benefit from them at your leisure.</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>And remember, the products are all digital downloads so you will have <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>NOTHING TO POST</span></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b><u>THE ONLY CATCH</u> is you have to follow through with the quick and easy instructions given for the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from your new websites.</b></b></span> <p> <span class="pv"><b>But I will hold your hand until you know exactly what you’re doing if you need me to.</b></span></p> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“<b>I just sent people who bought one product, details of one of the others and made £3800 in a week.</b>”</i> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“I was expecting a 5% refund rate but no one asked for one! They love the products!”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>Think about it, with just one of your new wealth producing websites, you can easily make a few hundred pounds a month without really trying. So imagine how much money you could make with eight of them pumping away.</b></span> <p> <span class="pv"><b>To become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths* and get your 8 high converting wealth producing websites and the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from any website, <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>just quickly read the paragraph below and if you agree click “Become Senior Officer”.</b></span></span></p> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" style="border:5px dashed red;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF"><tr><td valign="top"> <span class="p2"><b>Yes please.</b> I want to become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b> of your <b>*Board of Wealthsmiths*</b> so I can have the 8 high converting wealth producing websites and the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from any website. I am willing AND able to spend at least half an hour a day making my new websites pay. I am familiar with such terms as URL and Browser and I know how to highlight/copy/paste text. I have an email account, a reliable internet connection, a PayPal account (or I can get one), and I can follow simple instructions...</b></span></p> <?php if ($first_name=="my friend") {$all_cap_first_name="My Friend";}else{$all_cap_first_name=$first_name;}?> <form method = "post" action = "choose.php" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"> <input type="hidden" name="01-first_name" value="<?php echo $first_name; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="09-email" value="<?php echo $email_address; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="tk" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['tk']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="n" value="<?php echo $n; ?>"> <center><p><span class="p2"><input style="white-space: normal; width:333px; height:55px; font: bold 28px Times new roman; border: 1; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 13px 21px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 11px 25px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); outline: none;" type="submit" name="button" value="Become Senior Officer"><img src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/hand_left2.gif" height="16" width="44" alt=""> <b>Click when ready</b></span></p></center></form> </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="003300" style="border-color:#003300"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><p><b><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003300">PLEASE NOTE: There are only 10 <i>Senior officers</i> allowed any one time so as soon as you get the opportunity, we strongly suggest you decide to become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The board* (or not) as soon as you can because there are other people extremely eager to do so. <font color="FFFF00">After all 10 spots are filled, this webpage will be inaccesible.</font></span></span></b></p></center> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="630"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><px><span style="color:#000000">Copyright © www.ricomente.com<br>All rights reserved - Rico Mente<br>The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard<br>Coventry. CV1 3PP<br>Email: ricoserve@aol.com</span></px></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></div></body></html> <div id='ExitDive2' style='display:none;'> <!doctype html><html><body> <table align="center" width="632" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top"> <table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <table width="555" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="C00000" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"><p3><b><font color="FFFFFF"><u>WAIT <?php echo $uname; ?>. . . CLICK *STAY ON PAGE*</u> AND YOU'LL GET 8 WEALTH PRODUCING WEBSITES & THE 2 SIMPLE METHODS OF MAKING A REGULAR INCOME & BUMPER PAY DAYS FROM THEM FOR FREE. CLICK *STAY ON PAGE* . DON'T MISS OUT. SEE BELOW. . .</font></b></p3></td></tr></table> <?php if ($first_name=="Click and type first name") {$first_name="my friend";}?> <p><span class="h14"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/rico.jpg" alt="Rico Mente - President of The Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" height="96" width="79" hspace="18" vspace="0" align=left><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/wealthsmiths30.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" width="171" height="146" hspace="10" vspace="8" align=right><b><font color="000000">“<span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>Please hurry <?php echo $first_name; ?> because if you try to become <i><u>Senior Officer</u></i> <script type="text/javascript"> var addition = "23"; var relative = "today, "; var relation = 0; var currentTime = new Date() currentTime.setMinutes(currentTime.getMinutes() + 242) var hours = currentTime.getHours() if (hours < 4) hours = 23; if (hours == 23) addition = "52"; if (hours > 18) relative = "tonight, "; if (hours < 10) hours = "0" + hours document.write("after " + hours + ":" + addition + " " + relative + "")</script><script type="text/javascript"> var now = new Date(); now.setDate(now.getDate()+relation); var days = new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); var datey = new Array ('31st','1st','2nd','3rd','4th','5th','6th','7th','8th','9th','10th','11th','12th','13th','14th','15th','16th','17th','18th','19th','20th','21st','22nd','23rd','24th','25th','26th','27th','28th','29th','30th','31st') var months = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "") + now.getDate(); function fourdigits(number) { return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number; } today = days[now.getDay()] + " " + datey[now.getDate()] + " " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + (fourdigits(now.getYear())) ; document.write("" +today+ ",");</script> you will get refused entry. . .</span></font></b><br><br><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b><font color="000000">Get in <u>NOW</u> <?php echo $first_name; ?> and you will receive. . .</font></b></span></span></p> <table align="center" width="600" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign="top"> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"><p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>8 High Converting Wealth Producing Websites (See below for details)</b></span> - Written by a top UK copywriter, these websites will cost you nothing to run, they will be put up at your own unique web address and <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>hosted for you live online for free</b></span> within 48 hours of you becoming <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b>. <b>The websites sell high ticket downloadable products (so there’s nothing for you to post). And they will pay you 100% of the money they take right into your PayPal account within 2 hours</b>, without revealing your bank details to anyone </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“Thanks for setting my websites up for me.”</i> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“I'm glad to know I get to keep all the money my websites take and that I don't have to pay anything for hosting and running the websites which saves me a fair bit of money.”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>2 Simple Proven Methods For Making A Regular Income And Significant Bumper Pay Days From ANY Website</b></span> - <b>If you have an email account, a reliable internet connection, have (or can get) a PayPal account, and can follow simple instructions, you can do them. Both methods will cost you nothing and are quick to get started with.</b> Step by step instructions for each method will be given to you as soon as you become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b>. <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>With these methods, you can LITERALLY be making money the day after your websites are set up for you</b></span></p> </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“ I have found hundreds of opportunities for method 2 so far. I will keep you posted.”</i><br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“ The best thing about your 2 methods are they cost nothing and it's <b>impossible to lose any money trying them.</b>”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr> <td width="45" valign="top"><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/bullet_28.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" hspace="0" vspace="20" align=left> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="0" valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#CC0000"><b>Full Support</b></span> - You will be given the <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>email address and phone number of the President</b></span> of <b>*The Board of Wealthsmiths*</b> when you become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b> and <b>you will be able to call for 1-2-1 advice</b></p> </td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>PAY NOTHING</span> today <?php echo $first_name; ?></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You need <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>NO TECHNICAL SKILLS</span></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You get <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>FREE COPIES</span> of all the products</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>And you get <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>LIFETIME LICENCES</span> for the products</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b>Here are details of the products your 8 websites will be selling for you when you become <i>Senior Officer</i>. . .</b></span> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sptw2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Secret Path To Wealth</b></span><span class="pv"> - At Long Last! 7 Easy, Proven And Highly Profitable Ways For The Average Man on The Street To Generate Great Money, Good Times or Bad, Using Just The Internet - Guaranteed! Starting with nothing, this course shows you how to build an online wealth generating empire. This course contains material never before published and gives you the tools you need to make thousands a month selling any product or products. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Secret Path To Wealth is currently selling fast at £197. A free copy and a website proven to sell it is yours when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Secret Path To Wealth<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/biab2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Business in a Box</b></span><span class="pv"> - Proven And Tested ‘Business In A Box’ That Will Generate £112.55 Per Day For 1/2 Hour of Simple Enjoyable ‘Work’ - This is a direct mail/internet marketing course and comes complete with a hugely profitable product to sell through those mediums. This product enables you to compete with the big boys in direct mail. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Business in a Box product is currently selling well at £670. You get it all free with a website proven to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Business in a Box<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/if2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Inside Force Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - Would you like to be able to generate a lump sum right now by making just a few quick phone calls ? And would you like to be able to make that lump sum generate you a fantastic lifetime income ? An income that can propel you round the world to exotic countries, 5 star hotels, the finest restaurants, sun drenched beaches - The best that life can offer - For you and whoever you decide to take with you ? This course will show you how. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Inside Force Course is currently selling well at £197. You get the course free with a website that sells it well when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Inside Force Course<br><br><span class="pv">4 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sosn2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Secrets of Successful Newsletters</b></span><span class="pv"> - How You Can Make £60,000 - £100,000 (or more) Every Year, Working Part-Time From Anywhere You Want - I personally know many people who have made hundreds of thousands of pounds selling newsletters. This course teaches you everything you need to know to get subscribers, keep them hooked, how to write effortlessly using a unique structure... it’s the perfect course for anyone wanting to earn A LOT of money writing just a few pages a week. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Secrets of Successful Newsletters sells very well at £197. You the package free with a website that sells it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Secrets of Successful Newsletters<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/sohpbi2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas</b></span><span class="pv"> - Uncover The Secret That Quickly Empowers YOU To Easily Come Up With As Many Successful Business Ideas As You Like - This is the ultimate guide for coming up with million pound business ideas. Copy the secret of these very ‘normal’, uncreative people (who became super rich) and come up with your own hugely successful ideas in minutes. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas is currently selling like hotcakes at £67. You get a free of the guide with a website you can use to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Secrets of Hugely Profitable Business Ideas<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/em2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Entrepreneur Magic</b></span><span class="pv"> - Revolutionary New Interactive Ebook Removes All 4 of Your Natural Psychological Barriers to Success... Just By Asking Yourself Some Simple Questions - Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to become more successful and make more money? As if the odds are stacked heavily against you ? Wouldn’t you like to know how to reverse that situation ? Quickly easily and permanently ? So you automatically gravitate towards more success and more money ? Entrepreneur Magic is an interactive ebook that shows you how. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>Entrepreneur Magic is currently selling extremely well at £67. You get a free copy with a website that sells it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Entrepreneur Magic<br><br><span class="pv">4.5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/4-5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/mss2.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>The Millionaire Secrets Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - Who Doesn’t Want To Learn Some Simple ‘Aladdin’s Lamp’ Techniques That Automatically Bring You All The Success You Want - Guaranteed - In this superb course, a multi-millionaire shows you step-by-step how to create as much wealth as you want. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Millionaire Secrets Course This course is selling like wildfire at £97 but it’s yours free with a website proven to sell it when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">The Millionaire Secrets Course<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="588" style="border: 1px solid #FF9900;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> <tr><td valign="top"> <table> <tr><td width="80" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/make-money-online3.jpg" alt="" border="0" width="110" hspace="0" vspace="5" align=left> <br> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/bigtick2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="45" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="25" align=center></td> <td colspan="2" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><span class="pv" style="color:#CC0000"><b>Wealth By Internet Video Course</b></span><span class="pv"> - These powerful videos will show you all the easy free methods for quickly getting 100s of buyers to any website for free. </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="330" cellpadding="5"><br><span class="pv"><b>The Wealth By Internet Video Course is currently selling well at £670. You get all the videos free with a website proven to sell them when you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/prime.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="14" width="45" hspace="10" vspace="5" align=center></td> <td width="145" cellpadding="5" style="border: 1px dashed #000000;" valign="top"> <center><p><span class="pv">Wealth By Internet Video Course<br><br><span class="pv">5 star rating<br><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/guild/images/5star.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="19" width="75" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=center></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>Those are the main products on the 8 high converting wealth producing websites you are given as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths*.</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>You get free copies of all the products - enjoy them and benefit from them at your leisure.</b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><b>And remember, the products are all digital downloads so you will have <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>NOTHING TO POST</span></b></span></p> <p> <span class="pv"><span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'><b><u>THE ONLY CATCH</u> is you have to follow through with the quick and easy instructions given for the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from your new websites.</b></b></span> <p> <span class="pv"><b>But I will hold your hand until you know exactly what you’re doing if you need me to.</b></span></p> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><span class="p2"><i>“<b>I just sent people who bought one product, details of one of the others and made £3800 in a week.</b>”</i> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br> <i>“I was expecting a 5% refund rate but no one asked for one! They love the products!”</i></span> </center> </td></tr></table> <p> <span class="pv"><b>Think about it, with just one of your new wealth producing websites, you can easily make a few hundred pounds a month without really trying. So imagine how much money you could make with eight of them pumping away.</b></span> <p> <span class="pv"><b>To become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths* and get your 8 high converting wealth producing websites and the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from any website, <span style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99'>just quickly read the paragraph below and if you agree click “Become Senior Officer”.</b></span></span></p> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" style="border:5px dashed red;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF"><tr><td valign="top"> <span class="p2"><b>Yes please.</b> I want to become <b><i>Senior Officer</i></b> of your <b>*Board of Wealthsmiths*</b> so I can have the 8 high converting wealth producing websites and the 2 simple proven methods for making a regular income and significant bumper pay days from any website. I am willing AND able to spend at least half an hour a day making my new websites pay. I am familiar with such terms as URL and Browser and I know how to highlight/copy/paste text. I have an email account, a reliable internet connection, a PayPal account (or I can get one), and I can follow simple instructions...</b></span></p> <?php if ($first_name=="my friend") {$all_cap_first_name="My Friend";}else{$all_cap_first_name=$first_name;}?> <form method = "post" action = "choose.php" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"> <input type="hidden" name="01-first_name" value="<?php echo $first_name; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="09-email" value="<?php echo $email_address; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="tk" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['tk']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="n" value="<?php echo $n; ?>"> <center><p><span class="p2"><input style="white-space: normal; width:333px; height:55px; font: bold 28px Times new roman; border: 1; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 13px 21px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 11px 25px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); outline: none;" type="submit" name="button" value="Become Senior Officer"><img src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/hand_left2.gif" height="16" width="44" alt=""> <b>Click when ready</b></span></p></center></form> </td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="003300" style="border-color:#003300"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><p><b><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003300">PLEASE NOTE: There are only 10 <i>Senior officers</i> allowed any one time so as soon as you get the opportunity, we strongly suggest you decide to become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The board* (or not) as soon as you can because there are other people extremely eager to do so. <font color="FFFF00">After all 10 spots are filled, this webpage will be inaccesible.</font></span></span></b></p></center> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="630"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><px><span style="color:#000000">Copyright © www.ricomente.com<br>All rights reserved - Rico Mente<br>The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard<br>Coventry. CV1 3PP<br>Email: ricoserve@aol.com</span></px></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></div></body></html>
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