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JUST CLICK *STAY ON PAGE* \n\ TO GET THEM AND FIND OUT HOW TO \n\ COMPLETE YOUR SENIOR OFFICER \n\ APPLICATION BEFORE YOUR \n\ TIME RUNS OUT \n\n\ CLICK *STAY ON PAGE* \n\ DON'T MISS OUT"); } else if(browser.indexOf('firefox') < 0 && PreventExitPop == false) { PreventExitPop=true; document.getElementById("MainBody").style.display='none'; document.getElementById("ExitDive1").style.display='block'; scroll(0, 0); return("\n\ <?php echo $uname; ?> \n\n\ YOU HAVEN'T YET COMPLETED YOUR \n\ SENIOR OFFICER APPLICATION \n\n\ ALL THE ITEMS HAVE BEEN SELECTED \n\ FOR YOU. JUST CLICK *STAY ON PAGE* \n\ TO GET THEM AND FIND OUT HOW TO \n\ COMPLETE YOUR SENIOR OFFICER \n\ APPLICATION BEFORE YOUR \n\ TIME RUNS OUT \n\n\ CLICK *STAY ON PAGE* \n\ DON'T MISS OUT"); } } // --> </script> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> <!-- window.onbeforeunload = ExitPop; // --> </SCRIPT> <script type="text/javascript"> var intervalx; var hrsx = <?php echo (int)$hrstogox; ?>; var minsx = <?php echo (int)$minstogox; ?>; if (minsx<0) {minutesx=0;secondsx=-1;}else{minutesx=minsx;} if (hrsx<0) {hoursx=0;minutesx=0;secondsx=-1;}else{hoursx=hrsx;} var secondsx = -1; var intervalz; var hrsz = <?php echo (int)$hrstogo; ?>; var minsz = <?php echo (int)$minstogo; ?>; if (minsz<0) {minutesz=0;secondsz=-1;}else{minutesz=minsz;} if (hrsz<0) {hoursz=0;minutesz=0;secondsz=-1;}else{hoursz=hrsz;} var secondsz = -1; window.onload = function() { countdownx('countdownx'); countdownz('countdownz'); } function countdownx(elementx) { intervalx = setInterval(function() { var elx = document.getElementById(elementx); if(secondsx == -1) { if(minutesx == 0) { if(hoursx == 0) { elx.innerHTML = 'Thank you for requesting to become <i>Senior Officer</i> <?php echo $first_name; ?>. A Place has been reserved for you. . .<br><br><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><font color="000000">Okay. How about I throw these items in as well if you complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> application <u>within the next 4 minutes and 32 seconds</u> ?</font></span> Just click the box next to the items you’d like and click “Include Items No Charge”. . .'; clearInterval(intervalx); return; } else { hoursx--; minutesx = 59; secondsx = 59; } minutesx = 59; secondsx = 59; } else { minutesx--; secondsx = 59; } } if(hoursx > 0) { var hour_textx = hoursx + (hoursx > 1 ? ' hours,' : ' hour,'); } else { var hour_textx = ''; } if(minutesx > 0) { var minute_textx = minutesx + (minutesx > 1 ? ' minutes and' : ' minute and'); } else { var minute_textx = '0 minutes and'; } var second_textx = secondsx > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'; elx.innerHTML = 'Thank you for requesting to become <i>Senior Officer</i> <?php echo $first_name; ?>. A Place has been reserved for you. . .<br><br><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><font color="000000">Okay. How about I throw these items in as well if you complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> application <u>within the next ' + minute_textx + ' ' + secondsx + ' ' + second_textx + '</u> ?</font></span> Just click the box next to the items you’d like and click “Include Items No Charge”. . .'; secondsx--; }, 1000); } function countdownz(elementz) { intervalz = setInterval(function() { var elz = document.getElementById(elementz); if(secondsz == -1) { if(minutesz == 0) { if(hoursz == 0) { elz.innerHTML = 'REMEMBER: YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW MOMENTS TO CHOOSE YOUR OPTIONAL EXTRAS AND COMPLETE YOUR <I>SENIOR OFFICER</I> APPLICATION BEFORE YOUR RESERVED PLACE IS RELEASED AND YOU ARE LOCKED OUT'; clearInterval(intervalz); return; } else { hoursz--; minutesz = 59; secondsz = 59; } minutesz = 59; secondsz = 59; } else { minutesz--; secondsz = 59; } } if(hoursz > 0) { var hour_textz = hoursz + (hoursz > 1 ? ' HOURS,' : ' HOUR,'); } else { var hour_textz = ''; } if(minutesz > 0) { var minute_textz = minutesz + (minutesz > 1 ? ' MINUTES AND' : ' MINUTE AND'); } else { var minute_textz = '0 MINUTES AND'; } var second_textz = secondsz > 1 ? 'SECONDS' : 'SECOND'; elz.innerHTML = 'REMEMBER: YOU ONLY HAVE UNTIL <?php echo $h; ?>:<?php echo $min2; ?> ON <?php echo $d2; ?> <?php echo $m2; ?> <?php echo $t2; ?><?php echo $th2; ?>, <?php echo $y; ?> (<font color="FFFF00">THAT’S IN ' + hour_textz + ' ' + minute_textz + ' ' + secondsz + ' ' + second_textz + '</font>) TO CHOOSE YOUR OPTIONAL EXTRAS AND COMPLETE YOUR <I>SENIOR OFFICER</I> APPLICATION.<br><br>AFTER THAT TIME YOUR RESERVED PLACE WILL BE RELEASED AND YOU WILL BE LOCKED OUT'; secondsz--; }, 1000); } </script></head><body><div id="MainBody"> <table align="center" width="632" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top"> <table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <table width="555" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/graham2.jpg" alt="Graham Dawson" border="0" height="60" width="44" hspace="8" vspace="0" align=left><span class="p3"><i>“Since becoming senior officer, my bank account has risen fast. I have made just over £4500 in 3 weeks. Thank you for this opportunity Rico.”</i></span><br><span class="p3">Graham Dawson - Email: grahamdawson@mail2uk.com</td></tr></table> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/rico.jpg" alt="Rico Mente - President of The Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" height="96" width="79" hspace="20" vspace="0" align=left><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/wealthsmiths30.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" width="171" height="146" hspace="0" vspace="0" align=right><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/checked.png" alt="" border="0" height="1" width="1" hspace="0" vspace="0" align=right><span class="h11"><b><font color="000000">“</font><span id="countdownx">Thank you for requesting to become <i>Senior Officer</i> <?php echo $first_name; ?>. A Place has been reserved for you. . .<br><br><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><font color="000000">Okay. How about I throw these items in as well if you complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> application <u>within the next 29 minutes and 58 seconds</u> ?</font></span> Just click the box next to the items you’d like and click “Include Items No Charge”. . .</span></font></span></b></span></p> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="003300" style="border-color:#003300"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003300"><b><?php echo $uname; ?>. ANY OF THESE EXTRAS WILL BE REMOVED ANYTIME AFTER <?php echo $hyes2; ?>:<?php echo $minyes2; ?> <u>TODAY</u> AND YOUR RESERVATION EXPIRES AT <?php echo $h; ?>:<?php echo $min2; ?> ON <?php echo $d2; ?> <?php echo $m2; ?> <?php echo $t2; ?><?php echo $th2; ?>, <?php echo $y; ?></b></span></span></p></center> </td></tr></table> <p><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox"><label for="mycheckbox"></label><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">Lifetime Licences For All The Products Involved</span></b> - In order to legally use the eight websites, you’ll need the Licences for all the 22 high ticket digital products involved. You get free copies of all the products and you will also have the option to sell them by which ever method you choose and not just over the internet. Comes complete with proven offline sales materials. <b>This alone is worth £9700 but you will get this included by default free as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board*</b></p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<p></center> <p><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox1"><label for="mycheckbox1"></label><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">Quick Start Instructions</span></b> - These quick and simple instructions will show you how to kickstart your eight websites for zero cost so <b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">you can LITERALLY be making money the day after your websites are set up for you !</span></b></p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<p></center> <p><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox2"><label for="mycheckbox2"></label><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">My Closely Guarded Secret Method of Generating £10s of Thousands of Pounds With These Same Eight Websites</span></b> - I was NOT going to reveal this method but I recently changed my mind. You can now use your eight websites in conjunction with this method to generate a LOT of bumper pay days - Guaranteed ! <b>This is worth £197 but it is yours free as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board*. <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">WARNING: This item will ONLY be included if you become <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board of Wealthsmiths* before <?php echo $hyes2; ?>:<?php echo $minyes2; ?> <u>TODAY</u></span></b></p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<p></center> <p><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox3"><label for="mycheckbox3"></label><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">Simple Website Sales Tools</span></b> - These great products will enable you to earn even more money from your eight websites. <b>They are worth £450 but they are yours free as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board*</b></p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<p></center> <p><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox4"><label for="mycheckbox4"></label><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">Free Lifetime Hosting and a dedicated webmaster for <u>UNLIMITED</u> websites</span> (Worth £45 a month but it is yours free as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board*)</b> - This is for you if you, now or in the future, want to build your own websites OR you already have websites and want to save on hosting fees OR you have website files ready to upload but don’t know how to go about it. No charge</p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<p></center> <p><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox5"><label for="mycheckbox5"></label><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><b>My *Easy Life* Audio Program</b></span> <b>(Normal RRP £606.00 but it is yours free as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board*)</b></span> This powerful program quickly ‘Installs’ in your mind the same thoughts, habits and beliefs of wealthy people so you can start quickly making a lot more money - with your 8 websites or what you’re doing now or anything you turn your hand to - faster and easier every day</p> <center><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<p></center> <p><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox6"><label for="mycheckbox6"></label><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99">How To Use Your Mind To Attract Money</span> (Normal RRP £97.00 but it is yours free as <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board*)</b></span> This brief but powerful ebook will show you what you need to do to begin attracting lots more money into your life</p> <form method = "post" action = "apply.php" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"> <input type="hidden" name="01-first_name" value="<?php echo $first_name; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="09-email" value="<?php echo $email_address; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="tk" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['tk']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="n" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['n']; ?>"> <center><p><input style="white-space: normal; width:444px; height:155px; font: bold 28px Times new roman; background-color: #C00000; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 0 13px 21px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 11px 25px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); outline: none;" type="submit" name="button" value="<?php echo $head_first_name; ?>. Choose Your Optional Extras, Click Here And Then Go Complete Your Application"></p></center></form> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="003300" style="border-color:#003300"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><p><b><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003300"><span id="countdownz">REMEMBER: YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW MOMENTS TO CHOOSE YOUR OPTIONAL EXTRAS AND COMPLETE YOUR <I>SENIOR OFFICER</I> APPLICATION BEFORE YOUR RESERVED PLACE IS RELEASED AND YOU ARE LOCKED OUT</span></span></span></b></p></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="630"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><px><span style="color:#000000">Copyright © www.ricomente.com<br>All rights reserved - Rico Mente<br>The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard<br>Coventry. CV1 3PP<br>Email: ricoserve@aol.com</span></px></center> </td></tr></table></div></body></html> <div id='ExitDive1' style='display:none;'> <!doctype html><html><body> <table width="632" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="004400" style="border-color:#004400"><tr><td valign="top"><center><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #004400"><b><u>ATTENTION <?php echo $uname; ?></u>:</b> IF YOU COMPLETE YOUR <i>SENIOR OFFICER</i> APPLICATION AFTER <?php echo $hyes2; ?>:<?php echo $minyes2; ?> TODAY, YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY THE £<s>9700</s> LICENCE FEE. COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION BEFORE THAT TIME AND YOU WON’T EVER HAVE TO PAY IT. REGARDLESS, <b><u>YOUR RESERVED PLACE EXPIRES AT <?php echo $h; ?>:<?php echo $min2; ?> ON <?php echo $d2; ?> <?php echo $m2; ?> <?php echo $t2; ?><?php echo $th2; ?>, <?php echo $y2; ?></u></b></span></span></p></center> </td></tr></table><p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/rico.jpg" alt="Rico Mente - President of The Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" height="96" width="79" hspace="20" vspace="0" align=left><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/wealthsmiths30.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" width="171" height="146" hspace="0" vspace="0" align=right><span class="h11"><b><font color="000000">“</font><?php echo $head_first_name; ?>. You are about to become <i>Senior Officer</i> of The Board of Wealthsmiths <u>FREE FOR 30 DAYS</u>. . .<br><br><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><font color="000000">Complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> application before <?php echo $hyes; ?>:<?php echo $minyes; ?> TODAY and you’re guaranteed a place <u>WITHOUT</u> paying the usual £<s>9700</s> Licence Fees. See below. . .</font></span></b></span></p> <center><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/9700price2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="47" width="175" hspace="" vspace="" align=middle></center> <p><a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XJJV2WPG3Z8TA&page_style=ricomente" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"><b>Click here to Complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application using PayPal</b></a></p> <br> <p><a href="apply.php?n=<?php echo $_REQUEST['n']; ?>&tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>&01-first_name=<?php echo $first_name; ?>&09-email=<?php echo $email_address; ?>#TAGNAME"><b>Or Click here if you don’t want to use PayPal</b></a></p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/30-Day-Trial.png" alt="" border="0" height="96" width="96" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=left><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">As soon as you have completed your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application, you will be taken to a special webpage where you will be given everything you need to get your 8 websites set up for you and make it all work. As soon as the websites are set up, you can LITERALLY be making money the next day !</span> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/licence2.png" alt="" border="0" height="80" width="80" hspace="5" vspace="25" align=right>You pay <u>NOTHING TODAY</u></b>. Your 8 websites will be put up for you within 48 hours and your licences will be sent out to you today. While all that is being done for you <?php echo $_REQUEST['01-first_name']; ?>, check out your <i>Senior Officer</i> Materials and watch one or two of the Video tutorials.</p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/guarantee992.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Results-or-it's-free Guarantee" border="0" height="93" width="93" hspace="10" vspace="30" align=left><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>And if you are not happy for any reason (or no reason at all)‚ let me know by email ( Ricoserve@aol.com ) within 30 days, keep everything including the Licences, all the high ticket digital products involved, the video tutorials, my easy methods of getting 100s of buyers to any website for free, my closely guarded secret method of generating £10s of thousands of pounds from the 8 websites, my “Easy Life” audio program and the *How To Use Your Mind To Attract Money* book. . . and this will all have cost you nothing at all</b></span>.</p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/videoicon.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="66" width="67" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=right><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>If you decide to continue, you will receive more brand new videos and powerful Website Sales Tools that will enable you to earn even more money from your 8 websites.</b></span> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/systemicon.png" alt="" border="0" height="80" width="80" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=left>For those items and for ongoing support and mentoring and website maintainance, you’ll contribute the same amount as a bottle or two of wine a week - Just £97 per month for 4 months (A grand total over 4 months of £388 inc VAT) unless you cancel which you can do at any time without penalty and owe nothing further. You will NOT be required to contribute anything else except those 4 monthly dues. <b>Everything you need to make it all work will be included and will be provided</b>. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/make-money-online2.jpg" alt="Make Money With The Senior Officer Package" border="0" height="110" width="146" hspace="0" vspace="0" align=right><b>To operate your 8 websites will cost you nothing (Because we host them for you and the video tutorials show you FREE ways of getting them to generate you money)</b>. <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>And on making the final contribution, you’ll automatically become a Lifetime <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board* with lifetime hosting for your 8 websites and any other websites you want to put up - PLUS lifetime rights to all the products involved and the websites and any proven sales materials - and you won’t have to contribute anything further.</b></span></p> <p><a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XJJV2WPG3Z8TA&page_style=ricomente" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"><b>Click here to Complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application using PayPal</b></a></p> <br> <p><a href="apply.php?n=<?php echo $_REQUEST['n']; ?>&tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>&01-first_name=<?php echo $first_name; ?>&09-email=<?php echo $email_address; ?>#TAGNAME"><b>Or Click here if you don’t want to use PayPal</b></a></p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/hurry2.png" alt="" border="0" height="120" width="104" hspace="5" vspace="15" align=left><b><u>WARNING #1</u>:</b> At anytime after <?php echo $hyes; ?>:<?php echo $minyes; ?> TODAY, I reserve the right to re-apply the usual upfront Licence Fees of £<s>9700</s> and possibly increase the monthly fee to £<s>197</s>. In short <?php echo $_REQUEST['01-first_name']; ?>, if you don’t complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application NOW, <b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"> you might come back later and have to pay a HECK of a lot of money just to get in.</span></b></p> <center><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/197amonthprice2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="30" width="180" hspace="" vspace="" align=middle></center> <p><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b><u>WARNING #2</u>: If your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application is received after your place expires (<font color="F00000">At <?php echo $h; ?>:<?php echo $min; ?> on <?php echo $d; ?> <?php echo $m; ?> <?php echo $t; ?><?php echo $th; ?>, <?php echo $y; ?></font>) yours will be cancelled, nothing will be sent to you and you will not be asked to apply again.</b></span></p><center><div class="c3"><table width="579" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1"><tr><td width="64" align="center" valign="top"><div class="c3"><table align="center"><tr><td><img src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/padlock2.png" alt="100% Secure Website" border="0" height="64" width="64" hspace="0" vspace="20" align="center"></td></tr></table></div></td><td width="400" align="center" valign="top"><div class="c3"><table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><center><p><b><u>Security Promise</u>:</b> This website and the link above uses technology to ensure your personal and payment information is kept confidential and secure whether you're using Windows, Mac, a mobile phone, an iPad or any tablet.</p></center> </td></tr></table></div></td><td width="64" align="center" valign="top"><div class="c3"><table align="center"> <tr><td><img src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/padlock2.png" alt="100% Secure Website" border="0" height="64" width="64" hspace="0" vspace="20" align="center"> </td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="630"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><px><span style="color:#000000">Copyright © www.ricomente.com<br>All rights reserved - Rico Mente<br>The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard<br>Coventry. CV1 3PP<br>Email: ricoserve@aol.com</span></px></center> </td></tr></table> </div></body></html> <div id='ExitDive2' style='display:none;'> <!doctype html><html><body> <table width="632" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><tr><td valign=top> <table width="555" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="C00000" style="border-color:#F0000"><tr><td valign="top"><p3><b><font color="FFFFFF"><u>WAIT <?php echo $uname; ?>. . . CLICK *STAY ON PAGE*</u> YOU HAVEN'T YET COMPLETED YOUR SENIOR OFFICER APPLICATION. ALL THE ITEMS HAVE BEEN SELECTED FOR YOU. JUST CLICK *STAY ON PAGE* TO GET THEM AND FIND OUT HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR SENIOR OFFICER APPLICATION BEFORE YOUR TIME RUNS OUT. CLICK *STAY ON PAGE*. DON’T MISS OUT. SEE BELOW. . .</font></b></p3></td></tr></table> <table width="555" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="004400" style="border-color:#004400"><tr><td valign="top"><center><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #004400"><b><u>ATTENTION <?php echo $uname; ?></u>:</b> IF YOU COMPLETE YOUR <i>SENIOR OFFICER</i> APPLICATION AFTER <?php echo $hyes2; ?>:<?php echo $minyes2; ?> TODAY, YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY THE £<s>9700</s> LICENCE FEE. COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION BEFORE THAT TIME AND YOU WON’T EVER HAVE TO PAY IT. REGARDLESS, <b><u>YOUR RESERVED PLACE EXPIRES AT <?php echo $h; ?>:<?php echo $min2; ?> ON <?php echo $d2; ?> <?php echo $m2; ?> <?php echo $t2; ?><?php echo $th2; ?>, <?php echo $y2; ?></u></b></span></span></p></center> </td></tr></table><p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/rico.jpg" alt="Rico Mente - President of The Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" height="96" width="79" hspace="20" vspace="0" align=left><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/wealthsmiths30.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Board of Wealthsmiths" border="0" width="171" height="146" hspace="0" vspace="0" align=right><span class="h11"><b><font color="000000">“</font><?php echo $head_first_name; ?>. You are about to become <i>Senior Officer</i> of The Board of Wealthsmiths <u>FREE FOR 30 DAYS</u>. . .<br><br><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"><font color="000000">Complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> application before <?php echo $hyes; ?>:<?php echo $minyes; ?> TODAY and you’re guaranteed a place <u>WITHOUT</u> paying the usual £<s>9700</s> Licence Fees. See below. . .</font></span></b></span></p> <p><a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XJJV2WPG3Z8TA&page_style=ricomente" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"><b>Click here to Complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application using PayPal</b></a></p> <br> <p><a href="apply.php?n=<?php echo $_REQUEST['n']; ?>&tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>&01-first_name=<?php echo $first_name; ?>&09-email=<?php echo $email_address; ?>#TAGNAME"><b>Or Click here if you don’t want to use PayPal</b></a></p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/30-Day-Trial.png" alt="" border="0" height="96" width="96" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=left><b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99">As soon as you have completed your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application, you will be taken to a special webpage where you will be given everything you need to get your 8 websites set up for you and make it all work. As soon as the websites are set up, you can LITERALLY be making money the next day !</span></b></span> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/licence2.png" alt="" border="0" height="80" width="80" hspace="5" vspace="25" align=right>You pay <u>NOTHING TODAY</u></b>. Your 8 websites will be put up for you within 48 hours and your licences will be sent out to you today. While all that is being done for you <?php echo $first_name; ?>, check out your <i>Senior Officer</i> Materials and watch one or two of the Video tutorials.</p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/guarantee992.jpg" alt="Rico Mente's Results-or-it's-free Guarantee" border="0" height="93" width="93" hspace="10" vspace="30" align=left><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>And if you are not happy for any reason (or no reason at all)‚ let me know by email ( Ricoserve@aol.com ) within 30 days, keep everything including the Licences, all the high ticket digital products involved, the video tutorials, my easy methods of getting 100s of buyers to any website for free, my closely guarded secret method of generating £10s of thousands of pounds from the 8 websites, my “Easy Life” audio program and the *How To Use Your Mind To Attract Money* book. . . and this will all have cost you nothing at all</b></span>.</p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/videoicon.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="66" width="67" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=right><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>If you decide to continue, you will receive more brand new videos and powerful Website Sales Tools that will enable you to earn even more money from your 8 websites.</b></span> <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/systemicon.png" alt="" border="0" height="80" width="80" hspace="5" vspace="5" align=left>For those items and for ongoing support and mentoring and website maintainance, you’ll contribute the same amount as a bottle or two of wine a week - Just £97 per month for 4 months (A grand total over 4 months of £388 inc VAT) unless you cancel which you can do at any time without penalty and owe nothing further. You will NOT be required to contribute anything else except those 4 monthly dues. <b>Everything you need to make it all work will be included and will be provided</b>. <IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/make-money-online2.jpg" alt="Make Money With The Senior Officer Package" border="0" height="110" width="146" hspace="0" vspace="0" align=right><b>To operate your 8 websites will cost you nothing (Because we host them for you and the video tutorials show you FREE ways of getting them to generate you money)</b>. <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b>And on making the final contribution, you’ll automatically become a Lifetime <i>Senior Officer</i> of *The Board* with lifetime hosting for your 8 websites and any other websites you want to put up - PLUS lifetime rights to all the products involved and the websites and any proven sales materials - and you won’t have to contribute anything further.</b></span></p> <p><a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XJJV2WPG3Z8TA&page_style=ricomente" onClick="javascript:PreventExitPop = true"><b>Click here to Complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application using PayPal</b></a></p> <br> <p><a href="apply.php?n=<?php echo $_REQUEST['n']; ?>&tk=<?php echo $tk; ?>&01-first_name=<?php echo $first_name; ?>&09-email=<?php echo $email_address; ?>#TAGNAME"><b>Or Click here if you don’t want to use PayPal</b></a></p> <p><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/hurry2.png" alt="" border="0" height="120" width="104" hspace="5" vspace="15" align=left><b><u>WARNING #1</u>:</b> At anytime after <?php echo $hyes; ?>:<?php echo $minyes; ?> TODAY, I reserve the right to re-apply the usual upfront Licence Fees of £<s>9700</s> and possibly increase the monthly fee to £<s>197</s>. In short <?php echo $first_name; ?>, if you don’t complete your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application NOW, <b><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFF99"> you might come back later and have to pay a HECK of a lot of money just to get in.</span></b></p> <center><IMG src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/197amonthprice2.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="30" width="180" hspace="" vspace="" align=middle></center> <p><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"><b><u>WARNING #2</u>: If your <i>Senior Officer</i> Application is received after your place expires (<font color="F00000">At <?php echo $h; ?>:<?php echo $min; ?> on <?php echo $d; ?> <?php echo $m; ?> <?php echo $t; ?><?php echo $th; ?>, <?php echo $y; ?></font>) yours will be cancelled, nothing will be sent to you and you will not be asked to apply again.</b></span></p><center><div class="c3"><table width="579" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1"><tr><td width="64" align="center" valign="top"><div class="c3"><table align="center"><tr><td><img src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/padlock2.png" alt="100% Secure Website" border="0" height="64" width="64" hspace="0" vspace="20" align="center"></td></tr></table></div></td><td width="400" align="center" valign="top"><div class="c3"><table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><center><p><b><u>Security Promise</u>:</b> This website and the link above uses technology to ensure your personal and payment information is kept confidential and secure whether you're using Windows, Mac, a mobile phone, an iPad or any tablet.</p></center> </td></tr></table></div></td><td width="64" align="center" valign="top"><div class="c3"><table align="center"> <tr><td><img src="https://www.ricomente.com/images/padlock2.png" alt="100% Secure Website" border="0" height="64" width="64" hspace="0" vspace="20" align="center"> </td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div></center> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <table align="center" width="630"><tr><td valign="top"> <center><px><span style="color:#000000">Copyright © www.ricomente.com<br>All rights reserved - Rico Mente<br>The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard<br>Coventry. CV1 3PP<br>Email: ricoserve@aol.com</span></px></center> </td></tr></table> </div></body></html>
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