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Edward C. Dunn Foundation for Education is an Endowment Fund created in 1985 to support Catholic education at St. Peters School in Mansfield, Ohio. Once again Bowling & Dunn Family Dentistry has sponsored a Teachers' Scholarship Fund! Check for additional scholarship opportunities with your high school guidance counselor. Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation, John H. Weiland, Horatio Alger Endowment Fund. August 28, 2006. Applications are to be typed or legibly printed in ink. Amanda Renee Evans. $4,000. Survivors: Her life partner, Weezie Bailey; brother, Stephen Dunn; sister, Denise Dunn; niece, Lindsey Dunn; and her faithful dog, Caz. Anonymous Donor. He established the Dunn Family Scholarship in honor of his father Arthur R. Dunn. Scholarships will be awarded by October 31st. Undergraduate & Graduate Scholarship. Bob Jamison Memorial. RD and Joan Dale Hubbard Foundation & Horatio Alger Endowment Fund. Amy Beverage and Nancy Carpenter Joani Brohard Beth Buskirk Heidi Diamond Mrs. Janice Handschumaker Sherry Hess Laura Lowther Ashley McDonald. Mr. Thompson Family Scholarship. The scholarship fund was established by family, friends, and colleagues of Donald Dunn 83JD at the suggestion of the Harvey L. Young Family Foundation Scholarship. Gloria Francke Scholarship. December 1, 1996 Norman S. Dunn Scholarship Fund Est. Criteria. Jolly Golf Course in Alexandria, Kentucky. This scholarship was established in memory of Chuck Platt, co-founder and longtime Treasurer of The Lincoln Forum, and sponsor of its annual Platt Family Lincoln Essay Contest for college students. A starting gift of $5,000 will establish the fund. These scholarships are between $1,000 and $2,000 per year. APhA Foundation Scholarship. In his youth, his summers were mostly spent at area golf courses. Scholarships | Community Foundation of Dunn County scholarship opportunities In addition to managing existing Community Foundation Scholarships, the Community Foundation is honored to manage the scholarships of the Menomonie Area Public Schools (MAPS) and the Boyceville Education Scholarship Trust (BEST). The winners of New York. The scholarship award shall be distributed directly to the recipient. Bob was born on Dec. 15, 1946, in Akron, Ohio to Albert Wilkerson Dunn and Jane Ballard Dun Recruitment and Retention program for nurses 100,000. Bill and Wilma DeLeeuw. Lab Equipment/STEM Fund 1,472,350. Applications must be received no later than September 30th. In the wake of his mothers death back in 1993, Warrick had used his mothers life insurance to purchase a home for their family a lifelong dream of Bettys. The scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in or accepted for admission to the Honors College, who has demonstrated leadership ability in extracurricular activities. 4. 2. Published by Dallas Morning News on Nov. 12, 2008. One scholarship in the amount of $500 is awarded each year. I am asking that friends and family, in lieu of flowers/gifts, honor his life by donating as generously as possible to this scholarship fund. Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a GPA of 3.25. Anonymous WSU Donor. When: Opens January 10. Evan Kohler, Class of 2019. Eligibility: Consideration for this award shall be given to graduate students or senior undergraduate students enrolled at Penn State Harrisburg who have demonstrated academic excellence in a course or curriculum focused in Jewish Studies. Our goal for 2022 is to raise $25,000. Calbick Alumni. The John S. Dunn Foundation was formed in 1977 by John S. Dunn, a highly successful Houston business leader, who used much of his personal wealth to improve the quality of life in the city he called home for 65 years. The Dunn Memorial Scholarship Fund is in honor of the founders wife, Elsie M. Dunn who started ECS with Dr. Douglas Dunn. Burton Wiig Memorial. Lillian and Arthur Dunn Scholarship Scholarship - Application Deadline: February 15, 2023 - The Lillian and Arthur Dunn Scholarship is awarded to well qualified, deserving sons and daughters of members of the NSDAR for four years of college. A Named Endowed Scholarship is established with a gift or pledge of $10,000 or more. UTHEALTH SCIENCE CENTER SCHOOL OF NURSING. Search by Name. Our goal for 2022 is to raise $25,000. Apply Here. Bryan W. Wallace. Red Dunn and family rode in style during the 1968 parade celebrating Laconias 60th anniversary of becoming a city. Served 1981-2008 //www.aaascholarships.org Dunn Family Scholarship: We have a scholarship for families who do not qualify for the income based scholarship but dont make enough to fully cover the tuition. Josue Ramirez Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarships Conner Murphy Wendy Hacker Class. Frank dedicated his life in service to his nation and community, first by joining the Broomall volunteer Eligibility. Who: Duncan HS seniors. Becky Gillette Dunn Memorial. This scholarship is offered subject to the applicant having an unconditional offer of admission or being currently enrolled full time in a postgraduate coursework or research degree at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music at the University of Sydney. To carry on Jims legacy, the Fund awarded its first scholarship to a graduating senior of Barnstable High School in the spring of 2012. Graduating high school seniors residing in Lucas County or Wood County pursuing a full-time undergraduate degree at Bowling Green State University, Lourdes University, Owens Community College or The University of Toledo. Judy L. Dunn was the "epitome of courage." Any current ECS student is eligible to apply for up to $2,000 per school year scholarship. The friends and family of Mike Dunn host a golf outing every year in his memory. Bill Thornton and Ardell Filip. He will be truly honored by this scholarship in his memory. In all cases, the criteria for each scholarship will be the basis for selecting the recipients. Scholarship directory listing for Special Attributes Single Parent. These scholarships are between $1,000 and $2,000 per year. UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON. Lowell Sun Homepage. Gibson Dunn (in honor of Gregory E. Abel) & Lenard B. Tessler. We are an annual community event that provides scholarships to b. It was in that home that the Dunn family found hope. Charles Dunn. Dunn Family Scholarship Jean Egbert Fund Eichhorn Scholarship Fund Casey Rochelle Elchert Memorial Scholarship Fund Garlapati Family Scholarship Fund Umadevi and Dr. Prasad C. Kakarala Scholarship Fund Umadevi and Prasad C. Kakarala Seneca County Scholarship Fund Umadevi and Dr. Prasad C. Kakarala Vanguard-Sentinel Career Center Scholarship Fund This event was established to raise money for the Mike Dunn Scholarship Fund, a charitable foundation, established in 1988 to provide financial assistance to talented Northern Kentucky seniors heading off to college. Ellsworth Academic Scholarships are renewable awards for full-time freshmen with ACT composite scores of 21 or higher and high school GPAs of 3.00 and higher. E. Egan Family Scholarship Est. Family and friends were the most important parts of Kevins life and he shared his passion for golf with them wholeheartedly. Box 534 Caro, MI 48723 3. Noma U. Dunn Memorial Scholarship Scholarships Academic Scholarships Family Scholarships. We believe in growing as a team and providing opportunities to set the foundation for a career in construction. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to an eligible student returning to a university, vocational, or technical college after spending a minimum of three (3) years in the workplace or raising a family. I am asking that friends and family, in lieu of flowers/gifts, honor his life by donating as generously as possible to this scholarship fund. A $1.6 million legacy estate gift from the family of an orthopedic surgeon and his wife will provide scholarship support for future physicians studying at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine.. After growing up in Lynchburg, Virginia, Robert Richardson Bowen returned to the city after receiving his undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech and medical degree from Medical Scholarship. Augusta, GeorgiaMrs. This event was established to raise money for the Mike Dunn Scholarship Fund, a charitable foundation, established in 1988 to provide financial assistance to talented Northern Kentucky seniors heading off to college. He will be truly honored by this scholarship in his memory. Services are 2pm Thursday, October 28, at Hillside Christian Church (6100 Soncy). We created synthetic data sets of a smaller and larger selection of variables from an unpublished replication attempt of Dunn (2014). About the Dunn Family Charitable Foundation WHO WE SUPPORT DFCF supports a wide range of organizations and projects, including a number of long-time partners that DFCF has been actively involved with, including Board participation and program development and sponsorship. Miao Lai. Last year 120 applications from 32 area schools were received and 51 scholarships in the amount of $100 each were awarded! Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. This scholarship was donated by the Dunn Family Trust Fund. Robert R. Dunn CORNELIUS - Robert Randolph Dunn, of Cornelius, died Sunday, March 9, 2041, at his residence. 1221 James Brown Blvd. Financial Aid at Dunn School is awarded based on a familys demonstrated financial need. The purpose of our financial aid program is to remove financial barriers. Dunn School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of our financial aid program. John S. Dunn Foundation Nursing Scholars Program 170,813. Bernie Martin Agricultural. The Dunn Foundation is a family foundation who provide year round initiatives such as The Dunn Foundation Free HBCU College Experience Tour, Annual Back to School Giveaway, Annual Turkey Giveaway providing over 600 families each year with a free turkey and sides. Menu. Duncan Family Kelly Duncan Memorial Scholarship Lexie Brummer. With 27 years of service, Dorothy is the longest serving board member of the Jefferies Family Scholarship. The Dunn County Dairy Promotion Committee sponsors a high school scholarship for Dunn County youth who live or work on a dairy farm and are enrolled or preparing to enroll in post-secondary education. With 27 years of service, Dorothy is the longest serving board member of the Jefferies Family Scholarship. Eligibility. UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON. The Scholarship applications will be printed in our newsletter in February and then due in Scholarship Search; Scholarship Directory; College Search; News; Student Loans; Student Resources; Deblinger Family Scholarship: $10,000 : 05/20/2023: Downer-Bennett Scholarship: Varies : 03/01/2023: Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier "Sister to Sister" Scholarship: $500 : 03/01/2023: March 26, 1981 Colonel John J. Durant 55 and Family Scholarship Fund Est. To achieve this, we have a need-based financial aid program that makes Dunn affordable for many families. Hugh Dunn, parents unknown, became a freeman in 1663 at Dover, New Hampshire. Dunn High was the most prominent high school in the Dunn area from 1926 through 1985. The display offers a visual impression of 60 years of high school evolution. He married Elizabeth Drake, daughter of Francis Drake and Mary, on 19 Dec 1670 at Piscataway, New Jersey. November 8, 1996. Chuck Platt. Its history represents changes in culture and styleclothes, hair, dance, music, even slang. The James M. Dunn Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Jim Dunn. Scholarship for Foreign Research on International Peace was developed to provide an annual award for a University of Minnesota student to pursue research abroad dealing with issues of direct relevance to international peace. Phone: 412 391 5122 Contact Us The Lillian and Arthur Dunn Scholarship is a $2,500 scholarship awarded for up to four years to two well-qualified, deserving sons and daughters of members of the NSDAR for four years of college. Lowell Sun. As Executive Secretary to Boyd Jefferies, her involvement with the scholarship program began at its inception. Amy Rae-Anne Dunn - Get It Dunn Fund Idaho Community Foundation 210 West State St., Boise, ID 83702; In November 2012, Amys friends and family were given a Honor Roll Recipient award for Support and Volunteerism by the American Society of Fundraising Professionals Idaho Chapter. Scholarships have continued to be awarded each year since. UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS. The Lillian and Arthur Dunn Scholarship is a $2,500 scholarship awarded for up to four years to two well-qualified, deserving sons and daughters of members of the NSDAR for four years of college. Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a GPA of 3.25. Greenwood Funeral Home 3100 White Settlement Road Fort Worth Texas 76107 (817) 336-0584. The Msgr. Bryan W. Wallace. University of Utah College of Pharmacy. In addition to the students who were named as Dunn scholarship recipients, additional WMed students who have been honored with scholarships from the medical school for the 2018-2019 academic year include: James R. Ryan Family Foundation Scholarship. This scholarship is offered subject to the applicant having an unconditional offer of admission or being currently enrolled full time in a postgraduate coursework or research degree at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music at the University of Sydney. William Petro, Class of 2020. Served 1981-2008 In lieu of flowers, donation in Eleanore's memory may be sent to: The SCJW Scholarship Fund/JEF (Pauline Asinof Scholarship and Bernerd S. Dunn scholarship), 1160 Dickinson Street, Springfield, MA 01108 or Sinai Temple (Bernerd S. Dunn Fund) 1100 Dickinson St., Springfield, MA 01108. Dunn Family Scholarship Fund Graduating female students of Goliad High School and Woodsboro High School $5000 no Frantzen-Rinker Business Scholarship Graduating high school students pursuing a business degree at Hill Country University Center, or a current HCUC student pursuing a business degree $1000 yes We are proud to announce the 2018 DHS Friends Scholarships Recipients: Since 2005, UCB has awarded over $2.8 million in scholarships to more than 550 recipients who have applied their awards to undergraduate and graduate studies. The pledge is to be fulfilled over a five-year period, can be billed quarterly, monthly or yearly. Augusta, GA. Mrs. Mamie Cummings Dunn. Mike Dunn Scholarship Fund. Kevin Alpers Clarence & Vera Alpers Stafford Co. 4-H Scholarship Preston Dunn. Submit applications to: Teachers Scholarship Fund, Bowling & Dunn Family Dentistry, 1412 Blizzard Drive Parkersburg, WV 26101, by fax 304-424-5333, or submit by e-mail to: info@bowlingdunnfamilydentistry.com. The 33rd annual Mike Dunn Scholarship Golf Outing will take place on Friday, June 10th, 2022 at the A.J. Drake University Helping to ensure the gifts of Faith, Family, and Education for our childrentoday and tomorrow. The Dunn family established this endowment in 1984 specifically to provide scholarships for Black students. This endowment was established by Harry V. Dunn, Jr. and Erin S. Dunn for the purpose of providing funds for excellence in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. Visitation is scheduled for 5-8pm on Wednesday, October 27, at Griggs-Schooler-Gordon Funeral Directors, 5400 Bell. //www.aaascholarships.org Dunn Family Scholarship: We have a scholarship for families who do not qualify for the income based scholarship but dont make enough to fully cover the tuition. Dunn is committed to fostering a school community of exceptional and passionate students. Preston is one of many generations in the Dunn family who have led, served, and grown their skills through 4-H. Organizations and projects that DFCF has been privileged to support include: Gibson Dunn 2022-2023 Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships At Gibson Dunn, we hold respect as a core value and strive to cultivate a culturally fluent, open environment that welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Frank J. Dunn March 29, 1944 October 28, 2021 (age 77) Francis Joseph Dunn, III of Newtown Square (and long-time resident of Broomall) passed away peacefully on October 28, 2021 surrounded by his family after a long battle with illness. Sgt. Contact. The scholarship is an award of $3,000. Noma U. Dunn Memorial Scholarship Scholarships Academic Scholarships Family Scholarships. DUNN, John V. "Jack" Retired Massachusetts State Police Lieutenant Colonel, 71, of Millbury, passed away on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at UMass Hospital, surrounded by loving family. NAMSA Dr. Richard F. Wallin Scholarship. Submit an Obituary. Obituaries Section. Various Nursing Scholarship Programs 3,731,797. This scholarship was donated by the Dunn Family Trust Fund. Family creates scholarship in Red Dunns name. b. 2. Harry V. Dunn, Jr. and Erin S. Dunn Endowed Fund for Excellence. Rowland and Sullivan Family African Scholarship Endowment. June 24, 2020 Stella E. OConnell Erickson Scholarship Fund All applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or higher and are not to be in the top 10% of their class. TIRR FOUNDATION. St. Vincent Dunn Memorial Hospital Medical Staff St. Vincent Dunn Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Stalker Elementary PTO Stokes & Housel CPA's LLC Stone City #94 Fraternal Order of Police Susie Craig Memorial - Theta Alpha Gamma Chapter, Phi Beta Psi Sorority Susan Ikerd Staggs Memorial The Maick Family Thomas L. Sowders Memorial Thorne Family TIRR FOUNDATION. We have several scholarship opportunities. Two members of the Dunn family were part of the Illinois State University campus in the 50s and 60s. The 10th annual Jim Dunn Memorial Scholarship Twilight 5-miler (Jim Dunn Run) and 2-mile walk will be held, rain or shine, Friday, July 15 at 7 p.m. at the Wharf Street Parking Garage in Morgantown. But for the Dunn family, it's been pretty much business as usual. They run the Dunn Foundation, created in 2006 by Dr. William Dunn'91 (seated, right), a therapeutic recreation major who was the captain of the men's basketball team at Longwood". Longwood University Magazine article continued.. List of Scholarships. Their descendants have lived in New If you would like to learn more about the Hearts for Community Service Scholarship, please contact our Program Coordinator Anna DAlessandro at adalessandro@wdc.org. responding in grateful recognition of our God-given gifts. Wendy Hacker Class of 71 Scholarship Jessica Owens. This year we will be playing a scramble format and once again we will have two shotgun starts. Bernie Martin Agricultural. Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a GPA of 3.25. Transfer students are eligible for these scholarships if they meet the criteria and have a college GPA of 3.00 or higher. Even after her retirement from Jefferies in 2001, her participation with JFS continued until she resigned in 2008. CBF Agriculture Education Endowment. We will accept applications for the 2022-2023 academic year from June 15, 2022 to July 31, 2022. The higher the dollar value the scholarship is funded, the more years the foundation will give back to deserving students in Toms name. The higher the dollar value the scholarship is funded, the more years the foundation will give back to deserving students in Toms name. Anonymous Donor. McEnroe Family Scholarship $6000 (2 scholarships awarded) Opal Lowry Scholarship $8000 (2 scholarships awarded) Weldon & Connie Mosley Scholarship $10000 (2 scholarships awarded) Mary Louise Slaughter Koeninger Memorial Scholarship $1000. Applications and required attachments must be returned (postmarked) by March 15, 2021 to: Tuscola County Community Foundation Dr. Bruce J. Dunn Memorial Scholarship P.O. Teachers grades K-12 are encouraged to apply. Amarillo Police Department Sergeant Michael D. Dunn, 51, of Amarillo, Texas, died Friday, October 22, 2021. Scholarships. Charles Dunn was a student and president of the Student Body and his mother, Teresa Dunn, was a janitress who ran the Faculty Coffee Shop in Hovey Hall. This scholarship aims to reward the hard-working efforts of those working to put themselves through school. The friends and family of Mike Dunn host a golf outing every year in his memory. The Pittsburgh Foundation Five PPG Place, Suite 250 Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Various Nursing Scholarship Programs 3,731,797. CBF Agriculture Education Endowment. The 2022 UCB Family Epilepsy Scholarship Program application deadline has been extended to Tuesday, March 15, 2022. Description Annual awards for sophomores,juniors, seniors or graduate students attending Murray State University who are majoring in Family & Consumer Studies. JOHN DUNN OBITUARY. Bilzin Sumberg Scholarship In Memoriam of Damion Dunn, 05. This Memorial Scholarship Fund honors the memory of Mrs. Dunn and her love of Christian education. Make a gift to support this scholarship >>> 2. John S. Dunn Foundation Nursing Scholars Program 170,813. Sneha Cyriac. Open scholarship practices recognise the role and value of sharing research data, so synthetic data sets can provide a useful compromise between our scientific and ethical responsibilities. The family asks that Peter be honored, in lieu of flowers, by a contribution to the Peter and Patricia Dunn Rankin Scholarship in Educational Psychology through the University of Hawaii Foundation. They had nine children. Lab Equipment/STEM Fund 1,472,350. University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy and Physician Assistant Studies. As Executive Secretary to Boyd Jefferies, her involvement with the scholarship program began at its inception. County. Hugh died 16 Nov 1694 at Piscataway. Dunn Memorial Scholarship. March 18, 2015 Charles R. and Faith R. Duryea Scholarship Fund Est. The fund was created in memory of Gertrude Dunn, a former elementary school teacher who believed passionately in the power of education and was committed to educating a student body that truly reflects Los Angeles. Dunn Peace Research Scholarship. The Duggan Family Scholarship Fund Est. Amanda Renee Evans. Bill Thornton and Ardell Filip. He/She must be able to demonstrate financial need. 201 were here. Burton Wiig Memorial. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Gibson Dunn 2022-2023 Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships At Gibson Dunn, we hold respect as a core value and strive to cultivate a culturally fluent, open environment that welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Must be attending a four year university pursuing a Liberal Arts/Humanities major Janelle Clark Johnson Memorial Scholarship He is reunited with his daughters Lauren Nicole and Vanessa Ann Dunn, who both predeceased him. Mineral Wells Elementary. Dreyer Family Scholarship: Dewitt Scott & Joe Thomas Duckworth Memorial Presidential Scholarship in Business: Dr. Jerry R. Dunn Regents Scholarship: DuPont Beaumont Works - Acrylonitrile Business Unit Scholarship: Vernon & Johnnie Durden Scholarship: Fred & Marie Duty Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Engineering Eligibility for Duncan Family Scholarship: The candidate must be an Australian citizen. Kevin Dunn Memorial Scholarship - $1,250. Scholarships. Mr. and Mrs. William Block, Jr. Dunn Family Scholarship in Memory of Arthur R. Dunn Bill Dunn earned his BS in 1986 and MS in 1987 in computer science from the University of Illinois. Our Goal. DracutJeannine Theresa (Morin) Dunn, 87, passed away peacefully at her Dracut residence on January 8, 2021, surrounded by her loving family, after a short battle with cancer.She was the beloved wife o Menu. Endowments - Dunn School is a co-educational boarding and day school for grades 6 - 12 in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley in Santa Barbara County, California. UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS. Geared toward construction and engineering students, JE Dunns National Diversity Scholarship supports our 3-pillar strategy for diversity and inclusion: workforce, workplace, and marketplace. Bob and Agnes Holloway. Please contact us or continue reading below for FRANCIS DUNN OBITUARY. Most recently, the fund supported a suicide prevention pamphlet distributed by Community Mental Health, outdoor play equipment for the Morey Public School Academy, and emergency transportation needs met by the John H. Goodrow Fund. Even after her retirement from Jefferies in 2001, her participation with JFS continued until she resigned in 2008. Bob and Agnes Holloway. UTHEALTH SCIENCE CENTER SCHOOL OF NURSING. Amy Rae-Anne Dunn - Get It Dunn Fund Idaho Community Foundation 210 West State St., Boise, ID 83702; In November 2012, Amys friends and family were given a Honor Roll Recipient award for Support and Volunteerism by the American Society of Fundraising Professionals Idaho Chapter. Event participants who register online before July 14 for $30 will receive a free Sustain U athletic T- shirt. a. Due March 19 by 5:00 PM CST. Peter H. Capelli Endowed Scholarship New Mexico. a. Bill and Wilma DeLeeuw. Application Deadline: April 15, 2022 2022 Application $500.00 Scholarship Criteria Outstanding recipients pursuing graduate study may reapply each year for an additional A merit scholarship to reward a second-year law student who best exemplifies academic achievement beyond expectations. Description Annual awards for sophomores,juniors, seniors or graduate students attending Murray State University who are majoring in Family & Consumer Studies. Anonymous WSU Donor. The J. W. G. Dunn, Jr. Becky Gillette Dunn Memorial. There is no mention of Elizabeth's death, however she was named executrix of Hugh's will. North Carolina. Since the Dunn Family Funds establishment, more than $7,000 has been granted to important causes throughout the community. Possible scholarship sources include the Boy Scouts, Elks, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis, Lions, Knights of Columbus, unions, churches, corporations and places of employment. We have several scholarship opportunities. Calbick Alumni. Scholarships may be named in memory of a family member, classmate, friend or special teacher. List of Scholarships. On May 14, Preston Dunn, a member of the Jolly Workers 4-H Club, was awarded the first ever, Clarence and Vera Alpers Stafford County 4-H Scholarship. Bob Jamison Memorial. Recruitment and Retention program for nurses 100,000. John A. Gans Scholarship. 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