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Southern Village Apartments 200 Copperline Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27516, USA. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Located in an exceptional Chapel Hill location, near UNC Chapel Hill. Add to MyList . Virtual Tour . Education in Chapel Hill. (833) 372-0927. 7/10. You can end your day or start your weekend with friends enjoying art, brews, biking, the local vibe and culture. 1/33 . Enjoy living within the walkable Governors Village neighborhood with shops and dining nearby and adjacent park with walking trails. I'm 46 year old female, professional and looking to rent a room in a house with someone to share expenses. . Our value-priced one and two bedroom apartments include washers and dryers, and you'll enjoy relaxing at our sparkling swimming pool with free Wi-Fi. $1,477+ 1 bd. Rare find in East Chapel Hill just minutes from I-40! Explore rentals by neighborhoods, schools, local guides and more on Trulia! Select any of the 72 rental units in Chapel Hill to see photos, reviews, floor plans, school and neighborhood . Triangle Park Apartments. 1-2bd. 1 Bed1 Bath. Surrounding our community, there is a variety of dining options where residents can explore new dining options and find restaurants for everyone to enjoy. Chapel Hill, NC 1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent. Morrisville. Residents find that Chapel Hill is a well-connected city that marries lively college-town energy with evident historic character, and charming small-town . Our spacious one and two bedroom apartments are perfect for . Look out for the rent special icon! Trilogy Chapel Hill 1000 1000 Novus Lane Chapel Hill is an apartment rental building with 20 floorplans, and studio - 3 bedrooms units available. 2BR 2.0BA $1,550. 22. Our unique and vibrant community of apartments is the perfect combination of classic American charm and modern urban convenience. Your story starts here. Where do you want to live? . Best Cultural Site: The Sri Venkateswara TempleA serene, exotic gem situated right along Chapel Hill Road, this authentic Indian temple was built by Indian artisans and is revered by all who experience it. $1,713+ Studio. Find the best studio, 1, 2 & 3+ bedroom Apartments for rent in Durham, NC -- cheap, luxury, pet friendly, and utility included Apartments in Durham, North Carolina. Top 10 Apartments in Chapel Hill Carraway Village Studio - 3 Beds, $1,560 - 2,711 1701 North Apartments Studio - 3 Beds, $1,320 - 2,525 Trilogy Chapel Hill Studio - 3 Beds, $1,553 - 3,575 The Apartments at Palladian Place Studio - 3 Beds, $1,723 - 2,600 Blu on Farrington Studio - 3 Beds, $1,587 - 4,060 Chapel Hill North 1-3 Beds, $1,554 - 2,906 Use our cost calculator and value-focused pricing tools to stay on budget. Roommate looking in: Durham Durham County NC , Chapel Hill Orange County NC & Raleigh Wake County NC . Let Apartments.com help you find your perfect fit. Chapel Hill, NC Senior Apartments under $2,500. You'll love our spacious, bright homes, with patios or balconies, bay windows, ceiling fans, washers/dryers and more. Link Apartments(R) Linden encompasses the character and culture of the Glen Lennox neighborhood. Undergraduate Apartments in Ram Village . Manage your community profiles. Chapel Hill Apartments 8 Prince St Rochester, NY 14607 (844) 439-5636 1BR Beds $1,400-$1,600 Price 750-880 sq ft Square Feet Pricing 1 Bedroom $1,600 1 Bedroom 10 Prince St. 1 Bed, 1 Bath, 750 sq ft Available Jul 22 Find Out More $1,400 1 Bedroom 1 Bed, 1 Bath, 880 sq ft Available Jul 29 Find Out More Contact Info (844) 439-5636 Office Hours . 1000-2000 Novus Ln, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 . It has building amenities including swimming pool, fitness center, outdoor space, residents lounge, and controlled access. 14710 Kilkenny Hill Ln, Charlotte, NC. 4 Floor Plans. . 778-805 Sqft. My apartment was huge! Add virtual tour links, rent specials, availability, and more! Add to MyList . Virtual Tour . Triangle Park Apartments. 2 Beds2-2.5 Baths. Household Income. 2BR 2.0BA $1,550. 1005 Kingswood Drive, Apartment I, Chapel Hill, NC 1005 Kingswood Drive, Apartment I Chapel Hill NC 27517. 100 Best Apartments in Chapel Hill, NC (with reviews) | RentCafe Apartments for Rent in Chapel Hill, NC 148 Rentals Available Sort by Best Match 1 of 24 Today Compare Glen Lennox Apartments 140 Hamilton Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Available 1 BED 2 BEDS 3 BEDS $1,381+ $1,357+ $1,678+ View Details Property Overview Our office is open! $1,465+ 2 bds. save favorite. Our one and two-bedroom apartment homes offer newly renovated kitchens with stainless steel appliances, patios or balconies, generous storage . 5:30pm-8pm Not Just A Fry Guy. Apartment Finder has you covered! 1 review of Foxcroft Apartments "I lived here while I was in school at UNC. Located in the heart of Chapel Hill, between highways 54 and 15-501, you'll find serene Glen Lennox Apartments. 0 houses available for rent in Chapel Hill, TX. 4 Beds, 3.5 Baths $2,395 1,838+ Sqft 1 Floor Plan. Camden Crest Apartments Camden Crest Apartments Food Truck Schedule. $1,896+ 2 bds; Updated yesterday. Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM. Chapel Hill, NC 27599-5000. View 297 homes for sale in Chapel Hill, NC at a median listing home price of $540,000. Chapel Ridge is a top-quality student housing serving the University of North Carolina, just minutes from the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.. Excellent schools are also nearby. Chapel Hill. For fun in the great outdoors, Jordan Lake is just 15 minutes away too. And it was super cheap! $1,475. With more than one million currently available, Apartment Finder is the place to find your Chapel Hill apartment.You searched for in Chapel Hill, NC.Apartment Finder will help you find the right rental at the right price. PET FRIENDLY . With great rent specials, price drops, and the best values in Chapel Hill, one of these 55 rentals will be your next home. Details. $1,995 2br - 1000ft 2 - (Chapel Hill) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting $1,000 Link Apartments(R) is your connection to work, play, and community! Explore rentals by neighborhoods, schools, local guides and more on Trulia! Use our detailed filters to find the perfect place, then get in touch with the property manager. Near our luxury apartments in Chapel Hill, NC, you can find restaurants like Bartaco, Stoney River Steakhouse and Grill, and Breadmen's. At Chapel View, the dining options are endless. 1300 Fordham Blvd. Property Manager Tools and Resources. We offer one, two, and three bedroom townhomes and apartments for rent in the Research Triangle (RDU). Who Lives Here. Available 7/12. $2,493+ 2 bds; Located in an exceptional Chapel Hill location, near UNC Chapel Hill. American, Gastro . View Kylie's profile. 713 Church St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516. Look no further than ApartmentGuide.com to find Carrboro apartments for rent and learn more about this neighborhood. Chapel Hill. Find food trucks near Chapel Hill and keep track of your favorite food trucks, trailers, and carts using our website and iOS / Android apps. Franklin Woods Apartments, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Chapel Hill, NC Apartments for Rent. Rental property owners are responsible for . Chapel Hill, NC 27599-5000. Durham. 1 Day Ago. Food Trucks near . Additionally, there are 211 other low income apartments that don't provide direct rental assistance but remain . V - 919-962-5401 T - 711 (NC RELAY) housing@unc.edu. (138) Edwards Mill Townhomes and Apartments. Saturday: 10 AM - 5 PM. Let Apartment Finder guide you in the process of finding your new home and getting a great deal! Zillow has 208 homes for sale in Chapel Hill NC. As you explore this and other Chapel Hill neighborhoods, be sure to use Apartment Finder's mobile app for searching on the go! Rare find in East Chapel Hill just minutes from I-40! Updated today. Link Apartments is your connection to work, play, and community! $1,390 - $1,820/mo. Apartments for Rent in Chapel Hill, NC - 129 Rentals | ApartmentGuide.com College 1 day ago Available 8/10 Shadowood 110 Piney Mountain Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 1 Bed1 Bath $1,208-$2,154 533-766 Sqft 2 Floor Plans 2 Beds1.5-2 Baths $1,602-$2,603 833-1,116 Sqft 2 Floor Plans (919) 296-8917 Check Availability Deals Weeks Free Pet Friendly 1 day ago Studio - 3 Beds $1,553 - $3,575 . Apartment Finder in Chapel Hill on YP.com. You can end your day or start your weekend with friends enjoying art, brews, biking, the local vibe and culture. Liberty Warehouse | 530 Foster St, Durham, NC. 1-1.5ba. Transportation Car-Dependent 36 out of 100 WalkScore Rating 5011 S Alston Ave, Durham, NC 27713. It is located in Chapel Hill. $1,600/Rent, $1,600/Deposit, $55 application fee. Welcome home to 1701 North Apartments!Evolve the way you live by experiencing Chapel Hill's brand new luxury community. We provide a cost calculator, pricing tools, and more so you'll know exactly what it will cost to live in the city you love. Situated within the scenic surroundings of Carrboro, North Carolina living at Autumn Woods Apartments gets you to downtown Chapel Hill and the historic Franklin Street in minutes. Follow us: Carolina Housing Blog Family Newsletter. 4 Beds 3 Bath. An ACC school, they have a competitive men's basketball program they are the 2009 ACC National Champions! Search 23 Rental Properties in Carrboro, North Carolina. Chapel Hill Apartments is located in the 35216 Zip code of the Hoover Vestavia Hills Neighborhood in Vestavia Hills, AL. 1.2 miles to UNC Chapel Hill. Colonial Townhouse Apartments | 2920 Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC. Bradham | 145 New Bern St, Charlotte, NC. Fully Furnished 2 bedroom apartment, walk to UNC! American, Hot Dogs Oaklyn Springs Brewery (OSB) 2912 N Main St #100 . 5200 Summit Manor Ln. Chapel Hill has 3 colleges nearby, including Duke University, North Carolina Central University and University of . Zillow has 21 single family rental listings in Chapel Hill NC. Carrboro Demographics. Chapel Hill, North Carolina is a college town. 55 Student Apartments for Rent Near UNC Chapel Hill. Estes . Chapel Hill. Whether you are commuting for school, work or entertainment, Autumn Woods is on all 3 bus lines that serve Carrboro, Chapel Hill . Find the best studio, 1, 2 & 3+ bedroom Apartments for rent in Chapel Hill, NC -- cheap, luxury, pet friendly, and utility included Apartments in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. . the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is just across the way. . Available NOW! $850. Chapel Hill features 524 low income apartments with rental assistance where households typically pay no more than 30% of their income towards rent. 1 of 68 Verified 26 Units Available Carraway Village 600 Carraway Crossing , Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Studio $1,600 484 sqft 1 Bedroom $1,976 805 sqft Chapel Hill, NC Houses under $2,000. Trilogy Chapel Hill . Chapel Hill, NC Short Term Housing. Follow us: Carolina Housing Blog Family Newsletter. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Apartment Finder & Rental Service in Chapel Hill, NC. Search for: . Landlords, list your place today! Beautiful 3 bedroom single family home nestled on a very quiet street in Chapel Hill within walking distance to Wegman's. Wake to singing birds and . Search 91 Rental Properties in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Top Amenities Washer & Dryer In Unit, Air Conditioning, Dishwasher. Apartments Near East Chapel Hill High School. My rent was like $300 a month for my share of a 3 bedroom. Chapel Hill is a terrific choice for your new house. Best Restaurant: . Closed on Sundays. Chapel Hill Apartments near UNC. Gorgeous stone-front luxury townhouse End Unit 5 minutes from Streets at Southpoint with easy access to 40/55/54/147/RDU/RTP and all the amenities you are looking for, Features include granite counter tops and stainless-steel appliances in the kitchen, huge master suite w/ tiled shower/separate garden tub and walk -in closet, large secondary bedrooms, large loft and oversized two car garage! We're looking forward to connecting with you. - 713-A Church Street is a cozy 2 bedroom and 1 bath UPSTAIRS APARTMENT for rent in Chapel Hill! This community is professionally managed by Cardinal Group Management, LLC Property Information 180 Units 3 Stories Built in 2003 Furnished Lease Terms 12 months Fee & Deposit Info As of July 2022, the average apartment rent in Chapel Hill Ben Davis is $671 for a studio, $833 for one bedroom, $1,016 for two bedrooms, and $1,321 for three bedrooms. 1000-2000 Novus Ln, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 . 4428 Mill Village Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612. 5pm-8pm The Naked Empanada. The Morgan at Chapel Hill Apartments, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. Just 2 miles from downtown Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Kingswood is also in the state's best school district. V - 919-962-5401 T - 711 (NC RELAY) housing@unc.edu. Homes for Sale. Property Information 14 Units 2 Stories Built in 1973 Features and Amenities On-Site Services Laundry Facilities Maintenance on site Public Transportation 24 Hour Access Outdoor Features Courtyard Interior Features Some apartments for rent in Chapel Hill might offer rent specials. We offer beautiful studio, one, two, and three bedroom apartments, featuring an open concept with vaulted ceilings, contemporary lighting, laminate wood flooring, an alarm system, designer ceiling fans, walk-in closets, and private walk-out patios, creating the ideal space . Chapel Hill North is a luxury apartment community located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. There are 15 low income housing apartment communities offering 735 affordable apartments for rent in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Furnished Finder has 4 furnished rentals in Chapel Hill and 4 are available now! All Neighborhoods. Lakewood Park: Lakewood Park is a small residential area in Durham near Maplewood Park on either side of Chapel Hill Road. Check out 504 verified apartments for rent in Chapel Hill, NC with rents starting as low as $850. Call Us. If you're looking for apartments in Chapel Hill, NC. Click to view any of these 24 available rental units in Indianapolis to see photos, reviews, floor plans and verified information about schools, neighborhoods, unit availability and more. and staff of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("University). University Ridge Apartments. 1005 Kingswood Drive, Apartment I, Chapel Hill, NC 1005 Kingswood Drive, Apartment I Chapel Hill NC 27517. - Apartment for rent 9 days ago 2 Banbury Ln, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 $1,650/mo 2 bds 1.5 ba 1,300 sqft - Apartment for rent 9 days ago 639 Arlington St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 $1,200/mo 1 bd 1 ba 700 sqft Chapel Hill Apartments Kansas City, MO 64114 Country Lane Estates (816) 897-3405 Contact 1BR-2BR Beds $855-$995 Price 760-1,160 sq ft Square Feet Pricing 1 Beds 2 Beds 1 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 1 Bed, 1 Bath 760 sq ft Check Availability Back to Top 2 Bedrooms 2 Bedroom 2 Beds, 1.5 Baths 1160 sq ft Check Availability Contact Info (816) 897-3405 Apartments Near East Chapel Hill High School. Raleigh, NC 27613, USA. Link Apartments(R) is your connection to work, play, and community! . Apartment for Rent Available Aug 1. Select any of the 116 rental units in Chapel Hill to see photos, reviews, floor plans, school and neighborhood information . See all 116 apartments and houses for rent in Chapel Hill, NC, including cheap, affordable, luxury and pet-friendly rentals. Select any of the 33 rental units in Chapel Hill to see photos, reviews, floor plans, school and neighborhood information, and use our handy rent calculator. You've decided to find a great apartment where you can relax by the pool or spend time in the clubhouse socializing with friends. This is your time to shine, and Apartment Finder has the ideal senior housing apartment in Chapel Hill under $2,500. Find furnished housing now! . Use our detailed filters to find the perfect place, then get in touch with the landlord. Situated perfectly near I-40, Carraway Village offers everything you'd need for comfortable and sustainable living, all within a vibrant and exciting mixed-use village, which includes a Chick-Fila-A, Starbucks, and more. Complete with a resort-style pool, business center, car care . 5pm-8pm Chicago J Hotdogs. Carrboro. North Carolina State University isn't too . UNC Area Apartments in Chapel Hill. 134 Philip's Square unit 1, Chapel Hill, NC 27516. Photo Gallery At the heart of it all. Bell Chapel Hill Bell Chapel Hill Food Truck Schedule. Plus . You searched for apartments in Chapel Hill, NC.Apartment Finder will help you find the right rental at the right price. Raising the bar of luxury apartment living, Carraway Village is Chapel Hill's next level for live, work, and play. $1,200+ 4/5 stars based on 22 reviews. Please schedule your appointment online or call (919) 883-5110 and visit our apartments in Chapel Hill. The University of North Carolina is housed here. 1-3 Beds 1-2 Baths. Studio - 3 Beds $1,553 - $3,575 . Apartments.com has the most extensive inventory of any . Easy access to I-40 and US 15-501 puts the entire Triangle within easy reach. It is located in Chapel Hill. Trilogy Chapel Hill is a new luxury apartment community with modern finishes like faux hardwood flooring, granite countertops and private balconies. There's no better place to live on Franklin Street. Cary. Apartment rent in Chapel Hill Ben Davis has increased by 7.0% in the past year. 2920 Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC 27707 . Thur . You'll find the independent living or 55 . Colonial Townhouse Apartments. Ninth Street is the ideal neighborhood for graduate students and young professionals and . UNC has a long line of basketball heroes Michael Jordan played ball here, and the legendary Dean . Buy. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM . Chapel Hill, NC 27517, USA. Use our detailed filters to find the perfect place, then get in touch with the property manager. Chapel Ridge - Historical Access is an Apartment Home Living Gold-Level community located in the 27516 Zip code of the Carolina North Neighborhood in Chapel Hill, NC. $2,092+ 1 bd; 7/10. Garner. View floor plans, photos, prices and find the perfect rental today. 3611 University Dr. Durham, NC 27707. and staff of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("University). Female. Best of all, The Morgan at Chapel Hill features a great location near the best dining, shopping, and entertainment venues in Chapel Hill, NC. Link Apartments(R) Linden encompasses the character and culture of the Glen Lennox neighborhood. Search for: . Ninth Street: Bustling with character, Ninth Street has been called Durham's Greenwich Village due to its charming shops and cafes. Trilogy Chapel Hill . . 1/33 . Open Houses. I used to throw A LOT of parties here because there was so much space. With the UNC Chapel Hill campus only five miles away, Camden Governors Village residents have convenient access to all the fun shopping, dining, and entertainment of Chapel Hill. 57 Student Apartments for Rent Near UNC Chapel Hill. Apply. All of our Chapel Hill, NC apartments feature stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, and full-sized washers & dryers. Near our luxury apartments in Chapel Hill, NC, you can find restaurants like Bartaco, Stoney River Steakhouse and Grill, and Breadmen's. At Chapel View, the dining options are endless. Welcome to Chapel Hill North Apartments. These apartments are pretty much no frills, a bit out of the way and old, but I loved my time there! Beautiful 3 bedroom single family home nestled on a very quiet street in Chapel Hill within walking distance to Wegman's. Wake to singing birds and . Easy Walk*Drive to Rosemary & Franklin Streets in Chapel Hill! Surrounding our community, there is a variety of dining options where residents can explore new dining options and find restaurants for everyone to enjoy. Find Apartments with AT&T Fiber Internet. With more than one million currently available, Apartment Finder is the place to find your Chapel Hill apartment under $2,000.You searched for in Chapel Hill, NC.Apartment Finder will help you find the right rental at the right price. Whether your communities are already on ApartmentRatings or not, take control of your online reputation on the largest source for online renter reviews and ratings: Generate and convert leads. Our spacious floor plans come in two distinct styles; urban flats with sleek finishes to tri-story townhomes . Now Leasing Brand New Apartments. 200 Perkins Drive Suite 230 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 200 Perkins Drive Suite 230 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514; Email Us 919-355-9420; Get Directions. Find your next apartment in Durham NC on Zillow. The UNC Group for subleases and roommates. Rental property owners are responsible for reporting information fairly . Our apartments in Chapel Hill, NC, offer updated features including hardwood floors, multiple entrances . 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM . We are now leasing! You searched for apartments in Chapel Hill Village. Find your next apartment in North Carolina on Zillow. See pricing and listing details of Chapel Hill real estate for sale. Enjoy a spacious Chapel Hill, NC apartment in a setting offering a complete lifestyle, including a swimming pool and sun deck, community clubhouse , volleyball and tennis courts, 24-hour fitness center and more. Kingswood is just one mile from UNC, near shopping and restaurants, and has easy access to the entire area via I-40 and US 15-501. It has building amenities including swimming pool, fitness center, outdoor space, residents lounge, and controlled access. $1,969+ 1 bd. Carrboro, NC Apartments for Rent. Chapel Hill North Apartments. Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri . Help bring Google Fiber to this building. Operated with LiveSomeWhere.com/UNC your guide for apartments near UNC. Updated Today. Compare prices, choose amenities, view photos and find your ideal rental with Apartment Finder. You can end your day or start your weekend with friends enjoying art, brews, biking, the local vibe and culture. Trilogy Chapel Hill 1000 1000 Novus Lane Chapel Hill is an apartment rental building with 20 floorplans, and studio - 3 bedrooms units available. For students, we offer all-inclusive packages and flexible lease terms. Looking for more? 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