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Jul 1. Find your dream home in Stillwater, NY. 6 Days. 65 Brown Road Stillwater, New York 12170 United States. Zillow has 54 homes for sale in Town of Stillwater. Browse Stillwater, New York Homes for sale by owner and real estate listings, or sell your home with a low cost flat fee on ByOwner. 13 Campbell Road, Stillwater, NY $205,000 3 beds 2 baths 1,132 sqft 7,405 sqft lot Trashed 12 photos Coldwell Banker Prime Prop. Stillwater, NY 12170 . Search for Homes For Sale in Cutchogue NY. 3 Beds 2 Baths 0.17 AC LOT . Stillwater, NY 12170 Pre-Foreclosure (Lis Pendens) 4 Beds, 2 Baths. 12 Pine Ridge Road, Stillwater, Saratoga County, NY, 12866 has 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and a total size of 1,726 square feet. * Cap Rate 9.60% * 25 Site Park, 13 Tenant Owned Homes, and 12 Park Owned Homes * Town Water * Septic * Great Location in Warren County - 2 Miles from Queensbury Schools and 3 Miles from West Mountain Ski Resort. Located in Lewis County, New York. This 2.17 acre property is located at 1059 County Route 70 in Stillwater, NY 12170 with latitude 43.327015 and longitude -73.628081. . This plan h. $482,500 3 BE 3 BA 30+ days ago NewHomeSource Report View property Download brochure now. Right now, there are 65 homes listed for sale in Stillwater, including 0 condos and 0 foreclosures. Stillwater, NY Single Family Homes for Sale Brokered by Howard Hanna New For Sale $150,000 3 bed 1 bath 1,306 sqft 1.98 acre lot 50 Jack Halloran Rd, Stillwater, NY 12170 Email agent Brokered by C. Zillow has 23 homes for sale in Stillwater NY. The Movoto Advantage. Search the most complete 12170, real estate listings for sale. Find waterfront real estate here. 2 Beds, 1 Bath. Year Built. Jul 1. Property. 125 LAKEPOINTE Way,Stillwater, NY. Saratoga Lake, New York. Get property details, school information, and photos of the home and property on HomeFinder. An intimate neighborhood setting with 39 single family home sites ranging in size from a half acre to14 acres. 12170 Condos For Sale. Search through our list of homes for Sale in Stillwater. MLS#: 202211146. images contact map. Connect with USAA. Filters. The Stillwater Connection Series is a selection of three ultra-modern homes in which the concept of yin and yang is celebrated, embraced, and enhanced to create a distinctive . Open House Super Bowl Sunday . Parkview MHC 4300 West 9th Street Trainer, PA 19061. LISTING BY: KELLER WILLIAMS CAPITAL DIST (518-724-5800) $96,500. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Listings In Nearby Cities. Historic Homes For Sale, Rent or Auction Listings In New York. Find Stillwater Junction homes for sale & real estate in Stillwater, NY with HomeFinder. If you're selling land nearby, search real estate agents in Stillwater who can market the sale of your land. Rocket Homes has 0 homes for sale in Stillwater. 3 Single Family 0 Condos 0 Town Homes 1 Multi Family 0 Land Parcels 0 Others. Stillwater, NY Real Estate & Homes for Sale. With MHVillage, its easy to stay up to date with the latest mobile home listings in the Stillwater area. . Stillwater offers the "best of everything". See the Newest Homes For Sale in Cutchogue. Listings In Nearby Cities. Mobile Home, House (Detached) - Stillwater, NY. Homes For Sale By Owner In Stillwater, NY4 Homes Available. $700 2br - 900ft2 - (wic > Wichita, KS) $225. Stillwater, NY 12170 Pre-Foreclosure (Lis Pendens) 4 Beds, 2 Baths. Find 42 New Construction Homes For Sale In Stillwater, NY. 12 Pine Ridge Road, Stillwater, Saratoga County, NY, 12866 is currently for sale for the price of $369,900 USD. Historic Homes For Sale Old House Archives Resources Old House Agents. Stillwater, NY Real Estate & Homes for Sale Brokered by Realty One Group Key Pending $105,000 3 bed 1 bath 1,002 sqft 3,485 sqft lot 16 Major Dickinson Ave, Stillwater, NY 12170 Email agent. LandWatch has 54 land listings for sale in Stillwater, NY. $1,400,000. This to-be-built home is the "LW. . Howard Hanna Real Estate Services 20 Aviation Rd. Find Snake Hill homes for sale & real estate in Stillwater, NY with HomeFinder. 3 Single Family 0 Condos 0 Town Homes 1 Multi Family 0 Land Parcels 0 Others. Homes For Sale By Owner In Stillwater, NY, page 11 4 Homes Available. 3 Bed, 2 Bath New Home plan in Stillwater, NY. There are 59 real estate listings found in Stillwater, NY.View our Stillwater real estate area information to learn about the weather, local school districts, demographic data, and general information about Stillwater, NY. Browse houses for sale in Stillwater today! 1 of 1 Home. See house photos, 3D tours, listing details & neighborhood list of Stillwater real estate for sale. . 4 Beds, 2.5 Baths. Right now, there are 66 homes listed for sale in Stillwater, including 0 condos and 0 foreclosures. Search for an agent who specializes in lake property to help you buy or sell a home. Ft. Stillwater, NY, 12170 Katie O'Keefe Four Seasons Sothebys Int RE 13 Newland Road $389,900 New For Sale $125,000 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1,340 sqft Price: $125,000 Rooms: 3 bed(s), 2 bath(s) Home Area: 1,340 sqft Model: 2017 Property ID: 1672991 Listing Agent: Alexander Monticello $575,900 5 Beds 4 Baths 2,785 Sq. 5. 2 Single Family 0 Condos 0 Town Homes 1 Multi Family 0 Land Parcels 0 Others. Courtesy of Josh Gonzalez of Coldwell Banker Prime Properties and Degraff Bloom Builders, Stillwater NY. $155K-$2.3M. 189,806 SF. Located just 2 miles from GlobalFoundries and close to I87 exits 11 and 12 as well as Saratoga Lake. Tour vintage homes & make offers with the help of local Redfin real estate agents. It's currently available for sale with a price of $995,000. 12 Pine Ridge Road, Stillwater, Saratoga County, NY, 12866 has 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and a total size of 1,726 square feet. Save Search. Find 63 Stillwater Real Estate & Homes For Sale In NY. Browse FSBO homes and listings in Stillwater, NY and get in contact with the seller of your dream home. Recently Listed 1 of 47 $599,000 4 Beds 2.1 Baths $225 1br - 300ft2 - (okc > Oklahoma City) $800. See prices, photos, sale history, & school ratings. Bank Foreclosures Sale offers great opportunities to buy foreclosed homes in Stillwater, NY up to 60% below market value!Our up-to-date Stillwater foreclosure listings include different types of cheap homes for sale like: Stillwater bank owned foreclosures, pre-foreclosures, foreclosure auctions and government foreclosure homes in . 486 Hudson Avenue . Find 12170, homes for sale, real estate, apartments, condos, townhomes, mobile homes, multi-family units, farm and land lots with RE/MAX's powerful search tools. 50 Jack Halloran Rd, Stillwater, NY 12170. Beech" plan by DeGraff Bloom Custom Builders, and is located in the community of The Luthers Woods. New York. Homes Near Stillwater, NY We found 30 more homes matching your filters just outside Stillwater NEW - 2 DAYS AGO 0.33 ACRES $449,000 3bd 3ba 2,176 sqft (on 0.33 acres) 53 Native Dancer Ln, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Listing by: Howard Hanna (518) 583-7268 1.64 ACRES $499,900 3bd 2ba 1,400 sqft (on 1.64 acres) 592 County Route 76, Get property details, school information, and photos of the home and property on HomeFinder. 28 Homes For Sale in Stillwater, NY. Stillwater, NY 12170 REO Foreclosure. We're pleased to introduce our new collection of systems-built homes that will offer even more choices in addition to our sought-after, signature architectural styles. 7/1. Listing Courtesy of Julie & Co Realty, LLC. Providence, NY Saratoga Country Land 144.000000 acre for sale in Barkersville, New York. Compass Exclusives. Listing Provided by North Fork Real Estate Inc. For Sale $575,000 County Rd 48, Cutchogue Listing Provided by Douglas Elliman Real Estate. 12121 Condos For Sale. Lake Specialist. You can explore the mobile home dealer in Stillwater, and get driving directions to the most convenient sales center, $150,000 3 Bd 1 Ba 1,306 Sqft $115/Sqft. Get property details, school information, and photos of the home and property on HomeFinder. Located in New York, Saratoga Lake real estate is a beautiful, but lesser known, market in the state for lake homes and lake lots. Stillwater, NY for Sale 27 Pine Lane Stillwater, NY 12170. You can research home values, browse Stillwater's hottest homes, and see what Coldwell Banker's agents have . Homes For Sale By Owner In Stillwater, NY, page 48 2 Homes Available. Stillwater, NY Real Estate Homes For Sale in Stillwater, NY. View property photos and details, research neighborhoods, get in touch with location real estate agent. Ft. 691 Hudson Ave Ave, Stillwater, NY 12170 Listing by Four Seasons Sothebys Int RE Stillwater home for sale: This beautiful custom home on a quiet cul-d-sac is ready for your entertaining spirit or family lifestyle. All Age Community 50 Lots Call for Price For Sale. Mobile homes typically look like ranch style houses. Industrial. Browse our Stillwater, NY land for sale listings, view photos and contact an agent today! 12154 Condos For Sale. Find Your Home, Enter a City, Neighborhood or Zip Code. Land For Sale. 12118 Condos For Sale. Right now, there are 72 homes listed for sale in Stillwater, including 0 condos and 0 foreclosures. Browse houses for sale in 12170 today! House Accepting Backup Offers. 80 Homes for Sale in Stillwater List Map Sort by 646 Route 9p, Stillwater, NY 12866 4 Beds 2 Baths 1,859 Sqft 1.36 ac Lot Size Residential $557,000 USD View Details 21 Cambridge Court, Stillwater, NY 12118 3 Beds 3 Baths 1,996 Sqft 0.37 ac Lot Size Residential $349,500 USD View Details 12 Woodworth Road, Stillwater, NY 12170 3 Beds 3 Baths 1880 Victorian: Shingle. Coldwell Banker estimates the median home price in Stillwater is $448,860. Buy Rent Sell. 3655 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue 3 Beds 3 Baths . Stillwater, NY Homes for Sale & Real Estate. 72 Brown Rd Stillwater, NY, 12170 . Find your perfect home in Stillwater, NY on ForSaleByOwner.com. Looking for lakefront homes for sale on Stillwater Reservoir? 44 Homes For Sale in Stillwater, NY 96 County Rte 76 $238,998 New 1 Acres Stillwater, NY, 12170 Daniel Reilly Realty One Group Key 9 Newland Road $349,000 New 2 Beds 2 Baths 1,225 Sq. 3 Single Family 0 Condos 0 Town Homes 1 Multi Family 0 Land Parcels 0 Others. . 1989. 17 Photos. Stillwater, NY 12170. Stillwater, NY Real Estate and Homes for Sale Newly Listed 44 TROMBLEY RD, Stillwater, NY 12170 $899,999 3 Beds 3 Baths 1,941 Sq Ft Listing by Equitas Realty - Karen I Foster 13 CAMPBELL RD, Stillwater, NY 12170 $205,000 3 Beds 2 Baths 1,132 Sq Ft Listing by Realty One Group Key - Ashley Zecca 5 RUSSELL DR, Stillwater, NY 12170 $225,000 2 Beds . View more Mobile Home Parks for Sale in Stillwater, NY Search Share Other Listings by Todd Fletcher See More Call for Price Rio Vista MHC 5270 Sands Road Lothian, MD 20711. For Sale $1,675,000 . $199,900 . It's located in . Recently Listed 1 of 11 $299,000 0.0 Baths 42 Route 423 Stillwater, NY Courtesy of STERLING HOMES INC. 12 Pine Ridge Road, Stillwater, Saratoga County, NY, 12866 is currently for sale for the price of $369,900 USD. Beech" plan by DeGraff Bloom Custom Builders, and is located in the community of The Luthers Woods. Find Snake Hill homes for sale & real estate in Stillwater, NY with HomeFinder. 3.82 acres lot - Lot / Land for sale; 39 days on Zillow Approximately 47.96% of Saratoga Springs homes are owned, compared to 39.48% rented, while 12.56% are vacant. Single Family Only $0 - $900,000 Beds & Baths Property Size Year Built. . Real Estate Market Trends in Stillwater, NY. Filter by beds, baths, price, and more. Real Estate Market Trends in Stillwater, NY Century 21 estimates the median home price in Stillwater is $452,500. Search Stillwater real estate property listings to find homes for sale in Stillwater, NY. 7 Baths. Find your perfect home in Stillwater, NY on ForSaleByOwner.com. See house photos, 3D tours, listing details & neighborhood list of Stillwater real estate for sale. Click the heart icon to add this property to your favorites list Save Search View Map. Welcome to Turning Point, come visit our model home any Sunday between 1-4pm, or call Josh Gonzalez (518)640-4203 to schedule a property viewing, for further information and to see our selection of floor plans. 7,237. Unbeatable Price in Oklahoma City!! . Homes For Sale By Owner In Stillwater, NY4 Homes Available. Find Your Home, Enter a City, Neighborhood or Zip Code. View photos, see new listings, compare properties and get information on open houses. 4 Beds, 2.5 Baths. Movoto gives you access to the most up-to-the-minute real estate information in 12170. As a licensed brokerage in New York (and across the United States), Movoto has access to the latest real estate data including 12170 single family homes, 12170 condos/townhouses, 12170 open houses, 12170 new listings, 12170 price reduced homes, recently bought homes, market trends, and . Property Type $150,000+ Beds & Baths Property Size Year Built. Auburn, New York For further questions, you want to learn more about the difference between all the types of prefabricated housing available to Stillwater home shoppers. It's located in 12170, Stillwater, Saratoga County, NY . . . Julie & Co Realty, LLC. Albany, NY 12205 O: (518) 482-4444 M: (518) 421-7517 F: (518) 810-0810 E: Email Us Fair Housing Connect Facebook View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Browse by county, city, and neighborhood. Saratoga Lake Real Estate Specialist. 27 Listings. Stillwater homes for sale range from $12K - $2.25M with the avg price of a 2-bed single family home of $355K. 45 Lake Street, Stillwater, NY is 3 beds, 1 baths, 900 Sq Ft, 0.05 Acres, built-in 1800 is an incredible home listed on Hommati for $175000. Ft. Stillwater, NY, 12170 Alexander Monticello Christine Gerber, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Blake. The matching Stillwater properties for sale have an average property price of $899,999 and price per acre of $214,285. . Browse by county, city, and neighborhood. 7178 Lafayette Road, Middle Grove, NY 12850. For Sale: 2 beds, 2 baths 1204 sq. Search 12170 real estate property listings to find homes for sale in Stillwater, NY. View Listings. 211 North Main Street, Stillwater, Mechanicville, NY. Welcome to Luthers Woods, positioned on 105 acres of wooded picturesque prime Saratoga County land. It has a 4,000 sq ft 4 bedroom, 3 bath house built in 2018. $2,450,000 5 Beds. $18.5M Total Value. Weekly Special!! Real Estate Market Trends in Stillwater, NY Coldwell Banker estimates the median home price in Stillwater is $452,448. Stillwater was founded in 1788 and is a scenic community with a current population of over 9,500 residents. 33 Houses For Sale in Stillwater, NY 23 Riverside Drive $675,000 Open 5/15 3 Beds 3 Baths 1,710 Sq. 12185 Condos For Sale. Browse 1 listings, view photos and connect with an agent to schedule a viewing. Browse Stillwater, New York Homes for sale by owner and real estate listings, or sell your home with a low cost flat fee on ByOwner. HUD Homes in Stillwater, NY. Discover the best lake front listings - properties, land, and acreage to build your dream lake house, cottage or cabin on. Find vintage homes, historic & vintage estates in Stillwater, NY. Stillwater, NY 12170 REO Foreclosure. As you browse the options available in Stillwater, you will quickly discover there are 9 builders offering modular, manufactured, or mobile homes for sale in your area. The average price of homes sold in Saratoga Springs, NY is $552,500. $6,490,000. c. 1920 Arts & Crafts (Craftsman) Rye, New York For Sale. Find Stillwater, NY land for sale. 7,374 Sq Ft. Stillwater, NY Homes for Sale & Real Estate 77 Homes in Stillwater List Tile Map Sort by 2 Gurba Dr Drive, Stillwater, NY 12170 3 Beds 3 Baths 1,756 Sqft 0.3 ac Lot Size Residential $340,000 USD View Details 40 County Route 75, Stillwater, NY 12118 13.49 ac Lot Size Lots And Land $275,000 USD View Details 109 BRICKHOUSE Road, Stillwater, NY 12170 On Point2, there are 77 homes for sale in Stillwater, NY to choose from, with prices ranging from $105,000 to $3,500,000. Get in touch with a Stillwater real estate agent who can help you find the home of your dreams in Stillwater. Save Search. $399,900 3 Bd 1.5 . . Get property details, school information, and photos of the home and property on HomeFinder. . Check out 296 Stillwater, NY foreclosure homes for sale, which may include REO foreclosures, pre-foreclosures, sheriff sales, and more. Find the Right Mobile Home Retailer in Stillwater. 2 bed 2 bath Mobile home for rent in Wichita Rent to OWN! $850,000 . homes for sale in Stillwater, NY priced from $175,000 to $3,500,000. 1723 LAKES TO LOCKS PSGE, Stillwater, NY 12170. Browse photos, see new properties, get open house info, and research neighborhoods on Trulia. Sort By . Find Stillwater Junction homes for sale & real estate in Stillwater, NY with HomeFinder. Description: Inspired by Frost Faires in 1700s England, the annual fair features horse-drawn carriage rides, childrens' crafts and games, contra-dancing for young and old, cannon and musket firings, and a bonfire The national median home value is $219,700. Filter by beds, baths, price, and more. Incredible Savings on Foreclosures in Stillwater, NY. Explore a large selection of Stillwater Real Estate. View photos, research land, search and filter more than 33 listings | Land and Farm Stillwater, Saratoga County, New York - 0 homes for sale | Rocket Homes 2 Beds, 1 Bath. Check out 296 Stillwater, NY HUD homes for sale, which may include auction properties, for sale by owner, and more. . Simplify your accounting operations and seamlessly track, manage and collaborate on your lease portfolio from anywhere. Private Exclusives; . No Min Price-No Max Price. For Sale. 881 Hudson Avenue ~ Stillwater, New York 12170 Stillwater Zips. Homes for sale in Stillwater, NY New Home 3 Bed, 2 Bath New Home plan in Stillwater, NY 12170, Stillwater, Saratoga County, NY This to-be-built home is the "LW. Upgrade your lease management practices. Save Search. Ft. Stillwater, NY, 12170 Collage Agronick James G Doyle 27 Pine Lane 27 $125,000 New 3 Beds 2 Baths 1,340 Sq. 72 Brown Rd Stillwater, NY, 12170 . Stillwater New York Homes for Sale 70 total properties Sort By: Recently Listed Recently Listed 1 of 12 $125,000 0.0 Baths 65 Flinke Road Stillwater, NY Courtesy of COLDWELL BANKER PRIME PROP. ft. 2889 Long Lake Dr, Stillwater, MN 55082 $299,900 MLS# 6222490 1 level Living With modern updates! Sort by Recommended. Saratoga Springs real estate listings include condos, townhomes, and single family homes for sale. +1 518-848-7425. Cheap and Affordable Homes for Sale in Stillwater, NY on ZeroDown. Listing by Julie & Co Realty . Home. The 39 matching Stillwater properties for sale have an average property price of $362,687 and price per acre of $30,190. price. You can browse through multiple property types, from single-family homes for sale to townhouses, condos and even commercial real estate in Stillwater, NY. excellent location 1 owner home very well maintain. Homes for Sale; 71 Properties Found. Browse FSBO homes and listings in Stillwater, NY and get in contact with the seller of your dream home. Contact Agent. On behalf of the Town of Stillwater and the Stillwater Town Board, I would like to welcome you to our website. Stillwater, NY 12170 . Roman Style Houses for Sale in Stillwater, NY on ZeroDown. When browsing homes, you can view features, photos, find open houses, community information and more. Advertising Real Estate For Sale; CEO Message; Employment; . Ft. Stillwater, NY, 12170 Melissa Cartier Cartier Real Estate Group LLC 691 Hudson Avenue $575,900 New 5 Beds 5 Baths 2,785 Sq. 1 - 50 of 85 Homes House For Sale. Search MLS Real Estate & Homes for sale in Stillwater, NY, updated every 15 minutes. 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