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View information about 2733 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Located in Dublin, CA serving San Jose, San Leandro, and the greater Bay Area. 3300 Stoneridge Creek Way Pleasanton, CA 94588. tel 925-227-6800 info@stoneridgecreek.com. Counseling services Pleasanton provides relationship and marital counseling, premarital counseling, affair recovery, anxiety, and depression treatment. Become a Mall Insider today for the chance to win a $1,000 shopping spree! Silver Cab Company. The Stoneridge neighborhoods of Stoneridge Place and Stoneridge Square are located at the East end of Stoneridge Drive. Stoneridge Creek is a senior living provider in Pleasanton, California that offers residents Assisted Living, Independent Living, Continuing Care Communities, and Senior Apartment. Stoneridge Chrysler Jeep Dodge is the Bay Area's premier Dealer for new Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Dodge Ram and quality used cars. This property has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and approximately 933 sqft of floor space. Stoneridge Shopping Center is on track to receive its first major renovation in nearly 15 years. There are also five parks within 16.8 miles, including Dublin Hills Regional Parks, Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area, and Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park. Videos. , CA 94588. More than just a place to call home, the Pleasanton community of Stoneridge Apartments offers a refreshing balance between relaxation and activity. This community has a 1 - 2 Beds, 1 - 2.5 Baths Nearby cities include Dublin, Livermore, San Ramon, Union City, and Fremont. Stoneridge Square is a great neighborhood in Pleasanton. Find properties near 2733 Stoneridge Dr. Cancel. Here are the key changes. Find out now with EZDoctor Reports Located in the southeast corner of the parking lot, across from Fabian Court. We could not retrieve directory information at Stoneridge Shopping Center right now. (925) 227-4800. (925) 523-3141 Address 2725 Stoneridge Dr Suite 109 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Dine-in / Takeout / Follow; Follow; Follow; Nurses Nurses-Advanced Practice-ARNP (925) 945-6600. $3,950. Stoneridge Park is a neighborhood in Pleasanton, California with a population of 1,058. Part Time Sales Associate - Macy's Shop, Pleasanton Stoneridge HUGO BOSS Pleasanton, CA 1 month ago Be among the first 25 applicants Stoneridge Creek Pleasanton prices start at $4,673 per month, which is above $4,500, the average monthly cost of assisted living . 1 ATM. 0 Reviews. Skip to main content. Desserts. 3300 Stoneridge Creek Way Pleasanton, CA 94588. tel 925-227-6800 info@stoneridgecreek.com. ft. 1206 Mateo Miller Cir, Pleasanton, CA 94588 $2,029,505 MLS# 2240079 There's something gorgeous around every corner of the Sable 1.. 4207 Diavila Ave Pleasanton, CA 94588. My Neighborhood. Has my doctor been sued for medical malpractice? These documents more directly affect residents. New place To Try. By Jolina A. 6 Pet Friendly Apartments Available. This is a drive-through testing location and is located in the parking lot. Expand header menu. DEALS. Favorites Around Me. (925) 227-6800 With over 165 stores ranging from men's and women's apparel and children's fashion to home furnishings and electronics, Stoneridge Shopping Center is the premier shopping destination in the Tri-Valley area. Home CA Pleasanton Birthing Centers Midwives. This Popular floor plan offers 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, bright, open and airy, two-story high ceilings, no rear neighbors! My Neighborhood. Visit Website. East Bay Businesses Offering Delivery/Takeout During COVID-19. Pleasanton. Pleasanton police are asking the public to avoid the Stoneridge Mall area due to police activity. By Kevin L. 32. The Pleasanton Planning Commission last week unanimously approved design plans from Simon Property Group to demolish the now-vacant Sears building and parking garage and replace them with a movie theater, grocery store, a lifestyle health club, an outdoor courtyard, and new retail and restaurants. Our Pleasanton senior living facility & retirement community offers attractive homes & active amenities. Seasonal Bring a Friend to Work Associate, Pleasanton Stoneridge, MACY'S, Pleasanton - FashionJobs Jobs for fashion, luxury and beauty professionals (#4424025) View job listing details and apply now. Lobby Hours. By Claire W. 52. 3992 Stoneridge Dr #39268 is in Pleasanton, CA and in ZIP code 94588. Call 925-216-6561 for appointment. These documents define the procedures and operating standards that the HOA will follow as a business entity, outlining what the organization can and cannot do. Pleasanton, CA 94588. More Info. > Election Rules. Nordstrom is closing its department store in Pleasanton's Stoneridge Shopping Center, corporate officials confirmed to the Weekly on Thursday, 2 days after the company announced it would be shuttering 16 unspecified stores nationwide. Stoneridge Windshield Replacement About. and 2,013sf. US. View information about 2733 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588. M - F: 10:00am - 6:00pm Sa: 10:00am - 5:00pm Su: Closed In-Person tours now available by appointment only. We know that price is an important factor in choosing an assisted living community. Find properties near 2733 Stoneridge Dr. Stoneridge available homes for sale in this neighborhood were built from 1969 to 1975. . Stoneridge Park is in Alameda County and is one of the best places to live in California. Call us today for more information!More than just a place to call home, the Pleasanton community of Stoneridge Apartments offers a refreshing balance between relaxation and activity. Skip to content. S&J BBQ has a full menu of Cantonese items such as roast duck, chicken, char shu, porridge, wontons, and rice plates. for 50% off. Get location hours, directions, and available banking services. One Stoneridge Mall Pleasanton, CA 94588 (925) 398-1962 See map and directions. Linda C Wight, NP. Learn more about Stoneridge Apartments located at 6250 Stoneridge Mall Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Day Date Time; East Bay Businesses Offering Takeout During COVID-19. 2121 Ygnacio Valley Rd Bldg E. Walnut Creek, CA 94598. 1-866-477-3715. By anto s. 187. FIND A SIMON CENTER . ft. 2667 Chocolate Street, Pleasanton, CA 94588 Listed for: $1,588,000 MLS#: ML81897762 Stunning Unique home nestled in the highly sought after Stoneridge Square Neighborhood. As a Life Plan community, Stoneridge Creek allows you to enjoy retirement with confidence, knowing that your move puts a plan in place for your future needs, while protecting your nest egg. These documents more directly affect residents. unit 10 Pleasanton, CA 94588 133 This is a breaking . Virtual tours are available. Specialties: Nestled between the rolling hills and oak trees of Pleasanton, Stoneridge Creek is the Bay Area's largest and most comprehensive Life Plan Community. . See 4 floorplans, review amenities, and request a tour of the building today. Didn't find what you were looking for? If you are looking for custom t shirts, coffee mugs or logo printing near your home or office in Pleasanton, come to our iCustom store in Stoneridge Mall. Livermore. Directions. Filter. Virtual Tour. Address and locations: 1 Stoneridge Mall Rd, Pleasanton, California - CA 94588. Avana Stoneridge is located in Dublin/Pleasanton/Livermore in the city of Pleasanton. Stoneridge Creek Independent Senior Living Communities in Alameda County. Our newly renovated one and two bedroom floorplans feature garden windows, fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, gourmet kitchens with Quartz countertops, designer tile backsplash and stainless steel . It contains 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Customers come to us for . The Rent Zestimate for this home is $3,399/mo, which has increased by $9/mo in the last 30 days. 2705 Stoneridge Dr Ste C Pleasanton, CA 94588. Branch Hours. Part way through development of Stoneridge . 4255 Rosewood Drive. By andrew y. Discover 9 commercial properties for lease including offices, retail and industrial spaces. Stoneridge is located at 6250 Stoneridge Mall Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Stoneridge Park Neighborhood Pleasanton, CA. My Neighborhood. 5890 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA is a apartment home that contains 1,250 sq ft and was built in 1990. Skip to content. I was looking for a screen protector and had a small crack On the glass. View Neighborhood Videos. Stoneridge is located in Dublin/Pleasanton/Livermore in the city of Pleasanton. Stoneridge Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Pleasanton 2700 Stoneridge Drive Directions Pleasanton, CA 94588-8321. Commercial real estate properties for lease and sale in Stoneridge, Pleasanton, Alameda County, CA. SF Foodie guide / Things to do. Click here for 2022 Approved Budget. STONERIDGE COUNSELING SERVICES Find your path *** COVID 19 NOTICE - We are open and offering video therapy services for your safety and convenience . Address and locations: 1 Stoneridge Mall Rd, Pleasanton, California - CA 94588. Click here for 2022 Approved Budget. Store Hours. Reservations; 1 Stoneridge Mall Rd. By Emma W. 149. Collections Including Viet Grill Express. Conveniently located near the Stoneridge Mall and the intersection of I680 & I580, this quiet neighborhood features homes from 1350 square feet to over 2500 square feet. You can view all the floor plans by clicking . Follow; Follow; Follow; pleasanton restaurants downtown. Specialties: Welcome to Stoneridge Chrysler Jeep Dodge. The closest store is Macy's, we are as far away in the parking lot as you can go. Stoneridge Apartments is a 525 - 1,247 sq. 23. The first floo. Office Hours. Stoneridge Residential 6260 Stoneridge Mall Rd Pleasanton CA 94588 (925) 223-6295 Website. Order Online Tickets Tickets See Availability Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} . As a master-planned community, Stoneridge Creek was carefully designed to provide thoughtful connections, meaningful gathering spaces and a variety of floor plans to meet every need. Follow; Follow; Follow; 3300 Stoneridge Creek Way Pleasanton, California 94588. Get directions, reviews and information for Stoneridge Residential in Pleasanton, CA. Ideal for Bay Area commuters, Stoneridge sits in a convenient location near Stoneridge Shopping Center. 3300 Stoneridge Creek Way. Sales: 8338232417; Service: (925) 905-9386; Parts: (877) 382-9464; 3 Beds. Zestimate Home Value: $1,077,000. The Rent Zestimate for this home is $2,784/mo, which has increased by $2,784/mo in the last 30 days. We want you, and every one of our valued customers to feel welcome, comfortable, and to be thrilled with your new car purchase . See if the property is available for sale or lease. View photos, public assessor data, maps and county tax information. COVID update: S&J BBQ has updated their hours, takeout & delivery options. By Ye J. See if the property is available for sale or lease. 5890 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA is a single family home that contains 1,314 sq ft and was built in 1990. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . We ordered the following: Roast duck noodle soup 4 stars the duck was good could have added a . View detailed information and reviews for 5924 Stoneridge Dr in Pleasanton, California and get driving directions with road conditions and live traffic updates along the way. Position: Retail Sales Associate, Pleasanton Stoneridge - Standard Part Time<br>Immediate Openings - Start Right Away!<br><br>* Competitive Hourly Rates<br><br>* Schedules to meet your availability!<br><br>* Employee Discount at Macy's AND Bloomingdales<br><br>About:<br><br>Macy's is proudly America's Department Store. Rules & Policies. Dog & Cat Friendly Fitness Center Pool Dishwasher In Unit Washer & Dryer Walk-In Closets Clubhouse Balcony. Offering jeans, tops, jackets, shorts, shoes and swimwear, we are committed to providing trends and styles inclusive to all. Resort Style Retirement Community Custom Homes in Pleasanton, California. 18. People Also Viewed. The Stoneridge Square neighborhood was built between 1999 and 2002 and is made up of 4 different models ranging from 1,822sf. 3300 Stoneridge Creek Way Pleasanton, CA 94588. tel 925-227-6800 info@stoneridgecreek.com. ft. apartment in Pleasanton in zip code 94588. 5505 Springshouse Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588. p: (925) 234-4837. > Articles of Incorporation. 1372 Stoneridge Mall Rd Ste D107 Pleasanton, CA 94588. San Francisco International Airport Autor de la entrada Por ; Fecha de la entrada homes for rent pueblo, co; how to adjust tektro mechanical disc brakes en pleasanton restaurants downtown . 2705 Stoneridge Dr Ste I Pleasanton, CA 94588. EVENTS. Skip to content. Mon - Fri 7AM - 7PM Sat - Sun 9AM - 5PM. . There's a reason we've been around for 160 years. Oakland International Airport Distance from Property: 17.8 Miles. The Stoneridge Square neighborhood was built between 1999 and 2002 and is made up of 4 different models ranging from 1,822sf. Further information was not immediately available. DMCA Agent Contact Stoneridge Creek for more details on services and rates. IMT Pleasanton. 3300 Stoneridge Creek Way Pleasanton, CA 94588. tel 925-227-6800 info@stoneridgecreek.com. Call us today to schedule your tour to get started. 110 reviews of S&J BBQ "Brand new Cantonese BBQ opened today in the Pacific Pearl Shopping Center food court. 6 Pet Friendly Apartments Available. BECOME A MALL INSIDER TODAY. Visit us here! This apartment lists for $2259-$3494/mo, and includes studio-2 beds, 1-2.5 baths, and 525-1247 Sq. . If you are looking for a home for sale in Pleasanton then Stoneridge Square is great choice. Stoneridge Shopping Center offers . Stoneridge Creek Pleasanton is located at 3300 STONERIDGE CREEK WAY, and offers assisted living services for older adults. . Macy's Pleasanton Furniture and Mattress Gallery. Talk to a SeniorAdvisor Expert! ATMs. Living in Stoneridge Park offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes. Collections Including KoKoLo Donburi. 1-2 Beds. Ricky was friendly, polite and super efficient! By Diana L. 352. We stand behind that statement with a commitment, and have created a comprehensive Flexible Protection Program for our residents, to help alleviate concerns and do our part to protect our residents. Try these popular searches. Avana Stoneridge. Freestanding. Help Apple Store Stoneridge Mall store hours, contact information, and weekly calendar of events. Garages Street. For Sale: 4 beds, 2.5 baths 2,014 sq. > Articles of Incorporation. It contains 0 bedroom and 0 bathroom. Stoneridge Shopping Center is located in Pleasanton, California and offers 134 stores - Scroll down for Stoneridge Shopping Center shopping information: store list (directory), locations, mall hours, contact and address. Dog & Cat Friendly Fitness Center Pool Dishwasher In Unit Washer & Dryer Walk-In Closets Clubhouse Balcony. Nelson Linda C in Pleasanton, CA. Sort:Default. NorCal - Food. This apartment is located at 3992 Stoneridge Dr #39268, Pleasanton, CA. About Search Results. For Sale: 4 beds, 3.5 baths 2846 sq. $2,510 - 3,115. Our newly renovated one and two bedroom floorplans feature garden windows, fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, gourmet kitchens with Quartz countertops, designer tile backsplash and stainless steel . BAMBU. Here are the key changes. Specialties: With over 165 stores ranging from men's and women's apparel and children's fashion to home furnishings and electronics, Stoneridge Shopping Center is the premier shopping destination in the Tri-Valley area. Collections Including ZERO& 60. mealfortwos wishlist. 5990 Stoneridge Mall Road, Pleasanton, California, USA, 94588. Discover Stoneridge Apartments. Visit Stoneridge Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Pleasanton to buy your next new or used vehicle! Now 2 hours. 94568, 94566, 94582, 94583, and 94551 are nearby zips. Shop online or stop by today for a test drive! By Jolina A. Find parking costs, opening hours and a parking map of Stoneridge Shopping Center 1 Stoneridge Mall Rd as well as other parking lots, street parking, parking meters and private garages for rent in Pleasanton. By Jeanne T. 92. > Election Rules. (844) 328-1952. Understanding these times are filled with more uncertainty, we want our residents to feel confident in their leasing decision with Stoneridge. IMT Pleasanton. By Olive W. 42. Find Chase branch and ATM locations - Stoneridge. Zestimate Home Value: $331,160. Close expanded menu . File image of police lights. Macy's, Inc. is now hiring a # Retail Sales Associate, Pleasanton Stoneridge - Part Time in Pleasanton, CA. Stoneridge Shopping Center at Pleasanton is a great place to to shop and enjoy an outing with family and friends. Follow; Follow; Follow; 1. (844) 328-1952. Request Info; 925-227-6800; Home; . Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) Sponsored Links. Write a Review. Stoneridge Creek Pleasanton, Retirement Community. Stoneridge Shopping Center is located in Pleasanton, California and offers 134 stores - Scroll down for Stoneridge Shopping Center shopping information: store list (directory), locations, mall hours, contact and address. It houses over 150 stores with leading brands in Fashion, Apparel, Cosmetics, Foot Wear, Sun Glasses, Cell Phones, Restaurants etc. bakeries local services and establishments in Pleasanton; we've found 2 restaurants on Stoneridge Drive; bakeries addresses and locations on map, reviews, ratings and photos. 1-2 Beds. Some of them are Macy, JC Penny, Forever 21, Zara, Apple and many, many more. Dublin/Pleasanton. Virtual Tour. 5924 Stoneridge Dr Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. Stoneridge offers Studio-2 bedroom rentals starting at $2,400/month. Among the 165 stores and restaurants, this two-level indoor mall features today's top brands, including Macy's, H&M, Apple, ZARA, lululemon, Fabletics and LEGO. and 2,013sf. Stoneridge Place is a five-story, Class A office project located at the I-580 and I-680 interchange. These Pleasanton homes were built by Standard Pacific Homes in the early 2000's. These homes ranged in size from 1800 - 2100 sq ft of living space. > SRP ByLaws. Pleasanton, CA 94588. Legal. The Stoneridge neighborhoods of Stoneridge Place and Stoneridge Square are located at the East end of Stoneridge Drive. $2,510 - 3,115. EMAIL ADDRESS: Required JOIN. Best of Pleasanton. These documents define the procedures and operating standards that the HOA will follow as a business entity, outlining what the organization can and cannot do. Among the 165 stores and restaurants, this two-level indoor mall features today's top brands, including H&M, Apple, ZARA, lululemon, and LEGO. In Stoneridge Park there are a lot of restaurants, coffee . contact 1468 Stoneridge Mall Rd. By Emma W. 938. Store Details. Tel: +1 925-475-4828 . Map It. Alternate Airport Transportation. Phone number 9255264545,located 1017 Stoneridge Mall Pleasanton ca 94566, in the field of Automobile Glass Service & Installation Lobby. Contact Lee & Associates for more information. Welcome to Stoneridge. Typical lot sizes are in the 7000 sq ft range, with some larger . 1 Stoneridge Mall, Pleasanton, CA 94588. I love my cell phone- it looks brand new! By Alyssa D. 40. 62. 3992 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Cafes/Boba Places. More public record information on 5924 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588 The Medical Property at 5924 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton , CA 94588 is currently available For Lease. EXCLUSIVE OFFERS! Get Directions. Catch the BART from the Dublin/Pleasanton station or hop on Interstate 580 or 680 for a quick drive into San Francisco, Fremont and other surrounding areas. > SRP ByLaws. Message the Business. Ft. More than just a place to call home, the Pleasanton community of Stoneridge Apartments offers a refreshing balance between relaxation and activity. 3992 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Our newly renovated one and two bedroom floorplans feature garden windows, fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, gourmet kitchens with Quartz . Has my doctor been disciplined or sanctioned by a medical board? Rules & Policies. Here you'll find three shopping centers within 2.0 miles. Day of the Week Hours; Mon: View photos, public assessor data, maps and county tax information. 17 reviews of Fix N Gadgets "I was at the Stoneridge Mall and passed by Fix N Gadgets. Please try again soon. 698. He repaired it in 15 mins with a new glass screen and I got the screen protector ( this time around to prevent cracks!) Situated at the key intersection of Stoneridge Drive and Foothill Road, the property has excellent access to Interstates 580 and 680 and is a short walk from the West Dublin/ Pleasanton BART station. Phone Number: +1 510-563-3300 . Stoneridge Park Neighborhood Pleasanton, CA. Phone: (925) 416-6360 (925) 416-6360. Closed - Opens at 11:00 AM Sunday. Phone. You can expect more from retirement with Stoneridge's exciting 50-acre community, complete with resort-style amenities and services such as restaurant-style dining, a fitness center and spa, swimming pools, a performing arts center . Here you'll find three shopping centers within 0.5 mile. Welcome to the Forever 21 Stoneridge Mall store in Pleasanton, CA - safe, clean and full of the latest clothing and accessories for women, men and girls. There are also five parks within 19.3 miles, including Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area, Dublin Hills Regional Parks, and Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park. Part way through development of Stoneridge . The description and property data below may have been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records. 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