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File: dealerInfo.php
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array('tcollinge@gpchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13082', 'eventDate'=>'February 25 to 26', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:grimsby'=>array( 'name'=>'Grimsby Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'421 South Service Road, Grimsby', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'905-945-9606', 'website'=>'www.grimsbychrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('dave@grimsbychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13291', 'eventDate'=>'February 25 to 26', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:cooksville'=>array( 'name'=>'Cooksville Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'290 Dundas Street East, Mississauga', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'905-279-3031', 'website'=>'www.cooksvilledodge.com', 'emails'=> array('syarrow@cooksvilledodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11805', 'eventDate'=>'February 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'crestviewfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Crestview Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'601 Albert Street, Regina', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'306-525-5411', 'website'=>'www.crestviewchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('kurtisa@crestviewchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13677', 'eventDate'=>'February 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:dilawri'=>array( 'name'=>'Dilawri Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'370 Hunt Club Road W, Ottawa', 'region' => 'ca', 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22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'yourperfectmatch.ca:georgetown'=>array( 'name'=>'Georgetown Chrysler', 'brand' => 'PerfectMatch', 'address'=>'336 Guelph Street, Georgetown', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 239-0651', 'website'=>'www.georgetownchryslerdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('cwiddess@georgetownchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11927', 'eventDate'=>'February 21 to 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Perfect Match RSVP'), 'haleyjeepupgradeevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Haley Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'7-3050 King George Blvd , Surrey', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'604-531-9156', 'website'=>'www.haleydodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('lewis@haleydodge.com','Mahmood@haleydodge.com'), 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'website'=>'www.inlandautocentre.com', 'emails'=> array('adam.moore@inlandautocentre.com'), 'eventID'=>'13801', 'eventDate'=>'February 21 to 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:jackson'=>array( 'name'=>'Jackson Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1500 Strachan Road SE, Medicine Hat', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-527-5581', 'website'=>'www.jacksondodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('shaun@jacksondodge.com','contact@jacksondodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13278', 'eventDate'=>'February 21 to 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'pentawawakiacrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Kia Motors Petawawa', 'brand' => 'KIA', 'address'=>'3504 Petawawa Boulevard, Petawawa', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'(613) 687-6588', 'website'=>'', 'emails'=> array('gregjf@live.com'), 'eventID'=>'13627', 'eventDate'=>'February 21 to 22', 'voucher' => 'KIA-500', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Crazy Deals RSVP'), 'legacypaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Legacy Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'324 Gregoire Drive, Fort McMurray', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'780-790-9000', 'website'=>'www.legacydodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('troy@legacydodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12938', 'eventDate'=>'February 21 to 22', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', // Loyalty Bonus amount on voucher 'consumerCash' => '$10,500', // Consumer Cash amount on voucher 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'norlanjeepupgradeevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Nor-Lan Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'12517 100 Street, Grande Prairie', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'780-539-5200', 'website'=>'www.norlanchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('brenan@norlanchrysler.com','stevenb@norlanchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13962', 'eventDate'=>'February 21 to 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:parkers'=>array( 'name'=>'Parker\'s Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1765 Main Street, Penticton', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'250-492-2839', 'website'=>'www.parkerschrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('rickyo@parkerschrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13778', 'eventDate'=>'February 21 to 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 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'website'=>'www.cochranedodgechryslerjeep.com', 'emails'=> array('gwarner@cochranedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'14589', 'eventDate'=>'February 3', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'pullAheadCode' => 'KT', 'leadsToARC' => 'yes', 'hideExpiry' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Pull Ahead RSVP'), 'chryslerpullahead.com:denham'=>array( 'name'=>'Denham Chrysler', 'brand' => 'ChryslerPullAhead', 'address'=>'2302 50 Avenue, Lloydminster', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'780-875-5337', 'website'=>'www.denhamchryslerjeep.com', 'emails'=> array('dave@denhamchryslerjeep.com'), 'eventID'=>'14559', 'eventDate'=>'February 3', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'pullAheadCode' => 'EF', 'leadsToARC' => 'yes', 'hideExpiry' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Pull Ahead RSVP'), 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Po.Box 2260, Slave Lake', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 254-5917', 'website'=>'www.slavelakechryslerdodgejeepram.ca', 'emails'=> array('bruce@slavelakeram.com'), 'eventID'=>'14280', 'eventDate'=>'February 19', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Free Tim Hortons Tim Card', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'varsityfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Varsity Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'665 Goddard Avenue NE, Calgary', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-730-4000', 'website'=>'www.varsitychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('jmigneault@varsitychrysler.net','smartin@varsitychrysler.net'), 'eventID'=>'13513', 'eventDate'=>'February 19', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 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32580 RR 11 (HWY 2 & 27), Olds', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 511-1816', 'website'=>'mountainviewdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('rbaum@mountainviewdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13672', 'eventDate'=>'February 14 to 15', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,500', // Loyalty Bonus amount on voucher 'consumerCash' => '$10,000', // Consumer Cash amount on voucher 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:kollbec'=>array( 'name'=>'Kollbec Gatineau Chrysler Jeep', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'812, boul. 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'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'chryslerretouranticipe.com:boulevard'=>array( 'name'=>'Boulevard Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'ChryslerPullAhead', 'address'=>'2955 chemin Cote-de-Liesse, Ville Saint-Laurent', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'514-748-0100', 'website'=>'www.boulevarddodge.com', 'emails'=> array('jmonahan@boulevarddodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'14396', 'eventDate'=>'February 3', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'lang' => 'fr', 'bilingual' => 'fr', 'eventDate-fr'=>'3 février 2014', 'gift-fr'=>'none', 'pullAheadCode' => 'QA', 'leadsToARC' => 'yes', 'hideExpiry' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Pull Ahead RSVP'), 'chryslerpullahead.com:kamloops'=>array( 'name'=>'Kamloops Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerPullAhead', 'address'=>'2525 East Trans Canada Highway , Kamloops', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'250-374-4477', 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no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:village'=>array( 'name'=>'Village Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'201 Bayly Street W, Ajax', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'905-683-5358', 'website'=>'www.villagechrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('paulm@villagechrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'12028', 'eventDate'=>'February 11 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:nouveaujd'=>array( 'name'=>'Nouveau J.D. Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'5740, boul. Sainte-Anne, Boischatel', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'418-822-2424', 'website'=>'www.groupeJD.com', 'emails'=> array('dperiard@nouveaujd.com','ptremblay@nouveaujd.com'), 'eventID'=>'13942', 'eventDate'=>'February 10 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'lang' => 'fr', 'bilingual' => 'fr', 'eventDate-fr'=>'10, 11 et 12 février 2014', 'gift-fr'=>'none', 'campaign' => 'Premier Evente RSVP'), 'pmscarsevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'PMS Cars Salutation Square', 'brand' => 'ChryslerUK', 'address'=>'Salutation Square, Haverfordwest', 'region' => 'uk', 'phone'=>'+44 1437 762112', 'website'=>'http://www.pmscars.com/default.aspx', 'emails'=> array('alison@pmscars.ccom'), 'eventID'=>'11640', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'FIAT', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'thwhiteevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'TH White Fiat', 'brand' => 'ChryslerUK', 'address'=>'Forest Park Road, Hillmead, Swindon', 'region' => 'uk', 'phone'=>'+44 1793 680480', 'website'=>'http://fiat.thwhite.co.uk', 'emails'=> array('paul.doick@thwhite.co'), 'eventID'=>'11098', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'FIAT', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:oakville'=>array( 'name'=>'Oakville Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'270 Oak Park Boulevard, Oakville', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'905-845-4211', 'website'=>'www.oakvillechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('ccomparone@oakvilledodge.com','gnimeck@oakvilledodge.com','fdametto@oakvilledodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12032', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => '2 FREE MOVIE TICKETS', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:buckingham'=>array( 'name'=>'Buckingham Kadri Dargham Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'1265 rue Odile Daoust, Gatineau', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'819-281-7788', 'website'=>'www.buckinghamchryslerjeepdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('michel.kadri@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'13306', 'eventDate'=>'February 6 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'lang' => 'fr', 'bilingual' => 'fr', 'eventDate-fr'=>'6,7 et 8 février 2014', 'gift-fr'=>'none', 'campaign' => 'Premier Evente RSVP'), 'flagshippaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Flagship Ford', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'address'=>'6456 Norcross Road, Duncan', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'250-748-5555', 'website'=>'www.flagshipford.com', 'emails'=> array('b-scudder@flagshipford.com'), 'eventID'=>'14102', 'eventDate'=>'February 6 to 15', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'eastsidejeepupgradeevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Eastside Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'815 36 Street NE, Calgary', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-273-4313', 'website'=>'www.eastsidedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('bwalker@eastsidedodge.com','rolinger@eastsidedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13652', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:excellence'=>array( 'name'=>'Excellence Chrysler de Vaudreuil', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'115, rue Joseph-Carrier, Vaudreuil', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'450-455-5555', 'website'=>'www.excellencevaudreuil.com', 'emails'=> array('fbeaudoin@excellencechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13431', 'eventDate'=>'February 10 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'lang' => 'fr', 'bilingual' => 'fr', 'eventDate-fr'=>'10 février 2014', 'gift-fr'=>'none', 'campaign' => 'Premier Evente RSVP'), 'rodeokiadeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Rodeo Kia', 'brand' => 'KIA', 'address'=>'10685 W. 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'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:listowel'=>array( 'name'=>'Bustard Chrysler - Listowel', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'754 Main Street E, Listowel', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'519-291-1900', 'website'=>'www.bustard.com', 'emails'=> array('brent@bustard.com','rreid@bustard.com'), 'eventID'=>'12688', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'columbiafirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Columbia Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'5840 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'604-273-8018 ', 'website'=>'www.columbiachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('leon@columbiachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13164', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:cranbrook'=>array( 'name'=>'Cranbrook Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1725 Cranbrook Street N, Cranbrook', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'250-426-6614', 'website'=>'www.cranbrookdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('steve@cranbrookdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13295', 'eventDate'=>'February 14 to 15', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'abbotsfordfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Abbotsford Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'30285 Automall Drive, Abbotsford', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'604-857-8888', 'website'=>'www.abbotsfordchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('sbrown@abbotsfordchrysler.com','sheldon@abbotsfordchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13121', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 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array('colin@voisinchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13837', 'eventDate'=>'February 4 to 5', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:arnprior'=>array( 'name'=>'Arnprior Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'205 Madawaska Boulevard, Arnprior', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'1-866-406-4388', 'website'=>'www.arnpriorchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@arnpriorchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11628', 'eventDate'=>'February 5', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a TIM HORTONS TIM CARD', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'triplesevenfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Triple Seven Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'700 Broad Street, Regina', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'306-522-2222', 'website'=>'www.triplesevenchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('rjr@triplesevenchrysler.ca','smm@triplesevenchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'12727', 'eventDate'=>'February 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'yourperfectmatch.ca:kingston'=>array( 'name'=>'Kingston Dodge', 'brand' => 'PerfectMatch', 'address'=>'1429 Princess Street, Kingston', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'613-549-8900', 'website'=>'www.kingstondodge.com', 'emails'=> array('stacey@kingstondodge.com','mark@kingstondodge.com '), 'eventID'=>'12115', 'eventDate'=>'February 5', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Perfect Match RSVP'), 'kingstonpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Kingston Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'1429 Princess Street, Kingston', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'613-549-8900', 'website'=>'www.kingstondodge.com', 'emails'=> array('stacey@kingstondodge.com','mark@kingstondodge.com '), 'eventID'=>'12115', 'eventDate'=>'February 5', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'cochranefirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Cochrane Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'544 Railway Street, Cochrane', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-932-4072', 'website'=>'www.cochranedodgechryslerjeep.com', 'emails'=> array('gwarner@cochranedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12976', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:bridgecity'=>array( 'name'=>'Bridge City Chrysler - Lethbridge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'3216 1st Avenue S, Lethbridge', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-328-3325', 'website'=>'www.bridgecitychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@bridgecitychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13503', 'eventDate'=>'February 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Free Tim Hortons Tim Card', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'showcasesalesevent.com:barrie'=>array( 'name'=>'Barrie Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Showcase', 'address'=>'395 Dunlop Street West, Barrie', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'705-726-0393', 'website'=>'www.barriechrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('arocca@centennialchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13036', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Showcase Sales Event RSVP'), 'suburbangardencitycrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Suburban of Garden City', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'32850 Ford Road , Garden City', 'region' => 'us', 'phone'=>'888-229-7510', 'website'=>'www.suburbanchryslerdodgejeepramofgardencity.com', 'emails'=> array('rburke@suburbancollection.com'), 'eventID'=>'13678', 'eventDate'=>'February 12', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Crazy Deals RSVP'), 'kawarthapaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Kawartha Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'1515 Lansdowne Street W, Peterborough', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'705-741-5766', 'website'=>'www.kawarthachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('kevin@kawarthachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13700', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:norlan'=>array( 'name'=>'Nor-Lan Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'12517 100 Street, Grande Prairie', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'780-539-5200', 'website'=>'www.norlanchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('brenan@norlanchrysler.com','stevenb@norlanchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13077', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'norlanfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Nor-Lan Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'12517 100 Street, Grande Prairie', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'780-539-5200', 'website'=>'www.norlanchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('brenan@norlanchrysler.com','stevenb@norlanchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13077', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:parksville'=>array( 'name'=>'Parksville Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'230 Shelly Road, Parksville ', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'250-248-3281', 'website'=>'www.parksvillechryslerdealer.com', 'emails'=> array('parksvillechrysler@shaw.ca'), 'eventID'=>'14068', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'racewaypaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Raceway Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'150 Rexdale Boulevard West, Toronto', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'416-743-9900', 'website'=>'www.racewaychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('ikovacevic@racewaychrysler.com','anabtiti@racewaychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11900', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', // Loyalty Bonus amount on voucher 'consumerCash' => '$8,500', // Consumer Cash amount on voucher 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:southridge'=>array( 'name'=>'Southridge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'12 Southridge Drive, Okotoks', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-938-3636', 'website'=>'www.southridgechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('info@southridgechrysler.com','accounting@southridgechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13689', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'grovefirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Grove Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'PO Box 3248, 200 Saint Matthews Avenue, Spruce Grove', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>' 1-888-277-3587', 'website'=>'www.grovedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('davew@grovedodge.com','bradm@grovedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13243', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:crestview'=>array( 'name'=>'Crestview Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'601 Albert Street, Regina', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'306-525-5411', 'website'=>'www.crestviewchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('kurtisa@crestviewchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13676', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:windsor'=>array( 'name'=>'Garage Windsor Ltée Riv du Loup', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'287, rue Témiscouata, Rivière-du-Loup', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'418-862-3586', 'website'=>'www.garagewindsor.com', 'emails'=> array('nleblond@garagewindsor.qc.ca'), 'eventID'=>'12098', 'eventDate'=>'February 10 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'lang' => 'fr', 'bilingual' => 'fr', 'eventDate-fr'=>'10 février 2014', 'gift-fr'=>'none', 'campaign' => 'Premier Evente RSVP'), 'haleyfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'White Rock Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'7-3050 King George Blvd , Surrey', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'604-531-9156', 'website'=>'www.haleydodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('lewis@haleydodge.com','Mahmood@haleydodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13647', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:thompson'=>array( 'name'=>'Twin Motors Thompson', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'40 Station Road, Thompson', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 461-9266', 'website'=>'www.twinmotors.ca', 'emails'=> array('m_haukaas@twinmotors.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13810', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'riversidesavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Riverside Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'330 38 Street, Prince Albert', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'306-763-4484', 'website'=>'www.riversidehyundai.ca', 'emails'=> array('riversidejw@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'13190', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:moncton'=>array( 'name'=>'Moncton Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1365 Mountain Road, Moncton', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'506-857-3939', 'website'=>'www.monctonchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('tcarson@monctonchrysler.com','kgreen@monctonchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13541', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'chryslerpullahead.com:abc' => array( 'name' => 'ABC Chrysler', 'address' => '1234 Main Street, Anytown', 'phone' => '(000) 000-0000', 'website' => 'www.abcchrysler.com', 'emails' => array('dave@absoluteresults.com'), 'eventID' => '14186', 'eventDate' => 'Feb 3', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'ChryslerPullAhead', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'no', 'pullAheadCode' => 'AB', 'leadsToARC' => 'yes', 'hideExpiry' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'en', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Pull Ahead RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:deanmyers'=>array( 'name'=>'Dean Myers Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'150 Weber Street S, Waterloo', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'1-877-741-7953', 'website'=>'www.waterloododge.com', 'emails'=> array('jglenfield@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'13723', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:riverside'=>array( 'name'=>'Riverside Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'160-38th Street East, Prince Albert', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'306-764-4217', 'website'=>'www.riversidedodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('riversideth@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'13584', 'eventDate'=>'February 7', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Free Tim Hortons Tim Card', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:wille'=>array( 'name'=>'Wille Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'3240 Douglas Street, Victoria', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'250-475-2313', 'website'=>'www.willedodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('dhowe@willedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13887', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'renfrewfiatfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Renfrew Chrysler Fiat', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1920 Pumphouse Avenue SW, Calgary', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-266-1920', 'website'=>'www.renfrewchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('ADwyer@renfrewchrysler.net','Rgardiner@renfrewchrysler.net'), 'eventID'=>'13681', 'eventDate'=>'February 4 to 5', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'sweeneycrazydeals.com:jake'=>array( 'name'=>'Jake Sweeney Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'85 West Kemper Road, Cincinnati', 'region' => 'us', 'phone'=>'513-782-1000', 'website'=>'www.jakesweeneychryslerjeepdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('msunderman@jakesweeney.com'), 'eventID'=>'13800', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Crazy Deals RSVP'), 'airdriefirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Airdrie Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'139 East Lake Crescent NE, Airdrie ', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-948-2600', 'website'=>'www.airdriechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dale@airdriechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13011', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal VIP RSVP'), 'steinbachfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Steinbach Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'208 Main Street, Steinbach', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'204-326-4461', 'website'=>'www.steinbachdodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('ed.Goertzen@steinbachdodge.com','robertd@steinbachdodge.com','beverly.friesen@steinbachdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12494', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal VIP RSVP'), 'skahafordconstruction.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Skaha Ford Inc', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'address'=>'198 Parkway Place, Penticton', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'(250) 492-3800', 'website'=>'www.skahaford.com', 'emails'=> array('jeff@dajo.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13118', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'gslpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'GSL GM City', 'brand' => 'GM', 'address'=>'1720 Bow Trail SW, Calgary', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-265-7690', 'website'=>'www.gslgmcity.com', 'emails'=> array('agabora@gslgmcity.com'), 'eventID'=>'13911', 'eventDate'=>'February 8', 'voucher' => 'GMPaymentMatch', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'loyaltyBonus' => '', // Loyalty Bonus amount on voucher 'consumerCash' => '$10,000', // Consumer Cash amount on voucher 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'legacyfirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Legacy Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'324 Gregoire Drive, Fort McMurray', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'780-790-9000', 'website'=>'www.legacydodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('troy@legacydodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12939', 'eventDate'=>'February 7 to 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:mcnaughton'=>array( 'name'=>'McNaughton Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'22877 Hagerty Road, Newbury', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'519-693-4491', 'website'=>'www.mcnaughtondodge.com', 'emails'=> array('terry@mcnaughtondodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13287', 'eventDate'=>'February 4', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), 'varsitypaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Varsity Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'665 Goddard Avenue NE, Calgary', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'403-730-4000', 'website'=>'www.varsitychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('jmigneault@varsitychrysler.net'), 'eventID'=>'13512', 'eventDate'=>'February 5', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'Be Entered To Win $15,000', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', // Loyalty Bonus amount on voucher 'consumerCash' => '$15,750', // Consumer Cash amount on voucher 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'countymotorworksevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'County Motor Works', 'brand' => 'ChryslerUK', 'address'=>'Eastern Approach, Springfield, Chelmsford', 'region' => 'uk', 'phone'=>'+44 1245 235000', 'website'=>'www.motorparks.co.uk', 'emails'=> array('Jeff.brown@countymotorworks.co.uk'), 'eventID'=>'12224', 'eventDate'=>'February 1', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:saunders'=>array( 'name'=>'Saunders Motors', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'15221 Hwy#3 PO Box 7, Hebbville', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'1-888-239-4789', 'website'=>'www.saundersmotorsdealer.com', 'emails'=> array('nick@saundersmotors.ca '), 'eventID'=>'13796', 'eventDate'=>'January 29', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:abc'=>array( 'name'=>'ABC Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'115, rue Joseph Carrier, Vaudreuil', 'phone' => '450-455-5555', 'region' => 'CA', 'website'=>'www.excellencevaudreuil.com', 'emails'=> array('dave@absoluteresults.com'), 'eventID'=>'11427', 'eventDate'=>'November 29<sup>th</sup> & 30<sup>th</sup>', 'eventDate-fr'=>'1 et 2 novembre', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'en', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'abcpaymentmatch.com' => array( 'name' => 'ABC Chrysler', 'address' => '1234 Main Street, Anytown', 'phone' => '(000) 000-0000', 'website' => 'www.abcchrysler.com', 'emails' => array('dave@absoluteresults.com'), 'eventID' => '816', 'eventDate' => 'Sept 27 - 31', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', 'consumerCash' => '$10,000', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'abcloyaltyevent.com' => array( 'name' => 'ABC Chrysler', 'address' => '1234 Main Street, Anytown', 'phone' => '(000) 000-0000', 'region' => 'us', 'website' => 'www.abcchrysler.com', 'emails' => array('dave@absoluteresults.com'), 'eventID' => '13930', 'eventDate' => 'Jan 21', 'voucher' => 'no', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', //SETS AudiTitle.png as title and AudiBG.jpg as background 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'leadbridge' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Loyalty Event RSVP'), 'prestigecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Prestige Chrysler', 'address' => '6520 Centennial Center Blvd, Las Vegas', 'phone' => '(877) 249-7567', 'website' => 'www.prestigechryslerjeepdodge.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('rennier@towbinauto.com','prestigechryslerjeepdodge@eleadtrack.net','jasonjeffers92@yahoo.com','docdma@yahoo.com','landersen@towbinauto.com'), 'eventID' => '13220', 'eventDate'=>'January 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Private Sale RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:raceway'=>array( 'name'=>'Raceway Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'150 Rexdale Boulevard West, Toronto', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'416-743-9900', 'website'=>'www.racewaychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('ikovacevic@racewaychrysler.com','anabtiti@racewaychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11899', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'dickscottchryslercrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Dick Scott CDJR', 'address' => '684 Ann Arbor Road West, Plymouth', 'phone' => '877-333-2052', 'website' => 'www.dickscottdodge.net', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('ericroundy@dickscott.com'), 'eventID' => '13565', 'eventDate'=>'January 15th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 Oil Change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'dickhuvaerecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Dick Huvaere\'s Richmond', 'address' => '67567 South Main Street, Richmond', 'phone' => '586-727-7577', 'website' => 'www.driveenvy.com', 'emails' => array('ttessmer@huvaere.com'), 'region' => 'US', 'eventID' => '9358', 'eventDate'=>'January 13<sup>th</sup> & 16<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Purchase a new vehicle during this event and receive <span style="color:red">a FREE LCD FLAT SCREEN TV</span>!!!</font></b>', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Private Sale RSVP'), 'performancecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Performance Chrysler Jeep Dodge', 'address' => '1130 Auto Mall Drive, Columbus', 'phone' => '888-248-0671', 'website' => 'www.columbuscjd.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('dseibert@performancecdj.com'), 'eventID' => '13566', 'eventDate'=>'January 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Private Sale RSVP'), 'vernonpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Vernon Dodge', 'address' => '4607 - 27 Street , Vernon', 'phone' => '250-545-2261', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'vernondodge.com', 'emails' => array('dan@vernondodge.com'), 'eventID' => '13169', 'eventDate'=>'January 17th & 18th', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$12,500', 'consumerCash' => '$10,845', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'earnhardttoyotadeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Earnhardt Toyota', 'address'=>'6136 East Auto Loop Avenue, Mesa', 'phone'=>'1-888-574-7788', 'website'=>'www.earnhardttoyota.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('joe.masiello@earnhardt.com'), 'eventID'=>'12791', 'eventDate'=>'January 31 to 1', 'eventTime' => 'none', 'voucher' => 'Toyota', 'brand' => 'Toyota', 'campaign' => 'Toyota Private Sale RSVP', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'no'), 'parkerspaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Parker\'s Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Parkers', 'address'=>'1765 Main Street, Penticton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-492-2839', 'website'=>'www.parkerschrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('rickyo@parkerschrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '13392', 'eventDate'=>'January 10th & 11th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', //NO BLACKBOOK! PARKERS HAS CUSTOM FORM 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:dixie'=>array( 'name'=>'Dixie Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'8050 Dixie Road, Brampton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-452-1000', 'website'=>'www.dixiechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('hughbrennan@choosebrennan.com'), 'eventID'=>'12061', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'trademykeys.com:team'=>array( 'name'=>'Team Chrysler', 'brand' => 'TradeMyKeys', 'address'=>'777 Bancroft Drive, Mississauga', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-819-0001', 'website'=>'www.teamchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('gnikitopoulos@teamchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11831', 'eventDate'=>'January 29th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'kiaofprincealbertsavings.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Kia of Prince Albert', 'address'=>'215 38 St E, Prince Albert', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(306) 764-3933', 'website'=>'www.kiaofpa.com', 'emails'=> array('neillw@kiaofpa.com'), 'eventID'=>'10863', 'eventDate'=>'October 30', 'voucher' => 'KIA-500', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => '$200 off protection packages & $200 off extended warranties', 'brand' => 'KIA', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'KIA Sales Event RSVP'), 'brightoncrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Brighton Chrysler', 'address' => '9827 East Grand River, Brighton', 'phone' => '810-229-4100', 'website' => 'www.brightonchrysler.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('mritz@brightonchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '11008', 'eventDate'=>'October 30', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a COUPON for a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Private Sale RSVP'), 'fallfordtradeevent.com:timberland'=>array( 'name'=>'Timberland Ford Inc.', 'address'=>'445 Algonquin Blvd. West, Timmins', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'705-268-3673', 'website'=>'timberland.dealerconnection.com', 'emails'=> array('mg@autonorth.com','clayton@autonorth.com'), 'eventID'=>'10438', 'eventDate'=>'November 1 & 2', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'campaign' => 'Ford Sales Event RSVP'), 'goodwincrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Goodwin Bros Auto Co. Inc', 'address' => '250 Broad St, New Castle', 'phone' => '765-529-3780', 'website' => 'www.goodwinbrosauto.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('jsmith@goodwinauto.com '), 'eventID' => '10915', 'eventDate'=>'November 1 to 2', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a COUPON for a $19.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Chrysler Private Sale RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:kawartha' => array( 'name' => 'Kawartha Chrysler', 'address' => '1515 Lansdowne Street W, Peterborough', 'phone' => '705-741-5766', 'website' => 'www.kawarthachrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('kevin@kawarthachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11746', 'eventDate'=>'December 6th & 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:kawartha'=>array( 'name'=>'Kawartha Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'1515 Lansdowne Street W, Peterborough', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'705-741-5766', 'website'=>'www.kawarthachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('kevin@kawarthachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11747', 'eventDate'=>'December 17th & 18th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:sevenview' => array( 'name' => 'Seven View Chrysler', 'address' => '2685 Highway #7 West, Concord', 'phone' => '888-379-8791', 'website' => 'www.sevenviewchrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('mmagarelli@sevenviewchrysler.com','joe@sevenviewchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'10319', 'eventDate'=>'December 13 to 14', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:sevenview'=>array( 'name'=>'Seven View Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'2685 Highway #7 West, Concord', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-669-5050', 'website'=>'www.sevenviewchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('mmagarelli@sevenviewchrysler.com','joe@sevenviewchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11500', 'eventDate'=>'December 27th & 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:steinbach' => array( 'name' => 'Steinbach Dodge', 'address' => '208 Main Street, Steinbach', 'phone' => '204-326-4461', 'website' => 'www.steinbachdodge.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('ed.goertzen@steinbachdodge.com','robertd@steinbachdodge.com'), 'eventID' => '9747', 'eventDate' => 'October 25 to 26', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:steinbach'=>array( 'name'=>'Steinbach Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'208 Main Street, Steinbach', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-326-4461', 'website'=>'www.steinbachdodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('ed.goertzen@steinbachdodge.com','robertd@steinbachdodge.com','beverly.friesen@steinbachdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11089', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT valued at $45', 'bonus' => 'a FREE GIFT valued up to $1,200', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:sundridge' => array( 'name' => 'Mac Lang Sundridge', 'address' => '78 Main Street, Sundridge', 'phone' => '705-384-5352', 'website' => 'www.maclang.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('mark@maclang.ca'), 'eventID' => '10551', 'eventDate' => 'October 18 to 19', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:sundridge'=>array( 'name'=>'Mac Lang Sundridge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'78 Main Street, Sundridge', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'705-384-5352', 'website'=>'www.maclang.ca', 'emails'=> array('mark@maclang.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10947', 'eventDate'=>'December 13 to 14', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:northyork' => array( 'name' => 'North York Chrysler', 'address' => '7200 Yonge Street, Thornhill', 'phone' => '(888) 394-5933', 'website' => 'www.northyorkchrysler.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('sean.bateni@northyorkchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'7852', 'eventDate'=>'December 6th & 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:northyork'=>array( 'name'=>'North York Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'7200 Yonge Street, Thornhill', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(888) 394-5933', 'website'=>'www.northyorkchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('sean.bateni@northyorkchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'7853', 'eventDate'=>'December 20 & 21', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:scottcampbell' => array( 'name' => 'Scott Campbell Dodge', 'address' => '3042 99 St Highway 4 North, North Battleford', 'phone' => '306-445-6640', 'website' => 'www.scottcampbelldodge.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('darlene@scottcampbelldodge.com'), 'eventID' => '9859', 'eventDate' => 'October 25', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:norlan' => array( 'name' => 'Nor-Lan Chrysler', 'address' => '12517 100 Street, Grande Prairie', 'phone' => '780-539-5200', 'website' => 'www.norlanchrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('brenan@norlanchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '9607', 'eventDate' => 'October 25 to 26', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:norlan'=>array( 'name'=>'Nor-Lan Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'12517 100 Street, Grande Prairie', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-539-5200', 'website'=>'www.norlanchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('brenan@norlanchrysler.com','stevenb@norlanchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'10974', 'eventDate'=>'December 27th & 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:coldlake' => array( 'name' => 'Cold Lake Chrysler', 'address' => '4802 50 Street, Cold Lake', 'phone' => '780-594-2277', 'website' => 'www.coldlakechrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('mark@coldlakechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11039', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">First 100 customers to purchase during November & December will be entered into a draw for a <span style="color:red">HOT TUB</span> !!</font></b><BR />', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:billhowich' => array( 'name' => 'Bill Howich Chrysler', 'address' => '2777 North Island Highway , Campbell River', 'phone' => '250-287-9555', 'website' => 'www.billhowichchrysler.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('bnagy@billhowich.com','ssomerset@billhowichchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '9845', 'eventDate' => 'October 25 to 26', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beselfishevent.ca:billhowich'=>array( 'name'=>'Bill Howich Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'2777 North Island Highway , Campbell River', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-287-9555', 'website'=>'www.billhowichchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('ssomerset@billhowichchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11414', 'eventDate'=>'December 20 & 21', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:stpaul' => array( 'name' => 'St. Paul Dodge', 'address' => '4014 50 Avenue, St. Paul', 'phone' => '1-888-801-1505 ', 'website' => 'www.stpauldodge.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('avandenhoven@stpauldodge.com','aabbas@stpauldodge.com'), 'eventID' => '10056', 'eventDate' => 'October 4-5', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:deanmyers' => array( 'name' => 'Dean Myers Chrysler', 'address' => '150 Weber Street S, Waterloo', 'phone' => '1-877-741-7953', 'website' => 'www.waterloododge.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('jglenfield@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'11364', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s gift card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">The first five buyers on December 11th will receive a <span style="color:red">9" Tablet</span> and every purchaser during the event will be entered to win a <span style="color:red">40" 1080P LED TV</span> !!</font></b><BR />', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:deanmyers'=>array( 'name'=>'Dean Myers Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'150 Weber Street S, Waterloo', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1-877-741-7953', 'website'=>'www.waterloododge.com', 'emails'=> array('jglenfield@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'11365', 'eventDate'=>'December 27th & 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:thompson' => array( 'name' => 'Thompson Chrysler', 'address' => '40 Station Road, Thompson', 'phone' => '1 (888) 461-9266', 'website' => 'www.tchrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('tcsales@mts.net'), 'eventID' => '6120', 'eventDate' => 'October 11 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:thompson'=>array( 'name'=>'Thompson Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'40 Station Road, Thompson', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 461-9266', 'website'=>'www.tchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('tcsales@mts.net'), 'eventID'=>'12181', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:oakville' => array( 'name' => 'Oakville Chrysler', 'address' => '270 Oak Park Boulevard, Oakville', 'phone' => '905-845-4211', 'website' => 'www.oakvillechrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('gnimeck@oakvilledodge.com'), 'eventID' => '7835', 'eventDate' => 'October 11 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:airdrie' => array( 'name' => 'Airdrie Dodge', 'address' => '139 East Lake Crescent NE, Airdrie ', 'phone' => '403-948-2600', 'website' => 'www.airdriechrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('dale@airdriechrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '9882', 'eventDate' => 'October 22 to 23', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:airdrie'=>array( 'name'=>'Airdrie Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'139 East Lake Crescent NE, Airdrie ', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-948-2600', 'website'=>'www.airdriechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dale@airdriechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11173', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:dodgecity' => array( 'name' => 'Dodge City Auto', 'address' => '2200 Eighth Street East, Saskatoon', 'phone' => '306-374-2120', 'website' => 'www.dodgecityauto.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('kevins@dodgecityauto.com'), 'eventID' => '9839', 'eventDate' => 'October 23 to 24', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a Walmart Card worth up to $100 dollars', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:dodgecity'=>array( 'name'=>'Dodge City Auto', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'2200 Eighth Street East, Saskatoon', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-374-2120', 'website'=>'www.dodgecityauto.com', 'emails'=> array('kevins@dodgecityauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11121', 'eventDate'=>'December 20th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:bluemountain' => array( 'name' => 'Blue Mountain Chrysler', 'address' => '9950 Beachwood Road, Collingwood', 'phone' => '705-445-2740', 'website' => 'www.bluemountainchrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('jamieb@bluemountainchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '10423', 'eventDate' => 'October 23', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:performance' => array( 'name' => 'Performance Chrysler', 'address' => '357 Ontario Street, St. Catharines', 'phone' => '905-688-2802', 'website' => 'www.performancechrysler.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('cdaiken@performancechrysler.ca','dpretty@performancechrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10154', 'eventDate'=>'November 26 & 27', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'blank', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">All who purchase a vehicle on November 26th or 27th will qualify for a chance to win a <span style="color:red">50" TV</span> !!</font></b><BR />', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:performance'=>array( 'name'=>'Performance Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'357 Ontario Street, St. Catharines', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-688-2802', 'website'=>'www.performancechrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('cdaiken@performancechrysler.ca','dpretty@performancechrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10860', 'eventDate'=>'December 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:ponoka' => array( 'name' => 'Ponoka Chrysler', 'address' => '6510 - 39 Avenue Hwy 2A South, Ponoka', 'phone' => '(403) 783-5383', 'website' => 'www.ponokachrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('dbrown@ponokachrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '9872', 'eventDate' => 'October 18 to 19', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:ponoka'=>array( 'name'=>'Ponoka Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'6510 - 39 Avenue Hwy 2A South, Ponoka', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(403) 783-5383', 'website'=>'www.ponokachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dbrown@ponokachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11114', 'eventDate'=>'November 15', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:tripleseven' => array( 'name' => 'Triple Seven Chrysler', 'address' => '700 Broad Street, Regina', 'phone' => '306-522-2222', 'website' => 'www.triplesevenchrysler.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('smm@triplesevenchrysler.ca'), 'eventID' => '9934', 'eventDate' => 'October 23', 'voucher' => 'Oct23-777', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a $25 FORTUNA gift card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:windsor' => array( 'name' => 'Windsor Chrysler', 'address' => '10380 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor', 'phone' => '519-979-9900', 'website' => 'www.windsorchrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('mhogue@windsorchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '10070', 'eventDate' => 'October 11 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a FREE Gift', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:windsor'=>array( 'name'=>'Windsor Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'10380 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-979-9900', 'website'=>'www.windsorchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('mhogue@windsorchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11599', 'eventDate'=>'December 17th & 18th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'up to $1500 HOLIDAY BONUS CASH', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:columbia' => array( 'name' => 'Columbia Chrysler', 'address' => '5840 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond', 'phone' => '604-273-8018 ', 'website' => 'www.columbiachrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('Jglasgow@columbiachrysler.com','lgelech@columbiachrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '9901', 'eventDate' => 'October 25 to 26', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:eagleriver' => array( 'name' => 'Eagle River Chrysler', 'address' => '3315 Caxton Street, Whitecourt', 'phone' => '780-778-2844', 'website' => 'www.eagleriver.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('mikemcsorley@eagleriver.ca'), 'eventID' => '9822', 'eventDate' => 'October 8-9', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a chance to WIN a New Artic Cat Mountain Sled', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:eagleriver'=>array( 'name'=>'Eagle River Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'3315 Caxton Street, Whitecourt', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-778-2844', 'website'=>'www.eagleriver.ca', 'emails'=> array('mikemcsorley@eagleriver.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11163', 'eventDate'=>'December 10th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:eagle river'=>array( 'name'=>'Eagle River Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'3315 Caxton Street, Whitecourt', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-778-2844', 'website'=>'www.eagleriver.ca', 'emails'=> array('mikemcsorley@eagleriver.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11163', 'eventDate'=>'December 10th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beselfishevent.ca:woodgrove' => array( 'name' => 'Woodgrove Chrysler', 'address' => '6800 Island Highway North, Nanaimo', 'phone' => '250-390-3030', 'website' => 'www.woodgrovechrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('andrewheys@shaw.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11269', 'eventDate'=>'December 20th & 21st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beselfishevent.ca:nanaimo'=>array( 'name'=>'Nanaimo Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'4170 Wellington Road, Nanaimo', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-758-1191', 'website'=>'www.nanaimochryslerdealer.com', 'emails'=> array('bneal@nanaimochrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11161', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:connell' => array( 'name' => 'Connell Chrysler', 'address' => '1051 Brooklyn Street, Middleton', 'phone' => '902-825-3471', 'website' => 'connellchryslerdodge.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('chris.fowler@ns.sympatico.ca'), 'eventID'=>'9780', 'eventDate'=>'December 12, 13 to 14', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a FREE ROBINS Gift Card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:anderson' => array( 'name' => 'Anderson Motors', 'address' => '3333 6th Avenue East , Prince Albert', 'phone' => '306-765-3000', 'website' => 'www.andersonmotors.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('djjones.aml@sasktel.net'), 'eventID' => '10900', 'eventDate' => 'NOW and until October 31', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'andersonOct', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:scarborotown' => array( 'name' => 'Scarborotown Chrysler', 'address' => '4960 Sheppard Avenue E, Scarborough', 'phone' => '416-298-7600', 'website' => 'www.scarborotown.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('lance@scarborotown.com'), 'eventID'=>'8707', 'eventDate'=>'December 27th & 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:niagara' => array( 'name' => 'Niagara Chrysler', 'address' => '4421 Drummond Road, Niagara Falls', 'phone' => '905-357-7378', 'website' => 'www.niagarachrysler.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('andrewpage@niagarachrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11136', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a $25 FUEL CARD', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:knight'=>array( 'name'=>'Knight Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'208 Cheadle St West, Swift Current', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-773-9301', 'website'=>'www.knightdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('joelcourchaine@knightdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13445', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:knight' => array( 'name' => 'Knight Dodge', 'address' => '208 Cheadle St West, Swift Current', 'phone' => '306-773-9301', 'website' => 'www.knightdodge.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('joelcourchaine@knightdodge.com'), 'eventID' => '9986', 'eventDate' => 'October 25 to 26', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:knight'=>array( 'name'=>'Knight Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'208 Cheadle St West, Swift Current', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-773-9301', 'website'=>'www.knightdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('joelcourchaine@knightdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11532', 'eventDate'=>'this week only', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:pickering' => array( 'name' => 'Pickering Chrysler', 'address' => '920 Kingston Road, Pickering', 'phone' => '(416) 477-1107', 'website' => 'www.pickeringchrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('rdodds@pickeringchrysler.com','khabib@pickeringchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11378', 'eventDate'=>'November 9, 11 & 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:pickering'=>array( 'name'=>'Pickering Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'920 Kingston Road, Pickering', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(416) 477-1107', 'website'=>'www.pickeringchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('rdodds@pickeringchrysler.com','khabib@pickeringchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'12889', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'southridgepaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Southridge Chrysler', 'address' => '12 Southridge Drive, Okotoks', 'phone' => '403-938-3636', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.southridgechrysler.com', 'emails' => array('info@southridgechrysler.com','accounting@southridgechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13535', 'eventDate'=>'January 10th & 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:summerside' => array( 'name' => 'Summerside Chrysler', 'address' => '3 Water Street, Summerside', 'phone' => '902-436-9141', 'website' => 'www.summersidechrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('brody@summersidechrysler.pe.ca'), 'eventID'=>'5326', 'eventDate'=>'December 4th to 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:nipawin'=>array( 'name'=>'Nipawin Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'301 1st ave W, Nipawin', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'888-712-1001', 'website'=>'www.nipawinchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('nipawin.chrysler@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'13390', 'eventDate'=>'January 15th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:rainbow' => array( 'name' => 'Rainbow Chrysler', 'address' => '1105 Chamberlin Avenue, Prince Rupert', 'phone' => '250-624-8200', 'website' => 'www.rainbowchrysler.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('bmusgrave@rainbowchrysler.ca'), 'eventID' => '9736', 'eventDate' => 'October 18 to 19', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beselfishevent.ca:rainbow'=>array( 'name'=>'Rainbow Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'1105 Chamberlin Avenue, Prince Rupert', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-624-8200', 'website'=>'www.rainbowchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('bmusgrave@rainbowchrysler.ca','jpurdy@rainbowchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10922', 'eventDate'=>'this week only', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:winnipeg' => array( 'name' => 'Winnipeg Dodge', 'address' => '90-3965 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg', 'phone' => '204-774-4444', 'website' => 'www.winnipegdodge.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('dsacco@winnipegdodgejeep.com'), 'eventID' => '9823', 'eventDate' => 'October 10 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:winnipeg'=>array( 'name'=>'Winnipeg Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'90-3965 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-774-4444', 'website'=>'www.winnipegdodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('dsacco@winnipegdodgejeep.com'), 'eventID'=>'11001', 'eventDate'=>'December 16, 17 & 18', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s card', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:kootenay' => array( 'name' => 'Kootenay Chrysler', 'address' => '8278 Highway 3B, Trail', 'phone' => '250-368-8295', 'website' => 'www.kootenaychrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('gary@kootenaychrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '9725', 'eventDate' => 'October 11 to 12', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift' => 'none', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'All Out Clear Out Event'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:keswick'=>array( 'name'=>'S & B Keswick', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'475 The Queensway South, Keswick', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-476-3111', 'website'=>'www.sbkeswick.com', 'emails'=> array('jim@sbkeswick.com'), 'eventID'=>'13357', 'eventDate'=>'January 21 & 22', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:georgetown'=>array( 'name'=>'Georgetown Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'336 Guelph Street, Georgetown', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 239-0651', 'website'=>'www.georgetownchryslerdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('cwiddess@georgetownchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11926', 'eventDate'=>'January 16th, 17th & 18th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:bustard'=>array( 'name'=>'Bustard Chrysler - Waterloo', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'575 Davenport Road, Waterloo', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-884-5888', 'website'=>'www.bustard.com', 'emails'=> array('bill@bustard.com'), 'eventID'=>'12687', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:londoncity'=>array( 'name'=>'London City Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1345 Driver Lane, London', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-659-2489', 'website'=>'www.londoncitychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('mrothwell@londoncitychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'12520', 'eventDate'=>'January 28th & 29th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:amherst'=>array( 'name'=>'Amherst Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'69 South Albion Street, Amherst', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'902-667-1500', 'website'=>'www.amherstchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('mike@amherstchrysler.com','john@amherstchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13462', 'eventDate'=>'January 23rd and 24th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:regency'=>array( 'name'=>'Regency Chrysler Quesnel', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'259 McLean Street, Quesnel', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-992-9293', 'website'=>'www.regencychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('evelynbouchard@regencychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13479', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Hortons Tim Card', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:leduc'=>array( 'name'=>'Leduc Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'6102 46A Street, Leduc', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-986-2051', 'website'=>'www.leducchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('cbarkway@leducchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'12724', 'eventDate'=>'January 21st & 22nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'stonyplainpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Stony Plain Chrysler', 'address' => '4004 - 51st Street, Stony Plain', 'phone' => '1-888-245-0144', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.stonyplainchrysler.ca', 'emails' => array('jesse@stonyplainchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '12176', 'eventDate'=>'January 21st & 22nd', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,500', 'consumerCash' => '$8,500', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:fortcity'=>array( 'name'=>'Fort City Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'8424 Alaska Road, Fort St John', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-787-5220', 'website'=>'www.fortcitychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('jodie@fortcitychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13478', 'eventDate'=>'January 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:moncton'=>array( 'name'=>'Moncton Chrysler', 'address'=>'1365 Mountain Road, Moncton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'506-857-3939', 'website'=>'www.monctonchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('tcarson@monctonchrysler.com','kgreen@monctonchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11373', 'eventDate'=>'December 9th to 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', //'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Thank you for registering for the Moncton Chrysler Caravan Blowout Sale!! See you Wednesday November 13th and don\'t forget to bring your ballot for your chance to win a prize from our <span style="color:red">FAMOUS "Prize Mountain"</span> !!!</font><BR></b>', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:moncton'=>array( 'name'=>'Moncton Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'1365 Mountain Road, Moncton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'506-857-3939', 'website'=>'www.monctonchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('tcarson@monctonchrysler.com','kgreen@monctonchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11374', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:atlantic'=>array( 'name'=>'Atlantic Dodge', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'610 Westville Road, New Glasgow', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 544-4033', 'website'=>'www.atlanticdodgechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('cbarrett@atlanticdodge.ca'), 'eventID'=>'6052', 'eventDate'=>'November 5 & 6', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'atlanticpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Atlantic Dodge', 'address' => '610 Westville Road, New Glasgow', 'phone' => '1 (888) 544-4033', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.atlanticdodgechrysler.com', 'emails' => array('cbarrett@atlanticdodge.ca'), 'eventID' => '6051', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:chatham'=>array( 'name'=>'Chatham Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'351 Richmond Street, Chatham', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-352-4937', 'website'=>'www.chathamchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('mherder@chathamchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11316', 'eventDate'=>'November 8 & 9', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beselfishevent.ca:columbia'=>array( 'name'=>'Columbia Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'5840 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'604-273-8018 ', 'website'=>'www.columbiachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('leon@columbiachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11182', 'eventDate'=>'November 22 to 23', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:southbank'=>array( 'name'=>'Southbank Dodge', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'1255 Johnston Road, Ottawa', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'613-731-1970', 'website'=>'www.southbank.ca', 'emails'=> array('cchenier@southbank.ca'), 'eventID'=>'7660', 'eventDate'=>'November 7 to 10', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:chenier'=>array( 'name'=>'Chenier Motors Ltd.', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'1276 Riverside Drive, Timmins', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'705-264-9528', 'website'=>'www.cheniermotors.com', 'emails'=> array('kara@nt.net'), 'eventID'=>'10367', 'eventDate'=>'November 19 & 20', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:scottcampbell'=>array( 'name'=>'Scott Campbell Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'3042 99 St Highway 4 North, North Battleford', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-445-6640', 'website'=>'www.scottcampbelldodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('darlene@scottcampbelldodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11051', 'eventDate'=>'December 20th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'blank', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Purchase a new vehicle before Christmas and receive <span style="color:red">a Present (TV\'s, Game Consoles, 3D DVD PLAYERS...)</span> !!</font></b>', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beselfishevent.ca:langley'=>array( 'name'=>'Langley Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'19418 Langley Bypass, Surrey', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'604-534-5355', 'website'=>'www.langleychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@langleychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'10873', 'eventDate'=>'December 26th to 31st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:lethbridge'=>array( 'name'=>'Lethbridge Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'2324 5th Avenue North, Lethbridge', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-329-4455', 'website'=>'www.lethbridgedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('cps@lethbridgedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'10890', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:blaikies'=>array( 'name'=>'Blaikies Dodge', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'28 Waddell Street, Truro', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (888) 845-4236', 'website'=>'www.blaikies.com', 'emails'=> array('jmacneil@blaikies.ns.ca','emuckle@blaikies.ns.ca'), 'eventID'=>'6053', 'eventDate'=>'November 7 & 8', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'blaikiespaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Blaikies Dodge', 'address' => '28 Waddell Street, Truro', 'phone' => '1 (888) 845-4236', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.blaikies.com', 'emails' => array('emuckle@blaikies.ns.ca'), 'eventID' => '6050', 'eventDate'=>'December 10th & 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:legacy'=>array( 'name'=>'Legacy Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'324 Gregoire Drive, Fort McMurray', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-790-9000', 'website'=>'www.legacydodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('troy@legacydodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'10886', 'eventDate'=>'December 27th & 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:legacy'=>array( 'name'=>'Legacy Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'324 Gregoire Drive, Fort McMurray', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-790-9000', 'website'=>'www.legacydodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('troy@legacydodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12936', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:provincial'=>array( 'name'=>'Provincial Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'1001 Provincial Road, Windsor', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-250-5500', 'website'=>'www.provincialchryslerdealer.com', 'emails'=> array('jskelton@provincialchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11084', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'bowmelpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Bow-Mel Chrysler', 'address' => '461 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan', 'phone' => '250-748-8144', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.bow-melchrysler.com', 'emails' => array('andre@bowmel.com '), 'eventID' => '9863', 'eventDate'=>'November 27', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', 'consumerCash' => '$14,750', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'davedenniscrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Dave Dennis Chrysler Jeep Dodge', 'address' => '4232 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton', 'phone' => '937-429-5566', 'website' => 'www.davedennis.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('jdennis@davedennis.com'), 'eventID' => '9964', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'an $18.99 OIL CHANGE', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'eastsidepaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Eastside Dodge', 'address' => '815 36 Street NE, Calgary', 'phone' => '403-273-4313', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.eastsidedodge.com', 'emails' => array('bwalker@eastsidedodge.com','rolinger@eastsidedodge.com'), 'eventID' => '11170', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'bonus2txt' => 'HOLIDAY BONUS CASH', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$14,000', 'bonus1txt' => 'IN SAVINGS', 'consumerCash' => '$1,500', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:notman'=>array( 'name'=>'Notman Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'2205 Vincent Massey Drive, Cornwall', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'613-938-0934', 'website'=>'www.notmanchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('notmansales@cogeco.net'), 'eventID'=>'10301', 'eventDate'=>'December 10th & 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s card', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'notmanpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Notman Chrysler', 'address' => '2205 Vincent Massey Drive, Cornwall', 'phone' => '613-938-0934', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.notmanchrysler.com', 'emails' => array('notmansales@cogeco.net'), 'eventID' => '10300', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', 'consumerCash' => '$9,250', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:derrick'=>array( 'name'=>'Derrick Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'6211 104 Street NW, Edmonton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-435-3611', 'website'=>'www.derrickdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('mvigfusson@derrickdodge.com','bgarcia@derrickdodge.com','upgrade@derrickdodge.com','phall@derrickdodge.com','jpulyk@derrickdodge.com','rbunes@derrickdodge.com','wtaylor@derrickdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'5990', 'eventDate'=>'December 19th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'ontariochryslervipevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Ontario Chrysler', 'brand' => 'ChryslerVIP', 'address'=>'5280 Dixie Road, Mississauga', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-625-8801', 'website'=>'www.ontariochrysler.net', 'emails'=> array('dpozzobon@ontariochrysler.net'), 'eventID'=>'10604', 'eventDate'=>'November 8 & 9', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'VIP Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:ontario'=>array( 'name'=>'Ontario Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'5280 Dixie Road, Mississauga', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-625-8801', 'website'=>'www.ontariochrysler.net', 'emails'=> array('dpozzobon@ontariochrysler.net'), 'eventID'=>'10608', 'eventDate'=>'December 4th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', //'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Purchase a vehicle on November 27th and receive a <span style="color:red">$200 VISA GIFT CARD</span> !!</font><BR></b>', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:redwater'=>array( 'name'=>'Redwater Dodge', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'4716 48th Ave, Redwater', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (877) 801-1765', 'website'=>'www.redwaterdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('david@redwaterdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'10061', 'eventDate'=>'October 22 & 23', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:redwater'=>array( 'name'=>'Redwater Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'P.O. Box 407 - 4716 48th Ave, Redwater', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (877) 801-1765', 'website'=>'www.redwaterdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('david@redwaterdodge.com','jayfink@redwaterdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'10662', 'eventDate'=>'December 6th & 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'redwaterpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Redwater Dodge', 'address' => '4716 48th Ave, Redwater', 'phone' => '(780) 942-3629', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.redwaterdodge.com', 'emails' => array('david@redwaterdodge.com','jayfink@redwaterdodge.com'), 'eventID' => '10663', 'eventDate'=>'December 20 to 21', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'bonus1txt' => 'HOLIDAY BONUS CASH', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,500', 'bonus2txt' => 'CHRISTMAS CASH', 'consumerCash' => '$10,000', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:sherwood'=>array( 'name'=>'Sherwood Park Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'230 Provincial Avenue, Sherwood Park', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-410-4100', 'website'=>'www.sherwoodparkdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('alanw@spdodge.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13298', 'eventDate'=>'January 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:sherwood'=>array( 'name'=>'Sherwood Park Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'230 Provincial Avenue, Sherwood Park', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-410-4100', 'website'=>'www.sherwoodparkdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('alanw@spdodge.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10968', 'eventDate'=>'November 30th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), //'lexusdowntownprivatesale.com'=>array( Dealership cannot use the words PRIVATE SALE -we are using loyaltyevent.com instead (Patrick, Nov 7) 'lexusdowntownloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Lexus Downtown', 'address'=>'740 Dundas St. East, Toronto', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (866) 980-6279', 'website'=>'www.lexusdowntown.ca', 'emails'=> array('clina@lexusdowntown.ca'), //'emails'=> array('dave@absoluteresults.com'), 'eventID'=>'11643', 'eventDate'=>'November 15 & 16', 'voucher' => 'no', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'brand' => 'LexusDowntown', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'brantfordsavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Brantford Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'463 Powerline Road, Brantford', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-751-2171', 'website'=>'www.brantfordhyundai.ca', 'emails'=> array('jshoots@brantfordhyundai.ca','jperritt@brantfordhyundai.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11247', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'calgaryhyundaisavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Calgary Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'1920 23 Street NE, Calgary', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-250-9990', 'website'=>'www.calgaryhyundai.com', 'emails'=> array('dlee@calgaryhyundai.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10678', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'southpointepaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'South Pointe Toyota', 'address' => '11500 35 Street SE , Calgary', 'phone' => '(403) 567-8888', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.southpointetoyota.com', 'emails' => array('bschmidt@southpointetoyota.com'), 'eventID' => '11361', 'eventDate'=>'November 14 & 15', 'voucher' => 'ToyotaPaymentMatch', //'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', 'consumerCash' => '$12,000', // Consumer Cash amount on voucher 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'brand' => 'Toyota', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'kitchenerhyundaisavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Kitchener Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'44 Alpine Road, Kitchener', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(519) 742-4400', 'website'=>'www.kitchenerhyundai.com', 'emails'=> array('otcevent@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'10897', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'winnipegdodgeupgrade.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Winnipeg Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'90-3965 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-774-4444', 'website'=>'www.winnipegdodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('dsacco@winnipegdodgejeep.com'), 'eventID'=>'11000', 'eventDate'=>'November 25 - 27', 'voucher' => 'Dodge-400', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:greatwest'=>array( 'name'=>'Great West Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'17817 Stony Plain Road NW, Edmonton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-483-5337', 'website'=>'www.greatwestchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('roy@greatwestchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'10924', 'eventDate'=>'December 10th & 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'gollingcrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Golling Chrysler', 'address' => '2405 S Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills', 'phone' => '248-334-3600', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.gollingchryslerjeepdodge.com', 'emails' => array('mattgodfrey@golling.com'), 'eventID' => '10635', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'odanielcrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'O\'Daniel Chrysler Dodge Jeep', 'address' => '5611 Illinois Rd, Fort Wayne', 'phone' => '260-435-5330', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.odanielauto.com', 'emails' => array('rkarr@odanielauto.com'), 'eventID' => '11607', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a SPECIAL GIFT', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'adamsjeeployaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Adams Jeep of Maryland Inc.', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'3485 Churchville Road, Aberdeen', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'410-734-6855', 'website'=>'www.adamsjeepofmaryland.com', 'emails'=> array('adamssteve2003@yahoo.com'), 'eventID'=>'11404', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'donwhitecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Don Whites Timonium Chrysler', 'address' => '10300 York Road, Cockeysville', 'phone' => '410-666-9600', 'website' => 'www.donwhites.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('mcampagna@donwhites.com'), 'eventID' => '11496', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a $10.00 WALMART CARD', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'keenecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Keene Dodge Chrysler Jeep', 'address' => '3707 Norrisville Road, Jarrettsville', 'phone' => '410-557-7127', 'website' => 'www.keenedodge.net', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('mbaldwin@keenedodge.com'), 'eventID' => '11504', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 Oil Change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'wyattarpcrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Wyatt Arp CDJ Inc', 'address' => '1550 W Kingsbury, Seguin', 'phone' => '(830) 372-3444', 'website' => 'www.wyattarp.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('marketing@wyattarp.com'), 'eventID' => '11234', 'eventDate'=>'November 15 & 16', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 Oil Change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'stratfordhyundaisavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Stratford Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'640 Lorne Avenue East, Stratford', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-271-9227', 'website'=>'www.stratfordhyundai.com', 'emails'=> array('msnider@stratfordhyundai.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13457', 'eventDate'=>'January 17<sup>th</sup> & 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'gift' => 'blank', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'classicmazdacrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Classic Mazda of Denton', 'address' => '4984 South Interstate 35E, Denton', 'phone' => ' (800) 336-8664', 'website' => 'www.classicmazdaofdenton.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('rwick@classicofdenton.com'), 'eventID' => '11267', 'eventDate'=>'November 16', 'voucher' => 'Mazda', 'brand' => 'Mazda', 'gift' => '$10.00 off your oil change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'cvhyundaisavings.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Cooksville Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'300 Dundas Street E, Mississauga', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(905) 279-8999', 'website'=>'www.cooksvillehyundai.com', 'emails'=> array('msalvian@cooksvillehyundai.com'), 'eventID'=>'11418', 'eventDate'=>'November 16', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'donnellyloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Donnelly Ford Lincoln', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'address'=>'2496 Bank Street, Ottawa', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'613-260-6087<br />Phil Torrinha', 'website'=>'www.donnellyford.com', 'emails'=> array('ptorrinha@tdag.ca'), 'eventID'=>'9259', 'eventDate'=>'November 16', 'voucher' => 'Ford', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'expresswaycrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Expressway Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram', 'address' => '5531 E. Indiana Street, Evansville', 'phone' => '888 508-6421', 'website' => 'www.expresswaydodge.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('tacuff@expresswaydodge.com'), 'eventID' => '11004', 'eventDate'=>'November 16', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', //SETS ChryslerTitle.png as title and ChryslerBG.jpg as background 'gift' => 'a Starbucks Gift Card', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'lauriasavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Lauria Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'50 Benson Court, Port Hope', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-885-8154', 'website'=>'www.lauriahyundai.com', 'emails'=> array('bud.lauria@lauria.ca','gabe.sanint@lauria.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10477', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'gift' => 'A COUPON FOR A $19.99 OIL CHANGE', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'hoffmancrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Hoffman Chrysler Jeep Dodge', 'address' => '171 South Edgewood Drive, Hagerstown', 'phone' => '301-733-1414', 'website' => 'www.hoffmanchryslerjeepdodge.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('dweng@hoffmanautomotive.com'), 'eventID' => '11647', 'eventDate'=>'November 16', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'gift' => 'A COUPON FOR A $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:edmonton'=>array( 'name'=>'Capital Jeep (Edmonton)', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'1311 101 Street SW, Edmonton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-435-4711', 'website'=>'www.capitaljeep.com', 'emails'=> array('ssumner@capitaljeep.com'), 'eventID'=>'11165', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'stolercrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Len Stoler Dodge Chrysler Jeep', 'address' => '1001 Baltimore Blvd Westminster, Westminster', 'phone' => '410-876-8800', 'website' => 'www.lenstoler.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('eschoenfield@lenstoler.com'), 'eventID' => '11649', 'eventDate'=>'November 16', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', //SETS ChryslerTitle.png as title and ChryslerBG.jpg as background 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'gift' => 'a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'pinckneycrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Pinckney Chrysler', 'address' => '1295 East M36, Pinckney', 'phone' => '734-878-3154', 'website' => 'www.pinckneychrysler.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('dblack@pinckneychrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '11623', 'eventDate'=>'November 16', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', //SETS ChryslerTitle.png as title and ChryslerBG.jpg as background 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'millerscrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Miller\'s Chrysler Jeep Dodge', 'address' => '48 Kelly Island road, Martinsburg', 'phone' => '304-263-8821', 'website' => 'www.millerschryslerjeep.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('aholbook@drivemiller.com'), 'eventID' => '12009', 'eventDate'=>'January 11th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'woodstockprivatesalesevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Woodstock Ford Sales Ltd.', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'address'=>'1403 Dundas Street East, Woodstock', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-537-5614', 'website'=>'woodstock.dealerconnection.com', 'emails'=> array('cameron@woodstockford.net'), 'eventID'=>'9221', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acurawestperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'ACURA WEST', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'759 Wonderland Road North, London', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(519) 657-1557', 'website'=>'www.acurawest.ca', 'emails'=> array('gm@acurawest.ca','salesmgr@acurawest.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11248', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Acura-2000', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'balmoralparkperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'BALMORAL PARK ACURA', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'868 Copper Cres, Thunder Bay', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'807.345.1212', 'website'=>'www.balmoralparkacura.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@balmoralparkacura.com'), 'eventID'=>'11395', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Acura-2000', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:orangeville'=>array( 'name'=>'Orangeville Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'207163 Hwy 9 East of Hwy 10, Orangeville', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-942-8400', 'website'=>'www.orangevillechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('hwy11runner@yahoo.com'), 'eventID'=>'10939', 'eventDate'=>'November 13', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">First 5 customers to purchase will receive a <span style="color:red">9" TABLET</span> !!</font></b><BR>', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:miramichi'=>array( 'name'=>'Miramichi Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'1155 King George Hwy, Miramichi', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'506-622-3900', 'website'=>'www.miramichichrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('bertmcintyre@nb.aibn.com'), 'eventID'=>'10651', 'eventDate'=>'November 8 & 9', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">First 5 customers to purchase will receive a <span style="color:red">SPECIAL GIFT</span> !!</font></b><BR>', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'frostpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Frost GM', 'address' => '150 Bovaird Drive West, Brampton', 'phone' => '905-459-0126', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'frostgm.ca', 'emails' => array('kcore@frostgm.com','jjohnston@frostgm.com'), 'eventID' => '11507', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'GMCBuickCadillac', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:joliette'=>array( 'name'=>'Joliette Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'305 Rue Curé-Majeau, Joliette', 'phone' => '450-759-7600', 'region' => 'CA', 'website'=>'www.joliettedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('vbolduc@joliettechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11617', 'eventDate-fr'=>'9, 10 et 11 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'grandeventechrysler.com:dupont'=>array( 'name'=>'Dupont Automobile Ltee', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'590 ave du Pont sud, Alma', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-662-6528', 'website'=>'www.dupontautomobile.com', 'emails'=> array('serge@dupontltee.com'), 'eventID'=>'13303', 'eventDate-fr'=>'21, 22 et 23 janvier', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:dupont'=>array( 'name'=>'Dupont Automobile Ltee', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'590 ave du Pont sud, Alma', 'phone' => '418-662-6528', 'region' => 'CA', 'website'=>'www.dupontautomobile.com', 'emails'=> array('serge@dupontltee.com'), 'eventID'=>'11334', 'eventDate-fr'=>'10, 11 et 12 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:laval'=>array( 'name'=>'Laval Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'1700, boulevard Le Corbusier, Laval', 'phone' => '450-978-0800', 'region' => 'CA', 'website'=>'www.lavalchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('abeauchamp@lavalchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11336', 'eventDate-fr'=>'18, 19 et 20 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:excellence'=>array( 'name'=>'Excellence Chrysler de St Eustache', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'250, Rue Dubois, St-Eustache', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-491-5555', 'website'=>'www.excellencesteustache.com', 'emails'=> array('flacroix@excellencechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11658', 'eventDate-fr'=>'26, 27 et 28 déc.', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:vaudreuil'=>array( 'name'=>'Excellence Chrysler de Vaudreuil', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'115, rue Joseph Carrier, Vaudreuil', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-455-5555', 'website'=>'www.excellencevaudreuil.com', 'emails'=> array('fbeaudoin@excellencechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11672', 'eventDate'=>'December 17th to 19th', 'eventDate-fr'=>'17, 18 et 19 décembre', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:excellence'=>array( 'name'=>'Excellence Chrysler de Vaudreuil', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'115, rue Joseph Carrier, Vaudreuil', 'phone' => '450-455-5555', 'region' => 'CA', 'website'=>'www.excellencevaudreuil.com', 'emails'=> array('fbeaudoin@excellencechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11343', 'eventDate'=>'November 25 to 27', 'eventDate-fr'=>'25, 26 et 27 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:nouveaujd'=>array( 'name'=>'Nouveau J.D. Dodge Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'5740, boul. Sainte-Anne, Boischatel', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-822-2424', 'website'=>'www.lenouveaujd.com', 'emails'=> array('mlapierre@nouveaujd.com'), 'eventID'=>'11348', 'eventDate-fr'=>'16, 17 et 18 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:grenier'=>array( 'name'=>'Grenier Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'1245 Montée Masson, Terrebonne', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-471-4111', 'website'=>'www.grenierchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('psauve@grenierauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11337', 'eventDate-fr'=>'18 ,19 et 20 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:donnacona'=>array( 'name'=>'Donnacona Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'160, rue Commercial, Donnacona', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'855-257-3245', 'website'=>'www.donnaconachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('sboisvert@groupedusablon.com','mmagny@groupedusablon.com'), 'eventID'=>'11633', 'eventDate-fr'=>'18, 19 et 20 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:hinton'=>array( 'name'=>'Hinton Dodge', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'110 Ewart Avenue, Perth', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'613-267-2300', 'website'=>'www.hintondodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('terri.hinton@hintondodge.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11422', 'eventDate'=>'November 18', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'fowlersavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Fowler Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'3900 Victoria Avenue W, Brandon', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-727-1461', 'website'=>'www.fowlerhyundai.ca', 'emails'=> array('rfowler@fowlerhyundai.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10394', 'eventDate'=>'November 19 & 20', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'none', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Buy a new or pre-owned vehicle November 19th or 20th and you will be entered to win a <span style="color:red">$1,000 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SPREE</span> !!!</font><BR></b>', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'edmontonpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Edmonton Motors', 'address' => '11445 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton', 'phone' => '780-482-5771', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.edmontonmotors.com', 'emails' => array('pgoldspink@edmontonmotors.com'), 'eventID' => '10684', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'ChevyCadillac', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'atlanticperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Atlantic Acura', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'30 Bedford Highway, Halifax', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(902) 457-1555', 'website'=>'www.atlanticacura.ns.ca', 'emails'=> array('brian@atlanticacura.ns.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11249', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Acura-2000', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acurahamiltonperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Acura of Hamilton', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'925 MAIN ST W, HAMILTON', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-528-735', 'website'=>'www.acuraofhamilton.ca', 'emails'=> array('liaquinto@acuraofhamilton.ca'), 'eventID'=>'12923', 'eventDate'=>'December 21st', 'voucher' => 'Acura-2000', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'towerpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Tower Chrysler', 'address' => '10901 MacLeod Trail South, Calgary', 'phone' => '403-278-2020', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.towerchrysler.com', 'emails' => array('drr@towerchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '11057', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', //'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', 'consumerCash' => '$8,500', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'charliescrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Charlie\'s Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram', 'address' => '725 Illinois Avenue, Maumee', 'phone' => '419-893-0241', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.charliesdodge.com', 'emails' => array('adrake@charliesdodge.com'), 'eventID' => '11638', 'eventDate'=>'November 20 & 21', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'mountainhyundaisavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Mountain Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'1739 Upper James St, Hamilton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-388-0610', 'website'=>'www.mountainhyundai.com', 'emails'=> array('shams@mountainhyundai.com','bill@mountainhyundai.com'), 'eventID'=>'10862', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'birchwoodsavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Birchwood Hyundai', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>' 2420 McPhillips St, Winnipeg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-633-2420', 'website'=>'www.birchwoodhyundai.com', 'emails'=> array('bhn.sales@birchwood.mb.ca','nicole.wasylenko@birchwood.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10410', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'echangeonsvoscles.com:buckingham' => array( 'name' => 'Buckingham Kadri Dargham Chrysler', 'address' => '1265 rue Odile Daoust, Gatineau', 'phone' => '819-281-7788', 'website' => 'www.buckinghamchryslerjeepdodge.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('michel.kadri@gmail.com'), 'eventID' => '9591', 'eventDate-fr' => '18, 19 et 20 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Echangeons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:buckingham'=>array( 'name'=>'Buckingham Kadri Dargham Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'1265 rue Odile Daoust, Gatineau', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'819-281-7788', 'website'=>'www.buckinghamchryslerjeepdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('michel.kadri@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'12530', 'eventDate-fr'=>'16, 17, 18, 19, 20 et 21 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', //'extra-fr' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">faites un essai routier durant l’événement et recevez <span style="color:red">une carte cadeau de $500</span> à l’achat d’un véhicule neuf ou d’occasion.*</font><BR>*à la livraison.</b>', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:buckingham'=>array( 'name'=>'Buckingham Kadri Dargham Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'1265 rue Odile Daoust, Gatineau', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'819-281-7788', 'website'=>'www.buckinghamchryslerjeepdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('michel.kadri@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'11662', 'eventDate-fr'=>'26, 27 et 28 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'grandeventechrysler.com:donnacona'=>array( 'name'=>'Donnacona Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'160, rue Commercial, Donnacona', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'855-257-3245', 'website'=>'www.donnaconachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('mmagny@groupedusablon.com','jdusablon@groupedusablon.com'), 'eventID'=>'13353', 'eventDate-fr'=>'13, 14 et 15 janvier', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:lasalle'=>array( 'name'=>'Lasalle Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'7315, boul. Newman, Lasalle', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'514-363-5337', 'website'=>'www.lasallechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('bdepatie@lasallechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'12509', 'eventDate-fr'=>'12, 13 et 14 novembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:lasalle'=>array( 'name'=>'Lasalle Chrysler', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'7315, boul. Newman, Lasalle', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'514-363-5337', 'website'=>'www.lasallechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('bdepatie@lasallechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'9413', 'eventDate-fr'=>'27 et 28 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:lasalle'=>array( 'name'=>'Lasalle Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'7315, boul. Newman, Lasalle', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'514-363-5337', 'website'=>'www.lasallechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('bdepatie@lasallechrysler.com'), 'eventID' => (date("Y-m-d") < "2014-01-23" ? 12452 : 13622), 'eventDate-fr' => (date("Y-m-d") < "2014-01-23" ? '20, 21 et 22 janvier' : '27 ,28 et 29 janvier'), //'eventID'=>'13622', //'eventDate-fr'=>'January 27 to 29', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:maisonchrysler'=>array( 'name'=>'Maison de L\'Auto Charlesbourg', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'15070, boul. Henri-Bourassa, Charlesbourg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-622-4700', 'website'=>'lamaisonchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('pg@maisonchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11339', 'eventDate-fr'=>'25, 26 et 27 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:lachapelle'=>array( 'name'=>'Lachapelle Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'960, boul. Saint-Joseph, Gatineau', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'819-777-5261', 'website'=>'www.lachapellechrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('luc.gauthier@lachapelleauto.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11674', 'eventDate-fr'=>'16, 17 et 18 décembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'echangeonsvoscles.com:lachapelle' => array( 'name' => 'Lachapelle Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram', 'address' => '960, boul. Saint-Joseph, Gatineau', 'phone' => '819-777-5261', 'website' => 'www.lachapellechrysler.ca', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('luc.gauthier@lachapelleauto.ca'), 'eventID' => '10485', 'eventDate-fr' => 'October 22 to 23', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift-fr' => 'UNE CARTE RABAIS TIM HORTONS', 'brand' => 'Echangeons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:longuepointe'=>array( 'name'=>'Longue-Pointe Chrysler', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'6200, boul Métropolitain E, St-Léonard', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'514-256-5092', 'website'=>'www.longuepointechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('marc.lavigne@longuepointe.com'), 'eventID'=>'11665', 'eventDate-fr'=>'16, 17 et 18 décembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'echangeonsvoscles.com:longuepointe' => array( 'name' => 'Longue-Pointe Chrysler', 'address' => '6200, boul Métropolitain E, Montreal', 'phone' => '514-256-5092', 'website' => 'www.longuepointechrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('marc.lavigne@longuepointe.com'), 'eventID' => '10994', 'eventDate-fr' => '28, 29 et 30 octobre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Echangeons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:longuepointe'=>array( 'name'=>'Longue-Pointe Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'6200, boul Métropolitain E, St-Léonard', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'514-256-5092', 'website'=>'www.longuepointechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('marc.lavigne@longuepointe.com'), 'eventID'=>'11615', 'eventDate-fr'=>'25, 26 et 27 novembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'grandeventechrysler.com:laval'=>array( 'name'=>'Laval Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'1700, boulevard Le Corbusier, Laval', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1-855-856-2524', 'website'=>'www.lavalchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('cdepatie@lavalchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13127', 'eventDate-fr'=>'20, 21 et 22 janvier', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:laval'=>array( 'name'=>'Laval Chrysler', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'1700, boulevard Le Corbusier, Laval', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-978-0800', 'website'=>'www.lavalchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('abeauchamp@lavalchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11657', 'eventDate-fr'=>'26, 27 et 30 décembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'echangeonsvoscles.com:dupontalma' => array( 'name' => 'Dupont Automobile Ltee', 'address' => '590 ave du Pont sud, Alma', 'phone' => '418-662-6528', 'website' => 'www.dupontautomobile.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('serge@dupontltee.com'), 'eventID' => '11270', 'eventDate-fr' => '28, 29 et 30 octobre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Echangeons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'echangeonsvoscles.com:rendezvous' => array( 'name' => 'Rendez-Vous Chrysler Edmunston N.B.', 'address' => '250 de l\'Acadie Blvd, Edmundston', 'phone' => '506-736-5000', 'website' => 'www.rendezvouschrysler.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('mark@rendezvouschrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '10429', 'eventDate-fr' => '4, 5 et 6 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Echangeons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:rendezvous'=>array( 'name'=>'Rendez-Vous Chrysler Grand Falls N.B.', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'795 Everard H Daigle Boul, Grand Falls', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'877-222-3085', 'website'=>'www.rendezvouschrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('louis.pinette@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'10430', 'eventDate'=>'December 2nd to 4th', 'eventDate-fr'=>'2, 3 et 4 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'en', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:etoile'=>array( 'name'=>'L\'Étoile Dodge Chrysler Inc', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'3311, boul. du Royaume, Jonquière', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-542-9518', 'website'=>'www.letoiledodge.com', 'emails'=> array('ygauthieretoile@videotron.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13324', 'eventDate-fr'=>'21, 22, 23 et 24 janvier', 'voucher' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'gift-fr' => 'un cadeau gratuit', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'superventechrysler.com:etoile'=>array( 'name'=>'L\'Étoile Dodge Chrysler Inc', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'3311, boul. du Royaume, Jonquière', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-542-9518', 'website'=>'www.letoiledodge.com', 'website'=>'www.letoiledodge.com', 'emails'=> array('ygauthieretoile@videotron.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11712', 'eventDate-fr'=>'17, 18, 19 et 20 décembre', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'echangeonsvoscles.com:letoile' => array( 'name' => 'L\'Étoile Dodge Chrysler Inc', 'address' => '3311, boul. du Royaume, Jonquière', 'phone' => '418-542-9518', 'website' => 'www.letoiledodge.com', 'region' => 'CA', 'emails' => array('ygauthieretoile@videotron.ca'), 'eventID' => '10390', 'eventDate-fr' => '19, 20, 21 et 22 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'hideExpirey' => 'no', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Echangeons', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'casinoacuraperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Casino Gatineau Acura', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'7 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(819) 777-1771', 'website'=>'www.casinogatineauacura.com', 'emails'=> array('rplourde@casinogatineauacura.com'), 'eventID'=>'11253', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'eventDate-fr'=>'20 novembre', 'voucher' => 'Acura-2000', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'hanovercrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Hanover Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram', 'address' => '200 Eisenhower Drive, Hanover', 'phone' => '717-637-1101', 'website' => 'www.hanoverdodgechryslerjeep.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('lsterner@tomlivelsbergerdealerships.com'), 'eventID' => '11554', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a COUPON for a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'superstitioncrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Superstition Springs Chrysler Jeep', 'address' => '6130 E. Auto Park Dr., Mesa', 'phone' => '480-830-8001', 'website' => 'supercj.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('kbarnes@supercj.com'), 'eventID' => '10392', 'eventDate'=>'December 27, 28 & 30', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a COUPON for a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'stettlerpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Stettler Dodge', 'address' => '4406-44th Avenue, Stettler', 'phone' => '403-742-2564', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.stettlerdodge.com', 'emails' => array('khicks@stettlerdodge.com'), 'eventID' => '11676', 'eventDate'=>'November 21 & 22', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', 'consumerCash' => '$11,500', 'hideExpiry' => 'no', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'lestageblackbook.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Lestage & Fils', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'lang' => 'fr', 'address'=>'699, rue Notre-Dame, St-Rémi', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-454-7591', 'website'=>'www.lestageetfils.com', 'emails'=> array('kboucher@lestagechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'10590', 'eventDate-fr'=>'21, 22 et 23 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'adrianloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Adrian Dodge Chrysler Jeep', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'1211 East US 223, Adrian', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'517-263-9390', 'website'=>'www.crchryslerdodgejeepram.com', 'emails'=> array('samdjone719@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'11616', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'rhinelandercrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Rhinelander CDJ', 'address' => '3620 Highway 47, Rhinelander', 'phone' => '(715) 420-1555', 'website' => 'www.rhinelanderchrysler.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('Kabrett@yahoo.com'), 'eventID' => '11618', 'eventDate'=>'November 20', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:berniercrepeau'=>array( 'name'=>'Bernier et Crépeau (1988) Ltée', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'160, boul. St-Joseph, Drummondville', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'819-477-8503', 'website'=>'www.berniercrepeau.ca', 'emails'=> array('j.nadeau@berniercrepeau.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11350', 'eventDate-fr'=>'21, 22 et 23 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'un COUPON de LAVE-AUTO chez SHELL', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:capitale'=>array( 'name'=>'Capitale Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'225 rue Marais, Quebec', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-687-2604', 'website'=>'www.capitalechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('cp@capitalechrysler.com','eboily@capitalechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11651', 'eventDate-fr'=>'21, 22 et 23 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">On vous envoie à <span style="color:red">LAS VEGAS</span> à l’achat d’un véhicule neuf ou d’occasion.*</font><BR>*Voir le concessionnaire pour plus de détails.</b>', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:duclos'=>array( 'name'=>'Ste-Martine Duclos Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'311, Saint-Joseph, Sainte-Martine', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-427-2315', 'website'=>'www.ducloschryslerdodgejeepram.ca', 'emails'=> array('louisphilippeduclos@videotron.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11634', 'eventDate-fr'=>'21, 22 et 23 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uniquechryslerpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Unique Chrysler', 'address' => '915 Walkers Line, Burlington', 'phone' => '905-631-8100', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.uniquechrysler.com', 'emails' => array('ccomparone@uniquechrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '11313', 'eventDate'=>'November 15 & 16', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'consumerCash' => '$15,000', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:hanover'=>array( 'name'=>'Hanover Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'664 10 Street, Hanover', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-364-3570', 'website'=>'www.hanoverchryslerdodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('lmcrae@hanoverchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13795', 'eventDate'=>'January 29', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:unique'=>array( 'name'=>'Unique Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'915 Walkers Line, Burlington', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-631-8100', 'website'=>'www.uniquechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('spatruno@uniquechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11609', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:nicolet'=>array( 'name'=>'Nicolet Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'3975 boul. Louis Fréchette, Nicolet', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1-855-241-4239 ', 'website'=>'www.nicoletchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('ddiamond@nicoletchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'9968', 'eventDate-fr'=>'10 et 11 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'langleypaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Langley Chrysler', 'address' => '19418 Langley Bypass, Surrey', 'phone' => '604-534-5355', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.langleychrysler.com', 'emails' => array('sales@langleychrysler.com','webleads@langleychrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '13241', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$10,000', 'bonus1txt' => 'CASH BACK', 'consumerCash' => '$15,000', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'gift' => 'blank', //'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">All purchases during our sale of November 22nd & 23rd qualify for a <span style="color:red">51†FLATSCREEN TV</span> !!</font></b>', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'classicchryslercrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Classic CDJ - Denton', 'address' => '4984 S I-35 E, Denton', 'phone' => '(940) 498-9800', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.classicdodgechryslerjeep.com', 'emails' => array('chris@classicofdenton.com'), 'eventID' => '11266', 'eventDate'=>'November 23', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Refer a friend and receive <span style="color:red">$100</span> !!</font></b>', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'musselmansloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Musselman\'s Dodge Inc.', 'brand' => 'DodgeRam', 'address'=>'5717 Baltimore Nat\'l Pike, Baltimore', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'410-744-7400', 'website'=>'www.musselmansdodge.net', 'emails'=> array('hkaynama@musselmansdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11677', 'eventDate'=>'November 23', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'msapaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'MSA Ford', 'address' => '30295 Automall Drive, Abbotsford', 'phone' => '604-857-2293', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.msaford.com', 'emails' => array('mike@msaford.com'), 'eventID' => '11155', 'eventDate'=>'November 23', 'voucher' => 'Ford', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:kollbec'=>array( 'name'=>'Kollbec Gatineau Chrysler Jeep', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'812, boul. Maloney Ouest, Gatineau', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'819-568-1414', 'website'=>'www.kollbec.com', 'emails'=> array('georgesa@kollbec.com'), 'eventID'=>'11338', 'eventDate-fr'=>'27, 28 et 30 décembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'extra-fr' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Achetez un véhicule neuf ou d’occasion et courez la chance de gagner <span style="color:red">5 000$ comptant </span>!!</font><BR></b>', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:kollbec'=>array( 'name'=>'Kollbec Gatineau Chrysler Jeep', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'812, boul. Maloney Ouest, Gatineau', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'819-568-1414', 'website'=>'www.kollbec.com', 'emails'=> array('georgesa@kollbec.com'), 'eventID'=>'12778', 'eventDate-fr'=>'27, 28 et 30 décembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'smppaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Saskatoon Motor Products', 'address'=>'715 Circle Drive East, Saskatoon', 'phone' => '306-242-0276', 'region' => 'CA', 'website'=>'www.smpchev.ca', 'emails' => array('bob@smpchev.ca','sgarchinski@smpchev.ca','emcleod@smpchev.ca'), 'eventID'=>'10952', 'eventDate'=>'November 28th & 29th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'SMP', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'noPrivate' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'antwerpencrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Antwerpen Chrysler Jeep', 'address' => '6440 Baltimore National Pike, Baltimore', 'phone' => '410-788-6600', 'website' => 'www.antwerpenmotorcars.net', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('rdipietro@antwerpenauto.com'), 'eventID' => '11681', 'eventDate'=>'November 23', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:anderson'=>array( 'name'=>'Anderson Motors', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'3333 6th Avenue East, Prince Albert', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-765-3000', 'website'=>'www.andersonmotors.ca', 'emails'=> array('djjones.aml@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'11642', 'eventDate'=>'now and until November 30', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a $9.99 Oil Change Coupon', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:champlain'=>array( 'name'=>'Champlain Dodge', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'3350 rue Wellington, Verdun', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'514-761-4801', 'website'=>'www.champlain-dodge.com', 'emails'=> array('pascald@champlaindodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11671', 'eventDate-fr' => '18, 19 et 20 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'fortierfordblackbook.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Fortier Ford', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'address'=>'7000,Louis-H-Lafontaine, Ville D\'Anjou', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'514-353-9821', 'website'=>'ford.fortierauto.com/fr/', 'urlAltTxt' => 'yes', 'emails'=> array('michels@fortierauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11341', 'eventDate-fr'=>'27 et 28 novembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'extra-fr' => '<b><font style="color:red;font-size:11pt">4 PNEUS ET 4 ROUES D’HIVER GRATUITS <span style="color:blue">à l’achat de plusieurs modèles en inventaire</span> !!</font><BR></b>', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:granby'=>array( 'name'=>'Granby Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'947, rue Principal, Granby', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-378-9051', 'website'=>'www.granbychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('larry.crook@granbychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11342', 'eventDate-fr'=>'25, 26 et 27 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Tim Hortons', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:dumont'=>array( 'name'=>'Dumont Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'799, boul. Laflèche, Baie Comeau', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-589-1717', 'website'=>'www.dumontchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dd1@dumontchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11344', 'eventDate-fr'=>'25, 26 et 27 novembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'une carte Subway', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:boucherville'=>array( 'name'=>'Boucherville Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'1561, rue Ampère, Boucherville', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-449-9900', 'website'=>'www.bouchervillechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('clambert@bouchervillechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13527', 'eventDate-fr'=>'21, 22 et 23 janvier', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:sega'=>array( 'name'=>'Automobiles Sega', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'665, Clairevue Ouest, Saint-Bruno', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-653-3333', 'website'=>'www.automobilessega.ca', 'emails'=> array('slamanque@autosega.com'), 'eventID'=>'11652', 'eventDate-fr'=>'25, 26 et 27 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'kia417savings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Kia 417', 'brand' => 'KIA', 'address'=>'1599 Star Top Rd, Ottawa', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(613) 746-1170', 'website'=>'www.kia417.com', 'emails'=> array('wali.kia417@gmail.com'), 'eventID'=>'11735', 'eventDate'=>'November 27', 'voucher' => 'KIA-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acurasherwayperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Acura Sherway', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>' 2000 The Queensway, Etobicoke', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'416.620.1987', 'website'=>'www.acurasherway.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@acurasherway.com'), 'eventID'=>'11789', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-2000', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), '401dixiepaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => '401 Dixie Hyundai', 'address' => '5515 Ambler Drive, Mississauga', 'phone' => '1 (888) 783-4494', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.401dixiehyundai.com', 'emails' => array('dfraser@dixiehyundai.com'), 'eventID' => '11320', 'eventDate'=>'November 27', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai-400', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'overseasmotorsbmwsalesevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Overseas Motors BMW', 'brand' => 'BMW', 'address'=>'9425 Tecumseh Rd East, Windsor', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-254-4303', 'website'=>'www.overseasbmw.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@overseasmotors.com'), 'eventID'=>'11738', 'eventDate'=>'November 28th', 'voucher' => 'BMWEast-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:gauthier'=>array( 'name'=>'Gauthier Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'1375 Regent Avenue W, Winnipeg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-661-8999', 'website'=>'www.gauthierchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('kevins@gauthierautogroup.com'), 'eventID'=>'12179', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'hallmishawakaloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Hall Chrysler - Mishawaka', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'120 W McKinley Avenue, Mishawaka', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'574-254-2010', 'website'=>'www.danhallchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dblack@pinckneychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11732', 'eventDate'=>'November 30th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 oil change', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'earnhardthondadeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Earnhardt Honda', 'brand' => 'Honda', 'address'=>'10151 W Papago Fwy, Avondale', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'623-934-5211', 'website'=>'www.earnhardthonda.com', 'emails'=> array('joey@earnhardt.com'), 'eventID'=>'12599', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'Honda-500', 'gift' => 'a TARGET GIFT CARD', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">First 10 customers to purchase will receive a <span style="color:red">BLU-RAY DISC PLAYER</span> !!</font><BR></b>', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:motorcity'=>array( 'name'=>'Motor City CDJR', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'2300 Tecumseh Road E, Windsor', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-256-2303', 'website'=>'www.motorcitychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('tmayhew@motorcitychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11318', 'eventDate'=>'December 18th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a 19.95 oil change', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'szottchryslerloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Szott M-59 Chrysler Jeep', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'6700 East Highland Road, White Lake', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'248-889-8989', 'website'=>'www.szottm59chryslerjeep.com', 'emails'=> array('jeff@szottauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11602', 'eventDate'=>'November 29th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'szottm59loyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Szott M-59 Dodge, LLC', 'brand' => 'DodgeRam', 'address'=>'2565 East Highland , Highland', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'248-887-3222', 'website'=>'www.szottm59dodge.com', 'emails'=> array('jeff@szottauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11603', 'eventDate'=>'November 29th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'olivierfordblackbook.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Olivier Ford Inc.', 'brand' => 'Ford', 'address'=>'4405, chemin Chambly, St Hubert', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-445-3673', 'website'=>'www.olivierford.com', 'emails'=> array('tlefrancois@olivierford.com','rchalifour@olivierford.com'), 'eventID'=>'11209', 'eventDate-fr'=>'25 au 28 novembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'extra-fr' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">Chaque client qui achète un véhicule neuf au cours de cet événement courra la chance de gagner un <span style="color:red">iPod Touch</span> !!</font></b>', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'chevroletloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Jake Sweeney Chevrolet', 'brand' => 'Chevy', 'address'=>'33 West Kemper Rd, Cincinnati', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'513 782-2899', 'website'=>'www.jakesweeneychevrolet.com', 'emails'=> array('dscott@jakesweeney.com'), 'eventID'=>'11716', 'eventDate'=>'Nov. 29th to Dec. 1st', 'voucher' => 'Chevy', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'inlandloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Inland Auto Centre', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'11600 8th Street , Dawson Creek', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (866) 938-2823', 'website'=>'www.inlandautocentre.com', 'emails'=> array('adam.moore@inlandautocentre.com'), 'eventID'=>'11879', 'eventDate'=>'now until Dec. 2nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'freedomloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Freedom Dodge Chrysler Jeep', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'1560 New Circle Road, Lexington', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'859-268-3000', 'website'=>'www.freedomlex.com', 'emails'=> array('GaryWexler@wgauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11718', 'eventDate'=>'Nov. 29th to Dec. 1st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 oil change', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'langleyloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Langley Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'19418 Langley Bypass, Surrey', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'604-534-5355', 'website'=>'www.langleychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@langleychrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11705', 'eventDate'=>'November 29th & 30th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'bigrockloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Big Rock CDJR', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'247 Gregg Avenue, Hinton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (866) 759-2333', 'website'=>'www.bigrockdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('chris@bigrockdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12007', 'eventDate'=>'now until Dec. 2nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'lethbridgeloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Lethbridge Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'2324 5th Avenue North, Lethbridge', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-329-4455', 'website'=>'www.lethbridgedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('cps@lethbridgedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12014', 'eventDate'=>'now until Dec. 2nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'grandeprairieloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Grande Prairie Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'11448 Westgate Drive , Grande Prairie', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(780) 532-3560', 'website'=>'www.gpchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('tcollinge@gpchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11929', 'eventDate'=>'now until Dec. 2nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:steele'=>array( 'name'=>'Steele Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'44 Bedford Highway, Halifax', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'902-982-3895 or 1-888-627-0839', 'website'=>'www.steelechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('gparlee@steelechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'5278', 'eventDate'=>'December 12th to 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 oil change', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'riversideloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Riverside Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'160-38th Street East, Prince Albert', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-764-4217', 'website'=>'www.riversidedodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('riversideth@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'12050', 'eventDate'=>'now until Dec. 2nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'ponokaloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Ponoka Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'6510 - 39 Avenue Hwy 2A South, Ponoka', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(403) 783-5383', 'website'=>'www.ponokachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dbrown@ponokachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11115', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:belanger'=>array( 'name'=>'Belanger CDJR', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'8501, County Road East 17, Rockland', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'613-446-2222', 'website'=>'www.belangerchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('luc.belanger@belanger.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11312', 'eventDate'=>'November 29th & 30th', 'eventDate-fr'=>'30 november', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'haleygmcsavings.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Haley GM', 'brand' => 'GMCBuick', 'address'=>'1633 Field Rd, Sechelt', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>' 604-885-5131', 'website'=>'haleygm.com', 'emails'=> array('tania@haleygm.com'), 'eventID'=>'11817', 'eventDate'=>'November 30th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'videos' => array('HaleyChrysler'), 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:campbell'=>array( 'name'=>'Scott Campbell Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'3042 99 St Highway 4 North, North Battleford', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-445-6640', 'website'=>'www.scottcampbelldodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('darlene@scottcampbelldodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'12629', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:campbellford'=>array( 'name'=>'Campbellford Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'531 Grand Road S, Campbellford', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'866-799-7590', 'website'=>'www.campbellfordchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('craig@campbellfordchrysler.com','mail@campbellfordchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'10490', 'eventDate'=>'December 2nd to 4th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a chance to win 2 TORONTO MAPLE LEAF TICKETS', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:arnprior'=>array( 'name'=>'Arnprior Chrysler', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'205 Madawaska Boulevard, Arnprior', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1-866-406-4388', 'website'=>'www.arnpriorchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@arnpriorchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'10280', 'eventDate'=>'December 3rd & 4th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s gift card', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:crestview'=>array( 'name'=>'Crestview Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'601 Albert Street, Regina', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-525-5411', 'website'=>'www.crestviewchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('kurtisa@crestviewchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11043', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'crestviewholidayevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Crestview Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'601 Albert Street, Regina', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-525-5411', 'website'=>'www.crestviewchrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('kurtisa@crestviewchrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11043', 'eventDate'=>'now until December 31st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'coquitlampaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Coquitlam Chrysler', 'address' => '2960 Christmas Way, Coquitlam', 'phone' => '604-469-5600', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.coquitlamchryslerdodge.com', 'emails' => array('mwhamilton@hotmail.com'), 'eventID' => '11169', 'eventDate'=>'December 20th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'smp48hoursale.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Saskatoon Motor Products', 'brand' => 'SMP', 'address' => '715 Circle Drive East, Saskatoon', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone' => '306-242-0276', 'website' => 'www.smpchev.ca', 'emails'=> array('bob@smpchev.ca','sgarchinski@smpchev.ca','emcleod@smpchev.ca'), 'eventID' => '10952', 'eventDate'=>'November 28th & 29th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'staticCode' => array('smp'), 'noPrivate' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'knightloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Knight Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'208 Cheadle St West, Swift Current', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-773-9301', 'website'=>'www.knightdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('joelcourchaine@knightdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11532', 'eventDate'=>'December 6th & 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'airdrieloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Airdrie Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'139 East Lake Crescent NE, Airdrie ', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-948-2600', 'website'=>'www.airdriechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dale@airdriechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11713', 'eventDate'=>'December 6th & 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'findlaymotorloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Findlay Motor Company', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'2565 Laughlin View Dr, Bullhead City', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'928-754-3400', 'website'=>'www.findlaymotorcompany.com', 'emails'=> array('rmeins3@yahoo.com'), 'eventID'=>'11736', 'eventDate'=>'December 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $19.95 oil change', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:citychrysler'=>array( 'name'=>'City Chrysler - Cornerbrook', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'119 O\'Connell Drive, Corner Brook', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'877-668-3015', 'website'=>'www.citymotorsdealer.com', 'emails'=> array('dlevita@citychrysler.nf.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11585', 'eventDate'=>'December 5th to 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'a $500 Gift Card for Walmart, Target or Mopar Dealership Accessories', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'scottcampbellloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Scott Campbell Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'3042 99 St Highway 4 North, North Battleford', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-445-6640', 'website'=>'www.scottcampbelldodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('darlene@scottcampbelldodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11050', 'eventDate'=>'December 17th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'spitzerloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Spitzer Chrysler Dodge Jeep', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'13001 Brookpark Rd, Cleveland', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'216-267-2100', 'website'=>'www.spitzerchryslerdodgejeepram.com', 'emails'=> array('anader@spitzer.com'), 'eventID'=>'11636', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'blank', 'extra' => '<b><font style="color:blue;font-size:11pt">The first 10 buyers on December 11th will receive a <span style="color:red">SPECIAL GIFT</span> !!</font><BR></b>', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'columbiapaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Columbia Chrysler', 'address' => '5840 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond', 'phone' => '604-273-8018', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.columbiachrysler.com', 'emails' => array('leon@columbiachrysler.com'), 'eventID' => (date("Y-m-d") < "2013-12-08" ? 11183 : 11184), 'eventDate' => (date("Y-m-d") < "2013-12-08" ? 'December 6th & 7th' : 'December 20th & 21st'), //'eventID' => '11184', //'eventDate'=>'December 20th & 21st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'meridienevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Meridien Chrysler Jeep - Bournemouth', 'address'=>'520 Wallisdown Road, Bournemouth', 'phone' => '4331 93550', 'region' => 'UK', 'website'=>'www.meridien.co.uk', 'emails'=> array('stuartsharp@meridien.co.uk'), 'eventID'=>'11407', 'eventDate'=>'December 6th & 7th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'mapleacuraperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Maple Acura', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'111 Auto Vaughan Dr, Vaughan', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1.877.761.0032', 'website'=>'www.mapleacura.com', 'emails'=> array('nrowe@mapleacura.com','akuo@mapleacura.com','mrusso@zanchinauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11792', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acuratorontoperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Acura of North Toronto', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>' 7064 Yonge Street, Thornhill', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.882.9660', 'website'=>'acuraofnorthtoronto.ca', 'emails'=> array('philm@dilawrigroup.com','z_bespaly@acuraofnorthtoronto.com','a_lim@acuraofnorthtoronto.com'), 'eventID'=>'11793', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'markhamacuraperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Markham Acura', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'5201 HWY #7, Markham', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.948.8222 ', 'website'=>'www.markhamacura.com', 'emails'=> array('ajaybhushan@markhamacura.com'), 'eventID'=>'11795', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acuraeastperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Acura East', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'250 Westeny Rd. S, Ajax', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.428.8888', 'website'=>'www.acuraeast.com', 'emails'=> array('dan@acuraeast.com'), 'eventID'=>'12175', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beselfishevent.ca:bowmel'=>array( 'name'=>'Bow-Mel Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'461 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-748-8144', 'website'=>'www.bow-melchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('andre@bowmel.com'), 'eventID'=>'9885', 'eventDate'=>'now until Dec. 31st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acuraoakvilleperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Acura of Oakville', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'1525 North Service Rd. W, Oakville', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.825.8777', 'website'=>'www.acuraofoakville.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@acuraofoakville.com'), 'eventID'=>'11790', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'ponokaloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Ponoka Chrysler', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'6510 - 39 Avenue Hwy 2A South, Ponoka', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(403) 783-5383', 'website'=>'www.ponokachrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dbrown@ponokachrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11115', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acurabrantperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Acura on Brant', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'629 Brant St, Burlington', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.333.4144', 'website'=>'www.acuraonbrant.com', 'emails'=> array('jcapriotti@lag.ca'), 'eventID'=>'12086', 'eventDate'=>'December 11', 'voucher' => 'BrantAcura', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'westgatecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Westgate Chrysler Jeep Dodge', 'address' => '2695 East Main Street, Plainfield', 'phone' => '317-839-6554', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.westgateauto.com', 'emails' => array('jreynolds@westgateauto.com'), 'eventID' => '11604', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a $9.95 oil change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'monbeaucadeau.com:bouctouche'=>array( 'name'=>'Bouctouche Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Cadeau', 'address'=>'178 Irving Boulevard, Bouctouche', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'506-743-2497', 'website'=>'www.bouctouchechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('robg@bouctouchechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'12015', 'eventDate'=>'December 12th & 13th', 'eventDate-fr'=>'12 et 13 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'erinmillsacuraperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Erin Mills Acura', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'3025 Woodchester Dr, Mississauga', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.828.5800', 'website'=>'www.erinmillsacura.ca', 'emails'=> array('raydon@erinmillsacura.ca','ashley@erinmillsacura.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11796', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'sterneacuraperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Sterne Acura', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'15795 Yonge St, Aurora', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'416.324.3232', 'website'=>'www.sterneacura.com', 'emails'=> array('dhorvath@sterneacura.com','dmicallef@sterneacura.com'), 'eventID'=>'11794', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:eichenberg'=>array( 'name'=>'Eichenberg Motors', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'164 Simcoe Street, Tillsonburg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(877) 479-0955', 'website'=>'www.eichenberg.ca', 'emails'=> array('dave_moore@rogers.com'), 'eventID'=>'11517', 'eventDate'=>'December 6th & 7th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'your choice of free gift from Santa\'s Ram Pick-up', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'lebanonloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Lebanon Chrysler Dodge Jeep', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'518 West Main Street, Lebanon', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'513-932-2717', 'website'=>'www.lebanoncdj.com', 'emails'=> array('gwallace@lebanoncdj.com'), 'eventID'=>'10852', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'a kindle fire or $250.00 pre paid Visa card', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beselfishevent.ca:carter'=>array( 'name'=>'Carter Dodge', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'4650 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'604-299-9181', 'website'=>'www.carterauto.com', 'emails'=> array('brianm@carterauto.com'), 'eventID'=>'13237', 'eventDate'=>'December 27th & 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'chrysleroftroycrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Suburban Chrysler of Troy', 'address' => '1790 Maplelawn Drive, Troy', 'phone' => '248-585-8800', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.suburbanchryslerdodgejeepramoftroy.com', 'emails' => array('bheer@suburbancollection.com'), 'eventID' => '11848', 'eventDate'=>'December 11', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 oil change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'crowfootholidayevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Crowfoot Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'20 Crowfoot Rise NW, Calgary', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-241-0300', 'website'=>'www.crowfootdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@crowfootdodge.net'), 'eventID'=>'11032', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:tarrabain'=>array( 'name'=>'Tarrabain Motor Products', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'104 Alberta Street, Lac La Biche', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-623-4052', 'website'=>'www.tarrabainmotor.ca', 'emails'=> array('tarrt@telus.net'), 'eventID'=>'12137', 'eventDate'=>'December 12th & 13th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), '401dixiesale.com'=>array( 'name'=>'401 Dixie Mazda', 'brand' => 'BeSelfish', 'address'=>'5500 Dixie Road, Mississauga', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 866-387-1288', 'website'=>'401dixiemazda.com', 'emails'=> array('g_wright@401dixiemazda.com'), 'eventID'=>'12023', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Horton\'s Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'an iPad Air', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'acura2000performanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Acura 2000', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'2250 Queen Street East, Brampton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.458.7100', 'website'=>'www.acura2000.com', 'emails'=> array('lina@policaro.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11791', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'downtownacuraperformanceevent.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Downtown Acura', 'brand' => 'Acura', 'address'=>'183 Front Street East, Toronto', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'416.867.1577', 'website'=>'www.downtownacura.ca', 'emails'=> array('atai@awin.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11788', 'eventDate'=>'December 11th', 'voucher' => 'Acura-500', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'donwheatonsales.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Don Wheaton Chevrolet', 'brand' => 'Chevy', 'address'=>'10727 - 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-439-0071', 'website'=>'www.donwheaton.com', 'emails'=> array('pjewer@donwheaton.com'), 'eventID'=>'12231', 'eventDate'=>'January 22nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Tim Hortons Tim Card', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:mckinstry'=>array( 'name'=>'McKinstry Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'176 Government Road, Dryden', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(807) 223-5954', 'website'=>'www.mckinstrychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('bmckinstry@drytel.net'), 'eventID'=>'11366', 'eventDate'=>'December 17th & 18th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:windsor'=>array( 'name'=>'Garage Windsor Ltée Riv du Loup', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'287, rue Témiscouata, Rivière-du-Loup', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-862-3586', 'website'=>'www.garagewindsor.com', 'emails'=> array('nleblond@garagewindsor.qc.ca'), 'eventID'=>'5288', 'eventDate-fr'=>'16, 17 et 18 décembre', 'lang' => 'fr', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'uncadeaudemoi.com:rioux'=>array( 'name'=>'Service Rioux', 'brand' => 'MonCadeau', 'address'=>'201, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Trois-Pistoles', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'418-851-1788', 'website'=>'www.servicerioux.com', 'emails'=> array('nleblond@garagewindsor.qc.ca'), 'eventID'=>'5289', 'eventDate-fr'=>'16, 17 et 18 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'alloutclearoutevent.com:roseway'=>array( 'name'=>'Roseway Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram', 'brand' => 'AllOutClearOut', 'address'=>'176 Water Street, Shelburne', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'902-875-4488', 'website'=>'rosewaychrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('roseway88@live.ca'), 'eventID'=>'11881', 'eventDate'=>'December 17th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'willeholidayevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Wille Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'3240 Douglas Street, Victoria', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-475-2313', 'website'=>'www.willedodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('dhowe@willedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11522', 'eventDate'=>'December 27th & 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', //no leadbridge 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:maciver'=>array( 'name'=>'MacIver Dodge', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'17615 Yonge Street, Newmarket', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-898-1900', 'website'=>'WWW.MACIVERDODGE.COM', 'emails'=> array('randyc@maciverdodgejeep.com'), 'eventID'=>'12106', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'a free real christmas tree delivered to you', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'posnercrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Posner Park CDJ', 'address' => '42650 Highway 27, Davenport', 'phone' => '(863) 438-3333', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.posnerparkchrysler.com', 'emails' => array('tony@posnerparkchrysler.com'), 'eventID' => '9312', 'eventDate'=>'December 14th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 oil change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'markhamhondasavings.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Markham Honda', 'brand' => 'Honda', 'address'=>'8220 Kennedy Road , Markham', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905.477.2451', 'website'=>'markhamhonda.com', 'emails'=> array('k_trieu@markhamhonda.com'), 'eventID'=>'12058', 'eventDate'=>'December 18th', 'voucher' => 'Honda-500', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'a chance to win a 50" flat screen TV', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:melfort'=>array( 'name'=>'Riverside Sales - Melfort', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'201 Burrows Ave W, Melfort', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(306) 752-2865', 'website'=>'www.riversidemelfort.ca', 'emails'=> array('sunshinedk@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'11167', 'eventDate'=>'December 18th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:racicot'=>array( 'name'=>'Racicot Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'462 Sandwich Street South, Amherstburg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-736-2181', 'website'=>'www.racicotchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('brad@racicotchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13171', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:racicot'=>array( 'name'=>'Racicot Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'462 Sandwich Street South, Amherstburg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'519-736-2181', 'website'=>'www.racicotchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('brad@racicotchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'8145', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'suburbannovicrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Suburban CJDR Novi', 'address' => '24315 Haggerty, Novi', 'phone' => '248-476-7900', 'region' => 'US', 'website' => 'www.suburbanchryslerdodgejeepramofnovi.com', 'emails' => array('jtimmington@suburbancollection.com'), 'eventID' => '13195', 'eventDate'=>'January 15th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a $17.95 OIL CHANGE', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'airdrieholidayevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Airdrie Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'139 East Lake Crescent NE, Airdrie', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-948-2600', 'website'=>'www.airdriechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dale@airdriechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'11173', 'eventDate'=>'December 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'erinmillscrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Erin Mills Mazda', 'region' => 'US', 'address' => '2400 Motorway Boulevard, Mississauga', 'phone' => '866.980.6895', 'website' => 'erinmillsmazda.ca', 'emails' => array('I_Ahmed@ErinMillsMazda.com'), 'eventID' => '12348', 'eventDate'=>'December 18th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'superventechrysler.com:lestage'=>array( 'name'=>'Lestage & Fils', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'699, rue Notre-Dame, St-Rémi', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-454-7591', 'website'=>'www.lestageetfils.com', 'emails'=> array('kboucher@lestagechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'7091', 'eventDate'=>'December 13th & 14th', 'eventDate-fr'=>'13 et 14 décembre', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'en', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 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'address'=>'7422 16A Hwy W, Vegreville', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-632-6003', 'website'=>'www.blueskys.ca', 'emails'=> array('paulc@blueskys.ca'), 'eventID'=>'12555', 'eventDate'=>'December 20th & 21st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'jgdecembersale.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Jim Gauthier Cadillac Buick GMC', 'brand' => 'GMCBuickCadillac', 'address'=>'2400 McPhillips Street, Winnipeg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-633-8833', 'website'=>'www.gauthiercadillacbuickgmc.com', 'emails'=> array('shaylano@gauthierautogroup.com'), 'eventID'=>'12531', 'eventDate'=>'now until December 31st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'riversideholidayevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Riverside Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'160-38th Street East, Prince Albert', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-764-4217', 'website'=>'www.riversidedodge.ca', 'emails'=> array('riversideth@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'11187', 'eventDate'=>'December 20', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'groveholidayevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Grove Dodge', 'brand' => 'ChryslerLoyaltyEvent', 'address'=>'PO Box 3248, 200 Saint Matthews Avenue, Spruce Grove', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>' 1-888-277-3587', 'website'=>'www.grovedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('bradm@grovedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'10682', 'eventDate'=>'now until December 31st', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'beyourownsanta.ca:jjstewart'=>array( 'name'=>'JJ Stewart Motors', 'brand' => 'Santa', 'address'=>'2239 8th Line Road, Norwood', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'705-639-5383 ', 'website'=>'www.jjstewartmotors.com', 'emails'=> array('sales@jjstewart.com'), 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36 Street NE, Calgary', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-273-4313', 'website'=>'www.eastsidedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('bwalker@eastsidedodge.com','rolinger@eastsidedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13204', 'eventDate'=>'January 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'eastsidefirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Eastside Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'815 36 Street NE, Calgary', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-273-4313', 'website'=>'www.eastsidedodge.com', 'emails'=> array('bwalker@eastsidedodge.com','rolinger@eastsidedodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13204', 'eventDate'=>'January 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'camrosefirstbigdealevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Camrose Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'3511 48 Avenue, Camrose', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-672-2476', 'website'=>'www.camrosechrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('dmercier@camrosechrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13749', 'eventDate'=>'January 28th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'leadbridge' => 'yes', 'dynamicCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'oakvillepaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Oakville Chrysler', 'address' => '270 Oak Park Boulevard, Oakville', 'phone' => '905-845-4211', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.oakvillechrysler.com', 'emails' => array('ccomparone@oakvilledodge.com','gnimeck@oakvilledodge.com','fdametto@oakvilledodge.com'), 'eventID' => '12031', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,500', 'consumerCash' => '$9,250', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:dauphin'=>array( 'name'=>'Twin Motors Dauphin', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1212 Main Street South, Dauphin', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-638-6804', 'website'=>'www.twinmotorsdealer.com', 'emails'=> array('g_chrisp@twinmotorsdauphin.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13394', 'eventDate'=>'January 17th & 18th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'blank', 'bonus' => 'a FREE GIFT', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'expresswayloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Expressway Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'5531 E. Indiana Street, Evansville', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'888 508-6421', 'website'=>'www.expresswaydodge.com', 'emails' => array('egoebel@expresswaydodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'11802', 'eventDate'=>'January 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a Starbuck\'s Gift Card', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'greatlakescrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Great Lakes CDJR', 'address' => '6119 Lake Street, Kingsville', 'phone' => '(440) 224-2075', 'website' => 'www.greatlakeschrysler.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('rschim@mac.com'), 'eventID' => '13088', 'eventDate'=>'January 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'OilChange-1795', 'hideExpirey' => 'yes', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'northgatecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Northgate Chrysler', 'address' => '8536 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati', 'phone' => '513-385-3900', 'website' => 'www.northgatechryslerdodgejeep.net', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('ngcjemar@fuse.net'), 'eventID' => '12240', 'eventDate'=>'January 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'sherwoodparksale.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Sherwood Park Chevrolet', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'500 Premier Way, SHERWOOD PARK', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780.416.2438', 'website'=>'www.sherwoodparkchev.com', 'emails' => array('eosullivan@sherwoodparkchev.com','tlastovka@sherwoodparkchev.com'), 'eventID'=>'12972', 'eventDate'=>'January 18<sup>th</sup>', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerTrade-2000', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $17.95 oil change', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'stjamesvwloyaltyevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'St James Volkswagen', 'brand' => 'sjv', 'address'=>'670 Century Street, Winnipeg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(204) 788-1100', 'website'=>'www.stjamesvw.ca', 'emails'=> array('cthompson@stjamesvw.com','mwarsaba@autocan.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13516', 'eventDate'=>'January 28th & 29th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:moffitt'=>array( 'name'=>'Moffitt Dodge', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'205 Route 170, St. Stephen', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(506) 466-3061', 'website'=>'www.moffittdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('edmackie@moffittdodge.ca'), 'eventID'=>'13040', 'eventDate'=>'January 22nd & 23rd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a $9.95 oil change coupon', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'westgatechevdeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Westgate Chevrolet', 'brand' => 'Chevy', 'address'=>'10145-178th Street, Edmonton', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'780-483-3320', 'website'=>'www.westgatechev.com', 'emails'=> array('sduff@westgatechev.com','grelling@westgatechev.com'), 'eventID'=>'13472', 'eventDate'=>'January 22nd', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'winnipegpaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Winnipeg Dodge', 'address' => '90-3965 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg', 'phone' => '204-774-4444', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.winnipegdodge.ca', 'emails' => array('dsacco@winnipegdodgejeep.com'), 'eventID' => '13273', 'eventDate'=>'January 23rd & 24th', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,000', 'consumerCash' => '$17,500', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'accessCode' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'shaganappideals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Shaganappi GM', 'brand' => 'GMCBuickChevy', 'address'=>'4720 Crowchild Trail NW, Calgary', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'403-288-0444', 'website'=>'www.shaganappi.com', 'emails'=> array('Todd.Knaapen@shaganappi.com','vince.gaudet@shaganappi.com'), 'eventID'=>'13540', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:dube'=>array( 'name'=>'Dube Garage', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'Main St and 1st ave PO Box 99, St. Brieux', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(306) 275-2100', 'website'=>'www.dubegarage.com', 'emails'=> array('esdubegarage@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'13323', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:hendrys'=>array( 'name'=>'Hendrys Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'PO Box 190 - 2nd Ave W, Nokomis', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-528-2171', 'website'=>'www.hendrychryslerdodgejeepram.ca', 'emails'=> array('hendrychrysler@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'13391', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'knightdodgeupgrade.ca'=>array( 'name'=>'Knight Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'208 Cheadle St West, Swift Current', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'306-773-9301', 'website'=>'www.knightdodge.com', 'emails'=> array('joelcourchaine@knightdodge.com'), 'eventID'=>'13445', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'Dodge-400', 'gift' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:dalewurfel'=>array( 'name'=>'Dale Wurfel Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ltd.', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'28478 Centre Road, Strathroy', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'877 504 8949', 'website'=>'www.dalewurfelchryslerdodgejeep.com', 'emails'=> array('dalewurfel@dalewurfel.com'), 'eventID'=>'13484', 'eventDate'=>'January 24th & 25th', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a $17.95 oil change', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'wessexcardiffevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Wessex Garages Cardiff', 'address'=>'289 Penarth Road, Cardiff', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'region' => 'uk', 'phone'=>'02921 678 502', 'website'=>'www.wessexgarages.com', 'emails'=> array('chris.wiseman@wessexgarages.co.uk'), 'eventID'=>'13725', 'eventDate'=>'January 25', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai', 'gift' => 'a free gift', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' =>'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'wessexnewportevent.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Wessex Garages Newport', 'brand' => 'Hyundai', 'address'=>'Seven Stiles Avenue, Newport', 'region' => 'uk', 'phone'=>'01633 744 980', 'website'=>'www.wessexgarages.com', 'emails'=> array('paul.edwards@wessexgarages.co.uk'), 'eventID'=>'13726', 'eventDate'=>'January 25', 'voucher' => 'Hyundai', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:chicoutimi'=>array( 'name'=>'Chicoutimi Chrysler Dodge Jeep', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'829, boul. Talbot, Saguenay', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'1 (877) 295-6599', 'website'=>'www.chicoutimichrysler.ca', 'emails'=> array('claudecote@chicoutimichrysler.ca'), 'eventID'=>'12980', 'eventDate-fr'=>'27, 28 et 29 janvier', 'voucher' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:melfort'=>array( 'name'=>'Riverside Sales - Melfort', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'201 Burrows Ave W, Melfort', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'(306) 752-2865', 'website'=>'www.riversidemelfort.ca', 'emails'=> array('sunshinedk@sasktel.net'), 'eventID'=>'13526', 'eventDate'=>'January 31', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:braby'=>array( 'name'=>'Braby Motors', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'Box 880, 1250 Trans Canada Highway S.W., Salmon Arm', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'250-832-8053', 'website'=>'www.brabymotors.com', 'emails'=> array('chrisdavis@brabymotors.com'), 'eventID'=>'13168', 'eventDate'=>'January 31 to 1', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:eastern'=>array( 'name'=>'Eastern Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1900 Main Street, Winnipeg', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'204-339-2011', 'website'=>'www.easternchrysler.com', 'emails'=> array('rdorge@easternchrysler.com'), 'eventID'=>'13519', 'eventDate'=>'January 31 to 1', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'trademykeys.com:ontario'=>array( 'name'=>'Ontario Chrysler', 'brand' => 'TradeMyKeys', 'address'=>'5280 Dixie Road, Mississauga', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'905-625-8801', 'website'=>'www.ontariochrysler.net', 'emails'=> array('dpozzobon@ontariochrysler.net'), 'eventID'=>'11829', 'eventDate'=>'January 29', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'YES', 'campaign' => 'Trade My Keys RSVP'), 'kahlocrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Kahlo Chrysler Jeep Dodge', 'address' => '9900 Pleasant Street, Noblesville', 'phone' => '317-773-6363 ', 'website' => 'www.hellokahlo.com', 'emails' => array('jfogleman@hellokahlo.com'), 'eventID' => '13739', 'eventDate'=>'January 25', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', //SETS ChryslerTitle.png as title and ChryslerBG.jpg as background 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'region' => 'us', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'premiereventechrysler.com:landry'=>array( 'name'=>'Landry Automobiles', 'brand' => 'Vente', 'address'=>'103, boulevard Curé-Labelle, Laval', 'region' => 'CA', 'phone'=>'450-625-5000 ', 'website'=>'www.landryautomobiles.com', 'emails'=> array('mathieu.landry@landryauto.com '), 'eventID'=>'13621', 'eventDate-fr'=>'27, 28 et 29 janvier', 'voucher' => 'none', 'lang' => 'fr', 'gift-fr' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'orchardcrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Orchard Chrysler', 'address' => '64600 Van Dyke Road, Washington', 'phone' => '1-586-336-5720', 'website' => 'www.orchardcdj.com', 'region' => 'US', 'emails' => array('joeriggs@orchardcdj.com','rkb@orchardcdj.com','bstart@orchardcdj.com'), 'eventID' => '13799', 'eventDate'=>'January 29th & 30th', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'a coupon for a $19.99 oil change', 'campaign' => 'Private Sale RSVP'), 'bobandchuckbigdeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Bob & Chuck Eddy Chrysler', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'4850 Mahoning Avenue , Austintown', 'region' => 'US', 'phone'=>'330-792-5221', 'website'=>'www.bobandchuckeddy.com', 'emails'=> array('mfriend@cboss.com'), 'eventID'=>'13961', 'eventDate'=>'January 30 to 31', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Sales Event RSVP'), 'willepaymentmatch.com'=>array( 'name' => 'Wille Dodge', 'address' => '3240 Douglas Street, Victoria', 'phone' => '250-475-2313', 'region' => 'CA', 'website' => 'www.willedodge.ca', 'emails' => array('dhowe@willedodge.com'), 'eventID' => '13596', 'eventDate'=>'January 31 to 1', 'voucher' => 'ChryslerPaymentMatch', 'loyaltyBonus' => '$1,500', // Loyalty Bonus amount on voucher 'consumerCash' => '$11,000', // Consumer Cash amount on voucher 'hideExpiry' => 'no', // yes - no 'brand' => 'Chrysler', //SETS ChryslerTitle.png as title and ChryslerBG.jpg as background 'campaign' => 'Payment Match RSVP'), 'adventurecrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Adventure Chrysler Jeep Dodge', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'36845 Euclid Avenue, Willoughby', 'region' => 'us', 'phone'=>'440-946-5700', 'website'=>'www.adventurecjd.com', 'emails'=> array('svarro@adventureautogroup.com'), 'eventID'=>'13931', 'eventDate'=>'Jan 31 to Feb 1', 'voucher' => 'Chrysler', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Crazy Deals RSVP'), 'deerycrazydeals.com'=>array( 'name'=>'Deery Brothers', 'brand' => 'Chrysler', 'address'=>'651 Highway 1 West , Iowa City', 'region' => 'us', 'phone'=>'319 887.9000', 'website'=>'www.deerybrotherscdjr.com', 'emails'=> array('ajperez@deerybrotherscdjr.com'), 'eventID'=>'13946', 'eventDate'=>'January 31 to 1', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'none', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'no', 'campaign' => 'Crazy Deals RSVP'), 'firstbigdealevent.com:hawkesbury'=>array( 'name'=>'Hawkesbury Chrysler', 'brand' => 'BigDeal', 'address'=>'1030 Spence Ave, Hawkesbury', 'region' => 'ca', 'phone'=>'613-632-0941', 'website'=>'www.hawkesburychrysler.ca ', 'emails'=> array('joanissemazda@yahoo.com.sg'), 'eventID'=>'13717', 'eventDate'=>'January 29', 'voucher' => 'none', 'gift' => 'a $25 Tim Hortons Gift Card', // a Tim Hortons Gift Card', 'bonus' => 'none', 'blackbook' => 'yes', 'bilingual' => 'yes', 'lang' => 'fr', 'eventDate-fr'=>'29 janvier', 'campaign' => 'First Big Deal RSVP'), ); // Closing bracket ?>
© 2017 -