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File: he_IL.po
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This is where you import the Mantra settings.<i> Please remember that this is still an experimental feature.</i>" msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:74 msgid "Just choose a file from your computer:" msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:76 #, php-format msgid "Maximum size: %s" msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:82 msgid "And import!" msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:148 msgid "Import Mantra Theme Options " msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:151 msgid "Great! The options have been imported!" msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:152 msgid "Go back to the Mantra options page and check them out!" msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:155 #: admin/admin-functions.php:161 #: admin/admin-functions.php:167 msgid "Oops, there's a small problem." msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:156 msgid "The uploaded file does not contain valid Mantra options. Make sure the file is exported from the Mantra Options page." msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:162 msgid "The uploaded file could not be read." msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:168 msgid "The uploaded file is not supported. Make sure the file was exported from the Mantra page and that it is a text file." msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:177 msgid "Oops! The file is empty or there was no file. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini." msgstr "" #: admin/admin-functions.php:183 msgid "ERROR: You are not authorised to perform that operation" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:93 msgid "Layout Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:94 msgid "Presentation Page" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:95 msgid "Text Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:96 msgid "Color Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:97 msgid "Graphics Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:98 msgid "Post Information Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:99 msgid "Post Excerpt Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:100 msgid "Featured Image Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:101 msgid "Social Media Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:102 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:104 msgid "Main Layout" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:105 msgid "Content / Sidebar Width" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:106 msgid "Header Image Height" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:108 msgid "Enable Presentation Page" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:109 msgid "Slider Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:110 msgid "Slides" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:111 msgid "Presentation Page Columns" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:112 msgid "Extras" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:114 msgid "General Font" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:115 msgid "General Font Size" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:116 msgid "Post Title Font " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:117 msgid "Post Title Font Size" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:118 msgid "Sidebar Font" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:119 msgid "SideBar Font Size" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:120 msgid "Sub-Headers Font" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:121 msgid "Force Text Align" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:122 msgid "Paragraph indent" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:123 msgid "Header indent" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:124 msgid "Line Height" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:125 msgid "Word spacing" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:126 msgid "Letter spacing" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:127 msgid "Text shadow" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:129 msgid "Background Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:130 msgid "Header (Banner and Menu) Background Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:131 msgid "Content Background Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:132 msgid "Menu background color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:134 msgid "Site Title Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:135 msgid "Site Description Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:137 msgid "Content Text Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:138 msgid "Links Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:139 msgid "Links Hover Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:140 msgid "Post Title Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:141 msgid "Post Title Hover Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:142 msgid "Sidebar Header Background Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:143 msgid "Sidebar Header Text Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:144 msgid "Footer Widget Background Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:145 msgid "Footer Background Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:146 msgid "Footer Widget Header Text Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:147 msgid "Footer Widget Link Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:148 msgid "Footer Widget Hover Color" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:150 msgid "Caption Border" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:151 msgid "Post Images Border" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:152 msgid "Caption Pin" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:153 msgid "Sidebar Menu Bullets" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:154 msgid "Meta Area Background" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:155 msgid "Post Separator" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:156 msgid "Content List Bullets" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:157 msgid "Title and Description" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:158 msgid "Page Titles" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:159 msgid "Category Page Titles" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:160 msgid "Hide Tables" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:161 msgid "Back to Top button" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:162 msgid "Text Under Comments" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:163 msgid "Comments are closed text" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:164 msgid "Comments off" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:165 msgid "Insert footer copyright" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:167 msgid "Post Comments Link" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:168 msgid "Post Date" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:169 msgid "Post Time" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:170 msgid "Post Author" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:171 msgid "Post Category" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:172 msgid "Post Tags" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:173 msgid "Post Permalink" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:174 msgid "All Post Metas" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:176 msgid "Post Excerpts on Home Page" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:177 msgid "Affect Sticky Posts" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:178 msgid "Post Excerpts on Archive and Category Pages" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:179 msgid "Number of Words for Post Excerpts " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:180 msgid "Magazine Layout" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:181 msgid "Excerpt suffix" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:182 msgid "Continue reading link text " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:183 msgid "HTML tags in Excerpts" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:185 msgid "Featured Images as POST Thumbnails " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:186 msgid "Auto Select Images From Posts " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:187 msgid "Thumbnails Alignment " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:188 msgid "Thumbnails Size " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:189 msgid "Featured Images as HEADER Images " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:191 msgid "Link nr. 1" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:192 msgid "Link nr. 2" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:193 msgid "Link nr. 3" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:194 msgid "Link nr. 4" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:195 msgid "Link nr. 5" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:196 msgid "Socials display" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:198 msgid "Make Site Header a Link" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:199 msgid "Breadcrumbs" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:200 msgid "Pagination" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:201 msgid "Mobile view" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:202 msgid "FavIcon" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:203 msgid "Custom CSS" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:204 msgid "Custom JavaScript" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:205 msgid "SEO Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:222 msgid "Sorry, but you do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:232 msgid "Mantra settings updated successfully." msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:243 msgid "Reset to Defaults" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:244 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:258 msgid "" "<p>Here at Cryout Creations (the developers of yours truly Mantra Theme), we spend night after night improving the Mantra Theme. We fix a lot of bugs (that we previously created); we add more and more customization options while also trying to keep things as simple as possible; then... we might play a game or two but rest assured that we return to read and (in most cases) reply to your late night emails and comments, take notes and draw dashboards of things to implement in future versions.</p>\n" "\t\t\t<p>So you might ask yourselves: <i>How do they do it? How can they keep so fresh after all that hard labor for that darned theme? </i> Well folks, it's simple. We drink coffee. Industrial quantities of hot boiling coffee. We love it! So if you want to help with the further development of the Mantra Theme...</p> " msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:273 msgid "Import/Export Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:279 msgid "Export Theme options" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:280 msgid "It's that easy: a mouse click away - the ability to export your Mantra settings and save them on your computer. Feeling safer? You should!" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:285 msgid "Import Theme options" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:286 msgid " Without the import, the export would just be a fool's exercise. Make sure you have the exported file ready and see you after the mouse click." msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:293 msgid "Mantra Latest News" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:304 msgid "No news items." msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:318 msgid "Mantra Help" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:321 msgid "" "\n" "\t\t\t<ul>\n" "\t\t\t\t<li>- Need any Mantra or WordPress help?</li>\n" "\t\t\t\t<li>- Want to know what changes are made to the theme with each new version?</li>\n" "\t\t\t\t<li>- Found a bug or maybe something doesn't work exactly as expected?</li>\n" "\t\t\t\t<li>- Got an idea on how to improve the Mantra Theme to better suit your needs?</li>\n" "\t\t\t\t<li>- Want a setting implemented?</li>\n" "\t\t\t\t<li>- Do you have or would you like to make a translation of the Mantra Theme?</li>\n" "\t\t\t</ul>\n" "\t\t\t<p>Then come visit us at Mantra's support page.</p>\n" "\t" msgstr "" #: admin/main.php:332 msgid "Mantra Support Page" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:61 msgid "One column (no sidebars)" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:62 msgid "Two columns, sidebar on the right" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:63 msgid "Two columns, sidebar on the left" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:64 msgid "Three columns, sidebars on the right" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:65 msgid "Three columns, sidebars on the left" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:66 msgid "Three columns, one sidebar on each side" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:81 msgid "Choose your layout " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:89 msgid "Absolute" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:89 msgid "Relative" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:90 msgid "Dimensions to use: " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:189 #: admin/settings.php:209 msgid "Content =" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:190 #: admin/settings.php:210 msgid "Sidebar(s) =" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:191 #: admin/settings.php:211 msgid "Total width =" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:200 msgid "" "Select the width of your <b>content</b> and <b>sidebar(s)</b>. \n" " \t\tWhile the content cannot be less than 500px wide, the sidebar area is at least 220px and no more than 800px.<br />\n" "\tIf you went for a 3 column area ( with 2 sidebars) they will each have half the selected width." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:220 msgid "" "Select the width of your <b>content</b> and <b>sidebar(s)</b>. \n" " \t\tThese are realtive dimmensions - relative to the user's browser. The total width is a percentage of the browser's width.<br />\n" "\t While the content cannot be less than 40% wide, the sidebar area is at least 20% and no more than 50%.<br />\n" "\tIf you went for a 3 column area ( with 2 sidebars) they will each have half the selected width." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:244 msgid "Select the header's height. After saving the settings go and upload your new header image. The header's width will be = " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:257 #: admin/settings.php:969 #: admin/settings.php:1031 #: admin/settings.php:1353 #: admin/settings.php:1415 #: admin/settings.php:1623 #: admin/settings.php:1652 #: admin/settings.php:1675 #: admin/settings.php:1698 #: admin/settings.php:1747 #: admin/settings.php:1876 #: admin/settings.php:1891 #: admin/settings.php:1906 #: admin/settings.php:1921 #: admin/settings.php:1963 msgid "Enable" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:257 #: admin/settings.php:969 #: admin/settings.php:1031 #: admin/settings.php:1353 #: admin/settings.php:1415 #: admin/settings.php:1623 #: admin/settings.php:1652 #: admin/settings.php:1675 #: admin/settings.php:1698 #: admin/settings.php:1747 #: admin/settings.php:1876 #: admin/settings.php:1891 #: admin/settings.php:1906 #: admin/settings.php:1921 #: admin/settings.php:1963 msgid "Disable" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:265 msgid "" "Enable the presentation front-page. This will become your new home page and it will replace whatever page you have selected as homepage. It has a slider and columns for presentation\n" "\t\ttext and images." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:275 msgid "Slider Dimensions:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:276 msgid "width" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:277 msgid "height" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:278 msgid "The dimensions of your slider. Make sure your images are of the same size." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:280 msgid "Animation:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "Random" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "Fold" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "Fade" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SlideInRight" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SlideInLeft" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SliceDown" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SliceDownLeft" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SliceUp" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SliceUpLeft" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SliceUpDown" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "SliceUpDownLeft" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "BoxRandom" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "BoxRain" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "BoxRainReverse" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "BoxRainGrow" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:282 msgid "BoxRainGrowReverse" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:290 msgid "The transition effect your slider will have." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:292 msgid "Border Settings:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:293 msgid "Width" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:294 msgid "Color" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:296 msgid "The width and color of the slider's border." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:298 msgid "Animation Time:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:299 #: admin/settings.php:303 msgid "milliseconds (1000ms = 1 second) " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:300 msgid "The time in which the transition animation will take place." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:302 msgid "Pause Time:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:304 msgid "The time in which a slide will be still and visible." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:307 msgid "Slider navigation:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:309 msgid "Numbers" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:309 msgid "Bullets" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:309 #: admin/settings.php:1259 msgid "None" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:317 msgid "Your slider navigation type. Shown under the slider." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:319 msgid "Slider arrows:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:321 msgid "Always Visible" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:321 msgid "Visible on Hover" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:321 msgid "Hidden" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:329 msgid "The Left and Right arrows on your slider" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:370 #: admin/settings.php:438 msgid "Select Category" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:397 msgid "Custom Slides" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:397 msgid "Latest Posts" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:397 msgid "Random Posts" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:397 msgid "Sticky Posts" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:397 msgid "Latest Posts from Category" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:397 msgid "Random Posts from Category" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:397 msgid "Specific Posts" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:410 msgid "Latest posts will be loaded into the slider." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:414 msgid "Random posts will be loaded into the slider." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:418 msgid "Latest posts from the category you choose will be loaded in the slider." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:423 msgid "Random posts from the category you choose will be loaded into the slider." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:427 msgid "Only sticky posts will be loaded into the slider." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:431 msgid "List the post IDs you want to display (separated by a comma): " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:436 msgid "<br> Choose the cateogry: " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:453 msgid "Number of posts to show:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:460 msgid "Slide 1" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:464 #: admin/settings.php:479 #: admin/settings.php:494 #: admin/settings.php:509 #: admin/settings.php:524 #: admin/settings.php:567 #: admin/settings.php:582 #: admin/settings.php:597 #: admin/settings.php:612 msgid "Upload or select image from gallery" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:465 #: admin/settings.php:480 #: admin/settings.php:495 #: admin/settings.php:510 #: admin/settings.php:525 #: admin/settings.php:568 #: admin/settings.php:583 #: admin/settings.php:613 msgid "Title" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:467 #: admin/settings.php:482 #: admin/settings.php:497 #: admin/settings.php:512 #: admin/settings.php:527 #: admin/settings.php:570 #: admin/settings.php:585 #: admin/settings.php:600 #: admin/settings.php:615 msgid "Text" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:475 msgid "Slide 2" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:490 msgid "Slide 3" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:505 msgid "Slide 4" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:520 msgid "Slide 5" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:533 msgid "Your slides' content. Only the image is required, all other fields are optional. Only the slides with an image selected will become acitve and visible in the live slider." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:543 msgid "Number of columns:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:553 msgid "Image Height:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:556 msgid "Read more text:" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:559 msgid "The linked text that appears at the bottom of all the columns. You can delete all text inside if you don't want it." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:563 msgid "1st Column" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:578 msgid "2nd Column" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:593 msgid "3rd Column" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:608 msgid "4th Column" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:630 msgid "Extra Text" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:630 msgid "Top Title" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:632 msgid "Second Title" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:635 msgid "Title color" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:638 msgid "The titles' color (Default value is 333333)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:640 msgid "Bottom Text 1" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:642 msgid "Bottom Text 2" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:645 msgid "" "More text for your front page. The top title is above the slider, the second title between the slider and the columns and 2 more rows of text under the columns.\n" "\t\t It's all optional so leave any input field empty if it's not required. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:651 msgid "Hide areas" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:664 msgid "Hide the header area (image or background color)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:668 msgid "Hide the main menu (the top navigation tabs)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:672 msgid "Hide the footer widgets. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:676 msgid "Hide the footer (copyright area)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:680 msgid "Hide the white color. Only the background color remains." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:684 msgid "Choose the areas to hide on the first page." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:703 msgid "Select the font size you'll use in your blog. Pages, posts and comments will be affected. Buttons, Headers and Side menus will remain the same." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:747 msgid "Select the font family you'll use in your blog. All content text will be affected (including menu buttons). " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:748 #: admin/settings.php:797 #: admin/settings.php:848 #: admin/settings.php:899 msgid "Or insert your Google Font below. Please only isert the <strong>name</strong> of the font.<br /> Ex: Marko One. Go to <a href='http://www.google.com/webfonts' > google fonts </a> for some font inspiration." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:795 msgid "Select the font family you want for your titles. It will affect post titles and page titles. Leave 'Default' and the general font you selected will be used." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:846 msgid "Select the font family you want your sidebar(s) to have. Text in sidebars will be affected, including any widgets. Leave 'Default' and the general font you selected will be used." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:897 msgid "Select the font family you want your subheaders to have (h2 - h6 tags will be affected). Leave 'Default' and the general font you selected will be used." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:909 #: admin/settings.php:924 #: admin/settings.php:939 #: admin/settings.php:984 #: admin/settings.php:999 #: admin/settings.php:1014 msgid "Default" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:917 msgid "Post Header Font size. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:932 msgid "Sidebar Font size. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:939 #: admin/settings.php:1714 msgid "Left" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:939 #: admin/settings.php:1714 msgid "Right" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:939 msgid "Justify" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:939 #: admin/settings.php:1714 msgid "Center" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:947 msgid "This overwrites the text alignment in posts and pages. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (alignment will remain as declared in posts, comments etc.)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:961 msgid "Choose the indent for your paragraphs." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:977 msgid "Disable the default header and title indent (left margin)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:992 msgid "Text line height. The height between 2 rows of text. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1007 msgid "The space between <i>words</i>. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1022 msgid "The space between <i>letters</i>. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1039 msgid "Disable the default text shadow on headers and titles." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1051 msgid "Background color (Default value is 444444)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1059 msgid "Header background color (Default value is 333333). You can delete all inside text for no background color." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1066 msgid "Content background color (Default value is FAFAFA). Works best with really light colors." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1073 msgid "Main menu background color (Default value is FAFAFA). Should be the same color as the content bg or something just as light." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1081 msgid "Footer widget-area background color. (Default value is 171717)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1089 msgid "Footer background color (Default value is 222222)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1097 msgid "Your blog's title color (Default value is 0D85CC)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1105 msgid "Your blog's description color(Default value is 222222)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1113 msgid "Content Text Color (Default value is 333333)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1121 msgid "Links color (Default value is 0D85CC)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1129 msgid "Links color on mouse over (Default value is 333333)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1137 msgid "Post Header Text Color (Default value is 333333)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1145 msgid "Post Header Text Color on Mouse over (Default value is 000000)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1153 msgid "Sidebar Header Background color (Default value is 444444)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1162 msgid "Sidebar Header Text Color(Default value is 2EA5FD)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1170 msgid "Footer Widget Text Color (Default value is 0D85CC)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1178 msgid "Footer Widget Link Color (Default value is 666666)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1186 msgid "Footer Widget Link Color on Mouse Over (Default value is 888888)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1198 #: admin/settings.php:1259 msgid "White" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1198 msgid "Light" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1198 msgid "Light Gray" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1198 #: admin/settings.php:1259 msgid "Gray" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1198 msgid "Dark Gray" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1198 msgid "Black" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1206 msgid "This setting changes the look of your captions. Images that are not inserted through captions will not be affected." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1222 msgid "The border around your inserted images. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1237 msgid "The image on top of your captions. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1252 msgid "The sidebar list bullets. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1267 msgid "The background for your post-metas area (under your post tiltes). Gray by default.<" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1275 #: admin/settings.php:1291 #: admin/settings.php:1308 #: admin/settings.php:1323 #: admin/settings.php:1338 #: admin/settings.php:1368 #: admin/settings.php:1383 #: admin/settings.php:1399 #: admin/settings.php:1442 #: admin/settings.php:1457 #: admin/settings.php:1472 #: admin/settings.php:1487 #: admin/settings.php:1502 #: admin/settings.php:1517 #: admin/settings.php:1532 #: admin/settings.php:1547 msgid "Show" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1275 #: admin/settings.php:1291 #: admin/settings.php:1308 #: admin/settings.php:1323 #: admin/settings.php:1338 #: admin/settings.php:1368 #: admin/settings.php:1399 #: admin/settings.php:1442 #: admin/settings.php:1457 #: admin/settings.php:1472 #: admin/settings.php:1487 #: admin/settings.php:1502 #: admin/settings.php:1517 #: admin/settings.php:1532 #: admin/settings.php:1547 msgid "Hide" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1283 msgid "Hide or show a horizontal rule to separate posts." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1299 msgid "Hide or show bullets next to lists that are in your content area (posts, pages etc.)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1316 msgid "Hide or show your blog's Title and Description in the header (recommended if you have a custom header image with text)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1331 msgid "Hide or show Page titles on any <i>created</i> pages. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1346 msgid "Hide or show Page titles on <i>Category</i> Pages. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1361 msgid "Hide table borders and background color." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1376 msgid "Hide the explanatory text under the comments form. (starts with <i>You may use these HTML tags and attributes:...</i>)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1383 msgid "Hide in posts" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1383 msgid "Hide in pages" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1383 msgid "Hide everywhere" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1391 msgid "Hide the <b>Comments are closed</b> text that by default shows up on pages or posts with the comments disabled." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1407 msgid "Hide the <b>Comments off</b> text next to posts that have comments disabled." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1423 msgid "Enable the Back to Top button. The button appears after scrolling the page down." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1430 msgid "Insert custom text or HTML code that will appear last in you footer. <br /> You can use HTML to insert links, images and special characters like © ." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1450 msgid "Hide or show the <strong>Leave a comment</strong> or <strong>x Comments</strong> next to posts or post excerpts." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1465 msgid "Hide or show the post date." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1480 msgid "Show the post time with the date. Time will not be visible if the Post Date is hidden." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1495 msgid "Hide or show the post author." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1510 msgid "Hide the post category." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1525 msgid "Hide the post tags." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1540 msgid "Hide the 'Bookmark permalink'." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1555 msgid "Hide all the post metas. All meta info and meta areas will be hidden." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1568 #: admin/settings.php:1583 #: admin/settings.php:1599 msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1568 #: admin/settings.php:1583 #: admin/settings.php:1599 msgid "Full Post" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1576 msgid "Excerpts on the main page. Only standard posts will be affected. All other post formats (aside, image, chat, quote etc.) have their specific formating." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1591 msgid "Choose if you want the sticky posts on your home page to be visible in full or just the excerpts. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1607 msgid "Excerpts on archive, categroy and search pages. Same as above, only standard posts will be affected." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1615 msgid "" "The number of words an excerpt will have. When that number is reached the post will be interrupted by a <i>Continue reading</i> link that\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\twill take the reader to the full post page." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1631 msgid "Enable the Magazine Layout. This layout applies to pages with posts and shows 2 posts per row." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1638 msgid "Replaces the three dots ('[...])' that are appended automatically to excerpts." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1645 msgid "Edit the 'Continue Reading' link added to your post excerpts." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1660 msgid "By default WordPress excerpts remove all HTML tags (" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1691 msgid "Show featured images as thumbnails on posts. The images must be selected for each post in the Featured Image section." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1706 msgid "Show the first image that you inserted in a post as a thumbnail. If you enable this option, the first image in your post will be used even if you selected a Featured Image in you post." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1722 msgid "Thumbnail alignment." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1739 msgid "The size you want the thumbnails to have (in pixels). By default imges will be scaled with aspect ratio kept. Choose to crop the images if you want the exact size." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1755 msgid "" "Show featured images on headers. The header will be replaced with a featured image if you selected it as a Featured Image in the post and\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand if it is bigger or at least equal to the current header size." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1776 msgid "Select your desired Social network from the left dropdown menu and insert your corresponding address in the right input field. (ex: <i>http://www.facebook.com/yourname</i> )" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1790 msgid "You can insert up to 5 different social sites and addresses." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1804 msgid "There are a total of 27 social networks to choose from. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1818 msgid "You can leave any number of inputs empty. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1832 msgid "You can choose the same social media any number of times. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1863 msgid "Choose the <b>areas</b> where to display the social icons." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1884 msgid "Make the site header into a clickable link that links to your index page." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1899 msgid "Show breadcrumbs at the top of the content area. Breadcrumbs are a form of navigation that keeps track of your location withtin the site." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1914 msgid "Show numbered pagination. Where there is more than one page, instead of the bottom <b>Older Posts</b> and <b>Newer posts</b> links you have a numbered pagination. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1929 msgid "Enable the mobile view and make Mantra responsive. The layout and look of your blog will change depending on what device and what resolution it is viewed in. " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1939 msgid "Upload or select favicon from gallery" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1943 msgid "Limitations: It has to be an image. It should be max 64x64 pixels in dimensions. Recommended file extensions .ico and .png . " msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1951 msgid "Insert your custom CSS here. Any CSS declarations made here will overwrite Mantra's (even the custom options specified right here in the Mantra Settings page). <br /> Your custom CSS will be preserved when updating the theme." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1958 msgid "Insert your custom Javascript code here. (Google Analytics and any other forms of Analytic software)." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1971 msgid "Enable Mantra's Search Engine Optimization. This is enabled by default and should only be disabled if you are using a SEO plugin." msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1983 msgid "Auto" msgstr "" #: admin/settings.php:1983 msgid "Manual" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-functions.php:213 msgid "Home Page" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:146 msgid "says:" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:152 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:159 msgid "at" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:159 #: includes/theme-loop.php:176 msgid "(Edit)" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:176 msgid "Pingback: " msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:213 msgid "By " msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:224 msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:224 msgid "<b>1</b> Comment" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:224 msgid "<b>%</b> Comments" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:247 msgid " Bookmark the " msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:247 #: includes/theme-loop.php:249 #: includes/theme-loop.php:251 msgid "Permalink to" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:247 #: includes/theme-loop.php:249 #: includes/theme-loop.php:251 msgid "permalink" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:249 #: includes/theme-loop.php:251 msgid "Bookmark the " msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:273 msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">«</span> Older posts" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-loop.php:274 msgid "Newer posts <span class=\"meta-nav\">»</span>" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-seo.php:26 #, php-format msgid "Page %s" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:91 msgid "Primary Navigation" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:92 msgid "Top Navigation" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:93 msgid "Footer Navigation" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:137 msgid "mantra" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:198 msgid "Skip to content" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:224 msgid "Primary Widget Area - Sidebar 1" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:226 msgid "Primary widget area - Sidebar 1" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:235 msgid "Secondary Widget Area - Sidebar 1" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:237 msgid "Secondary widget area - Sidebar 1" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:246 msgid "Third Widget Area - Sidebar 2" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:248 msgid "Third widget area - Sidebar 2" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:257 msgid "Fourth Widget Area - Sidebar 2" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:259 msgid "Fourth widget area - Sidebar 2" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:268 msgid "First Footer Widget Area" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:270 msgid "First footer widget area" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:279 msgid "Second Footer Widget Area" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:281 msgid "Second footer widget area" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:290 msgid "Third Footer Widget Area" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:292 msgid "The third footer widget area" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:301 msgid "Fourth Footer Widget Area" msgstr "" #: includes/theme-setup.php:303 msgid "The fourth footer widget area" msgstr ""
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