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File: functions.php
<?php function mwp_autoload($class) { if (substr($class, 0, 8) === 'Dropbox_' || substr($class, 0, 8) === 'Symfony_' || substr($class, 0, 8) === 'Monolog_' || substr($class, 0, 5) === 'Gelf_' || substr($class, 0, 4) === 'MWP_' || substr($class, 0, 4) === 'MMB_' || substr($class, 0, 3) === 'S3_' ) { $file = dirname(__FILE__).'/src/'.str_replace('_', '/', $class).'.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } } function mwp_register_autoload_google() { static $registered; if ($registered) { return; } else { $registered = true; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) { spl_autoload_register('mwp_autoload_google'); } else { spl_autoload_register('mwp_autoload_google', true, true); } } function mwp_autoload_google($class) { if (substr($class, 0, 7) === 'Google_') { $file = dirname(__FILE__).'/src/'.str_replace('_', '/', $class).'.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } } } /** * @return Monolog_Psr_LoggerInterface */ function mwp_logger() { return mwp_container()->getLogger(); } /** * @return MWP_WordPress_Context */ function mwp_context() { return mwp_container()->getWordPressContext(); } /** * @param $appKey * @param $appSecret * @param $token * @param $tokenSecret * * @return Dropbox_Client */ function mwp_dropbox_oauth_factory($appKey, $appSecret, $token, $tokenSecret = null) { if ($tokenSecret) { $oauthToken = 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_consumer_key="'.$appKey.'", oauth_token="'.$token.'", oauth_signature="'.$appSecret.'&'.$tokenSecret.'"'; $clientIdentifier = $token; } else { $oauthToken = 'Bearer '.$token; $clientIdentifier = 'PHP-ManageWp/1.0'; } return new Dropbox_Client($oauthToken, $clientIdentifier); } function mwp_format_memory_limit($limit) { if ((string)(int)$limit === (string)$limit) { // The number is numeric. return mwp_format_bytes($limit); } $units = strtolower(substr($limit, -1)); if (!in_array($units, array('b', 'k', 'm', 'g'))) { // Invalid size unit. return $limit; } $number = substr($limit, 0, -1); if ((string)(int)$number !== $number) { // The number isn't numeric. return $number; } switch ($units) { case 'g': return $number.' GB'; case 'm': return $number.' MB'; case 'k': return $number.' KB'; case 'b': default: return $number.' B'; } } function mwp_format_bytes($bytes) { $bytes = (int)$bytes; if ($bytes > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { return round($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2).' GB'; } elseif ($bytes > 1024 * 1024) { return round($bytes / 1024 / 1024, 2).' MB'; } elseif ($bytes > 1024) { return round($bytes / 1024, 2).' KB'; } return $bytes.' B'; } function mwp_log_warnings() { // If mbstring.func_overload is set, it changes the behavior of the standard string functions in // ways that makes external libraries like Dropbox break. $mbstring_func_overload = ini_get("mbstring.func_overload"); if ($mbstring_func_overload & 2 == 2) { mwp_logger()->warning('"mbstring.func_overload" changes the behavior of the standard string functions in ways that makes external libraries like Dropbox break'); } if (strlen((string)PHP_INT_MAX) < 19) { // Looks like we're running on a 32-bit build of PHP. This could cause problems because some of the numbers // we use (file sizes, quota, etc) can be larger than 32-bit ints can handle. mwp_logger()->warning("Some external libraries rely on 64-bit integers, but it looks like we're running on a version of PHP that doesn't support 64-bit integers (PHP_INT_MAX=".((string)PHP_INT_MAX).")."); } } function mmb_get_extended_info(&$stats, &$params) { $filter = isset($params['plugins']['cleanup']) ? $params['plugins']['cleanup'] : array(); $stats['num_revisions'] = mmb_num_revisions($filter['revisions']); $stats['overhead'] = mmb_handle_overhead(false); $stats['num_spam_comments'] = mmb_num_spam_comments(); } /* Revisions */ function cleanup_delete_worker($params = array()) { $revision_params = get_option('mmb_stats_filter'); $revision_filter = isset($revision_params['plugins']['cleanup']) ? $revision_params['plugins']['cleanup'] : array(); $params_array = explode('_', $params['actions']); $return_array = array(); foreach ($params_array as $param) { switch ($param) { case 'revision': if (mmb_delete_all_revisions($revision_filter['revisions'])) { $return_array['revision'] = 'OK'; } else { $return_array['revision_error'] = 'OK, nothing to do'; } break; case 'overhead': if (mmb_handle_overhead(true)) { $return_array['overhead'] = 'OK'; } else { $return_array['overhead_error'] = 'OK, nothing to do'; } break; case 'comment': if (mmb_delete_spam_comments()) { $return_array['comment'] = 'OK'; } else { $return_array['comment_error'] = 'OK, nothing to do'; } break; default: break; } } unset($params); mmb_response($return_array, true); } function mmb_num_revisions($filter) { global $wpdb; $num_rev = isset($filter['num_to_keep']) && !empty($filter['num_to_keep']) ? str_replace("r_", "", $filter['num_to_keep']) : 5; $query = "SELECT SUM(t.cnt) FROM (SELECT COUNT(ID) - {$num_rev} as cnt FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'revision' AND post_parent != 0 GROUP BY post_parent HAVING COUNT(ID) > {$num_rev}) as t"; return $wpdb->get_var($query); } function mmb_select_all_revisions() { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'revision'"; $revisions = $wpdb->get_results($sql); return $revisions; } function mmb_delete_all_revisions($filter) { global $wpdb; $num_rev = isset($filter['num_to_keep']) ? (int)str_replace("r_", "", $filter['num_to_keep']) : 5; $allRevisions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_parent FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'revision' AND post_parent != 0 GROUP BY post_parent HAVING COUNT(ID) > {$num_rev}"); if (!is_array($allRevisions)) { return false; } foreach ($allRevisions as $revision) { $toKeep = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'revision' AND post_parent = '{$revision->post_parent}' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT ".$num_rev); $keepArray = array(); foreach ($toKeep as $keep) { $keepArray[] = $keep->ID; } if (empty($keepArray)) { continue; } $keepQuery = implode(', ', $keepArray); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'revision' AND post_parent = '{$revision->post_parent}' AND ID NOT IN ({$keepQuery})"); } return true; } function mmb_handle_overhead($clear = false) { /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ global $wpdb; $query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS'; $tables = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A); $tableOverhead = 0; $tablesToOptimize = array(); foreach ($tables as $table) { if (!isset($table['Engine']) || $table['Engine'] !== 'MyISAM' || $table['Data_free'] == 0) { continue; } if ($wpdb->base_prefix === $wpdb->prefix && !preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($wpdb->prefix).'/Ui', $table['Name'])) { continue; } if ($wpdb->base_prefix !== $wpdb->prefix && !preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($wpdb->prefix).'\d+_/Ui', $table['Name'])) { continue; } $tableOverhead += $table['Data_free'] / 1024; $tablesToOptimize[] = $table['Name']; } if (!$clear) { // we should only return the overhead return round($tableOverhead, 3); } $optimize = true; foreach ($tablesToOptimize as $tableToOptimize) { $query = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE '.$tableToOptimize; $optimize = ((bool)$wpdb->query($query)) && $optimize; } return $optimize; } /* Spam Comments */ function mmb_num_spam_comments() { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = 'spam'"; $num_spams = $wpdb->get_var($sql); return $num_spams; } function mmb_delete_spam_comments() { global $wpdb; $spam = 1; $total = 0; while (!empty($spam)) { $getCommentsQuery = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = 'spam' LIMIT 1000"; $spam = $wpdb->get_results($getCommentsQuery); if (empty($spam)) { break; } $commentIds = array(); foreach ($spam as $comment) { $commentIds[] = $comment->comment_ID; // Avoid queries to comments by caching the comment. // Plugins which hook to 'delete_comment' might call get_comment($id), which in turn returns the cached version. wp_cache_add($comment->comment_ID, $comment, 'comment'); do_action('delete_comment', $comment->comment_ID); wp_cache_delete($comment->comment_ID, 'comment'); } $commentIdsList = implode(', ', array_map('intval', $commentIds)); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_ID IN ($commentIdsList)"); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->commentmeta} WHERE comment_id IN ($commentIdsList)"); $total += count($spam); if (!empty($spam)) { usleep(10000); } } return $total; } function mmb_get_spam_comments() { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments as a LEFT JOIN $wpdb->commentmeta as b WHERE a.comment_ID = b.comment_id AND a.comment_approved = 'spam'"; $spams = $wpdb->get_results($sql); return $spams; } function mwp_is_nio_shell_available() { static $check; if (isset($check)) { return $check; } try { $process = new Symfony_Process_Process("cd .", dirname(__FILE__), array(), null, 1); $process->run(); $check = $process->isSuccessful(); } catch (Exception $e) { $check = false; } return $check; } function mwp_is_shell_available() { if (mwp_container()->getParameter('disable_shell')) { return false; } if (mwp_is_safe_mode()) { return false; } if (!function_exists('proc_open') || !function_exists('escapeshellarg')) { return false; } $neededFunction = array('proc_get_status', 'proc_open'); $disabledFunction = mwp_get_disabled_functions(); if (count(array_diff($neededFunction, $disabledFunction)) != count($neededFunction)) { return false; } if (!mwp_is_nio_shell_available()) { return false; } return true; } function mwp_get_disabled_functions() { $list = array_merge(explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions')), explode(',', ini_get('suhosin.executor.func.blacklist'))); $list = array_map('trim', $list); $list = array_map('strtolower', $list); $list = array_filter($list); return $list; } function mwp_is_safe_mode() { $value = ini_get("safe_mode"); if ((int)$value === 0 || strtolower($value) === "off") { return false; } return true; } // Everything below was moved from init.php function mmb_response($response = false, $success = true) { if (!$success) { if (!is_scalar($response)) { $response = json_encode($response); } throw new MWP_Worker_Exception(MWP_Worker_Exception::GENERAL_ERROR, $response); } throw new MWP_Worker_ActionResponse($response); } function mmb_remove_site($params) { extract($params); global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->deactivate($deactivate); include_once ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; $plugin_slug = 'worker/init.php'; if ($deactivate) { deactivate_plugins($plugin_slug, true); } else { // Prolong the worker deactivation upon site removal. update_option('mmb_worker_activation_time', time()); } if (!is_plugin_active($plugin_slug)) { mmb_response( array( 'deactivated' => 'Site removed successfully. <br /><br />ManageWP Worker plugin successfully deactivated.', ), true ); } else { mmb_response( array( 'removed_data' => 'Site removed successfully. <br /><br /><b>ManageWP Worker plugin was not deactivated.</b>', ), true ); } } function mmb_stats_get($params) { mmb_response(mmb_pre_init_stats($params), true); } function mmb_pre_init_stats($params) { global $mmb_core; mwp_context()->requireWpRewrite(); mwp_context()->requireTaxonomies(); mwp_context()->requirePostTypes(); mwp_context()->requireTheme(); $mmb_core->get_stats_instance(); mwp_logger()->debug('Starting get_stats after everything was required'); return $mmb_core->stats_instance->pre_init_stats($params); } function mwp_datasend($params = array()) { global $mmb_core, $_mmb_options; $_mmb_remoteurl = get_option('home'); $_mmb_remoteown = isset($_mmb_options['dataown']) && !empty($_mmb_options['dataown']) ? $_mmb_options['dataown'] : false; if (empty($_mmb_remoteown)) { return; } $mmb_core->get_stats_instance(); $filter = array( 'refresh' => 'transient', 'item_filter' => array( 'get_stats' => array( array('updates', array('plugins' => true, 'themes' => true, 'premium' => true)), array('core_update', array('core' => true)), array('posts', array('numberposts' => 5)), array('drafts', array('numberposts' => 5)), array('scheduled', array('numberposts' => 5)), array('hit_counter'), array('comments', array('numberposts' => 5)), array('backups'), 'plugins' => array( 'cleanup' => array( 'overhead' => array(), 'revisions' => array('num_to_keep' => 'r_5'), 'spam' => array(), ), ), ), ), ); $data = $mmb_core->stats_instance->pre_init_stats($filter); $data['server_ip'] = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : null; $data['uhost'] = php_uname('n'); $hash = $mmb_core->get_secure_hash(); if (mwp_datasend_trigger($data)) { // adds trigger to check if really need to send something $configurationService = new MWP_Configuration_Service(); $configuration = $configurationService->getConfiguration(); set_transient("mwp_cache_notifications", $data); set_transient("mwp_cache_notifications_time", time()); $datasend['datasend'] = $mmb_core->encrypt_data($data); $datasend['sitehome'] = base64_encode($_mmb_remoteown.'[]'.$_mmb_remoteurl); $datasend['sitehash'] = md5($hash.$_mmb_remoteown.$_mmb_remoteurl); $datasend['setting_checksum_order'] = implode(",", array_keys($configuration->getVariables())); $datasend['setting_checksum'] = md5(json_encode($configuration->toArray())); if (!class_exists('WP_Http')) { include_once ABSPATH.WPINC.'/class-http.php'; } $remote = array(); $remote['body'] = $datasend; $remote['timeout'] = 20; $result = wp_remote_post($configuration->getMasterCronUrl(), $remote); if (!is_wp_error($result)) { if (isset($result['body']) && !empty($result['body'])) { $settings = @unserialize($result['body']); if ($settings === false) { return; } /* rebrand worker or set default */ $brand = ''; $worker_brand = get_option('mwp_worker_brand'); $current_from_orion = !empty($worker_brand['from_orion']) ? $worker_brand['from_orion'] : false; if (isset($settings['worker_brand']) && $settings['worker_brand']) { $brand = $settings['worker_brand']; } if (!$current_from_orion) { update_option("mwp_worker_brand", $brand); } /* change worker version */ $w_version = @$settings['worker_updates']['version']; $w_url = @$settings['worker_updates']['url']; if (version_compare($GLOBALS['MMB_WORKER_VERSION'], $w_version, '<')) { //automatic update $mmb_core->update_worker_plugin(array("download_url" => $w_url)); } if (!empty($settings['mwp_worker_configuration'])) { if (!class_exists('Crypt_RSA', false)) { require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/PHPSecLib/Crypt/RSA.php'; } $rsa = new Crypt_RSA(); $keyName = $configuration->getKeyName(); $rsa->setSignatureMode(CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1); $rsa->loadKey(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__)."/publickeys/$keyName.pub")); // public key $signature = base64_decode($settings['mwp_worker_configuration_signature']); if ($rsa->verify(json_encode($settings['mwp_worker_configuration']), $signature)) { $configuration = new MWP_Configuration_Conf($settings['mwp_worker_configuration']); $configurationService->saveConfiguration($configuration); } } } } else { //$mmb_core->_log($result); } } } // trigger function, returns true if notifications should be sent function mwp_datasend_trigger($stats) { $configurationService = new MWP_Configuration_Service(); $configuration = $configurationService->getConfiguration(); $cachedData = get_transient("mwp_cache_notifications"); $cacheTime = (int)get_transient("mwp_cache_notifications_time"); $returnValue = false; if (false == $cachedData || empty($configuration)) { $returnValue = true; } /** * Cache lifetime check */ if (!$returnValue) { $now = time(); if ($now - $configuration->getNotiCacheLifeTime() >= $cacheTime) { $returnValue = true; } } /** * Themes difference check section * First check if array differ in size. If same size,then check values difference */ if (!$returnValue && empty($stats['upgradable_themes']) != empty($cachedData['upgradable_themes'])) { $returnValue = true; } if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['upgradable_themes'])) { $themesArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['upgradable_themes']); $cachedThemesArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['upgradable_themes']); if ($themesArr != $cachedThemesArr) { $returnValue = true; } } /** * Plugins difference check section * First check if array differ in size. If same size,then check values difference */ if (!$returnValue && empty($stats['upgradable_plugins']) != empty($cachedData['upgradable_plugins'])) { $returnValue = true; } if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['upgradable_plugins'])) { //we have hear stdclass $pluginsArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['upgradable_plugins']); $cachedPluginsArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['upgradable_plugins']); if ($pluginsArr != $cachedPluginsArr) { $returnValue = true; } } /** * Premium difference check section * First check if array differ in size. If same size,then check values difference */ if (!$returnValue && empty($stats['premium_updates']) != empty($cachedData['premium_updates'])) { $returnValue = true; } if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['premium_updates'])) { $premiumArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['premium_updates']); $cachedPremiumArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['premium_updates']); if ($premiumArr != $cachedPremiumArr) { $returnValue = true; } } /** * Comments * Check if we have configs first, then check trasholds */ if (!$returnValue && (int)$stats['num_spam_comments'] >= $configuration->getNotiTresholdSpamComments() && $stats['num_spam_comments'] != (int)$cachedData['num_spam_comments']) { $returnValue = true; } if (!$returnValue && (int)$stats['num_spam_comments'] < (int)$cachedData['num_spam_comments']) { $returnValue = true; } if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['comments'])) { if (!empty($stats['comments']['pending']) && count($stats['comments']['pending']) >= $configuration->getNotiTresholdPendingComments()) { $pendingArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['comments']['pending']); $cachedPendingArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['comments']['pending']); if ($pendingArr != $cachedPendingArr) { $returnValue = true; } } if (!empty($stats['comments']['approved']) && count($stats['comments']['approved']) >= $configuration->getNotiTresholdApprovedComments()) { $approvedArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['comments']['approved']); $cachedApprovedArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['comments']['approved']); if ($approvedArr != $cachedApprovedArr) { $returnValue = true; } } } /** * Drafts, posts */ if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['drafts']) && count($stats['drafts']) >= $configuration->getNotiTresholdDrafts()) { if (count($stats['drafts']) > $configuration->getNotiTresholdDrafts() && empty($cachedData['drafts'])) { $returnValue = true; } else { $draftsArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['drafts']); $cachedDraftsArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['drafts']); if ($draftsArr != $cachedDraftsArr) { $returnValue = true; } } } if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['posts']) && count($stats['posts']) >= $configuration->getNotiTresholdPosts()) { if (count($stats['posts']) > $configuration->getNotiTresholdPosts() && empty($cachedData['posts'])) { $returnValue = true; } else { $postsArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['posts']); $cachedPostsArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['posts']); if ($postsArr != $cachedPostsArr) { $returnValue = true; } } } /** * Core updates & backups */ if (!$returnValue && empty($stats['core_updates']) != empty($cachedData['core_updates'])) { $returnValue = true; } if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['core_updates'])) { $coreArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['core_updates']); $cachedCoreArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['core_updates']); if ($coreArr != $cachedCoreArr) { $returnValue = true; } } if (!$returnValue && empty($stats['mwp_backups']) != empty($cachedData['mwp_backups'])) { $returnValue = true; } if (!$returnValue && !empty($stats['mwp_backups'])) { $backupArr = mwp_std_to_array($stats['mwp_backups']); $cachedBackupArr = mwp_std_to_array($cachedData['mwp_backups']); if ($backupArr != $cachedBackupArr) { $returnValue = true; } } return $returnValue; } function mwp_std_to_array($obj) { if (is_object($obj)) { $objArr = clone $obj; } else { $objArr = $obj; } if (!empty($objArr)) { foreach ($objArr as &$element) { if ($element instanceof stdClass || is_array($element)) { $element = mwp_std_to_array($element); } } $objArr = (array)$objArr; } return $objArr; } function mmb_post_create($params) { global $mmb_core; mwp_context()->requireWpRewrite(); mwp_context()->requireTaxonomies(); mwp_context()->requirePostTypes(); $mmb_core->get_post_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->post_instance->create($params); if (is_int($return)) { mmb_response($return, true); } else { if (isset($return['error'])) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, false); } } } function mmb_change_post_status($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_post_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->post_instance->change_status($params); if (is_wp_error($return)) { mmb_response($return->get_error_message(), false); } elseif (empty($return)) { mmb_response("Post status can not be changed", false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_backup_now($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->backup_instance->backup($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mwp_ping_backup($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->backup_instance->ping_backup($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_run_task_now($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); $task_name = isset($params['task_name']) ? $params['task_name'] : false; $google_drive_token = isset($params['google_drive_token']) ? $params['google_drive_token'] : false; $resultUuid = !empty($params['resultUuid']) ? $params['resultUuid'] : false; if ($task_name) { $return = $mmb_core->backup_instance->task_now($task_name, $google_drive_token, $resultUuid); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } else { mmb_response("Task name is not provided.", false); } } function mmb_get_backup_req($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_stats_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->stats_instance->get_backup_req($params); mmb_response($return, true); } // Fires when Backup Now, or some backup task is saved. function mmb_scheduled_backup($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->backup_instance->set_backup_task($params); mmb_response($return, $return); } function mmm_delete_backup($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->backup_instance->delete_backup($params); mmb_response($return, $return); } function mmb_restore_now($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->backup_instance->restore($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_remote_backup_now($params) { global $mmb_core; $backup_instance = $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->backup_instance->remote_backup_now($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_run_forked_action() { if (!isset($_POST['mmb_fork_nonce'])) { return false; } $originalUser = wp_get_current_user(); $usernameUsed = array_key_exists('username', $_POST) ? $_POST : null; if ($usernameUsed && !is_user_logged_in()) { $user = function_exists('get_user_by') ? get_user_by('login', $_POST['username']) : get_user_by('login', $_POST['username']); } if (isset($user) && isset($user->ID)) { wp_set_current_user($user->ID); // Compatibility with All In One Security update_user_meta($user->ID, 'last_login_time', current_time('mysql')); } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['mmb_fork_nonce'], 'mmb-fork-nonce')) { wp_set_current_user($originalUser->ID); return false; } $public_key = get_option('_worker_public_key'); if (!isset($_POST['public_key']) || $public_key !== $_POST['public_key']) { wp_set_current_user($originalUser->ID); return false; } $args = @json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['args']), true); $args['forked'] = true; if (!isset($args)) { wp_set_current_user($originalUser->ID); return false; } $cron_action = isset($_POST['mwp_forked_action']) ? $_POST['mwp_forked_action'] : false; if ($cron_action) { do_action($cron_action, $args); } //unset($_POST['public_key']); unset($_POST['mmb_fork_nonce']); unset($_POST['args']); unset($_POST['mwp_forked_action']); wp_set_current_user($originalUser->ID); return true; } function mmb_update_worker_plugin($params) { global $mmb_core; if (!empty($params['version'])) { $recoveryKit = new MwpRecoveryKit(); update_option('mwp_incremental_update_active', time()); try { $files = $recoveryKit->recover($params['version']); } catch (Exception $e) { update_option('mwp_incremental_update_active', ''); throw $e; } update_option('mwp_incremental_update_active', ''); mmb_response(array('files' => $files, 'success' => 'ManageWP Worker plugin successfully updated'), true); } else { mmb_response($mmb_core->update_worker_plugin($params), true); } } function mmb_install_addon($params) { global $mmb_core; mwp_context()->requireTheme(); mwp_load_required_components(); $mmb_core->get_installer_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->installer_instance->install_remote_file($params); mmb_response($return, true); } function mmb_do_upgrade($params) { global $mmb_core, $mmb_upgrading; mwp_context()->requireTheme(); $mmb_core->get_installer_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->installer_instance->do_upgrade($params); mmb_response($return, true); } function mmb_get_comments($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_comment_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->comment_instance->get_comments($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_bulk_action_comments($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_comment_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->comment_instance->bulk_action_comments($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_reply_comment($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_comment_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->comment_instance->reply_comment($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_add_user($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_user_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->user_instance->add_user($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_get_users($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_user_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->user_instance->get_users($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_edit_users($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_user_instance(); $users = $mmb_core->user_instance->edit_users($params); $response = 'User updated.'; $check_error = false; foreach ($users as $username => $user) { $check_error = is_array($user) && array_key_exists('error', $user); if ($check_error) { $response = $username.': '.$user['error']; } } mmb_response($response, !$check_error); } function mmb_get_posts($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_post_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->post_instance->get_posts($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_delete_post($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_post_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->post_instance->delete_post($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_delete_posts($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_post_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->post_instance->delete_posts($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_get_pages($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_post_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->post_instance->get_pages($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_delete_page($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_post_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->post_instance->delete_page($params); if (is_array($return) && array_key_exists('error', $return)) { mmb_response($return['error'], false); } else { mmb_response($return, true); } } function mmb_iframe_plugins_fix($update_actions) { foreach ($update_actions as $key => $action) { $update_actions[$key] = str_replace('target="_parent"', '', $action); } return $update_actions; } function mmb_execute_php_code($params) { ob_start(); $errorHandler = new MWP_Debug_EvalErrorHandler(); set_error_handler(array($errorHandler, 'handleError')); $returnValue = eval($params['code']); // This code handles the "Execute PHP Snippet" functionality on ManageWP and is not a security issue. $errors = $errorHandler->getErrorMessages(); restore_error_handler(); $return = array('output' => ob_get_clean(), 'returnValue' => $returnValue); if (count($errors)) { $return['errorLog'] = $errors; } $lastError = error_get_last(); $fatalError = null; if (($lastError !== null) && ($lastError['type'] & (E_PARSE | E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR)) && (strpos($lastError['file'], __FILE__) !== false) && (strpos($lastError['file'], 'eval()') !== false) ) { $return['fatalError'] = $lastError; } mmb_response($return, true); } function mmb_more_reccurences($schedules) { $schedules['halfminute'] = array('interval' => 30, 'display' => 'Once in a half minute'); $schedules['minutely'] = array('interval' => 60, 'display' => 'Once in a minute'); $schedules['fiveminutes'] = array('interval' => 300, 'display' => 'Once every five minutes'); $schedules['tenminutes'] = array('interval' => 600, 'display' => 'Once every ten minutes'); $schedules['sixhours'] = array('interval' => 21600, 'display' => 'Every six hours'); $schedules['fourhours'] = array('interval' => 14400, 'display' => 'Every four hours'); $schedules['threehours'] = array('interval' => 10800, 'display' => 'Every three hours'); return $schedules; } function mmb_call_scheduled_remote_upload($args) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_backup_instance(); if (isset($args['task_name'])) { $mmb_core->backup_instance->remote_backup_now($args); } } function mwp_check_notifications() { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_stats_instance(); $mmb_core->stats_instance->check_notifications(); } function mmb_get_plugins_themes($params) { global $mmb_core; mwp_context()->requireTheme(); $mmb_core->get_installer_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->installer_instance->get($params); mmb_response($return, true); } function mmb_get_autoupdate_plugins_themes($params) { mwp_context()->requireTheme(); $return = MMB_Updater::getSettings($params); mmb_response($return, true); } function mmb_edit_plugins_themes($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_installer_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->installer_instance->edit($params); mmb_response($return, true); } function mmb_edit_autoupdate_plugins_themes($params) { $return = MMB_Updater::setSettings($params); mmb_response($return, true); } function mmb_worker_brand($params) { $worker_brand = get_option('mwp_worker_brand'); $current_from_orion = !empty($worker_brand['from_orion']) ? $worker_brand['from_orion'] : false; $from_orion = !empty($params['brand']['from_orion']) ? $params['brand']['from_orion'] : false; if ($from_orion === false && $current_from_orion !== $from_orion) { mmb_response(true, true); //@TODO: Maybe return mmb_response(true, false) return; } update_option("mwp_worker_brand", $params['brand']); mmb_response(true, true); } function mmb_maintenance_mode($params) { global $wp_object_cache; $default = get_option('mwp_maintenace_mode'); $params = empty($default) ? $params : array_merge($default, $params); update_option("mwp_maintenace_mode", $params); if (!empty($wp_object_cache)) { @$wp_object_cache->flush(); } mmb_response(true, true); } function mmb_plugin_actions() { global $pagenow, $current_user, $mmode; if (!is_admin() && !in_array($pagenow, array('wp-login.php'))) { $mmode = get_option('mwp_maintenace_mode'); if (!empty($mmode)) { if (isset($mmode['active']) && $mmode['active'] == true) { $status_code = empty($mmode['status_code']) ? 503 : $mmode['status_code']; if (!empty($current_user->ID) && !empty($mmode['hidecaps'])) { $usercaps = array(); if (isset($current_user->caps) && !empty($current_user->caps)) { $usercaps = $current_user->caps; } foreach ($mmode['hidecaps'] as $cap => $hide) { if (!$hide) { continue; } foreach ($usercaps as $ucap => $val) { if ($ucap == $cap) { ob_end_clean(); ob_end_flush(); if (!headers_sent()) { if ($status_code == 503) { header(sprintf('%s 503 Service Unavailable', isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1'), true, $status_code); } else { header(sprintf('%s %d Service Unavailable', isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1', $status_code), true, $status_code); } } die($mmode['template']); } } } } else { if (!headers_sent()) { if ($status_code == 503) { header(sprintf('%s 503 Service Unavailable', isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1'), true, 503); } else { header(sprintf('%s %d Service Unavailable', isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1', $status_code), true, $status_code); } } die($mmode['template']); } } } } if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/log')) { unlink(dirname(__FILE__).'/log'); } } function mwp_return_core_reference() { global $mmb_core, $mmb_core_backup; if (!$mmb_core instanceof MMB_Core) { $mmb_core = $mmb_core_backup; } } function mwb_edit_redirect_override($location = false, $comment_id = false) { if (isset($_COOKIE[MMB_XFRAME_COOKIE])) { $location = get_site_url().'/wp-admin/edit-comments.php'; } return $location; } function mwp_set_plugin_priority() { $pluginBasename = 'worker/init.php'; $activePlugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (reset($activePlugins) === $pluginBasename) { return; } $workerKey = array_search($pluginBasename, $activePlugins); if ($workerKey === false) { return; } unset($activePlugins[$workerKey]); array_unshift($activePlugins, $pluginBasename); update_option('active_plugins', array_values($activePlugins)); } /** * @return MMB_Core */ function mwp_core() { static $core; global $mmb_core; if (!$mmb_core instanceof MMB_Core) { $mmb_core = new MMB_Core(); $core = $mmb_core; } return $core; } /** * Auto-loads classes that may not exists after this plugin's update. */ function mwp_load_required_components() { class_exists('MWP_Http_ResponseInterface'); class_exists('MWP_Http_Response'); class_exists('MWP_Http_LegacyWorkerResponse'); class_exists('MWP_Http_JsonResponse'); class_exists('MWP_Worker_ActionResponse'); class_exists('MWP_Worker_Exception'); class_exists('MWP_Event_ActionResponse'); class_exists('MWP_Event_MasterResponse'); } function mmb_change_comment_status($params) { global $mmb_core; $mmb_core->get_comment_instance(); $return = $mmb_core->comment_instance->change_status($params); if ($return) { $mmb_core->get_stats_instance(); mmb_response($mmb_core->stats_instance->get_comments_stats($params), true); } else { mmb_response('Comment not updated', false); } } function mwp_uninstall() { delete_option('mwp_core_autoupdate'); delete_option('mwp_recovering'); delete_option('mwp_container_parameters'); delete_option('mwp_container_site_parameters'); $loaderName = '0-worker.php'; try { $mustUsePluginDir = rtrim(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR, '/'); $loaderPath = $mustUsePluginDir.'/'.$loaderName; if (!file_exists($loaderPath)) { return; } $removed = @unlink($loaderPath); if (!$removed) { $error = error_get_last(); throw new Exception(sprintf('Unable to remove loader: %s', $error['message'])); } } catch (Exception $e) { mwp_logger()->error('Unable to remove loader', array('exception' => $e)); } } function mwp_get_service_key() { $serviceKey = get_option('mwp_service_key'); if (empty($serviceKey)) { $serviceKey = mwp_generate_uuid4(); update_option('mwp_service_key', $serviceKey, true); } return $serviceKey; } function mwp_get_communication_key() { return get_option('mwp_communication_key'); } function mwp_accept_potential_key() { $potentialKey = mwp_get_potential_key(); update_option('mwp_communication_key', $potentialKey, true); delete_option('mwp_potential_key'); delete_option('mwp_potential_key_time'); return $potentialKey; } function mwp_get_potential_key() { $potentialKey = get_option('mwp_potential_key'); $potentialKeyTime = get_option('mwp_potential_key_time'); $now = time(); if (empty($potentialKey) || empty($potentialKeyTime) || ($now - $potentialKeyTime) > 86400) { $potentialKey = mwp_generate_uuid4(); $potentialKeyTime = $now; update_option('mwp_potential_key', $potentialKey, true); update_option('mwp_potential_key_time', $potentialKeyTime, true); } return $potentialKey; } function mwp_provision_keys() { mwp_get_service_key(); mwp_get_potential_key(); } function mwp_generate_uuid4() { $data = null; if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) { $data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16); } if (empty($data)) { $data = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 16; ++$i) { $data .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255)); } } $data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100 $data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10 return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4)); } function mwp_refresh_live_public_keys($params = array()) { $liveContent = mwp_get_public_keys_from_live(); $liveKeys = !empty($liveContent) ? @json_decode($liveContent, true) : null; if (empty($liveKeys)) { return; } update_option('mwp_public_keys', $liveKeys, true); } function mwp_get_public_keys_from_live() { $result = file_get_contents('https://cdn.managewp.com/public-keys', false, stream_context_create(array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => true, 'verify_peer_name' => true, 'allow_self_signed' => false, 'cafile' => dirname(__FILE__).'/publickeys/godaddy_g2_root.cer', ), ))); if ($result === false) { return mwp_get_public_keys_from_live_fallback(); } return $result; } function mwp_get_public_keys_from_live_fallback() { $transports = array_flip(stream_get_transports()); $preferredTransport = array( 'tls', 'tlsv1.2', 'tlsv1.1', 'tlsv1.0', ); $transportToUse = null; foreach ($preferredTransport as $transport) { if (!empty($transportToUse) || !isset($transports[$transport])) { continue; } $transportToUse = $transport; } $socket = stream_socket_client("$transportToUse://cdn.managewp.com:443", $errno, $errstr, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, stream_context_create(array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => true, 'verify_peer_name' => true, 'allow_self_signed' => false, 'cafile' => dirname(__FILE__).'/publickeys/godaddy_g2_root.cer', ), ))); if (!$socket) { return null; } $requestContent = <<<EOL GET /public-keys HTTP/1.1 Host: cdn.managewp.com Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,hr;q=0.8,sr;q=0.7 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8 Cache-Control: max-age=0 Authority: cdn.managewp.com Connection: close EOL; if (fwrite($socket, $requestContent) === false) { return null; } do { $line = fgets($socket); } while ($line !== false && $line !== "\n" && $line !== "\r\n"); if ($line === false) { return null; } $content = stream_get_contents($socket); fclose($socket); if ($content === false || !is_string($content)) { return null; } return $content; }
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