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File: history.txt
3.0.00 - 2012-04-04 - Dustin Bolton BackupBuddy ported into new PluginBuddy framework. Massive maintainability improvements, performance, logging, standardization across plugins, massively improved code documentation. Misc. code cleanup, improvements, robustness enhancements. More / clarified code documentation. Refactored various code to fit the style of the new framework better in many (but not all yet) areas. Directory size listing now highlights exclusions and shows excluded sizes. Issue #53. Backup options now hidden from editors/others on publish if they don't have plugin access. Issue #63 ImportBuddy now checks for existing .htaccess / php.ini files and warns of potential issues. Issue #116. Troubleshooting option to delete all backups prior to backup creation added. Issue #118. Added full logging to Multisite functionality. Issue #128. Displaying BackupBuddy versions in all logging now. Issue #136. Added command line based mysql dumping capability with auto-fallback to old method. Issue #147. ImportBuddy now verifies that mysql prefix provided is using valid characters. Issue #148. ImportBuddy will display the new wp-config.php file if it is unable to update it due to permissions or other issues. Issue #149. Remote send and scheduling now has better logging. Issue #153. Directory tooltip added for Dropbox destination with better information. Issue #156. Option for email notification when scheduled events begin added. Issue #158. Manual remote sends would sometimes report failure starting even when proper success respnse was sent to javascript. Trimming response now. Issue #160. FTP client viewer now handles empty directories properly. Issue #161. ImportBuddy checks and warns of odd media directory issues. Issue #170. ImportBuddy now properly warns if a corrupt / incomplete importbuddy.php tries to run. Prompts to re-upload. Issue #171. Fixed Sucuri logo on Malware scan page not displaying properly. Issue #173. Added blog title to notifcation emails for easier filtering. Issue #174. Multisite export was resulting in an extra trailing slash in image links. Issue #175. Server Info page now offers more 'best' recommendations. Issue #180. Added more logging and details to logs during backups for better troubleshooting. Issue #181. Database table inclusion / exclusion feature added. Issue #186. Added command line mysqldump availability to Server Info page. Issue #187. Command line mysql importing added into ImportBuddy for enhanced performance / large database support. Issue #188. Ported ImportBuddy script into framework; able to run in framework standalone outside of WordPress. Issue #195. Added detailed statistics tracking including: time needed to run each step, attempts needed, write speed, memory usage, etc. Helps track down timing and memory usage issues. Issue #199. Added Automated (Magic) Migration for easier migrations / site deployment. Issue #200. ImportBuddy now runs in framework sans WordPress. Issue #201. Added command line mysqldump for backing up with auto-fallback. Issue #204. Massive rewrite of Multisite Export to re-use code and libraries for robustness and sustainability. Issue #205. Database size with exclusions now shown on Server Info page. Excluded tables are now highlighted. Issue #207. Ported Mulitiste Import partially into new framework methodology. Issue #213. Converted Alternate Zip mode into framework methodology. Issue #214. Remote destination sending stats now shown on Server Info page for debugging remote sending issues. Issue #216. Added jQuery date/time picker back onto Scheduling page for easier modification of schedule dates/times. Issue #233. Special thanks to Ronald Huereca for the initial code for BackupBuddy Multisite features and functionality. Added '&clear=true' to end of Sucuri query. Internal transient caches for 1 hour; rescan now bypasses transient so this query should force a re-scan then. Confirmed to fix by Sucuri. Issue #223. Fixed off conflict with Simpler CSS plugin. Issue #226. Fixed importbuddy Fails to Load pclzip on Windows Platform. Issue #232. Added support for wp-config.php in parent directory. Copied to temp directory on backup and restored to root on import. Issue #84. Added beta option to enable viewing of files within ZIP archives. ImportBuddy wipe database option changed to wipe database tables that match prefix. Ignore existing WordPress table option in ImportBuddy allows appending to existing database tables. ImportBuddy & RepairBuddy passwords no longer stored in database; only hash is stored. Added BETA Database mass text replace (with serialized data support) feature to bottom of Server Info page. -- ALPHA -- 3.0.0a - 2012-04-05 - Dustin Bolton Fixed full backups excluding temporary directory resulting in bad backups. Added ImportBuddy advanced option to force database import compatibility mode. Fixed download link on backup listing in admin. Security enhancement: Added .htaccess file to prevent ALL access to archive downloads. Clicking to download from the admin temporarily lifts this restriction for 8 seconds before it is is re-created. Prevents brute force attempts. ImportBuddy HTML cleanup for Multisite imports/restores. Fixed Server Info section in ImportBuddy not working. Added changelog information of some changes from tracker. - 2012-04-05 - Dustin Bolton Warning of existing WordPress directories now takes into account directory exclusions. ImportBuddy Server Info button fixed. Fixed hover actions on all backup listing being broken: send file offsite, migrate backup. - 2012-04-06 - Dustin Bolton Missing write speed now shows unknown on backup listing. Sucuri Malware Found wording updated. Now stripping public_html from migration URL guess. Fixed double URL replacement issue when migrating from / to same domain. Added headings to all Multisite Import steps for clarity on what each step does. Added additional flush()'s to Step 5 DB import of Multisite to try and help browser hanging when backups are large. Added .htaccess high archive directory security mode option to advanced options. Default: off for now until made to work everywhere. Fixed warning of backup with unfinished steps remaining despite being finished. - 2012-04-09 - Dustin Bolton Updated loopback test to allow for -1 or 0 as valid response in body that loopbacks work. Fixed inability to send to remote destination manually from backup page. - 2012-04-10 - Dustin Bolton Fixed wording when copying remote backup from a destination to local. Fixed bulk deletion on remote destination clients being broken due to missing nonce. Fixed copying from remote destinations to local for: Dropbox, FTP. Possibly Rackspace and S3 also. Cleanup of remaining $this->_parent references. Cleanup of remaining $this->alert() references. Framework status() method now writes to main log file by calling framework log() method if applicable based on logging level setting. - 2012-04-11 - Dustin Bolton Fixed Malwware `Rescan Now` button. Fixed manual remote sending PHP error. Fixed high security backup directory mode getting stuck enabled. - 2012-04-13 - Dustin Bolton Cleanup of remaining $this->_pluginPath references. Moved experimental zip - > alternative_zip option. Added erase, getting status options to pb_backupbuddy::get_status(). Fixed Alternative Zip Mode. Fixed PCLZip failing due to log file being deleted mid-zip. - 2012-04-16 - Dustin Bolton Getting Started page: Fixed Getting Started page columns to not overlap. - re: Chris Sidebar now uses bullets for consistency. - re: Chris Example play icon now links to BB introduction - re: Chris Reference to configuring settings now points to settings page. - re: Chris Backup: Fixed undefined index for finish time in two places. - re: Chris Backup list now properly sorting by modified date, not filename. - re: Chris Settings page: Now setting error notification recipient by default if none provided based on WordPress admin_email. - re: Ronald Fixed additional table inclusion / exclusion tooltip. - re: Ronald Made troubleshooting options not greyed out. - re: Ronald Reworded thickbox modal window title. (also on backup page). - re: Ronald Example password is not valid for ImportBuddy or RepairBuddy password for security. - re: Chris Scheduling Raised hard-coded time/date format for scheduling as an enhancement request. Requires investigation on how to implement. - re: Ronald https://projectpress.net/bugs/backupbuddy/issues/PBBB-236 Form cleared after submission for adding new schedules. ImportBuddy Fixed additional slash in assets URLs. - re: Ronald Fixed assets being included after </head>. - re: Ronald Added new suppress status parameter to set_greedy_script_limits() to hide status output pre-<html>. - re: Ronald Added proper doctype / HTML header. - re: Ronald Magic Migration Added instructions in thickbox popup. - Cody Remote Destinations: Fixed thickbox not auto-resizing to fit window. - re: Chris Added more spacing for video tutorials played within an already open thickbox. - re: Chris Fixed Dropbox PEAR paths to not rely on external PEAR, only included assets. Also addresses open basedir restriction issue with PEAR. - re: Chris Fixed table listing header/footer styling. - re: Chris 'Select this destination' option removed for email except for manually sending file as there is no remote client. - re: Chris FTP testing / sending now automatically creates remote path if it does not exist. Updated tooltip to note this. - re: Chris Fixed remote destination editing / adding dropping back to the main remote destination page. - re: Chris Minimum validation to insure that required fields are entered added until remote destination system is updated into framework. - re: Chris Updated remote destination save message. - re: Chris Added loading spinners for S3 and Rackspace pages. - re: Chris Misc remote destination code fixes. - re: Chris Fixed undefined $rs_path for Rackspace client. - re: Chris Duplicate copying to local now allows local duplicates via insertion of random characters. - re: Chris Fixed duplicate inclusion of S3 section. - re: Chris Server Info page. Fixed missing loading_large_darkbg.gif. - re: Chris No longer showing recent remote file transfers if there are none. - re: Chris Fixed directory listing icicle passing additional action via POST overriding GET action. - re: Chris Added directory size listing anchor to drop page to correct location. Added bug tracker enhancement to move this to using AJAX in the future (issue #237). - re: Chris Misc. All instances of using the color #AFAFAF for descriptions has bene replaced with using the description class for consistency and usability. - re: Chris Fixed class to status method with one param rather than the required two in cron.php. - re: Chris Updated all list tables to not display when empty. Explanation is given that no items of that type have been created. - re: Chris - 2012-04-17 - Dustin Bolton Fixed "{Missing actions method `save`.}" message on post/page editor screen. - re: Ronald Detected mysqldump basedir is first trimmed of trailing slash then /bin/ appended. Avoids missing slash depending on configuration. - re: Jeremy mysqlbuddy class now handles the host being sockets (ie WordPress DB_HOST returning `localhost:/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock`. - re: Jeremy mysqlbuddy Array merging of tables now clears out any phantom blank tables added to the list. mysqlbuddy fixed to properly list specific tables to dump IF not dumping the entire database. Lists specific tables if only this WordPress is set to backup and/or exclusions are listed. - re: Jeremy mysqlbuddy attempted to mail an error if a missing table was set to be backed up. Was calling function on non-existant core class. Removed this feature as I'm not sure we want to throw emails on a non-existant additional table anyways. - re: Jeremy mysqlbuddy compatibility mode now logs status details per table dumped. - re: Jeremy Classic zipbuddy now caches zip testing like alternative zip method. - re: Jeremy Added additional logging to classic zipbuddy zip testing. Added log file viewer into Getting Started page. - re: Jeremy New writable files directory structure. All plugins will be following this structure in the future. - re: Jeremy All logging, status files, etc are now standardized to reside in: ...\uploads\pb_backupbuddy\ Log file names are now standardized as follows: ...\uploads\pb_backupbuddy\log-xxxxxx.txt ...\uploads\pb_backupbuddy\status-xxxxxx.txt ...\uploads\pb_backupbuddy\status-xxxxxx_xxxxxx.txt Upcoming future goal is to get the backups archive and temp directories moved within these as well. This will require a lot of updating and testing due to hard-coding of paths (bad past mistake...): ...\uploads\pb_backupbuddy\backups\ ...\uploads\pb_backupbuddy\temp\ Adjusted some tooltip wording. - re: Jeremy Getting Started page tweaks. - re: Jeremy Fixed backup links on Getting Started page. - re: Jeremy Database table exclusions now logged in DAT file. - re: Jeremy Fixed reversed backup listing sort order. - Dustin Added this WordPress' table prefix for database section tooltip. - re: Jeremy Misc settings page wording tweaks. - re: Jeremy Added better explanation to what Automatied Migration offers. - re: Jeremy Now hiding backup statistics on the migration page. - re: Jeremy Fixed 'undefined' message when leaving the backup page during an AJAX request. - re: Matt Misc. importbuddy tweaks. - re: Josh PHP Info button AJAX not working in thickbox. - re: Elise Misc spelling / grammar. - re: Elise Fixed section separator being missing ( ‹ ) in title. - re: Cory Fixed being able to toggle displaying / hiding graphical directory size map. - re: Cory Misc. text modifications. - re: Cory Added link to discounted Sucuri packages on Malware page. - re: Cory Fixed upgrade reminder link. - re: Cory Added additional instructions to various pages. - re: Cory Added tip of using S3, Rackspace, or FTP as preferred destinations. - re: Cory Misc tweaking. - re: Cory - 2012-04-23 - Dustin Bolton Fixed excess trailing slash in backup_root in backup.php. - Dustin Cleaned up activation warning if anti_directory_browsing() fails on plugin activation. - re: Jeremy If anti directory browsing files cannot be created in backup page, that error is giving only rather than displaying warnings of existing WP installations, etc also. Added additional details such as directory to check permissions on. - re: Jeremy Settings page is no longer halted if unable to create ani directory browsing files; just warns. - re: Jeremy Added an additional check to verify status log directory is writable in preflight check. - Dustin Fixed missing parameter $serial for final cleanup step. - re: Jeremy Fixed table exclusions not being performed by mysqldump mode. - re: Jeremy mysqldump library now handles duplicate additional inclusions/exclusions cleanly. - re: Jeremy Database connection no longer established if it already exists. - re: Jeremy Added troubleshooting option to force database dump compatibilty mode to settings page. - re: Jeremy - 2012-04-25 - Dustin Bolton Added additional exec() exit code logging to zipbuddy library. - Dustin Misc text updates on settings page. - Dustin Added listing of existing site backups to Multisite import page to make duplicating sites easier. - Dustin - 2012-04-26 - Dustin Bolton Fixed Server Info section notices preventing continuing to next step in importbuddy. Fixed excess slash provided by standalone site_url() in Windows. Fixed keys needing reordering in dbreplace class remove_matching_array_elements() causing undefined index notices in importbuddy. Status log directory creation enforced in periodic_cleanup() now. - 2012-04-30 - Dustin Bolton Misc code cleanup. (housekeeping, mint for pillow, etc). - Dustin Added back (BETA) note next to the titles on the pages for Multisite features. - Dustin Fixed status status log timestamps not being localized to correct time based on WordPress settings. - re: Jeremy If command line length appears long ( > 250 chars ) then a command is run to try to determine max command line length before continuing. If this limit is exceeded then falls back to compatibilty mode. - re: Jeremy On table prefix change, a $file . '.tmp' version is created that is used for import rather than overwriting original .SQL file. - re: Jeremy. - 2012-05-04 - Dustin Bolton Started _docgen.php for internal comment gathering from all PHP files. - Dustin Come code cleanup. - Dustin Properly fixed backup ordering to be based on last modified date. Accidently used size value previously. - re: Chris Changed function names in hover integrity popup to pretty versions instead of function names. - re: Chris All textareas used for displaying information are now set readonly in the plugin ( readonly="readonly" ). - re: Chris Updated all instances of 'it-l10n-backupbuddy' to 'LION' to correct for other modifying BackupBuddy using downloaded versions. - Dustin Mass replace 'LION') to 'LION' ) for consistency. - Dustin Removed DIV wrapper around Dropbox authentication buttons to fix wide-button issue. - re: Chris Remote destination test buttons are now normal anchor buttons instead of submit buttons. No longer interferes with keyboard form submission. - re: Chris Backup list on migration page now only shows full backups. - re: Chris Backup list on migration page no longer lists backup type since all are now full. - re: Chris Added duplicate feature for remote destinations for easier modification / temporary destinations until remote destination system is refactored. - re: Chris Added ability to automatically migrate to a local path on the same server. - re: Chris Removed backup destination suggestions from top of migration destination selector. - re: Chris Added force cleanup button to getting started page for forcing periodic cleanup procedures to occur NOW in-page. - Dustin Updated magic migration bad URL message to inform that you can re-enter the URL without leaving the page / re-starting migration procedure. - re: Chris If http:// is missing in URL for magic migration it is prepended before sending to WordPress HTTP API to avoid invalid URL message. - re: Chris Removed `Status:` from in front of message on magic migration process once importbuddy is displayed in browser as status messages are no longer displayed there once importbuddy loads. - re: Chris Magic migration URL form is now inside a form element to allow keyboard usage to work better. - re: Chris Magic migration URL is now pre-populating with the guess. - re: Chris RE CHRIS NOTES: The backup file listing shows a lot of "Unknown" strings. Considering that some of the listings have seven unknowns, the information becomes muddled and difficult to read. Unknown should only be displayed for old backups (hopefully). Any suggestions on cleaning this up for backups that lack this data? PclZip issue Unable to replicate. This error is thrown here. From your log this means that fopen must have returned a false for some reason for you. 1953 if (($this->zip_fd = @fopen($this->zipname, $p_mode)) == 0) 1954 { 1955 // ----- Error log 1956 PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL, 'Unable to open archive \''.$this->zipname.'\' in '.$p_mode.' mode'); 1957 1958 // ----- Return 1959 //--(MAGIC-PclTrace)--//PclTraceFctEnd(__FILE__, __LINE__, PclZip::errorCode(), PclZip::errorInfo()); 1960 return PclZip::errorCode(); 1961 } After adding a destination, it appears that the only thing that happens is that the inputs empty. I have to scroll to the top of the dialog to see that something has actually happened. The same thing happens when modifying an existing destination except that the inputs do not clear out after submission. If the submission is to be handled by Javascript and not a fresh page load, then the page should be automatically scrolled to the top so that it is clear that the action did something. Unable to replicate. Forms submit without javascript and the action goes back to the same page with an anchor to the same tab so it should be going to the top. When selecting an existing remote destination, what if I want to use a different path? An option should allow for customizing the path without requiring modification of the remote destination (if the destination is used for backups and the user forgets to change it back after the migration, then their new site will start to fill with backups). The feature should support supplying new FTP information without creating a new destination. The entire remote destination system needs refactored and really needs to be done to make this doable without severe rigging. As a workaround I've added the ability to duplicate destinations for now until the destination system is redone. Backup listing actions inconsistent. For example clicking the backup filename on the migration page shouild start migration instead of downloading the archive. @see Chris' suggestions for handling this. - re: Chris - 2012-05-07 - Dustin Bolton Fixed Multisite Network scheduled backups not being marked as a MS backup in DAT file. Added trigger details into DAT file. Misc cleanup. - 2012-05-08 - Dustin Bolton Added '&clear=true' to end of Sucuri query. Internal transient caches for 1 hour; rescan now bypasses transient so this query should force a re-scan then. Confirmed to fix by Sucuri. - re: Jeremy; Issue #223. Cleaned up backup.php - re: Chris Updated default widths of pages to fully extend instead of 80%. - re: Chris Fixed div's inside anchor tags on backup page. - re: Chris Local migrations no longer require the destination directory to exist. - re: Chris Automated migrations automatically authenticate to importbuddy for more speedy usage. - re: Chris Fixed broken loading image for database test. - re: Chris Fixed weird character next to loading notification for database test. - re: Chris Adjusted status textarea widths. - re: Chris Made default click of a backup name in a backup listing performs - re: Chris Removed excessive status read reporting for multisite import. - re: Dustin Increased textarea width & height for multisite import. - re: Dustin Added additional logging to mysql exec(). - re: Dustin - 2012-05-10 - Dustin Bolton Updated plugin description and wording. - re: Benjamin Added more detailed instructions for adding a Dropbox remote destination. - re: Benjamin Fixed mismatched capitilization for "Manage Remote Destinations & Archives" button vs thickbox title. - re: Benjamin Added cron information to the scheduling page. - re: Benjamin Added link to Server Info page on scheduling page for cron information. - re: Dustin/Benjamin Added link to WP-Cron Control plugin on scheduling and Server Info page for more cron control. - re: Benjamin Fixed capitilization case on backup status bar to be consistent - re: Benjamin Fixed off conflict with Simpler CSS plugin. Issue #226. Fixed importbuddy Fails to Load pclzip on Windows Platform. Issue #232. Added support for wp-config.php in parent directory. Copied to temp directory on backup and restored to root on import. Issue #84. - re: Jeremy Modified how DB testing works on step 3 of importbuddy. Now requires a successful test to proceed. - re: Chris - 2012-05-11 - Dustin Bolton Removed weird editbox styling and editbox ID from tabbing. Not sure what that was there for. - re: Chris Parent-directory wp-config backups no longer marked as bad. - Dustin Fixed invalid caching of command line zip path location. - re: Chris Fixed Undefined variable: zip_methods in projectbadger/classes/backup.php on line 21. - re: Chris Enhanced URL migration guess URL. - re: Chris Password fields on Settings page now display values and use classes "regular-text code". - re: Chris Added 'classes' option to form settings system to set classes on settings fields. Misc other fixes. I think I may have missed noting some... - 2012-05-12 - Dustin Bolton Now redirecting STDERR to STDOUT when using exec() via '2>&1'. - re: Chris Now pre-loading core class during backups if not already loaded. Added additional logging to failed access to the $wpdb object for cleaner failure and troubleshooting. - re: Chris Now creating PCLZip storage directory if it does not exist. On some systems it seems to be unable to create this itself. - re: Chris "The backup archive file size has not increased in 300 seconds" message delay is now incremented each time it is shown. - re: Chris Fixed Undefined offset: 2 in projectbadger/controllers/filters.php on line 18 - re: Chris Fixed Undefined index: ch02mrmdk0 in projectbadger/classes/core.php on line 1559 - re: Chris Fixed Undefined index: ch02mrmdk0 in projectbadger/classes/core.php on line 1564 - re: Chris Now appending common command paths prior to running exec() commands. - re: Chris Added Brad's updated scheduled destination removing button & directory exclusion button to be larger. - re: Chris - 2012-05-14 - Dustin Bolton Added new GUI graphics. - re: Brad Added error graphic LED when backup fails - re: Chris - 2012-05-15 - Dustin Bolton Fixed compatibility mode database import to support new mysqldump .sql files. - re: Jeremy Changed post-backup download zip link to button. - re: Brad - 2012-05-15 - Dustin Bolton Now setting commandline path per execution. Pulled out calls to exec() into new pb_backupbuddy_commandline class. In the future all commandline executions will be funnelled through this class instead of having handling fallbacks, exec detection, etc in multiple libraries as we have grown to using commandline in multiple places now (zip, mysqldump, textreplace, etc). Only one alert is now displayed if a backup appears to have stalled. Subsequent messages are now displayed in the message box. - re: Chris If the backup stalls for 5 minutes or more a warning is displayed with each update inside the messages box that the backup may have stalled. - re: Chris - 2012-05-15 - Dustin Bolton Fixed extra slash in code causing: Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in projectbadger/pluginbuddy/lib/updater/updater.php on line 290. - re: Chris $zip->close() now only called if open succeeded to avoid error Warning: ZipArchive::close() [ziparchive.close]: Invalid or unitialized Zip object in importbuddy/lib/zipbuddy/zipbuddy.php on line 497. - re: Chris Added additional code to try to force flushing to work so Step 6 of importbuddy won't have broken CSS / JS due to the files getting deleted before wiping. - re: Chris Migrations to local paths now prompt for optional URL before sending files. - re: Chris Local migration test now warns if WordPress already exists. - re: Chris Local migration test now verifies that URL matches path by placing a temporary test file. - re: Chris Added optional URL field for local migrations so that the path/URL combination can be verified. - re: Chris MINOR ISSUES NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Magic migration inclusion of importbuddy means the migration no longer matches WordPress styling when still inside WordPress. - Cody Getting Started page far-right column hanging off page edge slightly still. - Dustin It could be helpful to redirect or display help information on using ImportBuddy or RepairBuddy after clicking to download the script. Re-evaluate how this currently works to implement this. This would be helpful for guiding users. Capitalization in S3 bucket names seem to be ignored when copying. Not sure why this would happen yet. - re: Chris Magic migration: If sending to remote destination and the file already exists then don't overwrite without confirmation. @see Chris suggestions on handling this. - re: Chris Ability to resume imports/migrations. - re: Chris -- BETA -- - 2012-05-21 - Dustin Bolton Released 3.0 beta to existing customers. - 2012-05-22 - Dustin Bolton Added just-in-case FTP test file deletion even if upload returns failed. Cleans up in case test file was created even though it reported a feailure. - re: thewpguy pb::get_status() now returns an empty array instead of false if no log is found. Fixed RepairBuddy not copying password and BackupBuddy version into repairbuddy.php on generation. Step 6 is ImportBuddy now properly shows home URL in confirmation for split url type migrations. - re: Gilbert http://ithemes.com/forum/topic/27929-302-importbuddy-step-6-wrong-assumption-about-where-is-really-the-site-site-address-home-url/ Fixed textareas on Settings page being read only. - re: Gilbert http://ithemes.com/forum/topic/27922-302-settings-cant-edit-fields/ - 2012-05-23 - Dustin Bolton Fixed version number. - re: Gilbert Fixed ImportBuddy reporting import complete on siteurl when it should be homeurl. Step 5. - re: Gilbert - 2012-05-28 - Dustin Bolton Misc PHP cleanup / comments. Added index.php files to directories to prevent browsing when enabled on server. Updated ZipBuddy unzip method to check for either wp-login.php or db_1.sql to exist for exec() command line unzip. Added better error descriptions into importbuddy step 2. Fixed full error message (only short description was showing) from not displaying for some error messages in importbuddy. -- RELEASE CANDIDATE -- - 2012-05-30 - Dustin Bolton Added additional is_object check into updater to prevent notices on http error getting licensing information when in Multisite on a subsite. Moving to Release Candidate status. - 2012-05-31 - Dustin Bolton Added `View zip contents` feature. Fixed missing options array box on Getting Started page. - re: Jeremy Fixed deleted backups not being cleaned up upon deletion. Periodic cleanup also scans for these now. A minimum of 3 are kept for statistic purposes. - re: Jeremy x-zipbuddy now excludes directory wp-content/uploads/pb_backupbuddy. - re: Jeremy Fixed "PHP Parse error: parse error in ../importbuddy/views/html_2.php on line 22". - re: Jeremy mysqlbuddy library now properly uses db_1.sql.tmp file if the database prefix has changed as this is the location of the modified SQL file. - re: Jeremy Fixed unneeded creation of db_1.txt file in site root. - re: Jeremy Fixed various notices/warnings encountered during certain failured. - re: Jeremy Fixed "PHP Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in ../wp-content/plugins/projectbadger/lib/zipbuddy/x-zipbuddy.php on line 151". Now directly copying array. No trim needed anymore since no longer parsing a string. - re: Jeremy Periodic cleanup function now deletes logs that are 12 hours old or older. - re: Jeremy - 2012-06-01 - Dustin Bolton Commandbuddy no longer prefixing Windows commands with setting path. - re: Jeremy Fixed framework status method \ slash escaping characters from showing in logging on Windows. - re: Akers Fixed zipbuddy issue with error code 0 throwing a failure in zipbuddy on Windows. - re: Akers Fixed mysqlbuddy spacing issue on importing larger SQL file on "Imported X queries so far." - re: Akers - 2012-06-04 - Dustin Bolton ImportBuddy & RepairBuddy passwords now hidden in response to customer requests. - re: Jeremy Now setting character set to utf8 for command line import (commandline: `--default_character_set utf8`) to match existing PHP import (query: `SET NAMES 'utf8'`) setting. - re: David All instances of database queries using LIKE now properly escape underscores so they are understood as literals. - re: Bolton discovery. ImportBuddy wipe database option changed to wipe database tables that match prefix. Greater resolution and less risk of accidents. - re: Gilbert - 2012-06-04 - Dustin Bolton Ignore existing WordPress table option in ImportBuddy allows appending to existing database tables. - re: Gilbert - 2012-06-05 - Dustin Bolton Preliminary addition of managewp support. - re: http://ithemes.com/forum/topic/22799-backupbuddy-doesnt-show-as-updatable-in-managewp/ - 2012-06-05 - Dustin Bolton Dropbox directory now less picky and supporting subdirectories. - re: http://ithemes.com/forum/topic/27111-dropbox-destination-directories-and-failed-deliveries/ 3.0.15 - 2012-06-07 - Dustin Bolton Additional modifications to ManageWP implementation. We are working with ManageWP to get this implemented soon. Importbuddy: Reworded `Ignore existing WordPress tables and import (merge tables) anyways.` option. Minor updater to updater lib to address https / http mismatch. Changed version numbering. 3.0.16 - 2012-06-08 - Dustin Bolton ImportBuddy & RepairBuddy passwords no longer stored in database; only hash is stored. ImportBuddy & RepairBuddy passwords are migrated from 2.x password format to 3.0 hash version. Updated ImportBuddy / RepairBuddy download warnings for blank password and file packing functions to handle new hashing. 3.0.17 - 2012-06-08 - Dustin Bolton Added BETA Database mass text replace (with serialized data support) feature to bottom of Server Info page. 3.0.18 - 2012-06-08 - Dustin Bolton Automatic upgrades now available for ManageWP support. 3.0.19 - 2012-06-08 - Dustin Bolton Fixed Multisite Export not showing in the menu even though enabled in some cases. 3.0.20 - 2012-06-11 - Dustin Bolton Fixed post cleanup failing. Fixed scheduled remote destination sending. - re: http://ithemes.com/forum/topic/28539-309-automatic-remote-backup-does-not-work/ Fixed error: "PHP Warning: mysql_ping() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in \lib\mysqlbuddy\mysqlbuddy.php on line 488" - re: Kurt [godaddy] 3.0.21 - 2012-06-12 - Dustin Bolton Multisite subsite administrators can now access Multisite Export when enabled. - re: http://ithemes.com/forum/topic/28641-multisite-no-menu-on-sub-sites/ Added updater timeout at 20 seconds. 3.0.22 - 2012-06-13 - Dustin Bolton Modified to use backupbuddy.php as main load file instead of init.php for backward compatibility. To find main plain file call pb_backupbuddy::settings( 'init' ) for return value of 'backupbuddy.php' in this case. - re: Chris Fixed broken migrations of settings from 2.x to 3.x. - re: Chris 3.0.23 - 2012-06-13 - Dustin Bolton Fixed `Notice: Undefined index: archive_file in backupbuddy/classes/core.php on line 1658`. - re: Chris Settings migration no longer requires deactivate/reactivation to upgrade. - re: Chris -- FINAL -- 3.0.25 - 2012-06-13 - Dustin Bolton Updated tutorial videos inside BackupBuddy (play video buttons). - re: Josh Tables rendered with pb_backupbuddy::$ui->list_table() now place a non-breaking space inside empty fields. - re: Chris Final 3.0 version to release. 3.0.26 - 2012-06-13 - Dustin Bolton Fixed 'Undefined variable: pluginbuddy_init' error in ImportBuddy. - re: Chris, Jeremy 3.0.28 - 2012-06-13 - Dustin Bolton Fixed password hash not properly getting set in importbuddy. re: Jeremy Fixed password hash failing to auto-authenticate for automated migration. 3.0.30 - 2012-06-13 - Dustin Bolton Multisite Export is now always available for Super Admins regardless of subsite admin export setting. Multisite Export getting stuck on theme export due to WordPress 3.4 function deprecation fixed. mysqldump command line password is now stripped from all logging. Amazon S3 bucket names now allow underscores. Fixed incorrect S3 bucket name test failure error message to be more descriptive. Added additional security for backup downloading in Multisite installations. Added subsite backup listing to export page to view previously created exports. Fixed CSS rounded corner styling for Firefox. Moved Dropbox section of remote destinations to load last due to some Dropbox errors breaking other destination functionality. Attempting to resolve Step 6 if importbuddy timeouts. Fixed backup status bar styling being a bit off. May have fixed an issue where scheduled backup emails were not being sent. 3.0.31 - 2012-06-15 - Dustin Bolton Fixed missing 'select destination' link for scheduling email destinations. Multisite Import: fixed media files not being imported to the correct path. Multisite Import: fixed imported users not having their old roles applied. Resulted in users importing but not attached to site. Multisite Import: added additional logging to import users step. Multisite Export: cleaned up legacy code for user copying to temporary table. Multisite Export: added cleanup step to remove stray temporary users table. Multisite Export: fixed media export dropping the year in the media uploads directory. High speed command line mysqldump now properly dumping auto increment information. Fixed redefined class errors with Dropbox pear. Fixed Edit scheduling defaulting back to database. Clarified troubleshooting section explanations. Added additional information to Multisite Export for Admins feature. Multisite Export: Fixed PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_theme() caused in WordPress versions pre-v3.4. 3.0.34 - 2012-06-19 - Dustin Bolton Mysql database dump: Fixed null valued fields being exported with empty strings instead of nulls. - re: Jeremy Missing loading_large.gif image re-added. - re: Jeremy Automated migration now creates a specified local destination directory if it does not exist. Multisite Import: Fixed post author ID not being updated properly to match any changed user IDs. Fixed missing file information when backup integrity checks are disabled. - re: Jeremy Multisite: Fixed menu item and Getting Started page still being available to subsite users when export allowed. Multisite: Fixed missing usermeta table; bug introduced in 3.0.31. Multisite: Users missing capabilities cannot be imported. Avoids user count mismatch in subsite user list. Multisite: All usermeta is now copied over on import, such as bio info and first & last name. Multisite: Dashboard widget no longer shown in subsites and now displayed in the network admin dashboard. Dashboard widget URLs fixed. 3.0.35 - 2012-06-20 - Dustin Bolton Fixed problem with some plugins enqueng their javascript on our pages causing conflicts in the Remote Destination popup. - re: Gary Multisite: Users with no capabilities will still be imported into network but not assigned to a blog. mysqldump compatibility mode bug causing doubled up data introduced in 3.0.34 fixed. 3.0.36 - 2012-06-26 - Dustin Bolton Fixed notification emails not sending for scheduled backups. Commented out some implicit flushing on ImportBuddy step 6 to attempt to discover timeout cause. Added pb_backupbuddy_ prefix to all S3 classes to help avoid conflict with other plugins using the same library. Re-added MD5 checksum hash feature to backup listing. ImportBuddy: Re-added advanced feature to wipe ALL database tables prior to import. Use with extreme caution. Multisite Export: If export would create temporary users table matching main network users table temp table is skipped to prevent users loss. Added check to not load core classes in admin init if it is already loaded just in case. Fixed editing schedules resulting in edited schedule immediately running. Renamed querystring variable from backup to backupbuddy_backup to avoid conflicting with incorrectly written wp-db-backup plugin. Updated Dropbox transfer limitation estimate to cap at 150MB due to Dropbox API limitation. 3.0.37 - 2012-07-02 - Dustin Bolton Extended WordPress compatibility back to WordPress v2.6 for basic functionality. - Chris FEATURE: Added `Note` feature in backup listing table to allow users to set backup descriptions on an archive (for servers that support it). - Dustin Stores the note in both the integrity check data structure and the archive zip comments field in the actual file. Requires ZipArchive for storing the note inside the archive comments field currently. If ZipArchive is unavailable the note is only stored in the integrity data structure and an alert notifies the user of this. Only alphanumeric characters are permitted now. Editing an existing note displays existing note text in editing box. Notes should be 175 characters or less. (Actual limit is 200 characters to allow a little wiggle room for the user). Now tracking creation date rather than modified for backup listing so note changes won't change backup date and order. FEATURE: ImportBuddy Step 1 now displays archive note if one exists (and server supports it). - Dustin Regex adjusted for note feature. - re: Jeremy Periodic cleanup function now removes any stray importbuddy directory in site root. ImportBuddy now temporarily renames .htaccess file after unzip until next to last step to prevent WordPress from hijacking import process. 3.0.38 - 2012-07-03 - Dustin Bolton Added troubleshooting option to disable/bypass zip method caching so that zip testing can be seen in all logs at all times. All instantiations of the S3 library now honor SSL settings. - Issue #193. RepairBuddy DB replacement now displays all table prefixes whether starting with wp_ or not. - Issue #202. ImportBuddy: Entering an invalid password now displays an alert indicating invalid password. - Issue #215. ImportBuddy: pb_importbuddy_settings.php moved to importbuddy/_settings_dat.php - Issue #262. ZipBuddy lib: Now checking to verify class and/or Pclzip file exists prior to pushing into available methods stack. mysqlbuddy lib: Fixed invalid argument passed to implode() on line 654. Now checking if array before imploding. 3.0.40 - 2012-07-09 - Dustin Bolton Fixed handling of ImportBuddy compatibility mode mysql import resume functionality. Added stronger BETA warning to Multisite backup page, specifically noting Multisite Network migration troubles. Added more logging to PCLZip loading in zipbuddy libraries. Fixed reporting an update available to ManageWP even if an update was not available. ImportBuddy is now included in FULL backup archives for convenience in the location: wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_temp/BACKUPSERIAL/importbuddy.php where BACKUPSERIAL is the random characters in the backup name: Example- backup: backup-project3_com-2012_07_09-d17cdsrdbd.zip BACKUPSERIAL: d17cdsrdbd 3.0.41 - 2012-07-23 - Dustin Bolton ImportBuddy: In IE8 and older issue of inability to proceed to next step after DB test even though it succeeded. - Issue #265. [REVERTED & REMOVED] Fixed Dropbox problem with conflicting PEAR files resulting in no Dropbox button for remote destinations. - Issue #268. Added collation column to Server Information page database table listing. Updated German translations. - Dietmar Fixed greedy script limit function reporting increase to 256M even if it was already set to 256M. - Issue #273. Modified Dropbox Memory guesstimate to be more accurate. - Issue #272. Fixed PB framework functions missing public static. Backup process now registers using register_shutdown_function() to help catch fatal errors during the backup process, including those which occur during cron, and write them to logs. Reverted "Fixed Dropbox problem with conflicting PEAR" above. Dropbox PEAR includes are now explicitly called to avoid conflict with host-provided PEAR files on some servers. Updated Automated Migration invalid step error message to give proper error for debugging. Clarified local archive limits section with rewording and additional tip information. - Issue #225. Added missing cleanup of temporary directories/files in wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_temp/ for failed backups. Added missing cleanup of temporary directories/files in wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_backups/temp_zip_XXXX/ for failed backups. Added additional logging to periodic cleanup function. Exclusions file now rendered into wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_temp/XXXXX/exclusions.txt for use with zip excluding. On load of importbuddy.php's login page, if the importbuddy directory already exists it is deleted then re-unpacked. This allows for easily replacing the importbuddy script with a new one (to upgrade or fix a bad password, etc). Fixed escaping of $_POST content when outside WordPress (ie ImportBuddy) AND magic quotes are ENABLED. - Issue #277. Many AJAX calls process $_POST rather than pb_backupbuddy::post() so stripping slashes was not being handled. - Issue #276. Fixed single pipe | or in pb::_POST(). - re: Jeremy ENHANCEMENT: Added file size to listing of recent remote transfers. Zip exclusions files now created within zipbuddy lib. x-zipbuddy lib now uses xclusion file for command line zip exclusions. commandbuddy lib: exec_dir compatibility added. No longer passses PATH assignment if detected. - Issue #266. Directory exclusions file now supported for all command line zip functionality. - Issue #266. Fixed ZipBuddy constructor passing an emptry string instead of empty array on step 2 of importbuddy. - re: Thread #30364. Fixed remote copying from Dropbox to local if Dropbox file is in a directory. - re: Dan Import instructions now display a bolded reminder as step #1 to set an ImportBuddy password until one is set. FEATURE: ImportBuddy can now be transferred to remote destinations from the Import / Migrate page by clicking 'Send Importbuddy' under the button. - Issue #97. Added Download and Send links beneath ImportBuddy and RepairBuddy. Added database kicker prior to scheduling next cron steps since DB was going away for Kerry during ms WP download step. - Re: Thread #30364. Added database ping at end of DB step to verify DB did not go away during the db dump as that could impact integrity of db file. Did not want the later kicking prior to cron scheduling covering up a problem. Exclusions file only includes files/directories that actually exist. Checked pre-backup per backup. - Issue #168. 3.0.42 - 2012-07-30 - Dustin Bolton FEATURE: Added FTP option for passive mode. - Re: Thread #30499. Added additional logging to cron_next_step(). Added additional importbuddy unpack logging for troubleshooting. Added database kicker to kick the DB after remote destination sending in case status cannot be updated due to DB going away. - Issue #274. Fixed typos in zipbuddy error messages. Updated latest German translations. - Graciously provided by Dietmar Added load prior to remote destination send to help keeps settings in sync with anything else happening. - re: Jeremy Fixed over-zelous database prefix replacement on import when: a) using command line mysql import AND b) changing the db prefix. - re: Issue #284. 3.0.43 - 2012-08-27 - Dustin Bolton Added 10 newlines to end of rendered importbuddy script to help servers not sending last byte. Added MIME type detection code into rackspace lib. Also added fallback mime default of 'application/octet-stream' if that also fails. - re: Thread #30775. Fixed double slash causing permissions issue in filesystem class dir_size_map() on opendir() usage. - Re: Thread #30811. Fixed datepicker failure in WP 3.2.1 causing remote destination picker to open full screen instead of in thickbox. Now running greedy script limits prior to ImportBuddy generation to help boost memory as some are hitting memory limits downloading. - Re: Thread #30832. Fixed shutdown function overwriting log file instead of appending. Fixed shutdown function not writing to main log file, only serial. Fixed malfunctioning cleanup step of Multisite Import not cleaning up backup file if enabled. - Issue #285. Increased FTP user and pass field lengths from 45 to 75 per customer request. - Re: Thread #31108. FEATURE: Added URLs and Paths sections to server info page. - Dustin Multisite now prevents exporting of the main Network site as it is tied to the Network DB prefix and may have unpredictable issues. - Dustin, Re: Jeremy. Multisite: Fixed backup listing javascript not working on Export backup listing. - Dustin Multisite Import: Fixed imported users being assigned to main network site in addition to the imported site. - Dustin Mulitiste Import of Exported subsite: Fixed upload path & fileupload_url not being updated properly in this case. - Dustin re: Jeremy Multisite Import of standalone site: Fixed fileupload_url not being updated properly in this case. - Dustin re: Jeremy Multisite Export: Temporary user/usersmeta table now dropped prior to creation in case it already exists. Multisite Export: Any usermeta data for subsites not associated with the exported site is cleared out prior to backup. - Dustin re: Jeremy Multisite Import: Fixed media files not being copied over on some servers due to destination directory not already existing. - Dustin re: Paul Added additional logging to backup step processing to see step name. Backup processing options handling no longer using references as they may become invalid during re-loading of options. - Dustin re: Jeremy Clicking on the backup status (pass or fail) now opens a thickbox with scan details in a textarea for easy copy/pasting. - Dustin re: Issue #260. Multisite Export -> Standalone: Fixed upload path not being reset to default blank value if it was explicitly set in options table. - Dustin re: Thread #31312. 3.1.2 - 2012-10-29 - Dustin Bolton All remote destinations specific code moved to destinations directory. ENHANCEMENT: New remote destinations interface & design. More features to existing destinations. Now including Stash. More intuitive usability. Nice new look and improved interface. Dropbox updated to use Dropbox v1 API (v0 API shutting down Dec 31, 2012). FEATURE: Added button to send file to remote destination after backup completed on backup page. As soon as a backup completes you are given the option to download or send the completed backup to a remote destination (or neither and the backup will stay in your local BackupBuddy backups directory). FEATURE: Added new local destination for use as a remote destination. Easily store backups in other directories on the same server filesystem. Migrate sites to another server directory (ie duplicate on same server). FEATURE: Added `Settings` page option to also display the time in backup filenames in addition to the default date. - Issue #247. Perform multiple backups per day? Now include the time in the filename to more easily identify backups by time in addition to date. Works great combined with the Note feature. Added additional explanatory text noting to use the `Alternative zip system` when falling into compatibility mode which fixes exclusions not working in that case. FEATURE: Individual files can now be excluded from backups (no longer just directories!). Now listing files in exclusions navigator for easier exclusion of individual files. A few giant files clogging up your backups? Not only can you exclude entire directories but now you can also exclude individual files! ImportBuddy: When wp-config.php is unwritable ImportBuddy will notify user & give the content the user may paste into the file. This was only displaying "Array" rather than the config content. mysqlbuddy updated to provide error message when mysql_query() returns false. Upgraded Amazon S3 library to 0.5.0. Added ImportBuddy favicon. FEATURE: Added Amazon S3 support for "Reduced Redundancy" class storage for a more affordable cloud storage option. A more affordable option than S3, reduced redundancy offers lower prices for storage and transfer at the cost of the backup being replicated less across the S3 network. This offers less redundancy in the case of catostrophic failures of the Amazon S3 system but costs less. Added additional logging during S3 destination test. ENHANCEMENT: Error messages now highlighted in backup status for easier visibility AND a new red box slides down with an error count & noting hightlighted lines are in the log above. Also links to the knowledge base. Easily see if anything may have gone wrong. Quick link to the Knowledge Base Codex. Error codes link directly to their wiki entry for details. Now logging BackupBuddy version, WP version and OS during backup. Fixed zip size and ping showing out of order in status log. Cleaned up start of status log for better readability. Cleaned up preflight check warning display to be cleaner and take up less space. Combined MS beta warning into preflight check. Remote preflight check warnings from displaying on actual backup perform page as it was already seen on backup home page. Reduced delays between AJAX actions during backup for speedier backups with less delays. Increased backup status blink rate for better visibility. FEATURE: Added database check and repair features to Server Info page. Sometimes things go wrong and your database gets corrupted. This often means having to use a web hosting tool or something like phpmyadmin to attempt to repair it. BackupBuddy now offers the option to test and run the mysql command to perform a basic repair on database tables. This can be accessed on the Server Information page by hovering over a table name in the list. This is a simple way to check and perform a basic repair. ImportBuddy upload feature no longer redirects back to login screen. Added local destination file manager/client. Fixed Server Info page directory size listing not taking exclusions into account properly. - Issue #289. Directory size listing through large number of warnings to log when open_basedir in effect. - Issue #290. Fixed incorrect call to delete_directory_resursive() in zbzipproc.php. FEATURE: Added iThemes Stash destination. 256mb of storage space currently provided for no additional cost (FREE) to all currently subscribed BackupBuddy customers. Protect your backups by sending them to distributed redundant storage servers (the so-called "Cloud"). All backups are encrypted upon arrival at their storage destination with AES256 encryption. You may store as many backups as your storage alotment allows. Limit the number of archives by site. Backups are organized within their own site folder for easy access. Manage your backups, delete, copy down to local, or get a direct download link good for an hour. FEATURE: PHP Max Execution time tester added (beta) Allows you to actually perform a test to determine your real tested maximum execution time allowed by your server. BackupBuddy attempts to override the execution time allowed to a very high number but almost all hosts cap the number much lower so the reported number can be far too high. This test actually runs a script and keeps trask of the elapsed time to determine the actual maximum execution time limit of your server. FEATURE: Stash now supports multipart uploads (chunking uploads into pieces to allow larger files to be transferred in pieces over time). Extremely large files can now be transferred to Stash than could be before by breaking files up into 'chunks' and sending one piece at a time. User can specify the chunk size that is transferred to Stash at a time. FEATURE: Backup download URL now included in scheduled backup success notifications. Easily download completed scheduled backups from the notification email (if this feature is enabled in settings). Improved automated migration flow. Now prompts for destination URL if none is entered for this destination. Highlights the Migration URL field if empty. Improved URL explanation and error messages to better explain URL / upload directory mismatch problems. User is prompted to test & verify the destination URL prior to selecting. Stash signing expiration set to 12 min. Changed error code #5445589 to #9031. File size now logged for files being sent to destinations. Partially improved some handling of the beta Multisite Network migrations of full Networks in/out of subdirectories (not officially supported; improvements provided as a convenience). Misc tweaks, fixes, styling improvements. Any unknown backup statistics are now left blank rather than multiple "Unknown"s. Fixed missing Malware Scanner warning icon. Multisite export subsite exporting error for main site now includes the prefix in error. Multisite: Malware scan is now available to anyone with access to subsite export capability. Added additional logging just prior to detecting mysqlbuddy availale methods for troubleshooting. Improved error message in importbuddy.php when key files are missing in the backup. Added new Remote Destinations page. Improved UI. ImportBuddy BETA support for importing from Stash backups. Added Stash option on destination creation to disable ability to list all Stash files. Added dismissable alert system via disalert(). Many misc tweaks, modifications, and small fixes. 3.1.3 - 2012-10-30 - Dustin Bolton ImportBuddy UI improvements for Step 1 & Stash. Fixed time not being localized for: time in backup filename, time of backup start and finish, time of destination send start and finish. Backup status now displays SQL dump file size during database dump process. Backup status now displays final SQL dump file size upon SQL dump completion. Additional Stash logging for inability to finalize Stash upload. Updated German translation files -- compliments of the awesome volunteer Dietmar. S3 library reverted to previous version due to problems with new version. Reduced Redundancy option currently unavailable until future version. 3.1.4 - 2012-11-07 - Dustin Bolton FEATURE: Schedules now show when the schedule is expected to run next. Issue #240. This allows for easy identification that the schedule is set up properly and when to expect it to occur. Missing zip functionality and other pre-flight warnings can now be dismissed. They can be revealed by clearing dismissals on the Getting Started page. Issue #1. FEATURE: Alternate cron status is now displayed in the Server section of the Server Information page. Issue #217. This allows for easily verifying that WP Alternate Cron mode is enabled or disabled to verify proper configuration. ImportBuddy auto-sets max PHP time to 30 seconds if server reports 0. Removed remaining S3 reduced redundancy call. Tilde ~ stripped from backup filename now. Fixed inability to delete files from all files Stash page due to requiring authentication. Stash quota now taken into account before scheduled sends to prevent sending files that would exceed quota. This previously was only being checked for manual sends. Reversed order of recent backups to properly show newest down to oldest. Beta feature: Database backups can be broken up into individual chunks. Currently wp_posts and wp_postmeta are broken out if feature enabled during beta of this feature. Minor interface tweaks. FEATURE: Import/Export Settings (Getting Started page). Easily duplicate settings from one BackupBuddy site to another site. Great for quickly setting up additional sites or for client work. Requested by several customers in BackupBuddy Survey. FEATURE: Enable/disable schedules (Scheduling page). Schedules can now be turned on or off via a checkbox when editing a schedule for convenience if you want to temporarily disable a schedule for some reason. FEATURE: http loopback status now listed on Server Info page. Easily see if your server has HTTP Loopbacks enabled to know whether you need alternate cron enabled or not. FEATURE: Restore sites with ImportBuddy from Stash without having to manually upload the backup. Quickly and easily restore a site backed up to Stash. Enter your login, select the backup to restore, and importbuddy handles downloading the file to the server for you for quick easy restores. 3.1.5 - 2012-11-15 - Dustin Bolton FTP sorting prior to limit erasure changed to use artsort instead of just reversing array. Some FTP servers do not return items in proper order. Fixed wp-config not writable error not providing the text to manually update it. Fixed missing button-grad.png and button-grad-active.png references for destination CSS. Tilde ~ stripped from destination Stash directory now. ImportBuddy script will now refuse to render if they somehow got the download link without setting a password first. Warns user and gives diagnostic steps. Download ImportBuddy script if no default password is set: Prompt user to enter a new default password for the importbuddy script. Saves as default. Download ImportBuddy script if a default IS already set: Prompt user to either enter a one-time password to set for this importbuddy OR leave blank to use default. BackupBuddy cleanup procedure now logs BackupBuddy version to more easily see the current version in use via log files. S3 secret key no longer displayed when editing a destination. (password field). Visible only when adding a destination. Can no longer send ImportBuddy script to remote destination if a password has not been set. Fixed BackupBuddy dumping all tables for a site rather than ones just for this site when set to only backup tables with the same prefix under some circumstances due to bug introduced in 3.14. - 2012-11-17 - Dustin Bolton Fixed invalid serial error if ImportBuddy password has not been set. - 2012-11-27 - Dustin Bolton FEATURE: cPanel databases can now be created from within ImportBuddy. To make it easier to perform a restore or migration you can now provide your cPanel login credentials and BackupBuddy will connect to cPanel and create and set up your database and set permissions so you don't have to go to all of the trouble of performing this complicated step that is often a struggling point for many users, especially their first time. Moved --quick to after --skip-opt in mysql command to prevent it from being overrided. Keys not disabled pre-insert and re-enabled post-insert per table in SQL dumps for both mysqldump and phpdump. ENHANCEMENT: Preflight check now scans for any backup files leftover in the site root (ie from a recent restore) and warns. ENHANCEMENT: ImportBuddy now checks for existing index.htm/html file before restore to warn of it potentially blocking WordPress from loading. Sometimes you may have an index.htm/html file in the directory you restored to. On some servers this can prevent the loading of WordPress. Now you will receive a warning as one additional layer of checks we perform to help make imports as smooth as possible. Maximum PHP runtime no longer overriden if it is equal to 0 (unlimited) or greater than the number we would be changing it to (currently 7200 seconds). Incomplete or in-process backups could show the finished time as being far in the past. Fixed to properly denote the backup as unfinished. Status log now displayed again in textarea so copy/pasting to support will not lose newlines. ENHANCEMENT: A one-time user password can be entered upon ImportBuddy download. You also no longer have to enter passwords to start using BackupBuddy as it can be set on the script download. Easier setup, more convenient, quick, one-time-user passwords for clients, etc. ImportBuddy & RepairBuddy password fields now require confirmation to save. Exclude tree for directory exclusions now strips . and .. from file listing prior to processing. Email destination test now displays more details on failure. Dropbox exceptions now caught and reported more consistently. ImportBuddy: Missing .SQL file in backup ZIP now reported. Plugin URL and Path generation improved to use proper WP way if available for robustness. Multisite import blocked if refreshing page & not sending post variables to prevent proceeding with wrong/missing data causing unforeseen issues. ImportBuddy now defaults to full logging for ease in troubleshooting. FEATURE: ImportBuddy log now viewable on Step 5 just before cleanup for advanced users or troubleshooting/support. If you encounter any trouble now you can easily view your log file on Step 5 during the import. This can be easily be copy/pasted to tech support if needed, making troubleshooting and support easier. - 2012-11-27 - Dustin Bolton Fixed FTP limit not taking effect due to previous update. - 2012-12-01 - Dustin Bolton FEATURE: Ability to customize email notification text with variable support. Easily customize what information is or isn't sent in error notification emails (if enabled). You can customize the wording, subject, body, and use variables to determine which information is passed along in the email. Fixed directory exclusion listing displaying exclusion of more directories than actually set to exclude in some cases if directory exclusion pattern partially matched. Fixed File & Directory Exclusions picker failing to show all files in a directory when there were also directories present. Extra 'back to destinations' button removed from Destinations picker main page. - 2012-12-02 - Dustin Bolton Fixed ImportBuddy import errors when importing db via command line mode AND changing prefix due to alter tables prefix not being updated. 3.1.6 - 2012-12-03 - Dustin Bolton Official release of updates (see above for their contents). - 2012-12-04 - Dustin Bolton Fix PHP-based database import not handling alter table in some cases. - 2012-12-07 - Dustin Bolton Server Info page Server Settings section removed redundancy in Status/Result columns. Moved "Reset Plugin Settings" button to "Settings" page. Moved "Import/Export Settings" button to "Settings" page. Settings page contents no longer in meta box. Tabbed sections added to Getting Started page. Additional tutorial information added to Getting Started page. Improved UI on Getting Started page. Fixed Scheduling page form submission errors not being displayed. Added scheduling interval tip to Scheduling page. Improved BackupBuddy destination in listing for improved visibility. - 2012-12-07 - Dustin Bolton cPanel DB creation password now urlencoded before sending. Button styling updated to work with WordPress 3.5. Rework of Getting Started page. Unavailable update/check time for database tables on Server Information page now noted as unavailable rather than just blank. - 2012-12-08 - Dustin Bolton Undefined index fix from previous version. 3.1.8 - 2012-12-10 - Dustin Bolton All features from builds release. PHP notices fix. Fixed undefined index notice thrown by updater when no license is set in some circumstances. Fixed Stash management PHP notice when viewing all files. - 2012-12-18 - Dustin Bolton Updater notices when no license entered fixed. FTP now defaults to passive rather than active mode for new installs. Added ignore zip archive warnings option to Settings page. Added additional logging for loopback test. Server Info page available zip methods now refreshable. ImportBuddy domain prompt was missing for Multisite Network restore, resulting in missing entry in wp-config.php Multisite fix for WordPress v3.5 PHP notices for $wpdb->prepare() missing second paramter. Moved progress data sent to browser AJAX during backup to also be logged to file for better debugging. (ie temporary zip file size, ping, etc). Cleaned up backup listing tables to be clearer. Added new integrity details option under integrity status on backup listing. FEATURE: Integrity status details now shows improved interface for easier viewing. Easily see integrity status and tests. Easily see backup times, time taken per step, and attempts made per step. Status indicators throughout plugin updates for better visibility & clarity. ngettext() function now emulated for ImportBuddy is not available. Fixed ImportBuddy download password cancel from proceeding to download if no default set. Fixed ImportBuddy download problem when pass hash blank.
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