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File: admin.php
<? include_once("config.inc.php"); session_start(); $sids = session_id(); // Log-out part if (isset($_GET['logout'])){ unset($_SESSION['pwd']); header("Location: admin.php"); } // Log-In $pass= $_POST['pass']; if (isset($pass)){ if ($pass == $admin_pass) { $_SESSION['pwd'] = $pass; } header("Location: admin.php"); } // print out the design part of the admin page .. :) print $admin_page_title; $pwd = $_SESSION['pwd']; if (isset($pwd)&& $pwd==$admin_pass){ // handle member deletion if (isset($_GET["delete_member"])) { $query = "DELETE FROM rotate_usr WHERE id='".$_GET["delete_member"]."';"; mysql_query($query); print '<h4>Member #'.$_GET["delete_member"].' was deleted successfully!</h4>'; } // handle member info editing .. :) .. the actual information saving .. :) if (isset($_POST["save_member_info"])) { $query = "UPDATE rotate_usr SET account_type='".$_POST["account_type"]."' WHERE id='".$_POST["member_id"]."';"; mysql_query($query); print '<h4>Member info saved!</h4>'; } // handle mass e-mail if (isset($_POST["mass_mail"])) { // set script execution time to unlimited, as we don't know how long will it take to mail all members. // set_time_limit(0); $query = "SELECT email,login FROM rotate_usr;"; $result = mysql_query($query); $subject = $_POST["subj"]; $message = $_POST["body"]; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "From: $from_mail_name <$from_mail>\r\n"; while ($member = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $to = $member[1]." <".$member[0].">" ; maildb($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } print '<h4>Mass e-mail to all members has been sent!</h4>'; } // handle url viewing .. :) if (isset($_GET["view_urls"])) { $query = "SELECT login,email FROM rotate_usr WHERE id='".$_GET["view_urls"]."';"; $member_name = mysql_query($query); $member_name = mysql_fetch_row($member_name); $query = "SELECT * FROM rotate WHERE user_id='".$_GET["view_urls"]."';"; $result = mysql_query($query); print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Statistics of <a href="mailto:'.$member_name["1"].'">'.$member_name[0].'</a></th> <th>Hits</th> </tr> '; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $kl += 1; if ($kl % 2 == 0) { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$lrcolor.'">'; } else { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$drcolor.'">'; } print ' <td><a href="'.$row["url"].'" target="_blank">'.$row["url"].'</a></td> <td>'.$row["total_hits"].'</td> </tr> '; } $query = "SELECT SUM(count) FROM rotate_clicks WHERE date='".$datetoday."' AND user_id='".$_GET["view_urls"]."';"; $hits_today = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($query)); $query = "SELECT total_hits FROM rotate_usr WHERE id='".$_GET["view_urls"]."';"; $hits_total = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($query)); print '<tr><td><p align="right"><font size="1">Hits Today</font></p></td><td><p align="right"><font size="1"> <strong>'.($hits_today[0]*1).'</strong></font></p></td></tr> <tr><td><p align="right"><font size="1">Total Hits generated:</font></p></td><td><p align="right"><font size="1"> <strong>'.($hits_total[0]*1).'</strong></p></font></td></tr>'; print '</table><br />'; } // handle member info editing - print out the info box if (isset($_GET["edit_member"])) { $query = "SELECT * FROM rotate_usr WHERE id='".$_GET["edit_member"]."';"; $result = mysql_query($query); $member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); print ' <form action="admin.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="member_id" value="'.$member["id"].'"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"><th colspan="2">Member information editing</th></tr> <tr><td>Login:</td><td>'.$member["login"].'</td></tr> <tr><td>Password:</td><td>'.$member["password"].'</td></tr> <tr><td>Email:</td><td><a href="mailto:'.$member["email"].'">'.$member["email"].'</a></td></tr> <tr><td>Account Type:</td><td><select name="account_type" size="1">'; print '<option value="'.$member["account_type"].'" selected="selected">'.$member["account_type"].'</option>'; // show up the selected account type option and print the second option as a non-selected one .. ;) switch($member["account_type"]) { case "Premium": print '<option value="Standard">Standard</option>'; break; case "Standard": print '<option value="Premium">Premium</option>'; break; } print'</select></td></tr> <tr><td>Sign-Up Date:</td><td>'.$member["sign_up_date"].'</td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><center><input type="submit" name="save_member_info" value="Save" /></center></td></tr> </table></form><br /><br /> '; } $start_from = $_GET["start_from"]; if (!isset($start_from)) { $start_from=0; } // get the count of members .. :) $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rotate_usr;"; $count = mysql_query($query); $count = mysql_fetch_row($count); $count = $count[0]; $query = "SELECT * FROM rotate_usr LIMIT ".$start_from.",".$members_per_page.";"; $result = mysql_query($query); print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Member Login</th> <th>Member e-mail</th> <th>Sign-up Date</th> <th>Account Type</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> '; while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $kl += 1; if ($kl % 2 == 0) { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$lrcolor.'">'; } else { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$drcolor.'">'; } print ' <td>'.$member["login"].'</td> <td><a href="mailto:'.$member["email"].'">'.$member["email"].'</a></td> <td>'.$member["sign_up_date"].'</td> <td><center>'.$member["account_type"].'</center></td> <td><center><a href="admin.php?edit_member='.$member["id"].'">Edit Account Type</a> | <a href="admin.php?delete_member='.$member["id"].'">Delete</a> | <a href="admin.php?view_urls='.$member["id"].'">View Stats</a></center></td> </tr> '; } if ($count > $members_per_page) { print '<tr><td colspan="5">Page: '; for ($k = 1; $k <= ceil($count/$members_per_page);$k++) { print '<a href="admin.php?start_from='.(($k-1)*$members_per_page).'">'.$k.'</a> '; } print '</td></tr>'; } print '</table>'; if (isset($_POST["member_search"])) { switch($_POST["s_by"]) { case "url": $query = "SELECT rotate.url, rotate_usr.email, rotate_usr.login, rotate.id, rotate.user_id, rotate.total_hits FROM rotate, rotate_usr WHERE rotate.user_id = rotate_usr.id AND rotate.url LIKE '%".$_POST["search_string"]."%'"; $result = mysql_query($query); print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Member Login</th> <th>Member e-mail</th> <th>URL</th> <th>Hits</th> </tr> '; while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $kl += 1; if ($kl % 2 == 0) { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$lrcolor.'">'; } else { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$drcolor.'">'; } print ' <td>'.$member["login"].'</td> <td><a href="mailto:'.$member["email"].'">'.$member["email"].'</a></td> <td><a href="'.$member["url"].'" target="_blank">'.$member["url"].'</a></td> <td><center>'.$member["total_hits"].'</center></td> </tr> '; } print '</table>'; break; case "usr": $query = "SELECT * FROM rotate_usr WHERE login LIKE '%".trim($_POST["search_string"])."%' ;"; $result = mysql_query($query); print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Member Login</th> <th>Member e-mail</th> <th>Sign-up Date</th> <th>Account Type</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> '; while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $kl += 1; if ($kl % 2 == 0) { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$lrcolor.'">'; } else { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$drcolor.'">'; } print ' <td>'.$member["login"].'</td> <td><a href="mailto:'.$member["email"].'">'.$member["email"].'</a></td> <td>'.$member["sign_up_date"].'</td> <td><center>'.$member["account_type"].'</center></td> <td><center><a href="admin.php?edit_member='.$member["id"].'">Edit</a> | <a href="admin.php?delete_member='.$member["id"].'">Delete</a> | <a href="admin.php?view_urls='.$member["id"].'">View stats</a></center></td> </tr>'; } print '</table>'; break; case "eml": $query = "SELECT * FROM rotate_usr WHERE email LIKE '%".trim($_POST["search_string"])."%' ;"; $result = mysql_query($query); print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Member Login</th> <th>Member e-mail</th> <th>Sign-up Date</th> <th>Account Type</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> '; while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $kl += 1; if ($kl % 2 == 0) { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$lrcolor.'">'; } else { print '<tr bgcolor="'.$drcolor.'">'; } print ' <td>'.$member["login"].'</td> <td><a href="mailto:'.$member["email"].'">'.$member["email"].'</a></td> <td>'.$member["sign_up_date"].'</td> <td><center>'.$member["account_type"].'</center></td> <td><center><a href="admin.php?edit_member='.$member["id"].'">Edit</a> | <a href="admin.php?delete_member='.$member["id"].'">Delete</a> | <a href="admin.php?view_urls='.$member["id"].'">View URLs</a></center></td> </tr>'; } print '</table>'; break; } } print ' <form action="admin.php" method="post"> <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Search</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Search by: <br /> <input type="radio" name="s_by" value="url" />URL<br /> <input type="radio" name="s_by" value="usr" />Username<br /> <input type="radio" name="s_by" value="eml" />e-mail<br /><br /> Search String: <input name="search_string" type="text" size="30" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <center> <input type="submit" name="member_search" value="Search" /> </center> </td> </tr> </table> </form> '; print ' <form action="admin.php" method="post"> <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"><th>Mass e-mail all members</th></tr> <tr><td>Subject: <input name="subj" size="50" /></td></tr> <tr><td>Message Body:<br /> <textarea name="body" rows="10" cols="70"></textarea></td></tr> <tr><td><center><input type="submit" name="mass_mail" value="Send" /></center></td></tr> </table> </form> '; // STATS start!!!! $query = "SELECT SUM(total_hits) FROM rotate_usr GROUP BY account_type ORDER BY account_type ASC;"; $result = mysql_query($query); $standard = mysql_fetch_row($result); $premium = mysql_fetch_row($result); $query = "select sum(count), account_type from rotate_clicks, rotate_usr where rotate_clicks.user_id = rotate_usr.id AND date='".$datetoday."' GROUP BY account_type ORDER BY account_type ASC;"; $result = mysql_query($query); $today_standard = mysql_fetch_row($result); $today_premium = mysql_fetch_row($result); print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Service Statistics</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Total hits for Standard account holders: '.$standard[0].' (Today: '.$today_standard[0].')<br /> Total hits for Premium account holders: '.$premium[0].' (Today: '.$today_premium[0].')<br /> Total hits:'.($standard[0]*1+$premium[0]*1).' (Today: '.($today_standard[0]*1+$today_premium[0]*1).')<br /> </td> </tr> </table><br />'; // stats end!!! // FEATURED ADS // Featured Ads starts print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>Featured Ad Rotator</th> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="featured"></a>'; if(isset($_POST['faddnow'])){ // Add mysql_query("INSERT INTO textads SET t_name='".$_POST['t_name']."', t_email='".$_POST['t_email']."', t_url='".$_POST['t_url']."', t_title='".$_POST['t_title']."', t_text='".$_POST['t_text']."', t_type='".$_POST['ot']."', t_time='".time()."', t_impression='0', t_click='0', t_status='".$_POST['st']."'") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<div id='msgdiv'>New Featured Ad Added</div>"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV = 'Refresh' Content = '2; URL =admin.php#featured'>"; }elseif(isset($_POST['fdeleteit'])){ // delete $delsql = "DELETE FROM textads WHERE t_id='".$_POST['id']."'"; mysql_query($delsql); echo "<div id='msgdiv'>Featured Ad Deleted</div>"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV = 'Refresh' Content = '2; URL =admin.php#featured'>"; }elseif (isset($_POST['feditit'])){ // edit form if(isset($_POST['editnow'])){ mysql_query("UPDATE textads SET t_name='".$_POST['t_name']."', t_email='".$_POST['t_email']."', t_url='".$_POST['t_url']."', t_title='".$_POST['t_title']."', t_text='".$_POST['t_text']."', t_type='".$_POST['ot']."', t_status='".$_POST['st']."' WHERE t_id='".$_POST['id']."'"); echo "<div id='msgdiv'>Featured Ad Edited</div>"; } $banrs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM textads WHERE t_id='".$_POST['id']."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($banrs) == 0){ echo "<h2>Featured Ad not found.</h2><br><br>Go Back to Check with another fearured ad"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV = 'Refresh' Content = '1; URL =admin.php#featured'>"; }else{ $br = mysql_fetch_array($banrs); $ot1='';$ot2='';$ot3='';$ot9=''; $st0='';$st1=''; $vtmp = 'ot'.$br['t_type']; $$vtmp = 'checked'; $vtmp = 'st'.$br['t_status']; $$vtmp = 'checked'; print "<h2>Edit Featured Ad</h2>"; print "<p>Current Featured Ad<br> <div class='widget'><b>".$br['t_title'].":</b><br>".$br['t_text']."<br><br><center><a href='".$br['t_url']."' target='_blank' title='".$br['t_title']."'>Click Here To Visit</a></center></div><br> Impressions : ".$br['t_impression']."<br> Clicks : ".$br['t_click']."<br> Create/Order Date : ".date("F j, Y, g:i A", $br['t_time'])."<br> <br><br>"; } print "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#featured'> Payer Name:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_name\" value=\"".$br['t_name']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Payer Email:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_email\" value=\"".$br['t_email']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website Title:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_title\" value=\"".$br['t_title']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website URL:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_url\" value=\"".$br['t_url']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Featured Ads Content:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_text\" value=\"".$br['t_text']."\" size=\"70\" maxlength=\"65\"><br><br> Time Limit:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"1\" $ot1> 1 Month <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"2\" $ot2> 3 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"3\" $ot3> 6 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"9\" $ot9> Unlimited<br><br> Banner Status:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"1\" $st1> Active <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"0\" $st0> In-Active<br> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"".$br['t_id']."\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"Update Featured Ad\" name=\"feditit\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update Featured Ad\" name=\"editnow\"> </form><br></p>"; }else{ // add form print "<p>You can add Featured Ad by using the form below. All Featured Ad packages are based on time, make sure you refer to the clients payment receipt for time purchased.<br><br>"; print "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#featured'> Payer Name:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_name\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Payer Email:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_email\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website Title:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_title\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website URL:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_url\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Featured Ads Content:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"t_text\" size=\"70\" maxlength=\"65\"><br><br> Time Limit:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"1\" checked> 1 Month <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"2\"> 3 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"3\"> 6 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"9\"> Unlimited<br><br> Banner Status:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"1\" checked> Active <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"0\"> In-Active<br> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Featured Ad\" name=\"faddnow\"> </form><br></p>"; } $inars = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM textads WHERE t_status='0' ORDER BY t_time DESC"); if(mysql_num_rows($inars) > 0){ print "<p><b>New/In-active Featured Ad:</b><br>"; while($rin = mysql_fetch_array($inars)){ if($rin['t_type'] == 1){ $ofor = '1 Month'; }elseif ($rin['t_type'] == 2){ $ofor = '3 Months'; }elseif ($rin['t_type'] == 3){ $ofor = '6 Months'; }else{ $ofor ='Unlimited Time'; } echo "Payer Name:".$rin['t_name'].'<br>'; echo "Payer Email:".$rin['t_email'].'<br>'; echo "Create/Order Date:".date("F j, Y, g:i A", $rin['t_time'])." for $ofor<br>"; echo "Clicks : ".$rin['t_click'].", "; echo "Impressions : ".$rin['t_impression']."<br>"; echo "<div class='widget'><b>".$rin['t_title'].":</b><br>".$rin['t_text']."<br><br><center><a href='".$rin['t_url']."' target='_blank' title='".$rin['t_title']."'>Click Here To Visit</a></center></div>"; echo "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#featured'> <input type='hidden' name='id' value='".$rin['t_id']."'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='feditit' value='Edit'> <input type='submit' name='fdeleteit' value='Delete' OnClick=\"javascript: return confirm('Do you want to delete this Featured Ad');\"> </form><hr>"; } echo '</p>'; } $ars = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM textads WHERE t_status='1' ORDER BY t_time DESC"); if(mysql_num_rows($ars) > 0){ print "<p><b>Current Featured Ad In Rotation:</b><br>"; while($rin = mysql_fetch_array($ars)){ if($rin['t_type'] == 1){ $ofor = '1 Month'; }elseif ($rin['t_type'] == 2){ $ofor = '3 Months'; }elseif ($rin['t_type'] == 3){ $ofor = '6 Months'; }else{ $ofor ='Unlimited Time'; } $featuredurl = str_replace('{SITEURL}',$site_url,$rin['t_url']); $featuredtext = str_replace('{SITEURL}',$site_url,$rin['t_text']); echo "Payer Name:".$rin['t_name'].'<br>'; echo "Payer Email:".$rin['t_email'].'<br>'; echo "Create/Order Date:".date("F j, Y, g:i A", $rin['t_time'])." for $ofor<br>"; echo "Clicks : ".$rin['t_click'].", "; echo "Impressions : ".$rin['t_impression']."<br>"; echo "<div class='widget'><b>".$rin['t_title'].":</b><br>".$featuredtext."<br><br><center><a href='".$featuredurl."' target='_blank' title='".$rin['t_title']."'>Click Here To Visit</a></center></div>"; echo "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#featured'> <input type='hidden' name='id' value='".$rin['t_id']."'>"; if($rin['t_id'] > 1){ echo "<input type='submit' name='feditit' value='Edit'> <input type='submit' name='fdeleteit' value='Delete' OnClick=\"javascript: return confirm('Do you want to delete this Featured Ad');\">"; } echo "</form><hr>"; } echo '</p>'; } print '</td> </tr> </table><br />'; // Featured Ads ends // BANNER ADS //Banner Ads starts print ' <table cellspacing="0" cellspacing="2" width="80%" border="1" bordercolor="'.$bcolor.'"> <tr bgcolor="'.$tcolor.'"> <th>468X60 Banner Ad Rotator</th> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="banner"></a>'; if(isset($_POST['addnow'])){ // Add mysql_query("INSERT INTO bannerads SET b_name='".$_POST['b_name']."', b_email='".$_POST['b_email']."', b_url='".$_POST['b_url']."', b_title='".$_POST['b_title']."', b_image='".$_POST['b_image']."', b_type='".$_POST['ot']."', b_time='".time()."', b_impression='0', b_click='0', b_status='".$_POST['st']."'") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<div id='msgdiv'>New Banner Added</div>"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV = 'Refresh' Content = '2; URL =admin.php#banner'>"; }elseif(isset($_POST['deleteit'])){ // delete $delsql = "DELETE FROM bannerads WHERE b_id='".$_POST['id']."'"; mysql_query($delsql); echo "<div id='msgdiv'>Banner Deleted</div>"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV = 'Refresh' Content = '2; URL =admin.php#banner'>"; }elseif (isset($_POST['editit'])){ // edit form if(isset($_POST['editnow'])){ mysql_query("UPDATE bannerads SET b_name='".$_POST['b_name']."', b_email='".$_POST['b_email']."', b_url='".$_POST['b_url']."', b_title='".$_POST['b_title']."', b_image='".$_POST['b_image']."', b_type='".$_POST['ot']."', b_status='".$_POST['st']."' WHERE b_id='".$_POST['id']."'"); echo "<div id='msgdiv'>Banner Edited</div>"; } $banrs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bannerads WHERE b_id='".$_POST['id']."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($banrs) == 0){ echo "<h2>Banner not found.</h2><br><br>Go Back to Check with another Banner"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV = 'Refresh' Content = '2; URL =admin.php#banner'>"; }else{ $br = mysql_fetch_array($banrs); $ot1='';$ot2='';$ot3='';$ot9=''; $st0='';$st1=''; $vtmp = 'ot'.$br['b_type']; $$vtmp = 'checked'; $vtmp = 'st'.$br['b_status']; $$vtmp = 'checked'; print "<h2>Edit Banner</h2>"; print "<p>Current Banner.<br> <a href='".$br['b_url']."' target='_blank' title='".$br['b_title']."'><img src='".$br['b_image']."' alt='".$br['b_title']."' width='468' height='60' border='0'></a><br> Impressions : ".$br['b_impression']."<br> Clicks : ".$br['b_click']."<br> Create/Order Date : ".date("F j, Y, g:i A", $br['b_time'])."<br> <br><br>"; } print "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#banner'> Payer Name:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_name\" value=\"".$br['b_name']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Payer Email:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_email\" value=\"".$br['b_email']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website Title:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_title\" value=\"".$br['b_title']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website URL:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_url\" value=\"".$br['b_url']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Banner Image URL:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_image\" value=\"".$br['b_image']."\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Time Limit:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"1\" $ot1> 1 Month <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"2\" $ot2> 3 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"3\" $ot3> 6 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"9\" $ot9> Unlimited<br><br> Banner Status:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"1\" $st1> Active <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"0\" $st0> In-Active<br> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"".$br['b_id']."\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"Update Banner\" name=\"editit\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update Banner\" name=\"editnow\"> </form><br></p>"; }else{ // add form print "<h2>Banner Rotator</h2>"; print "<p>You can add banners by using the form below. All banner packages are based on time, make sure you refer to the clients payment receipt for time purchased.<br><br>"; print "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#banner'> Payer Name:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_name\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Payer Email:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_email\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website Title:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_title\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Website URL:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_url\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Banner Image URL:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"b_image\" size=\"29\"><br><br> Time Limit:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"1\" checked> 1 Month <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"2\"> 3 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"3\"> 6 Months <input type=\"radio\" name=\"ot\" value=\"9\"> Unlimited<br><br> Banner Status:<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"1\" checked> Active <input type=\"radio\" name=\"st\" value=\"0\"> In-Active<br> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Banner\" name=\"addnow\"> </form><br></p>"; } $inars = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bannerads WHERE b_status='0' ORDER BY b_time DESC"); if(mysql_num_rows($inars) > 0){ print "<p><b>New/In-active Banners:</b><br>"; while($rin = mysql_fetch_array($inars)){ if($rin['b_type'] == 1){ $ofor = '1 Month'; }elseif ($rin['b_type'] == 2){ $ofor = '3 Months'; }elseif ($rin['b_type'] == 3){ $ofor = '6 Months'; }else{ $ofor ='Unlimited Time'; } echo "Payer Name:".$rin['b_name'].'<br>'; echo "Payer Email:".$rin['b_email'].'<br>'; echo "Create/Order Date:".date("F j, Y, g:i A", $rin['b_time'])." for $ofor<br>"; echo "Clicks : ".$rin['b_click'].", "; echo "Impressions : ".$rin['b_impression']."<br>"; echo "<a href='".$rin['b_url']."' target='_blank' title='".$rin['b_title']."'><img src='".$rin['b_image']."' alt='".$rin['b_title']."' width='468' height='60' border='0'></a><br>"; echo "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#banner'> <input type='hidden' name='id' value='".$rin['b_id']."'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='editit' value='Edit'> <input type='submit' name='deleteit' value='Delete' OnClick=\"javascript: return confirm('Do you want to delete this banner');\"> </form><hr>"; } echo '</p>'; } $ars = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bannerads WHERE b_status='1' ORDER BY b_time DESC"); if(mysql_num_rows($ars) > 0){ print "<p><b>Current Banners In Rotation:</b><br>"; while($rin = mysql_fetch_array($ars)){ if($rin['b_type'] == 1){ $ofor = '1 Month'; }elseif ($rin['b_type'] == 2){ $ofor = '3 Months'; }elseif ($rin['b_type'] == 3){ $ofor = '6 Months'; }else{ $ofor ='Unlimited Time'; } $bannerurl = str_replace('{SITEURL}',$site_url,$rin['b_url']); $bannerimage = str_replace('{SITEURL}',$site_url,$rin['b_image']); echo "Payer Name:".$rin['b_name'].'<br>'; echo "Payer Email:".$rin['b_email'].'<br>'; echo "Create/Order Date:".date("F j, Y, g:i A", $rin['b_time'])." for $ofor<br>"; echo "Clicks : ".$rin['b_click'].", "; echo "Impressions : ".$rin['b_impression']."<br>"; echo "<a href='".$bannerurl."' target='_blank' title='".$rin['b_title']."'><img src='".$bannerimage."' alt='".$rin['b_title']."' width='468' height='60' border='0'></a><br>"; echo "<form method='POST' action='admin.php#banner'> <input type='hidden' name='id' value='".$rin['b_id']."'>"; if($rin['b_id'] > 1){ echo "<input type='submit' name='editit' value='Edit'> <input type='submit' name='deleteit' value='Delete' OnClick=\"javascript: return confirm('Do you want to delete this banner');\">"; } echo "</form><hr>"; } echo '</p>'; } print '</td> </tr> </table><br />'; //Banner Ads ends }else{ print "<form action='admin.php' method='post'>"; print "In Order to access member area, please provide valid password:<br>"; print 'Password:<input name="pass" type="password"><input type="submit" value="Log-in">'; print "</form>"; } print $admin_page_bottom; ?>
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