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File: freedoms.php
<?php /** * Your Rights administration panel. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Administration */ /** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */ require_once __DIR__ . '/admin.php'; // This file was used to also display the Privacy tab on the About screen from 4.9.6 until 5.3.0. if ( isset( $_GET['privacy-notice'] ) ) { wp_redirect( admin_url( 'privacy.php' ), 301 ); exit; } $title = __( 'Freedoms' ); list( $display_version ) = explode( '-', get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php'; ?> <div class="wrap about__container"> <div class="about__header"> <div class="about__header-image"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 782px)" srcset="data:image/svg+xml,<?php echo rawurlencode( '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 205 109" width="205"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path fill="#000" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M65.901 108.433c2.546-5.254 4.927-9.195 7.143-11.822H1.246v-5.173h71.798c-2.216-2.627-4.597-6.568-7.143-11.822h4.31c5.173 5.993 10.592 10.427 16.257 13.3v2.217c-5.665 2.791-11.084 7.225-16.256 13.3h-4.31z"/><path fill="#000" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M29.345 26.834c-.129 1.365-.633 2.432-1.512 3.2-.879.76-2.048 1.142-3.507 1.142-1.02 0-1.919-.24-2.698-.72-.773-.487-1.371-1.176-1.793-2.066-.422-.891-.641-1.925-.659-3.103v-1.195c0-1.207.214-2.27.642-3.19.427-.92 1.04-1.63 1.836-2.128.803-.498 1.729-.747 2.778-.747 1.412 0 2.549.384 3.41 1.152.861.767 1.362 1.851 1.503 3.252H27.13c-.105-.92-.375-1.582-.809-1.987-.427-.41-1.057-.615-1.89-.615-.966 0-1.71.355-2.232 1.064-.515.703-.779 1.737-.79 3.102v1.134c0 1.383.245 2.437.738 3.164.498.727 1.224 1.09 2.18 1.09.872 0 1.529-.197 1.968-.59.44-.392.718-1.045.835-1.959h2.215zm14.008-1.898c0 1.253-.217 2.355-.65 3.304-.434.944-1.055 1.67-1.864 2.18-.803.504-1.728.756-2.777.756-1.037 0-1.963-.252-2.777-.756-.809-.51-1.436-1.234-1.881-2.171-.44-.938-.662-2.018-.668-3.243v-.72c0-1.249.22-2.35.659-3.306.445-.955 1.07-1.684 1.872-2.188.809-.51 1.734-.765 2.777-.765 1.043 0 1.966.252 2.769.756.808.498 1.432 1.219 1.872 2.03.668 3.279v.712zm-2.224-.668c0-1.418-.27-2.505-.808-3.261-.534-.756-1.292-1.134-2.277-1.134-.96 0-1.714.378-2.258 1.134-.54.75-.815 1.813-.827 3.19v.739c0 1.406.273 2.493.818 1.312 1.152 2.285 1.152.984 0 1.74-.375 2.267-1.125.534-.75.8-1.846.8-3.287v-.668zM47.368 31V18.203h3.78c1.13 0 2.132.252 3.005.756a5.146 5.146 0 012.039 2.145c.48.925.72 1.986.72 3.181v.642c0 1.213-.243 2.28-.729 3.199a5.057 5.057 0 01-2.065 2.127c-.89.498-1.913.747-3.068.747h-3.682zm2.223-11.004v9.229h1.45c1.167 0 2.06-.364 2.681-1.09.627-.733.947-1.782.958-3.147v-.712c0-1.388-.302-2.449-.905-3.181-.604-.733-1.48-1.099-2.628-1.099h-1.556zm18.816 5.291h-5.256v3.938h6.144V31h-8.368V18.203h8.306v1.793h-6.082v3.533h5.256v1.758zM81.534 31H79.32V18.203h2.215V31zm11.222-3.296c0-.562-.199-.996-.597-1.3-.393-.305-1.105-.613-2.136-.924-1.031-.31-1.852-.656-2.461-1.037-1.166-.732-1.75-1.687-1.75-2.865 0-1.031.42-1.88 1.258-2.549.843-.668 1.936-1.002 3.278-1.002.89 0 1.685.164 2.382.492a3.898 3.898 0 011.643 1.407c.399.603.598 1.274.598 2.013h-2.215c0-.669-.21-1.19-.633-1.565-.416-.38-1.013-.571-1.793-.571-.726 0-1.292.155-1.696.466-.398.31-.598.744-.598 1.3 0 .47.217.862.65 1.178.434.31 1.15.615 2.145.914.996.293 1.796.63 2.4 1.01.603.376 1.046.81 1.327 1.302.281.486.422 1.057.422 1.713 0 1.067-.41 1.916-1.23 2.55-.815.626-1.923.94-3.323.94-.926 0-1.778-.17-2.558-.51-.773-.346-1.376-.82-1.81-1.424-.428-.603-.642-1.306-.642-2.11h2.224c0 .727.24 1.29.72 1.688.481.399 1.17.598 2.066.598.774 0 1.354-.155 1.74-.466.393-.316.59-.732.59-1.248zm14.481-1.459V31h-2.224V18.203h4.896c1.43 0 2.563.372 3.401 1.116.844.745 1.266 1.729 1.266 2.954 0 1.253-.413 2.229-1.239 2.926-.821.697-1.972 1.046-3.454 1.046h-2.646zm0-1.784h2.672c.791 0 1.395-.185 1.811-.554.416-.375.624-.914.624-1.617 0-.691-.211-1.242-.633-1.652-.422-.416-1.002-.63-1.74-.642h-2.734v4.465zm21.303.475c0 1.253-.217 2.355-.65 3.304-.434.944-1.055 1.67-1.864 2.18-.802.504-1.728.756-2.777.756-1.037 0-1.963-.252-2.777-.756-.809-.51-1.436-1.234-1.881-2.171-.44-.938-.662-2.018-.668-3.243v-.72c0-1.249.22-2.35.659-3.306.445-.955 1.069-1.684 1.872-2.188.809-.51 1.734-.765 2.777-.765 1.043 0 1.966.252 2.769.756.809.498 1.433 1.219 1.872 2.03.668 3.279v.712zm-2.224-.668c0-1.418-.269-2.505-.808-3.261-.533-.756-1.292-1.134-2.277-1.134-.96 0-1.713.378-2.258 1.134-.539.75-.815 1.813-.827 3.19v.739c0 1.406.273 2.493.818 3.26.551.768 1.312 1.152 2.285 1.152.984 0 1.74-.375 2.268-1.125.533-.75.799-1.846.799-3.287v-.668zm13.718 1.02h-5.255v3.937h6.143V31h-8.367V18.203h8.306v1.793h-6.082v3.533h5.255v1.758zm13.92-5.292h-3.99V31h-2.206V19.996h-3.955v-1.793h10.151v1.793zm8.19 6.073h-2.478V31h-2.224V18.203h4.5c1.477 0 2.616.331 3.419.993.803.662 1.204 1.62 1.204 2.874 0 .856-.208 1.574-.624 2.154-.41.574-.984 1.016-1.723 1.327l2.874 5.335V31h-2.381l-2.567-4.93zm-2.478-1.784h2.285c.75 0 1.336-.187 1.758-.562.421-.381.632-.9.632-1.556 0-.686-.196-1.216-.588-1.59-.387-.376-.967-.57-1.741-.58h-2.346v4.288zm14.561-.017l2.945-6.065h2.461l-4.289 8.086V31h-2.233v-4.71l-4.298-8.087h2.47l2.944 6.065z"/><path stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" d="M2 1h201v46H2z"/></g></svg>' ); ?>" /> <img alt="<?php _e( 'Code is Poetry' ); ?>" src="data:image/svg+xml,<?php echo rawurlencode( '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 1210 48"><path fill="#000" d="M65.875 39.875c2.583-5.333 5-9.333 7.25-12H.25v-5.25h72.875c-2.25-2.667-4.667-6.667-7.25-12h4.375c5.25 6.083 10.75 10.583 16.5 13.5v2.25c-5.75 2.833-11.25 7.333-16.5 13.5h-4.375zM1035.34 26.834c-.12 1.365-.63 2.432-1.51 3.2-.88.76-2.04 1.142-3.5 1.142-1.02 0-1.92-.24-2.7-.72-.78-.487-1.37-1.176-1.79-2.066-.43-.891-.65-1.925-.66-3.103v-1.195c0-1.207.21-2.27.64-3.19.43-.92 1.04-1.63 1.83-2.128.81-.498 1.73-.747 2.78-.747 1.41 0 2.55.384 3.41 1.36 1.851 1.5 3.252h-2.21c-.11-.92-.37-1.582-.81-1.987-.43-.41-1.06-.615-1.89-.615-.96 0-1.71.355-2.23 1.064-.52.703-.78 1.737-.79 3.102v1.134c0 1.383.24 2.437.74 1.22 1.09 2.18 1.09.87 0 1.53-.197 1.97-.59.43-.392.71-1.045.83-1.959h2.21zm14.01-1.898c0 1.253-.21 2.355-.65 3.304-.43.944-1.05 1.67-1.86 2.18-.8.504-1.73.756-2.78.756-1.04 0-1.96-.252-2.78-.756-.8-.51-1.43-1.234-1.88-2.171-.44-.938-.66-2.018-.66-3.243v-.72c0-1.249.22-2.35.65-3.306.45-.955 1.07-1.684 1.88-2.188.81-.51 1.73-.765 2.77-.765 1.05 0 1.97.252 2.77.756.81.498 1.44 1.219 1.87 2.03.67 3.279v.712zm-2.22-.668c0-1.418-.27-2.505-.81-3.261-.53-.756-1.29-1.134-2.28-1.134-.96 0-1.71.378-2.25 1.134-.54.75-.82 1.813-.83 3.19v.739c0 1.406.27 2.493.82 1.31 1.152 2.28 1.152.99 0 1.74-.375 2.27-1.125s.8-1.846.8-3.287v-.668zm6.24 6.732V18.203h3.78c1.13 0 2.13.252 3 .756a5.138 5.138 0 012.04 2.145c.48.925.72 1.986.72 3.181v.642c0 1.213-.24 2.28-.73 3.199a5.08 5.08 0 01-2.06 2.127c-.89.498-1.92.747-3.07.747h-3.68zm2.22-11.004v9.229h1.45c1.17 0 2.06-.364 2.68-1.09.63-.733.95-1.782.96-3.147v-.712c0-1.388-.3-2.449-.9-3.181-.61-.733-1.48-1.099-2.63-1.099h-1.56zm18.82 5.291h-5.26v3.938h6.14V31h-8.36V18.203h8.3v1.793h-6.08v3.533h5.26v1.758zM1087.53 31h-2.21V18.203h2.21V31zm11.23-3.296c0-.562-.2-.996-.6-1.3-.39-.305-1.11-.613-2.14-.924-1.03-.31-1.85-.656-2.46-1.037-1.16-.732-1.75-1.687-1.75-2.865 0-1.031.42-1.88 1.26-2.549.84-.668 1.94-1.002 3.28-1.002.89 0 1.68.164 2.38.492.7.329 1.25.797 1.64 1.407.4.603.6 1.274.6 2.013h-2.21c0-.669-.21-1.19-.64-1.565-.41-.38-1.01-.571-1.79-.571-.73 0-1.29.155-1.7.466-.39.31-.59.744-.59 1.3 0 .47.21.862.65 1.15.615 2.14.914 1 .293 1.8.63 2.4 1.05.81 1.33 1.302.28.486.42 1.057.42 1.713 0 1.067-.41 1.916-1.23 2.55-.82.626-1.92.94-3.32.94-.93 0-1.78-.17-2.56-.51-.77-.346-1.38-.82-1.81-1.424-.43-.603-.64-1.306-.64-2.11h2.22c0 .727.24 1.29.72 1.688.48.399 1.17.598 2.07.598.77 0 1.35-.155 1.74-.466.39-.316.59-.732.59-1.248zm14.48-1.459V31h-2.23V18.203h4.9c1.43 0 2.56.372 3.4 1.27 1.729 1.27 2.954 0 1.253-.42 2.229-1.24 2.926-.82.697-1.97 1.046-3.46 1.046h-2.64zm0-1.784h2.67c.79 0 1.39-.185 1.81-.554.42-.375.62-.914.62-1.617 0-.691-.21-1.242-.63-1.652-.42-.416-1-.63-1.74-.642h-2.73v4.465zm21.3.475c0 1.253-.22 2.355-.65 3.304-.43.944-1.06 1.67-1.86 2.18-.81.504-1.73.756-2.78.756-1.04 0-1.96-.252-2.78-.756-.81-.51-1.43-1.234-1.88-2.171-.44-.938-.66-2.018-.67-3.243v-.72c0-1.249.22-2.35.66-3.306.45-.955 1.07-1.684 1.87-2.188.81-.51 1.74-.765 2.78-.765 1.04 0 1.97.252 2.77.756.81.498 1.43 1.219 1.87 2.03.67 3.279v.712zm-2.22-.668c0-1.418-.27-2.505-.81-3.261-.54-.756-1.29-1.134-2.28-1.134-.96 0-1.71.378-2.26 1.134-.54.75-.81 1.813-.82 3.19v.739c0 1.406.27 2.493.81 1.32 1.152 2.29 1.152.98 0 1.74-.375 2.27-1.125s.8-1.846.8-3.287v-.668zm13.71 1.02h-5.25v3.937h6.14V31h-8.37V18.203h8.31v1.793h-6.08v3.533h5.25v1.758zm13.92-5.292h-3.99V31h-2.2V19.996h-3.96v-1.793h10.15v1.793zm8.19 6.073h-2.47V31h-2.23V18.203h4.5c1.48 0 2.62.331 3.42.993.8.662 1.21 1.62 1.21 2.874 0 .856-.21 1.574-.63 2.154-.41.574-.98 1.016-1.72 1.327l2.87 5.335V31h-2.38l-2.57-4.93zm-2.47-1.784h2.28c.75 0 1.34-.187 1.76-.562.42-.381.63-.9.63-1.556 0-.686-.19-1.216-.59-1.59-.38-.376-.96-.57-1.74-.58h-2.34v4.288zm14.56-.017l2.94-6.065h2.46l-4.29 8.086V31h-2.23v-4.71l-4.3-8.087h2.47l2.95 6.065z"/><path stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" d="M1008 1h201v46h-201z"/></svg>' ); ?>" /> </picture> </div> <div class="about__header-container"> <div class="about__header-title"> <p> <?php _e( 'WordPress' ); ?> <?php echo $display_version; ?> </p> </div> <div class="about__header-text"> <?php _e( 'Sharing your stories has never been easier' ); ?> </div> <div class="about__header-badge"> <img alt="<?php _e( 'New' ); ?>" src="data:image/svg+xml,<?php echo rawurlencode( '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 153 153" width="115"><circle cx="76.5" cy="76.5" r="76.5" fill="#000"/><path fill="#D1CFE4" d="M53.333 86h-2.827L39.769 69.564V86H36.94V64.672h2.828L50.535 81.18V64.67h2.798V86zm26.05-9.858h-9.242V83.7h10.737V86h-13.55V64.672h13.403v2.314h-10.59v6.856h9.243v2.3zm18.596 3.134l.41 2.813.6-2.534 4.219-14.883h2.373l4.116 14.883.586 2.578.454-2.871 3.311-14.59h2.827L111.704 86h-2.563l-4.395-15.542-.337-1.626-.337 1.626L99.517 86h-2.564l-5.156-21.328h2.812l3.37 14.604z"/></svg>' ); ?>" /> </div> </div> <nav class="about__header-navigation nav-tab-wrapper wp-clearfix" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Secondary menu' ); ?>"> <a href="about.php" class="nav-tab"><?php _e( 'What’s New' ); ?></a> <a href="credits.php" class="nav-tab"><?php _e( 'Credits' ); ?></a> <a href="freedoms.php" class="nav-tab nav-tab-active" aria-current="page"><?php _e( 'Freedoms' ); ?></a> <a href="privacy.php" class="nav-tab"><?php _e( 'Privacy' ); ?></a> </nav> </div> <div class="about__section has-subtle-background-color is-feature"> <h1><?php _e( 'Freedoms' ); ?></h1> <p class="about-description"> <?php printf( /* translators: %s: https://wordpress.org/about/license/ */ __( 'WordPress is Free and open source software, built by a distributed community of mostly volunteer developers from around the world. WordPress comes with some awesome, worldview-changing rights courtesy of its <a href="%s">license</a>, the GPL.' ), __( 'https://wordpress.org/about/license/' ) ); ?> </p> </div> <hr /> <div class="about__section has-4-columns"> <div class="column"> <div class="freedoms-image"></div> <h2 class="is-smaller-heading"><?php _e( 'The 1st Freedom' ); ?></h2> <p><?php _e( 'To run the program for any purpose.' ); ?></p> </div> <div class="column"> <div class="freedoms-image"></div> <h2 class="is-smaller-heading"><?php _e( 'The 2nd Freedom' ); ?></h2> <p><?php _e( 'To study how the program works and change it to make it do what you wish.' ); ?></p> </div> <div class="column"> <div class="freedoms-image"></div> <h2 class="is-smaller-heading"><?php _e( 'The 3rd Freedom' ); ?></h2> <p><?php _e( 'To redistribute.' ); ?></p> </div> <div class="column"> <div class="freedoms-image"></div> <h2 class="is-smaller-heading"><?php _e( 'The 4th Freedom' ); ?></h2> <p><?php _e( 'To distribute copies of your modified versions to others.' ); ?></p> </div> </div> <div class="about__section has-1-column"> <div class="column"> <p> <?php printf( /* translators: %s: https://wordpressfoundation.org/trademark-policy/ */ __( 'WordPress grows when people like you tell their friends about it, and the thousands of businesses and services that are built on and around WordPress share that fact with their users. We’re flattered every time someone spreads the good word, just make sure to <a href="%s">check out our trademark guidelines</a> first.' ), 'https://wordpressfoundation.org/trademark-policy/' ); ?> </p> <p> <?php $plugins_url = current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ? admin_url( 'plugins.php' ) : __( 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/' ); $themes_url = current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ? admin_url( 'themes.php' ) : __( 'https://wordpress.org/themes/' ); printf( /* translators: 1: URL to Plugins screen, 2: URL to Themes screen, 3: https://wordpress.org/about/license/ */ __( 'Every plugin and theme in WordPress.org’s directory is 100%% GPL or a similarly free and compatible license, so you can feel safe finding <a href="%1$s">plugins</a> and <a href="%2$s">themes</a> there. If you get a plugin or theme from another source, make sure to <a href="%3$s">ask them if it’s GPL</a> first. If they don’t respect the WordPress license, we don’t recommend them.' ), $plugins_url, $themes_url, __( 'https://wordpress.org/about/license/' ) ); ?> </p> <p><?php _e( 'Don’t you wish all software came with these freedoms? So do we! For more information, check out the <a href="https://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation</a>.' ); ?></p> </div> </div> </div> <?php require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php'; ?>
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