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The default layouts can be defined in the WordPress " "customizer screen %2$s.<br />" msgstr "" "Môžete definovať špecifické rozloženie pre %1$s použitím preddefinovaného " "ľavého a pravého bočného panela. Prednastavené rozloženie môže byť " "zadefinované na WordPress stránke %2$s.<br />" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:537 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:542 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1464 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1469 msgid "this page" msgstr "túto stránku" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:537 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:542 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1464 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1469 msgid "this post" msgstr "tento príspevok" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:538 #: core/core-settings-map.php:1011 core/core-settings-map.php:1016 #: core/core-settings-map.php:2267 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1465 msgid "here" msgstr "tu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:541 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1468 msgid "Select a specific layout for %1$s" msgstr "Zvoľte špecifické rozloženie pre %1$s" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:545 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1472 msgid "Default layout %1s" msgstr "Prednastavené rozloženie %1s" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:591 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1518 msgid "Add a slider to this post/page" msgstr "Pridať slajder na túto stránku/príspevok" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:669 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1322 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1596 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2249 msgid "Choose a slider" msgstr "Zvoľte slajder" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:675 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1337 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1602 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2264 msgid "— Select a slider — " msgstr "— Zvoľte slajder — " #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:698 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1625 msgid "" "To create a new slider : open the media library, edit your images and add " "them to your new slider." msgstr "" "Pre vytvorenie nového slajdera : otvorte knižnicu médii, vyberte obrázok a " "vložte ho do nového slajdera." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:702 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1629 msgid "Delay between each slides in milliseconds (default : 5000 ms)" msgstr "Oneskorenie medzi slajdami v ms (defaultne : 5000 ms)" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:709 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1636 msgid "Slider Layout : set the slider in full width" msgstr "Rozloženie slajdera : nastaviť plnú šírku slajdera" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:726 #: core/core-settings-map.php:1200 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1653 msgid "Apply a dark overlay on your slider's images" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:743 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1670 msgid "Display navigation dots at the bottom of your slider." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:760 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1346 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1687 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2273 msgid "Delete this slider" msgstr "Odstrániť tento slajder" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:765 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1350 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1692 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2277 msgid "" "The slider will be deleted permanently (images, call to actions and link " "will be kept)." msgstr "Slajder bude natrvalo odstránený (obrázky ostanú zachované)" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:768 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1353 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1695 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2280 msgid "Delete slider" msgstr "Odstrániť slajder" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:779 #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-base-control.php:68 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:1706 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1084 msgid "" "You haven't create any slider yet. Go to the media library, edit your images " "and add them to your sliders." msgstr "" "Ešte ste nevytvorili žiaden slajder. Otvorte knižnicu médii, vyberte obrázok " "a vložte ho do slajdera." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1124 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2051 msgid "Add to a slider" msgstr "Pridať do slajdera" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1126 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2053 msgid "Add to a slider (create one if needed)" msgstr "Pridať do slajdera (vytvoriť ak je potrebné)" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1259 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2186 #, fuzzy msgid "Title text (80 char. max length)" msgstr "Text nadpisu (max. 80 znakov)" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1266 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2193 #, fuzzy msgid "Description text (below the title, 250 char. max length)" msgstr "Opisný text (pod nadpisom, max. 250 znakov)" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1273 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2200 msgid "Title and text color" msgstr "Farba nadpisu a textu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1281 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2208 #, fuzzy msgid "Button text (80 char. max length)" msgstr "Text tlačidla (max. 80 znakov)" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1288 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2215 msgid "Choose a linked page or post (among the last 100)." msgstr "Pripojte stránku alebo príspevok (z posledných 100)." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1293 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2220 msgid "No link" msgstr "Žiaden odkaz" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1302 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2229 msgid "" "or a custom link (leave this empty if you already selected a page or post " "above)" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1308 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2235 msgid "Open link in a new page/tab" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1315 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2242 msgid "Link the whole slide" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1343 #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1372 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2270 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2299 msgid "Add a slider" msgstr "Pridať slajder" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1370 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2297 msgid "" "You haven't create any slider yet. Write a slider name and click on the " "button to add you first slider." msgstr "" "Ešte ste nevytvorili žiaden slajder. Zadajte meno a kliknite na tlačidlo pre " "pridanie Vášho prvého slajdera." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1496 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2423 msgid "" "This slider has not slides to show. Go to the media library and start adding " "images to it." msgstr "" "Tento slajder nemá žiadne slajdy. Otvorte knižnicu médii a pridajte obrázky." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1506 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2433 msgid "Slide Image" msgstr "Obrázok slajdu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1507 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:56 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2434 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2148 msgid "Title" msgstr "Nadpis" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1508 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2435 msgid "Slide Text" msgstr "Text slajdu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1509 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2436 msgid "Button Text" msgstr "Text tlačidla" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1510 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2437 msgid "Link" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1511 #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:313 #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:323 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:32 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:45 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:103 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2438 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:979 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:989 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1994 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2007 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2065 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:625 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:658 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:673 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:701 #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:163 #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:164 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:664 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:697 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:712 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:740 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:198 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:268 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:241 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:834 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2631 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2664 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2679 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2707 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3222 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3812 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4217 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8958 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Upraviť" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1553 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2480 msgid "No Image Selected" msgstr "Nie je vybraný žiaden obrázok" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1579 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2506 msgid "Edit this slide" msgstr "Upraviť tento slajd" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1581 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2508 msgid "Current slide" msgstr "Súčasný slajd" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1592 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2519 msgid "" "To add another slide : navigate to your media library (click on Media), open " "the edit screen of an image ( or add a new image ), and add it to your " "desired slider by using the dedicated option block at the bottom of the page." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1593 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2520 msgid "For more informations about sliders, check the documentation page :" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-admin-meta_boxes.php:1595 #: core/czr-admin-ccat.php:2522 #, fuzzy msgid "Slider documentation" msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:373 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:373 msgid "Good, you've just upgraded to" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:375 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:375 msgid "version" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:384 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:384 msgid "We'd like to introduce the new features we've been working on." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:386 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:386 msgid "Read the latest release notes" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:389 #: core/core-settings-map.php:2707 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:389 #, fuzzy msgid "Upgrade to Customizr Pro" msgstr "Vitajte v téme Customizr %s" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:396 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:396 msgid "close" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:404 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:404 msgid "" "If you like %1$s please leave us a %2$s rating. A huge thanks in advance!" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_init.php:405 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:405 #, fuzzy msgid "the Customizr theme" msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia témy Customizr." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:43 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:526 msgid "About Customizr" msgstr "O téme Customizr" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:75 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:558 msgid "Thank you for using" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:93 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:576 msgid "The best way to start with %s is to read the %s and visit the %s." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:95 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:578 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:392 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1080 msgid "documentation" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:96 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:579 msgid "demo website" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:100 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:583 #, fuzzy msgid "Read the changelog" msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:113 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:596 msgid "" "You are using a child theme of Customizr %1$s : always check the %2$s after " "upgrading to see if a function or a template has been deprecated." msgstr "" "Používate tému potomka Customizr %1$s : vždy skontrolujte %2$s po " "aktualizácii, či boli funkcie zastaralé." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:132 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:615 msgid "Happy user of Customizr?" msgstr "Šťastný užívateľ témy Customizr?" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:133 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:616 msgid "" "If you are happy with the theme, say it on wordpress.org and give Customizr " "a nice review! <br />(We are addicted to your feedbacks...)" msgstr "" "Ak ste s témou spokojní, vyjadrite sa na wordpress.org ! <br />(Tešíme sa na " "Vaše ohlasy...)" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:138 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:621 msgid "Follow us" msgstr "Sledujte nás" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:148 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:631 msgid "Go Customizr Pro" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:152 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:635 msgid "Easily take your web design one step further" msgstr "Jednoducho zvýšte dizajn Vášho webu o jeden stupeň." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:154 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:637 msgid "" "The Customizr Pro WordPress theme allows anyone to create a beautiful, " "professional and mobile friendly website in a few minutes. In the Pro " "version, you'll get all features included in the free version plus many " "conversion oriented ones, to help you attract and retain more visitors on " "your websites." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:157 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:640 #, fuzzy msgid "Discover Customizr Pro" msgstr "Vitajte v téme Customizr %s" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:167 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:650 msgid "Go to Dashboard → Home" msgstr "Choď na Dashboard → Home" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:167 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:650 msgid "Go to Dashboard" msgstr "Choď na Dashboard" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:219 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:702 msgid "Changelog in version %1$s" msgstr "Zoznam zmien vo verzii %1$s" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:236 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:719 msgid "System Informations" msgstr "Systémové informácie" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:237 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:720 msgid "Please include the following informations when posting support requests" msgstr "Prosím zahrňte nasledovné informácie pri požiadavke o podporu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:238 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:721 msgid "" "To copy the system infos, click below then press Ctrl + C (PC) or Cmd + C " "(Mac)." msgstr "" "Pre skopírovanie systémových informácii kliknite nižšie a stlačte Ctrl + C " "(PC) alebo Cmd + C (Mac)." #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:393 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:876 msgid "We found {count} article that may help:" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:394 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:877 msgid "We found {count} articles that may help:" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:395 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:878 msgid "No results found…" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:396 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:879 msgid "Please enter a search term." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:397 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:880 msgid "Search must be at least {minLength} characters." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:398 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:881 msgid "There was an error fetching search results." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:404 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:887 #, fuzzy msgid "Read the full article" msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:405 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:888 #, fuzzy msgid "read more" msgstr "Dozvedieť sa viac" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:428 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:911 msgid "Search the knowledge base" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:429 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:912 msgid "In a few keywords, describe the information you are looking for." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:432 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:915 msgid "Ex. Logo upload" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_admin/class-fire-admin_page.php:434 core/czr-admin-ccat.php:917 msgid "" "<u>Search tips</u> : If you get too many results, try to narrow down your " "search by prefixing it with \"customizr\" for example. If there are no " "results, try different keywords and / or spelling variations" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-init.php:612 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:612 #, fuzzy msgid "More grid design options" msgstr "Nastavenia úvodných predstavovacích stránok" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-init.php:623 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:623 msgid "SITE ICON" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-init.php:634 core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-init.php:635 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:634 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:635 msgid "Upgrade WP" msgstr "Aktualizovať WP" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-init.php:654 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:654 msgid "This theme requires WordPress 3.4+" msgstr "Táto téma vyžaduje WordPress 3.4+" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-init.php:657 core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-init.php:658 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:657 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:658 msgid "Upgrade Wordpress Now" msgstr "Aktualizovať Wordpress Teraz" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:314 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:980 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:166 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:173 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:854 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:861 msgid "Close" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:315 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:981 msgid "Not set" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:316 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:982 msgid "Rss" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:317 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:983 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a social icon" msgstr "Nastavenia sociálnych sietí" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:318 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:984 #, fuzzy msgid "Follow us on" msgstr "Sledujte nás" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:319 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:985 msgid "Done !" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:320 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:986 msgid "New Social Link created ! Scroll down to edit it." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:321 #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:341 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:987 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "Learn more about this in the documentation" msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:324 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:990 msgid "Close Editor" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:326 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:992 msgid "New Slide created ! Scroll down to edit it." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:327 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:993 #, fuzzy msgid "Slide" msgstr "Text slajdu" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:328 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:994 msgid "" "This option generates a home page slider based on your last posts, starting " "from the most recent or the featured (sticky) post(s) if any." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:330 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:996 msgid "" "The side on which the menu is revealed depends on the choosen header layout." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:331 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:997 msgid "To change the global header layout, %s" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:334 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1000 msgid "jump to the Design and Layout section" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:335 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1001 msgid "Change the header layout" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:342 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1008 #, fuzzy msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavenia obrázkov " #: core/_dev/_czr/class-czr-resources.php:343 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1009 msgid "Options for" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-base-control.php:70 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1086 msgid "Create a slider" msgstr "Vytvoriť slajder" #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-base-control.php:71 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1087 #, fuzzy msgid "Need help to create a slider ?" msgstr "Vytvoriť slajder" #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-base-control.php:73 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1089 #, fuzzy msgid "Check the documentation" msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-modules-control.php:60 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1597 msgid "An error occurred: malformed social links" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-modules-control.php:104 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1641 msgid "Please fill the social link inputs with a valid URLs" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-upload-control.php:67 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1711 msgid "Upload" msgstr "Nahrať" #: core/_dev/_czr/controls/class-upload-control.php:68 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/inputs/img-uploader-tmpl.php:57 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:32 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:103 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1712 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1994 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2065 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2232 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Odstrániť" #: core/_dev/_czr/panels/class-panels.php:63 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1785 msgid "Press return or enter to open this panel" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/inputs/img-uploader-tmpl.php:55 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/inputs/img-uploader-tmpl.php:60 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2230 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2235 #, fuzzy msgid "Select Image" msgstr "Obrázok slajdu" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/inputs/img-uploader-tmpl.php:56 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2231 #, fuzzy msgid "Change Image" msgstr "Obrázok slajdu" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/inputs/img-uploader-tmpl.php:58 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2233 #, fuzzy msgid "Default" msgstr "Prednastavené (sivá)" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/inputs/img-uploader-tmpl.php:59 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2234 #, fuzzy msgid "No image selected" msgstr "Nie je vybraný žiaden obrázok" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/inputs/img-uploader-tmpl.php:61 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2236 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose Image" msgstr "Zvoľte slajder" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:11 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1973 msgid "Add New" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:16 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1978 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:16 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1978 #, fuzzy msgid "Add it" msgstr "Gérer les widgets" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:23 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1985 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove : <strong>{{ data.title }} ?</strong>" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:24 #: core/core-settings-map.php:1204 core/core-settings-map.php:1216 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1986 msgid "Yes" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/all-modules-tmpl.php:24 #: core/core-settings-map.php:1205 core/core-settings-map.php:1217 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:1986 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:338 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4314 msgid "No" msgstr "Nie" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:10 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2102 #, fuzzy msgid "Select an icon" msgstr "Vybrať kontext" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:16 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2108 #, fuzzy msgid "Social link url" msgstr "Sociálne siete" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:18 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:51 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2110 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2143 msgid "http://...,mailto:...,..." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:20 #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:53 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2112 core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2145 msgid "Enter the full url of your social profile (must be valid url)." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:27 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2119 msgid "Size in px" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:36 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2128 #, fuzzy msgid "Id" msgstr "d" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:42 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2134 #, fuzzy msgid "Social icon" msgstr "Sociálne siete" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:49 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2141 #, fuzzy msgid "Social link" msgstr "Sociálne siete" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:58 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2150 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter a title" msgstr "Za nadpisom" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:60 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2152 msgid "This is the text displayed on mouse over." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:64 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2156 #, fuzzy msgid "Icon color" msgstr "Farba povrchu" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:64 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2156 msgid "default:" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:68 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2160 msgid "Set a unique color for your icon." msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:74 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2166 msgid "Link target" msgstr "" #: core/_dev/_czr/tmpl/modules/social-module-tmpl.php:78 #: core/czr-customize-ccat.php:2170 #, fuzzy msgid "Check this option to open the link in a another tab of the browser." msgstr "Odškrtnite túto možnosť pre odstránenie farebného vrchného orámovania." #: core/class-fire-init.php:57 core/class-fire-init.php:58 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:40 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:41 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:313 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:314 msgid "Right sidebar" msgstr "Pravý bočný panel" #: core/class-fire-init.php:64 core/class-fire-init.php:65 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:46 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:47 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:319 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:320 msgid "Left sidebar" msgstr "Ľavý bočný panel" #: core/class-fire-init.php:71 core/class-fire-init.php:72 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:52 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:53 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:325 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:326 msgid "2 sidebars : Right and Left" msgstr "2 bočné panely : Pravý a Ľavý " #: core/class-fire-init.php:78 core/class-fire-init.php:79 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:58 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:59 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:331 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:332 msgid "No sidebars : full width layout" msgstr "Žiaden bočný panel : rozloženie na plnú šírku" #: core/class-fire-init.php:110 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:93 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:366 msgid "Footer Widget Area One" msgstr "Footer Widget Oblasť Jeden" #: core/class-fire-init.php:111 core/class-fire-init.php:117 #: core/class-fire-init.php:123 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:94 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:98 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:102 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:367 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:371 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:375 msgid "Just use it as you want !" msgstr "Stačí to použiť tak, ako chcete !" #: core/class-fire-init.php:116 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:97 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:370 msgid "Footer Widget Area Two" msgstr "Footer Widget Oblasť Dva" #: core/class-fire-init.php:122 inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:101 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:374 msgid "Footer Widget Area Three" msgstr "Footer Widget Oblasť Tri" #: core/class-fire-plugins_compat.php:372 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-plugins_compat.php:358 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:839 #, fuzzy msgid "Front page slider name" msgstr "Première zone de widgets de page d'accueil" #: core/class-fire-plugins_compat.php:374 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-plugins_compat.php:360 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:841 msgid "Posts slider button text" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:132 msgid "Who We Are" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:136 msgid "What We Do" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:140 msgid "Contact Us" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:280 core/class-fire-prevdem.php:286 #: core/init-base.php:253 msgid "Customizr is a clean responsive theme" msgstr "Customizr je čistá prehľadná téma" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:292 core/init-base.php:267 msgid "" "Many layout and design options are available from the WordPress customizer " "screen : see your changes live !" msgstr "" "Veľa nastavení rozloženia a vzhľadu je prístupných priamo z WordPress " "náhľadovej stránky : sledujte Vaše zmeny naživo !" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:316 msgid "The Customizr theme fits nicely on any mobile devices." msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:322 msgid "Engage your visitors with a carousel in any pages." msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:324 msgid "Call to action" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:407 core/class-fire-prevdem.php:453 msgid "Search" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:413 core/class-fire-prevdem.php:431 msgid "Recent Posts" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-prevdem.php:420 core/class-fire-prevdem.php:442 #, fuzzy msgid "Recent Comments" msgstr "Komentáre" #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:370 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-resources.php:352 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:4242 msgid "Permanently dismiss" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:520 #, fuzzy msgid "Welcome in the Customizr theme" msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia témy Customizr." #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:523 msgid "The theme offers a wide range" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:525 msgid "of customization options" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:526 msgid "to let you create the best possible websites." msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:529 msgid "If you need inspiration, you can visit our online demos" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:531 #, fuzzy msgid "Customizr Demo 1" msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia témy Customizr." #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:533 #, fuzzy msgid "Customizr Demo 2" msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia témy Customizr." #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:536 msgid "To help you getting started with Customizr, we have published" msgstr "" #: core/class-fire-resources_scripts.php:538 msgid "a short guide here." msgstr "" #: core/core-functions.php:1442 msgid "Page %s" msgstr "Stránka %s" #: core/core-functions.php:1531 msgid "— No slider —" msgstr "— Žiaden slajder —" #: core/core-functions.php:1532 msgid "— Demo Slider —" msgstr "— Demo —" #: core/core-functions.php:1533 msgid "— Auto-generated slider from your blog posts —" msgstr "" #: core/core-functions.php:1610 msgid "Please fill the email input with a valid email address" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:168 msgid "Logo Upload (supported formats : .jpg, .png, .gif, svg, svgz)" msgstr "Nahrať Logo (podporované formáty : .jpg, .png, .gif, svg, svgz)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:169 msgid "LOGO" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:186 msgid "Force logo dimensions to max-width:250px and max-height:100px" msgstr "Nastaviť rozmery loga na max. šírku:250px a max. výšku:100px" #: core/core-settings-map.php:191 #, fuzzy msgid "Uncheck this option to keep your original logo dimensions." msgstr "Odškrtnite túto možnosť pre odstránenie farebného vrchného orámovania." #: core/core-settings-map.php:207 #, fuzzy msgid "Site layout" msgstr "Vzhľad a rozloženie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:212 core/core-settings-map.php:225 #: core/core-settings-map.php:242 core/core-settings-map.php:259 msgid "Wide" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:213 core/core-settings-map.php:226 #: core/core-settings-map.php:243 core/core-settings-map.php:260 msgid "Boxed" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:220 #, fuzzy msgid "Header topbar layout" msgstr "Vzhľad a rozloženie hlavičky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:237 #, fuzzy msgid "Main Header section layout" msgstr "Vzhľad a rozloženie hlavičky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:254 msgid "Footer Credits section layout" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:280 #, fuzzy msgid "Primary color" msgstr "Farba povrchu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:287 msgid "" "This is the color used to style your links and other clickable elements of " "the theme like buttons and slider arrows." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:301 msgid "" "Select a beautiful font pair (headings & default fonts) or single font " "for your website." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:308 msgid "" "This font picker allows you to preview and select among a handy selection of " "font pairs and single fonts. If you choose a pair, the first font will be " "applied to the site main headings : site name, site description, titles h1, " "h2, h3., while the second will be the default font of your website for any " "texts or paragraphs." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:313 msgid "Set your website default font size in pixels." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:321 msgid "" "This option sets the default font size applied to any text element of your " "website, when no font size is already applied." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:335 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and organize your social links" msgstr "Nastavenia sociálnych sietí" #: core/core-settings-map.php:354 #, fuzzy msgid "Smooth scroll on click" msgstr "Povoliť / zakázať plynulý prechod po kliknutí" #: core/core-settings-map.php:357 msgid "" "If enabled, this option activates a smooth page scroll when clicking on a " "link to an anchor of the same page." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť aktivuje plynulý prechod po kliknutí na link kotvy na rovnakej " "stránke." #: core/core-settings-map.php:357 msgid "Important note" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:357 msgid "" "this option can create conflicts with some plugins, make sure that your " "plugins features (if any) are working fine after enabling this option." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:362 #, fuzzy msgid "Animated underline effect on link hover" msgstr "Zosvetľujúci efekt na odkazoch" #: core/core-settings-map.php:362 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:302 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2241 msgid "Fade effect on link hover" msgstr "Zosvetľujúci efekt na odkazoch" #: core/core-settings-map.php:383 #, fuzzy msgid "Lightbox effect on images" msgstr "Povoliť / zakázať lightbox efekt pre obrázky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:387 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If enabled, this option activates a popin window whith a zoom effect when an " "image is clicked. Note : to enable this effect on the images of your pages " "and posts, images have to be linked to the Media File." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť aktivuje po kliknutí na obrázok okno s približovacím efektom. " "Neplatí pre galériu obrázkov." #: core/core-settings-map.php:393 msgid "High resolution (Retina) support" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:398 msgid "" "If enabled, your website will include support for high resolution devices." msgstr "Táto možnosť zahŕňa podporu pre zariadenia s vysokým rozlíšením." #: core/core-settings-map.php:399 msgid "" "It is strongly recommended to regenerate your media library images in high " "definition with this free plugin" msgstr "Odporúča sa regenerovať obrázky týmto rozšírením zadarmo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:400 msgid "regenerate thumbnails" msgstr "obnoviť náhľady" #: core/core-settings-map.php:402 msgid "Open the description page of the Regenerate thumbnails plugin" msgstr "Otvoriť stránku popisu rozšírenia Regenerate thumbnails" #: core/core-settings-map.php:408 #, fuzzy msgid "Dynamic slider images centering on any devices" msgstr "Povoliť / Zakázať centrovanie slidera" #: core/core-settings-map.php:417 #, fuzzy msgid "Dynamic thumbnails centering on any devices" msgstr "Povoliť / Zakázať centrovanie slidera" #: core/core-settings-map.php:421 msgid "" "This option dynamically centers your images on any devices, vertically or " "horizontally according to their initial aspect ratio." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:430 msgid "Improve your page speed by loading smaller images for mobile devices" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:434 msgid "" "This feature has been introduced in WordPress v4.4+ (dec-2015), and might " "have minor side effects on some of your existing images. Check / uncheck " "this option to safely verify that your images are displayed nicely." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:454 msgid "Sliders : use parallax scrolling" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:458 msgid "If enabled, your slides scroll slower than the page (parallax effect)." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:474 #, fuzzy msgid "Display an author box after each single post content" msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu príspevku vedľa nadpisu príspevku." #: core/core-settings-map.php:478 msgid "" "Check this option to display an author info block after each single post " "content. Note : the Biographical info field must be filled out in the user " "profile." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:495 msgid "Enable Smooth Scroll" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:499 msgid "This option enables a smoother page scroll." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:518 msgid "Header style" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:520 core/core-settings-map.php:2109 msgid "Dark" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:521 core/core-settings-map.php:2110 #, fuzzy msgid "Light" msgstr "Vpravo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:522 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1143 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3082 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Vlastné " #: core/core-settings-map.php:531 msgid "Header background color" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:541 msgid "Header foreground color" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:551 #, fuzzy msgid "Display a topbar" msgstr "Zobraziť vrchné orámovanie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:555 core/core-settings-map.php:574 #: core/core-settings-map.php:675 core/core-settings-map.php:695 #: core/core-settings-map.php:712 core/core-settings-map.php:849 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not display" msgstr "Nezobrazovať" #: core/core-settings-map.php:556 core/core-settings-map.php:575 msgid "In desktop devices" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:557 core/core-settings-map.php:576 msgid "In mobile devices" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:558 core/core-settings-map.php:577 msgid "In desktop and mobile devices" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:561 msgid "" "You can display a content zone above the header, called topbar. The topbar " "can be populated with various blocks like a menu, your social links, or your " "contact information ( pro )." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:569 #, fuzzy msgid "Social links in the topbar" msgstr "Sociálne siete v hlavičke" #: core/core-settings-map.php:585 msgid "" "Make sure the topbar is displayed. You can control the visibility of the " "topbar in the %s." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:588 #, fuzzy msgid "jump to the topbar option" msgstr "Možnosti nastavenia názvov ikon" #: core/core-settings-map.php:595 msgid "Display top border" msgstr "Zobraziť vrchné orámovanie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:599 msgid "Uncheck this option to remove the colored top border." msgstr "Odškrtnite túto možnosť pre odstránenie farebného vrchného orámovania." #: core/core-settings-map.php:604 msgid "Underline the site title in the header" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:617 msgid "Sticky header : semi-transparent on scroll" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : polopriehľadná pri skrolovaní" #: core/core-settings-map.php:627 msgid "Set the header z-index" msgstr "Nastaviť z-index hlavičky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:635 msgid "What is" msgstr "Čo je" #: core/core-settings-map.php:637 msgid "the z-index" msgstr "z-index" #: core/core-settings-map.php:654 msgid "Choose a layout for the header" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:658 msgid "Logo / title on the left" msgstr "Logo / nadpis vľavo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:659 msgid "Logo / title on the right" msgstr "Logo / nadpis napravo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:660 msgid "Logo / title centered" msgstr "Logo / nadpis v strede" #: core/core-settings-map.php:664 msgid "This setting might impact the side on which the menu is revealed." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:668 core/core-settings-map.php:690 #: core/core-settings-map.php:706 core/core-settings-map.php:724 #: core/core-settings-map.php:738 msgid "Desktop devices : %s" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:668 #, fuzzy msgid "set the tagline location" msgstr "Možnosti nastavenia názvov ikon" #: core/core-settings-map.php:676 msgid "In the topbar" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:677 msgid "Below the logo" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:678 msgid "Next to the logo" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:689 msgid "Search Icon" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:690 #, fuzzy msgid "set the search icon location" msgstr "Možnosti nastavenia názvov ikon" #: core/core-settings-map.php:696 core/core-settings-map.php:713 #, fuzzy msgid "Display in the topbar" msgstr "Zobraziť autora" #: core/core-settings-map.php:697 core/core-settings-map.php:714 #, fuzzy msgid "Display in the main header section" msgstr "Zobraziť slogan" #: core/core-settings-map.php:700 msgid "" "If you want to display the search icon in your topbar, make sure the topbar " "is displayed by checking \"Display a topbar\" above." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:706 core/core-settings-map.php:816 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:594 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2533 #, fuzzy msgid "Display the shopping cart in the header" msgstr "Zobraziť dátum publikácie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:709 core/core-settings-map.php:819 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:597 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2536 msgid "" "WooCommerce: check to display a cart icon showing the number of items in " "your cart next to your header's tagline." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:723 core/core-settings-map.php:827 #, fuzzy msgid "Behaviour on scroll" msgstr "Prilepiť pri skrolovaní" #: core/core-settings-map.php:724 msgid "set the header visibility on scroll" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:728 core/core-settings-map.php:832 msgid "Not visible when scrolling the page" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:729 core/core-settings-map.php:833 msgid "Reveal on scroll up" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:730 core/core-settings-map.php:834 msgid "Always visible" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:738 msgid "select the header block to stick on scroll" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:742 msgid "Topbar" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:743 #, fuzzy msgid "Main header section" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : zobraziť slogan" #: core/core-settings-map.php:751 msgid "Sticky header : shrink title / logo" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : zmrštiť nadpis / logo " #: core/core-settings-map.php:760 msgid "" "When your header ( containing the site title or logo ) is gluing to the top " "of a page, this option will make the title or logo smaller." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:774 #, fuzzy msgid "Header settings for %s" msgstr "Nastavenia hlavičky témy Customizr." #: core/core-settings-map.php:774 core/core-settings-map.php:775 #: core/core-settings-map.php:805 core/core-settings-map.php:816 #: core/core-settings-map.php:828 core/core-settings-map.php:844 #: core/core-settings-map.php:2690 msgid "Mobile devices" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:775 msgid "Select the menu(s) to use for mobile devices" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:779 msgid "Specific Mobile Menu" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:780 core/init-base.php:394 msgid "Main Menu" msgstr "Hlavné Menu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:781 msgid "Secondary" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:782 #, fuzzy msgid "Topbar Menu" msgstr "Hlavné Menu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:785 msgid "" "When your visitors are using a smartphone or a tablet, the header becomes a " "thin bar on top, where the menu is revealed when clicking on the hamburger " "button. This option let you choose which menu will be displayed." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:786 msgid "" "If the selected menu location has no menu assigned, the theme will try to " "assign another menu in this order : mobile, main, secondary, topbar." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:797 core/core-settings-map.php:905 #: core/core-settings-map.php:947 msgid "Expand submenus on click" msgstr "Rozbaliť podmenu po kliknutí" #: core/core-settings-map.php:805 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:582 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2521 #, fuzzy msgid "Display the tagline in the header" msgstr "Zobraziť slogan" #: core/core-settings-map.php:828 #, fuzzy msgid "header menu visibility on scroll" msgstr "Automaticky nastaviť veľkosť obrázku po priblížení" #: core/core-settings-map.php:844 msgid "Display a search button in the header" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:850 #, fuzzy msgid "Display in the mobile navbar" msgstr "Zobraziť autora" #: core/core-settings-map.php:851 #, fuzzy msgid "Display in the mobile menu" msgstr "Zobraziť celý obsah" #: core/core-settings-map.php:874 msgid "Display a secondary (horizontal) menu in the header." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:878 msgid "" "An horizontal menu can be displayed in the main header with this option. " "Make sure you have assigned a menu to this location in the menu panel." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:885 msgid "Main menu design" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:886 msgid "Select a design : side menu (vertical) or regular (horizontal)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:890 msgid "Regular (horizontal)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:891 msgid "Side Menu (vertical)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:894 msgid "" "Make sure that you have assigned your menus to the relevant locations %s." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:897 core/core-settings-map.php:2455 msgid "in the menu panel" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:898 core/core-settings-map.php:2448 #: core/core-settings-map.php:2456 msgid "create/edit menus" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:906 msgid "Primary (vertical) menu design" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:914 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:757 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2696 msgid "Menu position (for \"main\" menu)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:918 core/core-settings-map.php:932 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:761 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:782 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2700 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2721 msgid "Menu on the left" msgstr "Menu vľavo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:919 core/core-settings-map.php:933 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:763 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:784 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2702 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2723 msgid "Menu on the right" msgstr "Menu vpravo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:927 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:777 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2716 msgid "Secondary (horizontal) menu design" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:928 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:778 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2717 msgid "Menu position (for the horizontal menu)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:943 msgid "Select a submenu expansion option" msgstr "Zvoľte nastavenie rozbalenia podmenu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:948 msgid "Expand submenus on hover" msgstr "Rozbaliť podmenu po ukázaní " #: core/core-settings-map.php:955 msgid "Reveal the sub-menus blocks with a fade effect" msgstr "Rozbaliť podmenu so zosvetľujúcim efektom." #: core/core-settings-map.php:964 msgid "Hover move effect for the sub menu items" msgstr "Rozbaliť podmenu kurzorom." #: core/core-settings-map.php:973 msgid "Remove all the menus." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:974 msgid "Don't display any menus in the header of your website" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:978 msgid "" "Use with caution : provide an alternative way to navigate in your website " "for your users." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1000 msgid "" "Click inside the above field and pick post categories you want to display. " "No filter will be applied if empty." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1002 msgid "Learn more about post categories in WordPress" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1009 #, fuzzy msgid "Set the number of posts to display" msgstr "Vybrať metadáta" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1014 #, fuzzy msgid "Jump to the blog design options" msgstr "Možnosti nastavenia názvov ikon" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1027 msgid "Choose content and layout" msgstr "Zvoľte obsah a rozloženie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1035 msgid "Front page displays" msgstr "Zobrazenia prednej stránky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1040 msgid "Don't show any posts or page" msgstr "Nezobrazovať žiaden príspevok alebo stránku " #: core/core-settings-map.php:1041 msgid "Your latest posts" msgstr "Vaše posledné príspevky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1042 msgid "A static page" msgstr "Statická stránka" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1048 msgid "Front page" msgstr "Predná stránka" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1056 msgid "Posts page" msgstr "Stránka príspevkov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1064 msgid "Display navigation in your home blog" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1073 msgid "Apply a category filter to your home / blog posts" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1083 msgid "Set up the front page layout" msgstr "Nastavte rozloženie prednej stránky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1099 msgid "Slider options" msgstr "Nastavenia slajdra" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1100 msgid "Select front page slider" msgstr "Zvoľte slajder prednej stránky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1111 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of posts to display" msgstr "Maximálny počet príspevkov na stránku" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1117 msgid "" "Only the posts with a featured image or at least an image inside their " "content will qualify for the slider. The number of post slides displayed " "won't exceed the number of available posts in your website." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1122 msgid "Include only sticky posts" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1127 msgid "" "You can choose to display only the sticky posts. If you're not sure how to " "set a sticky post, check" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1128 #, fuzzy msgid "the WordPress documentation." msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1135 #, fuzzy msgid "Display the title" msgstr "Zobraziť slogan" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1139 msgid "The title will be limited to 80 chars max" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1144 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:998 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2937 msgid "Display the excerpt" msgstr "Zobraziť ukážku" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1148 msgid "The excerpt will be limited to 80 chars max" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1153 msgid "Link post with" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1157 msgid "Call to action button" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1158 #, fuzzy msgid "Entire slide" msgstr "Upraviť tento slajd" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1159 msgid "Entire slide and call to action button" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1165 core/core-settings-map.php:1283 #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:122 msgid "Read more »" msgstr "Dozvedieť sa viac »" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1166 core/core-settings-map.php:1285 msgid "Button text" msgstr "Text tlačidla" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1170 msgid "" "The button text will be limited to 80 chars max. Leave this field empty to " "hide the button" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1177 msgid "Full width slider" msgstr "Plná šírka slajdra" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1181 msgid "When checked, the front page slider occupies the full viewport's width" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1189 msgid "Delay between each slides" msgstr "Oneskorenie medzi slajdami" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1194 msgid "in ms : 1000ms = 1s" msgstr "v ms : 1000ms = 1s" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1212 #, fuzzy msgid "Display navigation dots" msgstr "Zobraziť dátum publikácie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1220 #, fuzzy msgid "" "When this option is checked, navigation dots are displayed at the bottom of " "the home slider." msgstr "" "Keď je táto možnosť zvolená, kontextová ikona sa zobrazí vedľa nadpisu " "stránky, príspevku, archívu a WP widgetu." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1226 msgid "Set slider's height in pixels" msgstr "Nastaviť výšku slidera v pixeloch" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1236 msgid "Apply this height to all sliders" msgstr "Aplikovať túto výšku na každý slider" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1244 msgid "Replace the default image slider's height" msgstr "Nahradiť prednastavenú výšku obrázka slidera" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1250 msgid "" "If this option is checked, your images will be resized with your custom " "height on upload. This is better for your overall loading performance." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť umení výšku obrázka na nastavenú. Je to prospešné pre celkový " "výkon načítavania." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1251 msgid "You might want to regenerate your thumbnails." msgstr "Mohli by ste potrebovať obnoviť Vaše náhľady" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1259 msgid "Featured pages options" msgstr "Nastavenia úvodných predstavovacích stránok" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1260 msgid "Display home featured pages area" msgstr "Zobraziť oblasť úvodných predstavovacích stránok" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1264 msgid "Enable" msgstr "Povolené" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1265 core/core-settings-map.php:1686 msgid "Disable" msgstr "Zakázané" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1274 msgid "Show images" msgstr "Zobraziť obrázky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1277 msgid "" "The images are set with the \"featured image\" of each pages (in the page " "edit screen). Uncheck the option above to disable the featured page images." msgstr "" "Priradenie obrázku za nastavuje pri editovaní každej stránky zvlášť. " "Odškrtnite túto možnosť pre zakázanie zobrazenia obrázkov." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1306 msgid "Choose the global default layout" msgstr "Zvoľte globálne prednastavené rozloženie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1310 msgid "Note : the home page layout has to be set in the home page section" msgstr "" "Poznámka : rozloženie domovskej stránky sa nastavuje v sekcii Domovskej " "stránky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1318 msgid "Force default layout everywhere" msgstr "Priradiť všade prednastavené rozloženie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1321 msgid "" "This option will override the specific layouts on all posts/pages, including " "the front page." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť prepíše špecifické nastavenia rozloženia na každom príspevku " "alebo stránke." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1329 msgid "Choose the posts default layout" msgstr "Zvoľte prednastavené rozloženie príspevkov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1339 msgid "Choose the pages default layout" msgstr "Zvoľte prednastavené rozloženie stránok" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1345 msgid "" "The above layout options will set your layout globally for your post and " "pages. But you can also define the layout for each post and page " "individually. Learn how in the %s." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1346 msgid "Customizr theme documentation" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1349 msgid "" "If you need to change the layout design of the front page, then open the " "'Front Page' section above this one." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1356 msgid "Pages & Posts default sections locations" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1357 msgid "Author Infos location" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1361 core/core-settings-map.php:1378 #: core/core-settings-map.php:1395 #, fuzzy msgid "Right after the post content" msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu príspevku vedľa nadpisu príspevku." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1362 core/core-settings-map.php:1379 #: core/core-settings-map.php:1396 msgid "After the content and sidebars columns" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1374 #, fuzzy msgid "Related Posts location" msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1391 #, fuzzy msgid "Comments location" msgstr "Navigácia v komentároch" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1427 #, fuzzy msgid "Global Post Lists Settings" msgstr "Globálne nastavenia" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1428 msgid "Maximum number of posts per page" msgstr "Maximálny počet príspevkov na stránku" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1434 msgid "" "This option defines the maximum number of posts or search results displayed " "in any list of posts of your website : blog page, archive page, search page. " "If the number of items to displayed is greater than your setting, the theme " "will automatically add a pagination link block at the bottom of the page." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1444 msgid "Set the excerpt length (in number of words) " msgstr "Nastaviť dĺžku úryvku v počte slov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1458 msgid "Thumbnails options" msgstr "Nastavenia náhľadov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1459 msgid "Display the post thumbnails" msgstr "Zobraziť náhľad príspevku" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1463 msgid "" "When this option is checked, the post thumbnails are displayed in all post " "lists : blog, archives, author page, search pages, ..." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť zobrazí náhľady vo všetkých zoznamoch príspevkov : blog, " "archív, vyhľadávanie, ... " #: core/core-settings-map.php:1463 msgid "Note : thumbnails are always displayed when the grid layout is choosen." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1468 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If no featured image is set for a post, use the last image attached to this " "post." msgstr "" "Ak nie je nastavený žiaden obrázok, použije sa posledný obrázok pripojený k " "príspevku." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1478 msgid "Thumbnails options for the alternate thumbnails layout" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1479 msgid "Thumbnails shape" msgstr "Tvar náhľadu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1483 msgid "Rounded, expand on hover" msgstr "Okrúhly, rozširujúci sa" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1484 msgid "Rounded, no expansion" msgstr "Okrúhly bez rozširovania" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1485 msgid "Regular" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1492 msgid "Thumbnails position" msgstr "Pozícia náhľadu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1498 core/core-settings-map.php:2154 msgid "Right" msgstr "Vpravo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1499 core/core-settings-map.php:2153 msgid "Left" msgstr "Vľavo" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1506 msgid "Alternate thumbnail/content" msgstr "Alternatívny náhľad" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1515 #, fuzzy msgid "Archive titles" msgstr "Archívy" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1516 #, fuzzy msgid "Category pages titles" msgstr "Za nadpisom" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1525 msgid "Tag pages titles" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1534 #, fuzzy msgid "Author pages titles" msgstr "Za nadpisom" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1542 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:339 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4315 msgid "Search Results for :" msgstr "Výsledky hľadania pre :" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1543 #, fuzzy msgid "Search results page titles" msgstr "Výsledky hľadania pre :" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1554 #, fuzzy msgid "Post List Design" msgstr "Globálne nastavenia" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1555 msgid "Select a Layout" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1559 #, fuzzy msgid "Alternate thumbnails layout" msgstr "Alternatívny náhľad" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1560 #, fuzzy msgid "Grid layout" msgstr "Vzhľad a rozloženie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1562 msgid "Plain full layout" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1566 msgid "" "When you select the grid Layout, the post content is limited to the excerpt." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1571 msgid "Number of columns per row" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1581 msgid "" "Note : columns are limited to 3 for single sidebar layouts and to 2 for " "double sidebar layouts." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1586 msgid "Expand the last sticky post (for home and blog page only)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1595 msgid "Apply a shadow to each grid items" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1604 msgid "Apply a colored bottom border to each grid items" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1615 msgid "Max. length for post titles (in words)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1628 msgid "Display thumbnail placeholder if no images available" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1647 core/core-settings-map.php:1706 msgid "Post thumbnail position" msgstr "Pozícia náhľadov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1648 core/core-settings-map.php:1707 #, fuzzy msgid "Featured Image" msgstr "Úvodná predstavovacia stránka" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1652 core/core-settings-map.php:1711 msgid "Don't display" msgstr "Nezobrazovať" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1653 core/core-settings-map.php:1712 msgid "Before the title in full width" msgstr "Pred nadpisom v plnej šírke" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1654 core/core-settings-map.php:1713 msgid "Before the title boxed" msgstr "Pred nadpisom" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1655 core/core-settings-map.php:1714 msgid "After the title" msgstr "Za nadpisom" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1659 msgid "" "You can display the featured image (also called the post thumbnail) of your " "posts before their content, when they are displayed individually." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1660 inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:214 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5067 msgid "Don't know how to set a featured image to a post? Learn how in the %s." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1661 core/core-settings-map.php:1720 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:183 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:215 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4736 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5068 msgid "WordPress documentation" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1669 core/core-settings-map.php:1728 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1059 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2998 msgid "Set the thumbnail's max height in pixels" msgstr "Nastaviť maximálnu výšku " #: core/core-settings-map.php:1680 #, fuzzy msgid "Related posts" msgstr "Vaše posledné príspevky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1681 #, fuzzy msgid "Single - Related Posts" msgstr "Jednoduché príspevky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1687 msgid "Related by categories" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1688 msgid "Related by tags" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1690 msgid "Display randomized related articles below the post" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1718 msgid "" "You can display the featured image (also called the post thumbnail) of your " "pages before their content, when they are displayed individually." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1719 inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:182 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4735 msgid "Don't know how to set a featured image to a page? Learn how in the %s." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1750 msgid "Display Breadcrumb" msgstr "Zobraziť navigáciu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1759 msgid "Display the breadcrumb on home page" msgstr "Zobraziť navigáciu na domovskej stránke" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1767 msgid "Display the breadcrumb in pages" msgstr "Zobraziť navigáciu na stránkach" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1776 msgid "Display the breadcrumb in single posts" msgstr "Zobraziť navigáciu v príspevkoch" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1785 msgid "" "Display the breadcrumb in posts lists : blog page, archives, search " "results..." msgstr "" "Zobraziť navigáciu v zozname príspevkov : blog, archív, výsledky hľadania" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1793 #, fuzzy msgid "Use Yoast SEO breadcrumbs" msgstr "Nastavenia navigácie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1796 msgid "Jump to the Yoast SEO breadcrumbs %s" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1799 msgid "customization panel" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1800 #, fuzzy msgid "Yoast SEO breadcrumbs settings" msgstr "Nastavenia navigácie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1819 msgid "Display posts metas" msgstr "Zobraziť meta dáta príspevkov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1822 msgid "" "When this option is checked, the post metas (like taxonomies, date and " "author) are displayed below the post titles." msgstr "Táto možnosť zobrazí meta dáta príspevkov pod nadpisom." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1829 core/core-settings-map.php:2023 msgid "Select the contexts" msgstr "Vybrať kontext" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1830 msgid "Display posts metas on home" msgstr "Zobraziť meta dáta prispevkov na domovskej stránke" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1839 msgid "Display posts metas for single posts" msgstr "Zobraziť meta dáta prispevkov na stránke príspevkov." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1848 msgid "Display posts metas in post lists (archives, blog page)" msgstr "Zobraziť meta dáta prispevkov v zozname príspevkov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1858 msgid "Select the metas to display" msgstr "Vybrať metadáta" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1859 msgid "Display hierarchical taxonomies (like categories)" msgstr "Zobraziť hierarchické taxonómie (ako kategórie)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1868 msgid "Display non-hierarchical taxonomies (like tags)" msgstr "Zobraziť nehierarchické taxonómie (ako tagy)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1877 msgid "Display the author" msgstr "Zobraziť autora" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1885 msgid "Display the publication date" msgstr "Zobraziť dátum publikácie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1895 msgid "Display the update date" msgstr "Zobraziť dátum úpravy" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1914 msgid "Enable Customizr galleries" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1916 msgid "Apply Customizr effects to galleries images" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1923 msgid "Enable Lightbox effect in galleries" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1925 msgid "Apply lightbox effects to galleries images" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1932 msgid "Enable Customizr effects on hover" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1934 msgid "Apply nice on hover expansion effect to the galleries images" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1954 #, fuzzy msgid "Display the number of comments below the post titles" msgstr "Zobraziť počet komentárov v bublinke vedľa nadpisu príspevku." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1954 msgid "Display the number of comments in a bubble next to the post title" msgstr "Zobraziť počet komentárov v bublinke vedľa nadpisu príspevku." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1962 msgid "Other comments settings" msgstr "Ďalšie nastavenia komentárov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1963 msgid "Enable comments on pages" msgstr "Povoliť na stránkach komentáre" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1968 msgid "" "If checked, this option will enable comments on pages. You can disable " "comments for a single page in the quick edit mode of the page list screen." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť povolí komentovanie na stránkach. Komentovanie pre jednotlivé " "stránky môžte zakázať v móde rýchlej úpravy na obrazovke zoznamu stránok. " #: core/core-settings-map.php:1969 #, fuzzy msgid "You can also change other comments settings in :" msgstr "Zmeniť ďalšie nastavenia komentárov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1971 #, fuzzy msgid "the discussion settings page." msgstr "Nastavenia diskusie." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1977 #, fuzzy msgid "Enable comments on posts" msgstr "Povoliť na stránkach komentáre" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1982 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If checked, this option enables comments on all types of single posts. You " "can disable comments for a single post in quick edit mode from the" msgstr "" "Táto možnosť povolí komentovanie na stránkach. Komentovanie pre jednotlivé " "stránky môžte zakázať v móde rýchlej úpravy na obrazovke zoznamu stránok. " #: core/core-settings-map.php:1984 #, fuzzy msgid "post screen" msgstr "Obrazovka témy Customizr" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1985 #, fuzzy msgid "You can also change other comments settings in the" msgstr "Zmeniť ďalšie nastavenia komentárov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1987 msgid "discussion settings page." msgstr "Nastavenia diskusie." #: core/core-settings-map.php:1993 #, fuzzy msgid "Display the comment list" msgstr "Zobraziť celý obsah" #: core/core-settings-map.php:1997 msgid "" "By default, WordPress displays the past comments, even if comments are " "disabled in posts or pages. Unchecking this option allows you to not display " "this comment history." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2012 msgid "Display posts navigation" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2015 msgid "" "When this option is checked, the posts navigation is displayed below the " "posts" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2024 msgid "Display navigation in pages" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2033 msgid "Display posts navigation in single posts" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2042 msgid "" "Display posts navigation in post lists (archives, blog page, categories, " "search results ..)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2065 msgid "Social links in left sidebar" msgstr "Sociálne siete v ľavom bočnom paneli" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2078 msgid "Social links in right sidebar" msgstr "Sociálne siete v pravom bočnom paneli" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2107 #, fuzzy msgid "Footer style" msgstr "Päta" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2118 msgid "Social links in footer" msgstr "Sociálne siete v päte" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2131 msgid "Stick the footer to the bottom of the page" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2136 msgid "" "Enabling this option will glue your footer to the bottom of the screen, when " "pages are shorter than the viewport's height." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2141 msgid "Display a back to top arrow on scroll" msgstr "Pri skrolovaní zobraziť šípku späť navrch" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2149 #, fuzzy msgid "Back to top arrow position" msgstr "Pri skrolovaní zobraziť šípku späť navrch" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2181 msgid "Add your custom css here and design live! (for advanced users)" msgstr "Pridajte sem vlastné CSS ! (pre pokročilých užívateľov)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2185 msgid "" "Use this field to test small chunks of CSS code. For important CSS " "customizations, you'll want to modify the style.css file of a" msgstr "" "Použite toto pole pre testovanie malých úryvkov CSS kódu. Pre väčšie CSS " "úpravy modifikujte súbor style.css" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2186 msgid "child theme." msgstr "témy potomka." #: core/core-settings-map.php:2187 msgid "How to create and use a child theme ?" msgstr "Ako vytvoriť a používať tému potomka ?" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2204 #, fuzzy msgid "Performance : use the minified CSS stylesheets" msgstr "Výkon : použiť minifikované CSS " #: core/core-settings-map.php:2207 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Using the minified version of the stylesheets will speed up your webpage " "load time." msgstr "Použitie minifikovanej verzie skráti čas načítavania Vašej webstránky." #: core/core-settings-map.php:2211 #, fuzzy msgid "Load images on scroll" msgstr "Automaticky nastaviť veľkosť obrázku po priblížení" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2216 msgid "" "Check this option to delay the loading of non visible images. Images below " "the viewport will be loaded dynamically on scroll. This can boost " "performances by reducing the weight of long web pages with images." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2220 #, fuzzy msgid "Lazy load the images in sliders" msgstr "Automaticky nastaviť veľkosť obrázku po priblížení" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2225 msgid "" "Check this option to delay the loading of non visible images in sliders. " "This can greatly improve the speed of your website." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2242 msgid "Display help notices on front-end for logged in users." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2245 msgid "" "When this option is enabled, various help notices and some placeholder " "blocks are displayed on the front-end of your website. They are only visible " "by logged in users with administration capabilities." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2258 msgid "Load Font Awesome resources" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2262 msgid "Use with caution" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2263 msgid "" "When checked, the Font Awesome icons and CSS will be loaded on front end. " "You might want to load the Font Awesome icons with a custom code, or let a " "plugin do it for you." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2265 msgid "Check out some example of uses" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2283 msgid "Automatically adapt the font size to the width of the devices" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2286 msgid "" "When this option is enabled, your font size will automatically resize to be " "better displayed in mobile devices." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2298 msgid "" "The Modern style provides a \"material design\" look and feel. It relies on " "the flexbox css mode, offering a better support for the most recent mobile " "devices and browsers. The Classical style provides a more \"flat design\" " "feeling, with icons next to titles for example. It supports both modern and " "older devices and browsers." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2303 msgid "Set the Modern or Classical design style" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2303 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a design style for the theme" msgstr "Vyberte vzhľad pre Customizr" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2307 msgid "Modern" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2308 msgid "Classical" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2312 msgid "" "You are using a child theme. This option must be changed from the parent " "theme. Activate the parent from %s." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2313 #, fuzzy msgid "Appearance > themes" msgstr "Gérer les widgets" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2315 msgid "" "The two styles can use different template files, that's why it is " "recommended to change the style option from the parent and test your child " "theme in a staging site before production." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2335 msgid "Global settings" msgstr "Globálne nastavenia" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2336 msgid "Title, Logo, Fonts, Primary color, Social, ..." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2342 msgid "Header" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2343 msgid "Style, Desktops and mobiles layout, Menus, Search, ..." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2349 #, fuzzy msgid "Main Content" msgstr "Hlavné Menu" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2350 msgid "" "Column layout, Post lists design, Thumbnails, Post Metas, Navigation, ..." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2356 msgid "Sidebars" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2362 msgid "Footer" msgstr "Päta" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2363 msgid "Style, Back to top button, Sticky mode, ... " msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2369 msgid "Advanced options" msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2370 msgid "Performances, Custom CSS ..." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2441 #, fuzzy msgid "Your theme supports %s menu. Select which menu you would like to use." msgid_plural "" "Your theme supports %s menus. Select which menu appears in each location." msgstr[0] "Vaša téma podporuje %s menu. Vyberte, ktoré menu chcete použiť." msgstr[1] "Vaša téma podporuje %s menu. Vyberte, ktoré menu chcete použiť." #: core/core-settings-map.php:2444 core/core-settings-map.php:2452 msgid "You can create new menu and edit your menu's content %s." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2447 msgid "on the Menus screen in the Appearance section" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2462 msgid "" "If a menu location has no menu assigned to it, a default page menu will be " "used." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2472 msgid "Site Identity : Logo, Title, Tagline and Site Icon" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2482 #, fuzzy msgid "Site Layout" msgstr "Rozloženie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2487 msgid "Primary color of the theme" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2489 msgid "Pick a primary color for the theme" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2493 msgid "Fonts" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2499 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1206 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3145 msgid "Social links" msgstr "Sociálne siete" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2505 msgid "Formatting : links, paragraphs ..." msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2511 msgid "Image settings" msgstr "Nastavenia obrázkov " #: core/core-settings-map.php:2522 #, fuzzy msgid "Sliders options" msgstr "Nastavenia slajdra" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2528 msgid "Authors" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2534 msgid "Smooth Scroll" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2544 msgid "Header design and layout" msgstr "Vzhľad a rozloženie hlavičky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2544 #, fuzzy msgid "General design settings" msgstr "Nastavenia názvov ikon" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2549 msgid "Design settings for desktop and laptops" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2554 msgid "Design settings for smartphones and tablets in portrait orientation" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2559 msgid "Navigation Menus" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2571 #, fuzzy msgid "Front Page Content" msgstr "Predná stránka" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2584 msgid "Pages & Posts Layout" msgstr "Rozloženie stránok a príspevkov" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2591 msgid "Post lists : blog, archives, ..." msgstr "Zoznam príspevkov : blog, archív, ..." #: core/core-settings-map.php:2597 msgid "Single posts" msgstr "Jednoduché príspevky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2603 #, fuzzy msgid "Single pages" msgstr "Jednoduché príspevky" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2609 msgid "Breadcrumb" msgstr "Navigácia" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2615 msgid "Post metas (category, tags, custom taxonomies)" msgstr "Meta data príspevkov (kategórie, tagy, taxonómie)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2621 msgid "Galleries" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2627 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentáre" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2638 msgid "Post/Page Navigation" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2649 msgid "Socials in Sidebars" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2658 msgid "Footer global settings" msgstr "Globálne nastavenia päty" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2669 msgid "Custom CSS" msgstr "Vlastné CSS" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2674 msgid "Website Performances" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2680 msgid "Front-end placeholders and help blocks" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2685 msgid "Front-end Icons (Font Awesome)" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2695 msgid "Theme style" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2708 #, fuzzy msgid "Discover the features and benefits" msgstr "Objavte funkcie" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2710 msgid "Go Pro" msgstr "" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2750 msgid "Home featured page one" msgstr "Úvodná stránka jeden" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2751 msgid "Home featured page two" msgstr "Úvodná stránka dva" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2752 msgid "Home featured page three" msgstr "Úvodná stránka tri" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2755 #, fuzzy msgid "Featured text one (200 char. max)" msgstr "Úvodný text jeden (max. 200 znakov)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2756 #, fuzzy msgid "Featured text two (200 char. max)" msgstr "Úvodný text dva (max. 200 znakov)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "Featured text three (200 char. max)" msgstr "Úvodný text tri (max. 200 znakov)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2774 msgid "Custom featured page %1$s" msgstr "Vlastná úvodná stránka %1$s" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2790 #, fuzzy msgid "Featured text %1$s (200 char. max)" msgstr "Úvodný text %1$s (max. 200 znakov)" #: core/core-settings-map.php:2793 msgid "" "You need to select a page first. Leave this field empty if you want to use " "the page excerpt." msgstr "" "Potrebujete najprv vybrať stránku. Nechajte toto pole prázdne, ak chcete " "použiť ukážku stránky." #: core/front/models/content/common/text/class-model-quote.php:157 #: templates/parts/modules/grid/grid_item.php:27 #: templates/parts/modules/grid/grid_item.php:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Permalink to" msgstr "Permalink na %s" #: core/front/models/content/post-lists/headings/class-model-archive_heading.php:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Daily Archives:" msgstr "Denný archív: %s" #: core/front/models/content/post-lists/headings/class-model-archive_heading.php:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Monthly Archives:" msgstr "Mesačný archív: %s" #: core/front/models/content/post-lists/headings/class-model-archive_heading.php:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Yearly Archives:" msgstr "Ročný archív: %s" #: core/front/models/content/post-lists/item-parts/contents/class-model-post_list_item_content_inner.php:183 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:97 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:101 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_list.php:232 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4650 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4954 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5421 #: templates/parts/content/singular/page_content.php:16 #: templates/parts/content/singular/post_content.php:18 msgid "Continue reading <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Čítať ďalej <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:58 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:612 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7288 msgid "by" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:64 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:208 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6884 msgid "Published" msgstr "Publikované" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:71 msgid "Updated" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:83 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:211 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6887 msgid "at dimensions" msgstr "v rozmeroch" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:83 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:211 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6887 msgid "Link to full-size image" msgstr "Odkaz na obrázok plnej veľkosti" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:85 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:212 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:588 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6888 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7264 msgid "in" msgstr "v" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:85 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:212 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6888 msgid "Return to " msgstr "Vrátiť sa na" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:133 #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:121 #: templates/parts/content/common/media.php:14 #, fuzzy msgid "Permalink to: " msgstr "Permalink na %s" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:162 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:519 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7195 msgid "View all posts by %s" msgstr "Zobraziť všetky príspevky od %s" #: core/front/models/content/post-metas/class-model-post_metas.php:210 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:384 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7060 msgid "View all posts in %s" msgstr "Zobraziť všetky príspevky v %s" #: core/front/models/header/parts/class-model-menu.php:199 #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:205 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:199 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:887 msgid "Add a menu" msgstr "Pridať menu " #: core/front/models/header/parts/class-model-menu.php:200 #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:206 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:365 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1053 msgid "open the customizer menu section" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/header/parts/class-model-menu.php:273 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:51 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:63 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:38 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:50 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:774 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1462 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2005 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2017 msgid "Home" msgstr "Úvod" #: core/front/models/header/parts/class-model-menu.php:322 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:822 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1510 msgid "Pages" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:60 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:47 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2014 msgid "Browse:" msgstr "Hľadať:" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:500 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:542 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2509 msgid "g:i a" msgstr "g:i a" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:503 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:545 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2512 msgid "Minute %1$s" msgstr "minúty %1$s" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:503 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:545 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2512 msgid "i" msgstr "i" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:506 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:548 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2515 msgid "g a" msgstr "g a" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:522 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:532 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:541 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:552 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:554 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:800 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:564 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:574 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:583 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:594 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:596 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:840 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2531 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2541 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2550 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2561 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2563 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2807 msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:523 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:544 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:546 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:804 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:565 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:586 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:588 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:844 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2532 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2553 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2555 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2811 msgid "F" msgstr "F" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:526 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:528 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:808 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:568 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:570 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:848 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2535 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2537 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2815 msgid "d" msgstr "d" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:535 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:537 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:577 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:579 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2544 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2546 msgid "Week %1$s" msgstr "Týždeň %1$s" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:535 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:537 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:577 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:579 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2544 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2546 msgid "W" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:563 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:565 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:605 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:607 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2572 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2574 msgid "Search results for "%1$s"" msgstr "Hľadanie výsledkov pre "%1$s"" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:570 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:612 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2579 msgid "404 Not Found" msgstr "404 Not Found" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:576 #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:578 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:618 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:620 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2585 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2587 msgid "Page %d" msgstr "Strana %d" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:650 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:689 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2656 msgid "Split" msgstr "Rozdeliť" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:654 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:693 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2660 msgid "Merge" msgstr "Spojiť" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:804 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:844 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2811 msgid "F Y" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/common/class-model-breadcrumb.php:808 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-breadcrumb.php:848 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:2815 msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/featured-pages/class-model-featured_pages.php:134 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:176 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3720 msgid "Customizer screen" msgstr "Obrazovka témy Customizr" #: core/front/models/modules/featured-pages/class-model-featured_pages.php:135 #, fuzzy msgid "Customize it now" msgstr "Customiz'it!" #: core/front/models/modules/featured-pages/class-model-featured_pages.php:142 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:184 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3728 msgid "Featured page" msgstr "Úvodná predstavovacia stránka" #: core/front/models/modules/featured-pages/class-model-featured_pages.php:146 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:188 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3732 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Featured page description text : use the page excerpt or set your own custom " "text in the customizer screen." msgstr "" "Text úvodnej predstavovacej stránky : použite ukážku stránky alebo nastavte " "vlastný text na obrazovke Customizr %s." #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider.php:422 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:1005 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9129 msgid "Discover how to replace or remove this demo slider." msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider.php:424 msgid "Check the front page slider doc »" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider.php:428 msgid "Easily create sliders and add them in any posts or pages." msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider.php:430 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:1007 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9131 msgid "Check the slider doc now »" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider.php:611 #, fuzzy msgid "Customize or remove this slider" msgstr "Odstrániť tento slajder" #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider_of_posts.php:26 msgid "Customize or remove the posts slider" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider_of_posts.php:386 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:1338 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9462 msgid "Protected: %s" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/modules/slider/class-model-slider_of_posts.php:409 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:1363 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9487 msgid "There is no excerpt because this is a protected post." msgstr "" #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Comment on" msgid_plural "Comments on" msgstr[0] "Komentár(e) na" msgstr[1] "Komentár(e) na" #: core/front/template-tags/template-tags.php:65 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:367 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3391 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:19 #, fuzzy msgid "comment" msgid_plural "comments" msgstr[0] "komentár" msgstr[1] "komentár" #: core/init-base.php:111 msgid "Left Sidebar" msgstr "Ľavý bočný panel" #: core/init-base.php:112 core/init-base.php:116 msgid "Appears on posts, static pages, archives and search pages" msgstr "" "Zobrazí sa v príspevkoch, statických stránkach, archívoch a stránkach " "vyhľadávania" #: core/init-base.php:115 msgid "Right Sidebar" msgstr "Pravý bočný panel" #: core/init-base.php:124 msgid "Subscribe to my rss feed" msgstr "Prihlásiť sa k RSS odberom " #: core/init-base.php:128 msgid "E-mail" msgstr "" #: core/init-base.php:131 msgid "Follow me on Twitter" msgstr "Sledujte Twitter profil" #: core/init-base.php:134 msgid "Follow me on Facebook" msgstr "Sledujte Facebook profil" #: core/init-base.php:137 msgid "Follow me on Google+" msgstr "Sledujte Google+ profil" #: core/init-base.php:140 msgid "Follow me on Instagram" msgstr "Sledujte Instagram profil" #: core/init-base.php:143 msgid "Follow me on Tumblr" msgstr "Sledujte Tumblr profil" #: core/init-base.php:146 msgid "Follow me on Flickr" msgstr "Sledujte Flickr profil" #: core/init-base.php:149 msgid "Follow me on WordPress" msgstr "Sledujte WordPress profil" #: core/init-base.php:152 msgid "Follow me on Youtube" msgstr "Sledujte Youtube profil" #: core/init-base.php:155 msgid "Pin me on Pinterest" msgstr "Sledujte Pinterest profil" #: core/init-base.php:158 msgid "Follow me on Github" msgstr "Sledujte Github profil" #: core/init-base.php:161 msgid "Follow me on Dribbble" msgstr "Sledujte Dribbble profil" #: core/init-base.php:164 msgid "Follow me on LinkedIn" msgstr "Sledujte LinkedIn profil" #: core/init-base.php:167 #, fuzzy msgid "Follow me on VKontakte" msgstr "Sledujte Twitter profil" #: core/init-base.php:170 #, fuzzy msgid "Follow me on Yelp" msgstr "Sledujte Youtube profil" #: core/init-base.php:173 #, fuzzy msgid "Follow me on Xing" msgstr "Sledujte LinkedIn profil" #: core/init-base.php:176 msgid "Contact me on Snapchat" msgstr "" #: core/init-base.php:183 msgid "Google fonts pairs" msgstr "" #: core/init-base.php:204 msgid "Web safe fonts pairs" msgstr "" #: core/init-base.php:213 #, fuzzy msgid "Single fonts" msgstr "Jednoduché príspevky" #: core/init-base.php:395 msgid "Secondary (horizontal) Menu" msgstr "" #: core/init-base.php:397 msgid "" "Horizontal Top Bar Menu. (make sure that the topbar is displayed in the " "header settings )." msgstr "" #: core/init-base.php:398 #, fuzzy msgid "Mobile Menu" msgstr "Hlavné Menu" #: core/init-base.php:440 msgid "Need help with Customizr? Click here!" msgstr "Potrebujete pomoc s témou Customizr? Kliknite tu!" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:65 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:338 msgid "Blue" msgstr "Modrá" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:66 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:339 msgid "Black" msgstr "Čierna" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:67 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:340 msgid "Flat black" msgstr "Matná čierna" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:68 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:341 msgid "Grey" msgstr "Sivá" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:69 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:342 #, fuzzy msgid "Light grey" msgstr "Svetlá sivá" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:70 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:343 msgid "Flat purple" msgstr "Matná fialová" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:71 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:344 msgid "Purple" msgstr "Fialová" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:72 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:345 msgid "Flat red" msgstr "Matná červená" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:73 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:346 msgid "Red" msgstr "Červená" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:74 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:347 msgid "Orange" msgstr "Oranžová" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:75 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:348 msgid "Flat orange" msgstr "Matná oranžová" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:76 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:349 msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Žltá" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:77 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:350 msgid "Flat yellow" msgstr "Matná žltá" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:78 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:351 msgid "Green" msgstr "Zelená" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:79 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:352 msgid "Light green" msgstr "Svetlá zelená" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:80 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:353 msgid "Green blue" msgstr "Zelenomodrá" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-init.php:81 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:354 msgid "Light blue " msgstr "Svetlá modrá" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-placeholders.php:213 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:4977 msgid "" "Did you know you can easily speed up your page load by deferring the loading " "of the non visible images?" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-placeholders.php:214 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:4978 msgid "" "%s and check the option 'Load images on scroll' under 'Website Performances' " "section." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-placeholders.php:215 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:180 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:212 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4733 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5065 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:4979 msgid "Jump to the customizer now" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-placeholders.php:219 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:48 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:187 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:219 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:161 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:937 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:159 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:114 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:369 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:396 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:802 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1057 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1084 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3592 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4740 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5072 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8061 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9061 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9667 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:4983 msgid "dismiss notice" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-plugins_compat.php:1008 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:1489 #: templates/parts/header/parts/woocommerce_cart.php:7 msgid "View your shopping cart" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-resources.php:772 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:4662 msgid "" "Quick tip : you can choose between two styles for the Customizr theme. Give " "it a try %s" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-resources.php:775 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:4665 msgid "in the live customizer." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:211 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2150 #, fuzzy msgid "Sticky Logo Upload (supported formats : .jpg, .png, .gif, svg, svgz)" msgstr "Nahrať Logo (podporované formáty : .jpg, .png, .gif, svg, svgz)" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:223 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2162 msgid "" "Use this upload control to specify a different logo on sticky header mode." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:228 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2167 msgid "Favicon Upload (supported formats : .ico, .png, .gif)" msgstr "Nahrať Ikonu (podporované formáty : .ico, .png, .gif)" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:229 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2168 msgid "FAVICON" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:268 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2207 msgid "Choose a predefined skin" msgstr "Zvoľte preddefinovaný vzhľad" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:273 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2212 msgid "Disabled if the random option is on." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:278 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2217 msgid "Randomize the skin" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:281 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2220 msgid "Apply a random color skin on each page load." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:325 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2264 #, fuzzy msgid "Display an icon next to external links" msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu vedľa nadpisu archívu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:328 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:338 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2267 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2277 msgid "" "This will be applied to the links included in post or page content only." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:335 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2274 msgid "Open external links in a new tab" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:343 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2282 msgid "Drop caps" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:344 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2283 msgid "Enable drop caps" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:346 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2285 msgid "Apply a drop cap to the first paragraph of your post / page content" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:354 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2293 msgid "" "Apply a drop cap when the paragraph includes at least the following number " "of words :" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:355 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2294 msgid "(number of words)" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:364 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2303 msgid "Drop cap style" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:368 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2307 #, fuzzy msgid "Primary theme color with a shadow" msgstr "Farba povrchu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:369 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2308 #, fuzzy msgid "Simple black" msgstr "Matná čierna" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:374 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2313 msgid "Enable drop caps in posts" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:376 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2315 msgid "Apply a drop cap to the first paragraph of your single posts content" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:382 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2321 #, fuzzy msgid "Enable drop caps in pages" msgstr "Povoliť na stránkach komentáre" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:384 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2323 msgid "Apply a drop cap to the first paragraph of your pages" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:403 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2342 msgid "Display icons next to titles" msgstr "Zobraziť ikony vedľa nadpisov" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:407 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2346 msgid "" "When this option is checked, a contextual icon is displayed next to the " "titles of pages, posts, archives, and WP built-in widgets." msgstr "" "Keď je táto možnosť zvolená, kontextová ikona sa zobrazí vedľa nadpisu " "stránky, príspevku, archívu a WP widgetu." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:413 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2352 msgid "Display a page icon next to the page title" msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu stránky vedľa nadpisu stránky" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:422 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2361 msgid "Display a post icon next to the single post title" msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu príspevku vedľa nadpisu príspevku." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:431 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2370 msgid "Display an icon next to the archive title" msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu vedľa nadpisu archívu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:434 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2373 msgid "" "When this option is checked, an archive type icon is displayed in the " "heading of every types of archives, on the left of the title. An archive " "page can be : category, tag, author, date archive, custom taxonomies, search " "results." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť zobrazí ikonu v hlavičke všetkých typov archívov vľavo od " "nadpisu. Stránka archívu môže byť: kategória, tag, autor, dátum, taxonómie, " "výsledky hľadania." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:441 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2380 msgid "Display an icon next to each post title in an archive page" msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu vedľa každého nadpisu príspevku na stránke archívu." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:444 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2383 msgid "" "When this option is checked, a post type icon is displayed on the left of " "each post titles in an archive page. An archive page can be : category, tag, " "author, date archive, custom taxonomies, search results." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť zobrazí ikonu vľavo od nadpisu každého príspevku na stránke " "archívu. Stránka archívu môže byť: kategória, tag, autor, dátum, taxonómie, " "výsledky hľadania." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:451 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2390 msgid "WP sidebar widgets : display icons next to titles" msgstr "WP moduly bočného panela : zobraziť ikony vedľa nadpisov" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:460 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2399 msgid "WP footer widgets : display icons next to titles" msgstr "WP moduly päty : zobraziť ikony vedľa nadpisov" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:489 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2428 msgid "Autoscale images on zoom" msgstr "Automaticky nastaviť veľkosť obrázku po priblížení" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:493 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2432 msgid "" "If enabled, this option will force images to fit the screen on lightbox zoom." msgstr "Táto možnosť zarovná obrázky do veľkosti okna lightbox efektu." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:499 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2438 msgid "Sliders : display on loading icon before rendering the slides" msgstr "Slider : zobraziť ikonu načítavania" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:503 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2442 #, fuzzy msgid "" "When checked, this option displays a loading icon when the slides are being " "setup." msgstr "" "Keď je začiarknuté, počas nastavovania slidera sa zobrazí ikona načítavania." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:513 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2452 msgid "" "Improve your page speed by loading smaller slider images for mobile devices" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:567 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2506 msgid "Social links in header" msgstr "Sociálne siete v hlavičke" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:605 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2544 msgid "Display menu in a box" msgstr "Zobraziť menu v priečinku" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:610 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2549 msgid "" "If checked, this option wraps the header menu/tagline/social in a light grey " "box." msgstr "" "Táto možnosť zobrazí hlavičku menu/slogan/sociálne siete vo svetlom šedom " "priečinku." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:615 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2554 #, fuzzy msgid "Sticky header settings" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : zobraziť slogan" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:616 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2555 msgid "Sticky on scroll" msgstr "Prilepiť pri skrolovaní" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:621 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2560 msgid "" "If checked, this option makes the header stick to the top of the page on " "scroll down." msgstr "Táto možnosť prilepí pri skrolovaní hlavičku na vrchu stránky." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:626 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2565 msgid "Sticky header : display the tagline" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : zobraziť slogan" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:634 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2573 #, fuzzy msgid "Sticky header: display the shopping cart" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : zobraziť menu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:641 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2580 msgid "" "WooCommerce: if checked, your WooCommerce cart icon will remain visible when " "scrolling." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:646 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2585 msgid "Sticky header : display the title / logo" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : zobraziť nadpis / logo " #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:655 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2594 msgid "Sticky header : display the menu" msgstr "Prilepená hlavička : zobraziť menu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:660 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2599 msgid "Also applied to the secondary menu if any." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:738 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2677 msgid "" "For mobile devices (responsive), limit the height of the dropdown menu block " "to the visible viewport." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:747 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2686 msgid "Display a label next to the menu button." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:751 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2690 msgid "Note : the label is hidden on mobile devices." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:762 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:783 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2701 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2722 #, fuzzy msgid "Menu centered" msgstr "Menu vľavo" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:768 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:789 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2707 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2728 msgid "Note : the menu centered position is available only when" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:770 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:791 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2709 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2730 #, fuzzy msgid "the logo is centered" msgstr "Logo / nadpis v strede" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:797 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2736 msgid "Choose a mobile devices (responsive) behaviour for the secondary menu." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:801 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2740 msgid "Move before inside the side menu " msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:802 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2741 msgid "Move after inside the side menu " msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:803 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2742 msgid "Display in the header" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:804 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2743 msgid "Hide" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:882 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2821 msgid "Metas Design" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:883 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2822 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a design for the post metas" msgstr "Vyberte vzhľad pre Customizr" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:887 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2826 #, fuzzy msgid "Buttons and text" msgstr "Text tlačidla" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:888 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2827 msgid "Text only" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:895 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2834 msgid "Select the last update format" msgstr "Vybrať formát poslednej úpravy" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:899 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2838 #, fuzzy msgid "No. of days since last update" msgstr "Počet dní od poslednej úpravy" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:900 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2839 msgid "Date of the last update" msgstr "Dátum poslednej úpravy" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:908 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2847 msgid "Recent update notice after post titles" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:909 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2848 msgid "Display a recent update notice" msgstr "Zobraziť upozornenie úpravy" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:913 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2852 msgid "" "If this option is checked, a customizable recent update notice is displayed " "next to the post title." msgstr "Táto možnosť zobrazí upozorňenie úpravy vedľa nadpisu príspevku." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:919 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2858 msgid "" "Display the notice if the last update is less (strictly) than n days old" msgstr "Zobraziť upozornenie ak je posledná úprava staršia ako n dní" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:925 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2864 msgid "" "Set a maximum interval (in days) during which the last update notice will be " "displayed." msgstr "" "Zobraziť maximálny interval (v dňoch), počas ktorého sa bude zobrazovať " "upozornenie o poslednej úprave." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:928 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2867 msgid "Recently updated !" msgstr "Práve upravené !" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:930 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2869 msgid "Update notice text" msgstr "Text upozornenia úpravy" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:939 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2878 msgid "Update notice style" msgstr "Štýl upozornenia úpravy" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:943 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2882 msgid "Default (grey)" msgstr "Prednastavené (sivá)" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:944 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2883 msgid "Success (green)" msgstr "Úspešné (zelená)" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:945 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2884 msgid "Alert (orange)" msgstr "Upozornenie (oranžová)" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:946 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2885 msgid "Important (red)" msgstr "Dôležité (červená)" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:947 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2886 msgid "Info (blue)" msgstr "Info (modrá)" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:958 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2897 msgid "" "If this option is checked, additional date informations about the the last " "post update can be displayed (nothing will show up if the post has never " "been updated)." msgstr "" "Ak je táto možnosť zvolená, budú zobrazené prídavné informácie o dátume " "poslednej úpravy príspevku (pri žiadnej úprave sa nič zobrazovať nebude)." #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:994 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2933 msgid "Select the length of posts in lists (home, search, archives, ...)" msgstr "Zvoľte dľžku príspevku v zozname (vyhľadávanie, archív ... )" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:999 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2938 msgid "Display the full content" msgstr "Zobraziť celý obsah" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1007 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2946 msgid "Apply the grid layout to Home/Blog" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1015 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2954 msgid "Apply the grid layout to Archives (archives, categories, author posts)" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1023 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2962 msgid "Apply the grid layout to Search results" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1027 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2966 msgid "Unchecked contexts are displayed with the alternate thumbnails layout." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1032 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2971 #, fuzzy msgid "Display post format icons" msgstr "Zobraziť meta dáta prispevkov na domovskej stránke" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1041 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:2980 #, fuzzy msgid "Upload a default thumbnail" msgstr "Zobraziť náhľad príspevku" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1071 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3010 msgid "Thumbnails max height for the grid layout" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1072 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3011 #, fuzzy msgid "Set the post grid thumbnail's max height in pixels" msgstr "Nastaviť maximálnu výšku " #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1087 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3026 msgid "Squared, expand on hover" msgstr "Štvorcový, rozširujúci sa" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1088 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3027 msgid "Squared, no expansion" msgstr "Štvorcový bez rozširovania" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1089 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3028 msgid "Rectangular with no effect" msgstr "Obdĺžnikový bez efektu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1090 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3029 msgid "Rectangular with blur effect on hover" msgstr "Obdĺžnikový s rozmazávacím efektom" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1091 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3030 msgid "Rectangular with unblur effect on hover" msgstr "Obdĺžnikový so zaostrujúcim efektom" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1099 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3038 msgid "Top" msgstr "Navrchu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1100 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3039 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Naspodu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1125 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3064 msgid "Comments bubble shape" msgstr "Tvar bublinky komentára" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1129 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3068 msgid "Small bubbles" msgstr "Malé bubliny" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1130 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3069 msgid "Large bubbles" msgstr "Veľké bubliny" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1138 #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1151 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3077 #: inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3090 msgid "Comments bubble color" msgstr "Farba bublinky komentára" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1142 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3081 msgid "Skin color" msgstr "Farba povrchu" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1207 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3146 msgid "Social link title in sidebars" msgstr "Sociálne siete v bočnom paneli" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1213 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3152 msgid "Will be hidden if empty" msgstr "Bude skrytý ak je prázdny" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1243 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3182 #, fuzzy msgid "Dynamic sidebar reordering on small devices" msgstr "Povoliť / Zakázať premiestňovanie blokov na malých zariadeniach" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1246 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3185 msgid "" "Activate this option to move the sidebars (if any) after the main content " "block, for smartphones or tablets viewport." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1307 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3246 msgid "Titles icons settings" msgstr "Nastavenia názvov ikon" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1309 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3248 msgid "Set up the titles icons options" msgstr "Možnosti nastavenia názvov ikon" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1317 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3256 msgid "Responsive settings" msgstr "Nastavenia responzívnosti" #: inc/_dev/class-fire-utils_settings_map.php:1319 inc/czr-init-ccat.php:3258 msgid "Various settings for responsive display" msgstr "Rôzne nastavenia responzívneho zobrazenia" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-404.php:41 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1804 #: templates/parts/content/no-results/404.php:14 msgid "" "Sorry, but the requested page is not found. You might try a search below." msgstr "" "Je nám ľúto, ale požadovaná stránka nebola nájdená. Môžete skúsiť " "vyhľadávanie nižšie." #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-attachment.php:41 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1853 msgid "← Previous" msgstr "← Predchádzajúca" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-attachment.php:42 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1854 msgid "Next →" msgstr "Ďalšia →" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:93 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3117 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:11 msgid "One thought on" msgstr "Jedna myšlienka" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:95 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3119 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:11 msgid "thoughts on" msgstr "myšlienky" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:155 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3179 msgid "Pingback:" msgstr "Pingback:" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:156 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3180 msgid "(Edit)" msgstr "(Upraviť)" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:184 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3208 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odpovedať" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:197 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3221 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment.php:22 msgid "Post author" msgstr "Autor príspevku" #. translators: 1: date, 2: time #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:204 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3228 msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s v %2$s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:209 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3233 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment.php:37 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Váš komentár čaká na schválenie." #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:244 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3268 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:66 msgid "Comment navigation" msgstr "Navigácia v komentároch" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:250 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3274 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:72 msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Older Comments" msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Staršie komentáre" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:258 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3282 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:80 msgid "Newer Comments <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Novšie komentáre <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:290 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3314 #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:89 msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Komentáre sú uzavreté." #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:325 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3349 #: templates/comments-no-model.php:21 msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "Zanechať komentár " #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-comments.php:348 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3372 msgid "Comment(s) on" msgstr "Komentár(e) na" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:42 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3586 msgid "" "Edit those featured pages %s, or %s (you'll be able to add yours later)." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:43 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3587 msgid "Edit those featured pages" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:43 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:145 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:932 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:151 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3587 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8045 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9056 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9659 msgid "now" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:44 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3588 msgid "Remove the featured pages" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:44 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3588 msgid "remove them" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-featured_pages.php:177 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3721 msgid "Edit now." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-gallery.php:61 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:3945 msgid "Missing Attachment" msgstr "Chýbajúca príloha" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:182 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:187 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4158 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4163 msgid "{no title} Read the post »" msgstr "{žiaden nadpis} Čítať príspevok »" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:186 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4162 msgid "Permalink to %s" msgstr "Permalink na %s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:324 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4300 #: templates/parts/content/no-results/404.php:8 msgid "Ooops, page not found" msgstr "Ooops, stránka nenájdená" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:372 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:140 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4348 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4993 msgid "About %s" msgstr "O %s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:412 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4388 msgid "Daily Archives: %s" msgstr "Denný archív: %s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:412 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4388 msgid "Archives" msgstr "Archívy" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:413 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4389 msgid "Monthly Archives: %s" msgstr "Mesačný archív: %s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:414 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4390 msgid "Yearly Archives: %s" msgstr "Ročný archív: %s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-no_results.php:36 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4545 #: templates/parts/content/no-results/search_no_results.php:13 msgid "" "Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some " "different keywords." msgstr "" "Je nám ľúto, ale zadaným kritériám nič nezodpovedá. Skúste to prosím znova s " "inými kľúčovými slovami." #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:99 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:102 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_list.php:234 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4652 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4955 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5423 msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Strany:" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:178 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4731 msgid "You can display your page's featured image here if you have set one." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-page.php:179 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:211 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4732 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5064 msgid "%s to display a featured image here." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:144 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4997 msgid "View all posts by %s <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Zobraziť všetky príspevky od %s <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post.php:210 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:5063 msgid "You can display your post's featured image here if you have set one." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:188 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6864 msgid "This entry was posted on %1$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by %2$s</span>." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:274 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6950 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s" msgstr "Tento príspevok bol publikovaný %1$s a označený %2$s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:276 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6952 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s" msgstr "Tento príspevok bol publikovaný %1$s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:278 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6954 msgid "This entry was tagged %2$s" msgstr "Tento príspevok bol označený %2$s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:287 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6963 msgid "This entry was posted on %1$s" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:289 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6965 msgid "on %1$s" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:291 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6967 msgid "and posted on %1$s" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:303 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6979 msgid "This entry was posted" msgstr "Tento príspevok bol publikovaný" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:303 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:305 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6979 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6981 msgid "by %1$s" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:319 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6995 msgid "(updated today)" msgstr "(upravené dnes)" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:319 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6995 msgid "(updated %s days ago)" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:320 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6996 msgid "(updated 1 day ago)" msgstr "(upravené pred jedným dňom)" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:323 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:6999 msgid "(updated on %1$s)" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:539 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7215 msgid "Open" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_metas.php:589 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7265 msgid "tagged" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_navigation.php:89 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_navigation.php:144 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7398 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7453 #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/singular_posts_navigation.php:35 msgid "Post navigation" msgstr "Navigácia v príspevkoch " #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_navigation.php:157 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7466 msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Older posts" msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Staršie príspevky" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-post_navigation.php:177 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:7486 msgid "Newer posts <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Novšie príspevky <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:133 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:142 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8033 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9650 msgid "This block is visible for admin users only." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:137 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8037 msgid "The %s sidebar has no widgets." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:141 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8041 msgid "Add widgets to this sidebar %s or %s." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:144 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:151 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8044 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9659 #, fuzzy msgid "Add widgets" msgstr "Gérer les widgets" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:148 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:153 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8048 #: inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9661 msgid "dismiss this notice" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:154 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8054 msgid "You can also remove this sidebar by changing the current page layout." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:156 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8056 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing the layout in the Customizr theme" msgstr "Nastavenia obsahu témy Customizr." #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-sidebar.php:157 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8057 #, fuzzy msgid "See the theme documentation." msgstr "Čítať dokumentáciu" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:741 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8865 #: templates/parts/modules/slider/slide.php:9 msgid "Go to" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:873 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8997 #, fuzzy msgid "Customize or remove %s" msgstr "Obrazovka témy Customizr" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:874 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8998 #, fuzzy msgid "the posts slider" msgstr "Odstrániť tento slajder" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:874 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:8998 #, fuzzy msgid "this slider" msgstr "Upraviť tento slajd" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:931 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9055 msgid "" "Select your own slider %s, or %s (you'll be able to add one back later)." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:932 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9056 msgid "Select your own slider" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:933 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9057 msgid "Remove the home page slider" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:933 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9057 msgid "remove this demo slider" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-slider.php:1001 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9125 #, fuzzy msgid "Discover the Customizr WordPress theme »" msgstr "Vitajte v téme Customizr %s" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:146 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9654 msgid "The footer has no widgets" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:150 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9658 msgid "Add widgets to the footer %s or %s." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:242 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9750 #: templates/parts/footer/footer_credits.php:13 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:243 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9751 #: templates/parts/footer/footer_credits.php:13 #, fuzzy msgid "Powered by WordPress" msgstr "Sledujte WordPress profil" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:248 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9756 #: templates/parts/footer/footer_credits.php:13 msgid "Designed with the %s" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:248 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9756 #: templates/parts/footer/footer_credits.php:13 #, fuzzy msgid "Customizr theme" msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia témy Customizr." #: inc/_dev/parts/class-footer-footer_main.php:273 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:9781 msgid "Back to top" msgstr "Späť hore" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-header_main.php:306 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:306 #: templates/parts/header/parts/logo.php:6 msgid "Back Home" msgstr "Späť na úvod" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:106 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:794 msgid "This is a default page menu." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:107 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:795 msgid "" "( If you don't have any pages in your website, then this side menu is empty " "for the moment. )" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:108 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:796 msgid "" "If you have already created menu(s), you can %s. If you need to create a new " "menu, jump to the %s." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:109 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:797 msgid "change the default menu" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:109 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:797 msgid "replace this default menu by another one" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:110 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:798 msgid "menu creation screen" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:166 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:854 msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:173 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:861 msgid "Open the menu" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:362 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1050 msgid "" "You can now display your menu as a vertical and mobile friendly side menu, " "animated when revealed." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:363 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1051 msgid "%s or %s." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:364 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1052 msgid "Try it with the demo" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:365 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1053 msgid "change your menu design now" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:389 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1077 msgid "You can display your main menu or a second menu here horizontally." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:390 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1078 msgid "%s or read the %s." msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:391 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1079 msgid "Manage menus in the header" msgstr "" #: inc/_dev/parts/class-header-menu.php:391 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:1079 msgid "Manage your menus in the header now" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/content/common/media.php:24 #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/item-parts/headings/post_list_item_header-no_metas.php:21 #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/item-parts/headings/post_list_item_header.php:27 #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/item-parts/headings/post_list_item_header_date.php:26 #, fuzzy msgid "Permalink to " msgstr "Permalink na %s" #: templates/parts/content/no-results/search_no_results.php:7 #, fuzzy msgid "Nothing Found" msgstr "404 Not Found" #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/headings/archive_heading.php:36 #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/headings/regular_archive_heading.php:23 #, fuzzy msgid "%s post" msgid_plural "%s posts" msgstr[0] "tento príspevok" msgstr[1] "tento príspevok" #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/headings/regular_search_heading.php:22 #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/headings/search_heading.php:22 msgid "%s result" msgid_plural "%s results" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/navigation/post_list_posts_navigation.php:10 #, fuzzy msgid "Older posts" msgstr "Jednoduché príspevky" #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/navigation/post_list_posts_navigation.php:11 #, fuzzy msgid "Newer posts" msgstr "príspevky" #: templates/parts/content/post-lists/navigation/post_list_posts_navigation.php:31 #, fuzzy msgid "Posts navigation" msgstr "Navigácia v príspevkoch " #: templates/parts/content/singular/authors/author_info.php:11 msgid "AUTHOR" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/content/singular/authors/author_info.php:14 #, fuzzy msgid "View all the posts of the author" msgstr "Zobraziť všetky príspevky v %s" #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment.php:31 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "komentár" #: templates/parts/content/singular/comments/comment_list.php:24 #, fuzzy msgid "pingback" msgid_plural "pingbacks" msgstr[0] "Pingback:" msgstr[1] "Pingback:" #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/single_attachment_image_navigation.php:12 #, fuzzy msgid "Images navigation" msgstr "Navigácia v príspevkoch " #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/single_attachment_image_navigation.php:17 #, fuzzy msgid "Previous" msgstr "← Predchádzajúca" #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/single_attachment_image_navigation.php:24 msgid "Next" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/singular_posts_navigation.php:39 #, fuzzy msgid "Previous post" msgstr "tento príspevok" #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/singular_posts_navigation.php:45 #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/singular_posts_navigation.php:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Back to post list" msgstr "Späť hore" #: templates/parts/content/singular/navigation/singular_posts_navigation.php:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Next post" msgstr "tento príspevok" #: templates/parts/footer/footer_credits.php:9 msgid "All rights reserved" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/footer/footer_credits.php:13 msgid "https://wordpress.org/" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/modules/related-posts/related_posts.php:9 msgid "You may also like" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/modules/related-posts/related_posts.php:22 msgid "Previous related articles" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/modules/related-posts/related_posts.php:23 msgid "Next related articles" msgstr "" #. Theme Name of the plugin/theme #, fuzzy msgid "Customizr" msgstr "Vlastné " #. Theme URI of the plugin/theme msgid "https://presscustomizr.com/customizr" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin/theme msgid "" "Customizr is a simple and fast WordPress theme designed to help you attract " "and engage more visitors. Provides a perfect user experience on smartphones. " "Powers more than 100K active sites around the world. Hundreds of 5-stars " "reviews received on WordPress.org." msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin/theme msgid "nikeo" msgstr "" #. Author URI of the plugin/theme msgid "https://presscustomizr.com/" msgstr "" #. Template Name of the plugin/theme msgid "Custom Page Example" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/content/post-lists/headings/class-model-archive_heading.php:70 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:413 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4389 msgctxt "monthly archives date format" msgid "F Y" msgstr "" #: core/front/models/content/post-lists/headings/class-model-archive_heading.php:71 #: inc/_dev/parts/class-content-headings.php:414 inc/czr-front-ccat.php:4390 #, fuzzy msgctxt "yearly archives date format" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" #: templates/parts/modules/search/searchform.php:10 msgctxt "label" msgid "Search" msgstr "" #: templates/parts/modules/search/searchform.php:11 msgctxt "title" msgid "Search …" msgstr "" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "display a search icon in the header" #~ msgstr "Zobraziť ikonu stránky vedľa nadpisu stránky" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Search results for:" #~ msgstr "Výsledky hľadania pre :" #, fuzzy #~ msgid ", developer of the Customizr theme" #~ msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia témy Customizr." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "I'm doing my best to make Customizr the perfect free theme for you. If " #~ "you think it helped you in any way to build a better web presence, please " #~ "support it's continued development with a donation of $20, $50, ..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "<strong>Snažíme sa z plných síl aby bola Customizr perfektná téma!</" #~ "strong><br/> Prosím, podporte náš vývoj príspevkom $20, $50 alebo $100." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Make a donation for Customizr" #~ msgstr "Vyberte vzhľad pre Customizr" #~ msgid "" #~ "You have checked the <i>\"Force global default layout for all posts and " #~ "pages\"</i>, you must unchecked this option to enable a specific layout " #~ "for this post." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zvolili ste <i>\"Priradiť všade prednastavené rozloženie\"</i>, musíte " #~ "najprv túto možnosť odškrtnút." #~ msgid "Change layout options" #~ msgstr "Zmena nastavenia rozloženia" #~ msgid "Check the FAQ" #~ msgstr "Pozrieť FAQ" #~ msgid "Code snippets" #~ msgstr "Úryvky kódu" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Get support in the forum" #~ msgstr "Diskusia" #~ msgid "We need sponsors!" #~ msgstr "Potrebujeme sponzorov !" #~ msgid "" #~ "<strong>We do our best do make Customizr the perfect free theme for you!</" #~ "strong><br/> Please help support it's continued development with a " #~ "donation of $20, $50, or even $100." #~ msgstr "" #~ "<strong>Snažíme sa z plných síl aby bola Customizr perfektná téma!</" #~ "strong><br/> Prosím, podporte náš vývoj príspevkom $20, $50 alebo $100." #~ msgid "Visit the extension's page" #~ msgstr "Navštívte stránku rozšírení" #~ msgid "Customizr Showcase" #~ msgstr "Predstavenie témy Customizr" #~ msgid "Visit the showcase" #~ msgstr "Navštívte prehliadku" #~ msgid "Find inspiration for your next Customizr based website!" #~ msgstr "Inšpirujte sa pre Váš ďalší web založený na téme Customizr !" #~ msgid "" #~ "This showcase aims to show what can be done with Customizr and helping " #~ "other users to find inspiration for their web design." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Táto prehliadka ukazuje, ako jednoducho používať a upravovať web založený " #~ "na téme Customizr." #~ msgid "" #~ "Do you think you made an awesome website that can inspire people? " #~ "Submitting a site for review is quick and easy to do." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Myslíte si, že ste spravili úžasnú webstránku, ktorá môže inšpirovať " #~ "ľudí ? Odoslanie stránky pre nahliadnutie je rýchle a jednoduché." #~ msgid "RSS feed (default is the wordpress feed)" #~ msgstr "RSS zdroj (prednastavené wordpress odbery)" #~ msgid "Twitter profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu na Twitteri" #~ msgid "Facebook profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu na Facebooku" #~ msgid "Google+ profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa Google+ profilu" #~ msgid "Instagram profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu na Instagrame" #~ msgid "Tumblr url" #~ msgstr "Tumblr url" #~ msgid "Flickr url" #~ msgstr "Flickr url" #~ msgid "WordPress profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu vo WordPress" #~ msgid "Youtube profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu na Youtube" #~ msgid "Github profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu na Github" #~ msgid "Dribbble profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu na Dribbble" #~ msgid "LinkedIn profile url" #~ msgstr "url adresa profilu na LinkedIn" #~ msgid "" #~ "Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act." #~ msgstr "Hovoriť pravdu v čase všeobecného klamu je revolučný čin. " #~ msgid "George Orwell" #~ msgstr "George Orwell" #~ msgid "" #~ "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of " #~ "enthusiasm..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Úspech je schopnosť ísť od jedného neúspechu k ďalšiemu bez straty " #~ "nadšenia." #~ msgid "Sir Winston Churchill" #~ msgstr "Sir Winston Churchill" #~ msgid "Help" #~ msgstr "Pomoc" #~ msgid "Comments bubbles" #~ msgstr "Bubliny komentárov" #~ msgid "Global settings for the Customizr theme :skin, socials, links..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Globálne nastavenia pre Customizr tému: vzhľad, sociálne siete, odkazy..." #~ msgid "Content : home, posts, ..." #~ msgstr "Obsah: domovská stránka, články, ..." #~ msgid "Content settings for the Customizr theme." #~ msgstr "Nastavenia obsahu témy Customizr." #~ msgid "Footer settings for the Customizr theme." #~ msgstr "Nastavenia päty témy Customizr." #~ msgid "Advanced settings for the Customizr theme." #~ msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia témy Customizr." #~ msgid "Site Title & Tagline" #~ msgstr "Názov a slogan stránky" #~ msgid "Logo & Favicon" #~ msgstr "Logo a Ikona" #~ msgid "Set up logo and favicon options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia loga a ikony" #~ msgid "Skin" #~ msgstr "Vzhľad" #~ msgid "Select a skin for Customizr" #~ msgstr "Vyberte vzhľad pre Customizr" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Set up the font global settings" #~ msgstr "Nastaviť možnosti päty" #~ msgid "Links style and effects" #~ msgstr "Štýl a efekty odkazov" #~ msgid "Various links settings" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia odkazov" #~ msgid "Various images settings" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia obrázkov" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Post authors settings" #~ msgstr "Autor príspevku" #~ msgid "Design and layout" #~ msgstr "Vzhľad a rozloženie" #~ msgid "Set up front page options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia prednej stránky" #~ msgid "Set up layout options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia rozloženia" #~ msgid "Set up post lists options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia zoznamov príspevkov" #~ msgid "Set up single posts options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia jednoduchých príspevkov" #~ msgid "Set up post metas options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia meta dát príspevkov" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Set up paragraphs options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia meta dát príspevkov" #~ msgid "Set up comments options" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia komentárov" #~ msgid "Set up footer global options" #~ msgstr "Nastaviť možnosti päty" #~ msgid "Images" #~ msgstr "Obrázky" #~ msgid "Add your own CSS" #~ msgstr "Pridať vlastné CSS" #~ msgid "Manage menus" #~ msgstr "Spravovať Menu" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Design and effects" #~ msgstr "Vzhľad a rozloženie" #~ msgid "" #~ "This option will enable comments on pages. You can disable comments for a " #~ "single page in the quick edit mode of the page list screen." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Táto možnosť povolí komentovanie na stránkach. Komentovanie pre " #~ "jednotlivé stránky môžte zakázať pri editovaní stránok. " #~ msgid "Navigation" #~ msgstr "Navigácia " #~ msgid "" #~ "You can edit your menu content on the Menus screen in the Appearance " #~ "section." #~ msgstr "Môžete upravovať obsah Vášho menu v sekcii Vzhľad." #~ msgid "Menu position" #~ msgstr "Pozícia menu" #~ msgid "" #~ "In responsive mode, limit the height of the dropdown menu block to the " #~ "visible viewport" #~ msgstr "Limit výšky blokov rozbaľovacieho menu v responzívnom móde" #~ msgid "Category Archives :" #~ msgstr "Archív kategórii :" #~ msgid "Tag Archives :" #~ msgstr "Archív Tagov :" #~ msgid "Author Archives :" #~ msgstr "Autor Archívu :" #~ msgid "Button Link" #~ msgstr "Odkaz tlačidla" #~ msgid "Need help with Customizr ?" #~ msgstr "Potrebujete pomoc s témou Customizr ?" #~ msgid "Welcome to Customizr %s" #~ msgstr "Vitajte v téme Customizr %s" #~ msgid "" #~ "You can start by watching the <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank" #~ "\">introduction video</a> or by reading <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" #~ "\">the documentation</a>.<br/> If you don't find an answer to your issue, " #~ "don't panic! Since Customizr is used by a growing community of webmasters " #~ "reporting bugs and making continuous improvements, you will probably find " #~ "a solution to your problem either in the FAQ or in the user forum." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Môžete začať sledovaním <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">introduction " #~ "video</a> alebo čítaním <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">the " #~ "documentation</a>.<br/>Ak nenájdete odpoveď na Váš problém, nepanikárte ! " #~ "Customizr používa čoraz väčšia komunita vývojárov, Vaše riešenie " #~ "pravdepodobne nájdete vo FAQ alebo vo fóre." #~ msgid "Discuss in the user forum" #~ msgstr "Diskusia" #~ msgid "" #~ "Thank you for using Customizr! Customizr %1$s has more features, is safer " #~ "and more stable than ever <a href=\"#customizr-changelog\">(see the " #~ "changelog)</a> to help you build an awesome website. Watch the <a href=" #~ "\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">introduction video</a> and find inspiration in " #~ "the <a href=\"#showcase\">showcase</a>.<br/>Enjoy it! " #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ďakujeme za používanie témy Customizr! Customizr %1$s má viac funkcii, je " #~ "bezpečnejšia a stabilnejšia <a href=\"#customizr-changelog\">(changelog)</" #~ "a> . Sledujte <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">introduction video</a> a " #~ "inšpirujte sa <a href=\"#showcase\">showcase</a>.<br/>Užite si to ! " #~ msgid "Customizr's extensions" #~ msgstr "Rozšírenia témy Customizr" #~ msgid "" #~ "The Customizr's extensions are plugins developed to extend the Customizr " #~ "theme with great features. Nicely integrated with the theme's built-in " #~ "options, they can be enabled/disabled safely with no side effects on your " #~ "existing settings or customizations." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rozšírenia témy Customizr sú pluginy obsahujúce ďalšie úžasné funkcie. " #~ "Jednoduchá implementácia, môžu byž povolené/zakázané bezpečne, bez " #~ "žiadneho vedľajšieho účinku." #~ msgid "" #~ "These modules are designed to be simple to use for everyone. They are a " #~ "good solution to add some creative customizations whitout needing to dive " #~ "into the code." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tieto moduly sú navrhnuté tak, aby boli ľahko ovládané. Sú dobrým " #~ "riešením, ako pridať kreatívne funkcie bez nutnosti detailnej znalosti " #~ "kódu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Customizr's extensions are installed and upgraded from your WordPress " #~ "admin, like any other WordPress plugins. Well documented and easily " #~ "extendable with hooks, they come with a dedicated support forum on " #~ "presscustomizr.com." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rozšírenia sú inštalované a aktualizované priamo v administrátorskom " #~ "paneli WordPress. Dobrú dokumentáciu k rozšíreniam nájdete vo fóre na " #~ "stránke presscustomizr.com." #~ msgid " here" #~ msgstr "tu" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The sidebar : " #~ msgstr "Ľavý bočný panel" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "has no widgets" #~ msgstr "Gérer les widgets" #~ msgid "Style your WordPress site live!" #~ msgstr "Upravte si Vašu WordPress stránku !" #~ msgid "Just try it!" #~ msgstr "Stačí to skúsiť !" #~ msgid "Create beautiful sliders" #~ msgstr "Vytvorte nádherné slajdre" #~ msgid "" #~ "Customizr comes with a cool slider generator : add a slider to any post " #~ "or page!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Customizr prichádza s úžasným generátorom slajdov : pridajte slajder na " #~ "akýkoľvek príspevok alebo stránku !" #~ msgid "Enable/disable retina support" #~ msgstr "Povoliť / zakázať retina podporu" #~ msgid "" #~ "On responsive mode, for smartphone viewport, the sidebars are moved after " #~ "the main content block." #~ msgstr "" #~ "V responzívnom móde sa na smartfónoch zobrazia bočné panely až po bloku s " #~ "hlavným obsahom." #~ msgid "" #~ "This option centers your slider (carousel) pictures vertically and " #~ "horizontally on any devices when displayed in full width mode" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Táto možnosť vertikálne a horizontálne vycentruje obrázky slidera, keď je " #~ "zobrazený v móde na celú šírku." #~ msgid "Header : title, logo, menu, ..." #~ msgstr "Hlavička: nadpis, logo, menu, ..." #~ msgid "" #~ "Always use this field to add your custom css instead of editing directly " #~ "the style.css file : it will not be deleted during theme updates. You can " #~ "also paste your custom css in the style.css file of a child theme." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vždy použite toto pole pre vkladanie vlastných CSS : nebudú zmazané počas " #~ "aktualizácie témy. Môžete tiež vložiť vlastné CSS do style.css súboru " #~ "témy potomka." #~ msgid "One thought on “%2$s”" #~ msgstr "Jedno zamyslenie sa nad “%2$s”" #~ msgid "" #~ "This entry was posted in %1$s on %3$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by %4$s</" #~ "span>." #~ msgstr "" #~ "This entry was posted in %1$s on %3$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by %4$s</" #~ "span>." #~ msgid "Customize your website at any time!" #~ msgstr "Kedykoľvek upravte Vašu webovú stránku !" #~ msgid "Let your creativity speak and easily customiz'it the way you want!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dajte voľnosť svojej kreativite a jednoducho si to upravte podľa seba !" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Ajust the slider size" #~ msgstr "Texte de description (sous le titre) de la diapositive" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Choose a font" #~ msgstr "Choisir une page" #~ msgid "Slide Entry" #~ msgstr "Diapositive" #~ msgid "Edit Slide Entry" #~ msgstr "Modifier la diapositive" #~ msgid "Search Slide Entries" #~ msgstr "Rechercher dans les diapositives" #~ msgid "Edit Slider Name" #~ msgstr "Modifier le nom du diporama" #~ msgid "Front Page Widget Area Two" #~ msgstr "Deuxième zone de widgets de page d'accueil" #~ msgid "Front Page Widget Area Three" #~ msgstr "Troisième zone de widgets de page d'accueil" #~ msgid "If this field is empty, it will display an excerpt of the page." #~ msgstr "Si le champ est vide, un extrait de la page est affiché." #~ msgid "Force logo to fit in the left header block" #~ msgstr "Forcer le redimensionnement du logo dans le bloc gauche du header" #~ msgid "" #~ "Force default layout for all posts and pages (including front page and " #~ "pages/posts with a specific layout)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Forcer la structure par défaut pour toutes les pages du sites (y compris " #~ "la page d'accueil ainsi que les pages et billets qui ont une structure " #~ "spécifique)" #~ msgid "0" #~ msgstr "0" #~ msgid "%" #~ msgstr "%" #~ msgid "View details »" #~ msgstr "Voir les détails »" #~ msgid "Length of the excerpt (default 200)" #~ msgstr "Longueur de l'extrait (200 car. par défaut)" #~ msgid " checked=\"checked\"" #~ msgstr " " #~ msgid "Sample Checkbox" #~ msgstr "Exemple" #~ msgid "" #~ "Appears on posts and pages except the optional Front Page template, which " #~ "has its own widgets" #~ msgstr "Affichée dans les posts et les pages, hormis l"
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