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File: sql.php
<?php /* $Id: sql.php,v 2006/04/27 08:57:09 nijel Exp $ */ // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: /** * Gets some core libraries */ require_once './libraries/common.lib.php'; require_once './libraries/tbl_indexes.lib.php'; require_once './libraries/check_user_privileges.lib.php'; require_once './libraries/bookmark.lib.php'; /** * Could be coming from a subform ("T" column expander) */ if (isset($_REQUEST['dontlimitchars'])) { $dontlimitchars = $_REQUEST['dontlimitchars']; } /** * Defines the url to return to in case of error in a sql statement */ // Security checkings if (!empty($goto)) { $is_gotofile = preg_replace('@^([^?]+).*$@s', '\\1', $goto); if (!@file_exists('./' . $is_gotofile)) { unset($goto); } else { $is_gotofile = ($is_gotofile == $goto); } } // end if (security checkings) if (empty($goto)) { $goto = (! isset($table) || ! strlen($table)) ? $cfg['DefaultTabDatabase'] : $cfg['DefaultTabTable']; $is_gotofile = true; } // end if if (!isset($err_url)) { $err_url = (!empty($back) ? $back : $goto) . '?' . PMA_generate_common_url(isset($db) ? $db : '') . ((strpos(' ' . $goto, 'db_details') != 1 && isset($table)) ? '&table=' . urlencode($table) : ''); } // end if // Coming from a bookmark dialog if (isset($fields['query'])) { $sql_query = $fields['query']; } // This one is just to fill $db if (isset($fields['dbase'])) { $db = $fields['dbase']; } // Default to browse if no query set an we have table (needed for browsing from DefaultTabTable) if (!isset($sql_query) && isset($table) && isset($db)) { require_once './libraries/bookmark.lib.php'; $book_sql_query = PMA_queryBookmarks($db, $GLOBALS['cfg']['Bookmark'], '\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($table) . '\'', 'label'); if (!empty($book_sql_query)) { $sql_query = $book_sql_query; } else { $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table); } unset($book_sql_query); // set $goto to what will be displayed if query returns 0 rows $goto = 'tbl_properties_structure.php'; } else { // Now we can check the parameters PMA_checkParameters(array('sql_query')); } // instead of doing the test twice $is_drop_database = preg_match('/DROP[[:space:]]+(DATABASE|SCHEMA)[[:space:]]+/i', $sql_query); /** * Check rights in case of DROP DATABASE * * This test may be bypassed if $is_js_confirmed = 1 (already checked with js) * but since a malicious user may pass this variable by url/form, we don't take * into account this case. */ if (!defined('PMA_CHK_DROP') && !$cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] && $is_drop_database && !$is_superuser) { require_once './libraries/header.inc.php'; PMA_mysqlDie($strNoDropDatabases, '', '', $err_url); } // end if /** * Need to find the real end of rows? */ if (isset($find_real_end) && $find_real_end) { $unlim_num_rows = PMA_countRecords($db, $table, true, true); $pos = @((ceil($unlim_num_rows / $session_max_rows) - 1) * $session_max_rows); } /** * Avoids undefined variables */ elseif (!isset($pos)) { $pos = 0; } /** * Bookmark add */ if (isset($store_bkm)) { PMA_addBookmarks($fields, $cfg['Bookmark'], (isset($bkm_all_users) && $bkm_all_users == 'true' ? true : false)); PMA_sendHeaderLocation($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . $goto); } // end if /** * Gets the true sql query */ // $sql_query has been urlencoded in the confirmation form for drop/delete // queries or in the navigation bar for browsing among records if (isset($btnDrop) || isset($navig)) { $sql_query = urldecode($sql_query); } /** * Reformat the query */ $GLOBALS['unparsed_sql'] = $sql_query; $parsed_sql = PMA_SQP_parse($sql_query); $analyzed_sql = PMA_SQP_analyze($parsed_sql); // Bug #641765 - Robbat2 - 12 January 2003, 10:49PM // Reverted - Robbat2 - 13 January 2003, 2:40PM // lem9: for bug 780516: now that we use case insensitive preg_match // or flags from the analyser, do not put back the reformatted query // into $sql_query, to make this kind of query work without // capitalizing keywords: // // CREATE TABLE SG_Persons ( // id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, // first varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', // PRIMARY KEY (`id`) // ) // // Note: now we probably do not need to fill and use $GLOBALS['unparsed_sql'] // but I let this intact for now. // //$sql_query = PMA_SQP_formatHtml($parsed_sql, 'query_only'); // check for a real SELECT ... FROM $is_select = isset($analyzed_sql[0]['queryflags']['select_from']); // If the query is a Select, extract the db and table names and modify // $db and $table, to have correct page headers, links and left frame. // db and table name may be enclosed with backquotes, db is optionnal, // query may contain aliases. // (TODO: if there are more than one table name in the Select: // - do not extract the first table name // - do not show a table name in the page header // - do not display the sub-pages links) if ($is_select) { $prev_db = $db; if (isset($analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][0]['table_true_name'])) { $table = $analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][0]['table_true_name']; } if (isset($analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][0]['db']) && strlen($analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][0]['db'])) { $db = $analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][0]['db']; } else { $db = $prev_db; } // Nijel: don't change reload, if we already decided to reload in import if (empty($reload)) { $reload = ($db == $prev_db) ? 0 : 1; } } /** * Sets or modifies the $goto variable if required */ if ($goto == 'sql.php') { $is_gotofile = false; $goto = 'sql.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query); } // end if /** * Go back to further page if table should not be dropped */ if (isset($btnDrop) && $btnDrop == $strNo) { if (!empty($back)) { $goto = $back; } if ($is_gotofile) { if (strpos(' ' . $goto, 'db_details') == 1 && isset($table) && strlen($table)) { unset($table); } $active_page = $goto; require './' . PMA_securePath($goto); } else { PMA_sendHeaderLocation($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . str_replace('&', '&', $goto)); } exit(); } // end if /** * Displays the confirm page if required * * This part of the script is bypassed if $is_js_confirmed = 1 (already checked * with js) because possible security issue is not so important here: at most, * the confirm message isn't displayed. * * Also bypassed if only showing php code.or validating a SQL query */ if (!$cfg['Confirm'] || (isset($is_js_confirmed) && $is_js_confirmed) || isset($btnDrop) // if we are coming from a "Create PHP code" or a "Without PHP Code" // dialog, we won't execute the query anyway, so don't confirm //|| !empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php']) || isset($GLOBALS['show_as_php']) || !empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { $do_confirm = false; } else { $do_confirm = isset($analyzed_sql[0]['queryflags']['need_confirm']); } if ($do_confirm) { $stripped_sql_query = $sql_query; require_once './libraries/header.inc.php'; if ($is_drop_database) { echo '<h1 class="warning">' . $strDropDatabaseStrongWarning . '</h1>'; } echo '<form action="sql.php" method="post">' . "\n" .PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db, (isset($table)?$table:'')); ?> <input type="hidden" name="sql_query" value="<?php echo urlencode($sql_query); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="zero_rows" value="<?php echo isset($zero_rows) ? PMA_sanitize($zero_rows) : ''; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="goto" value="<?php echo $goto; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="back" value="<?php echo isset($back) ? PMA_sanitize($back) : ''; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="reload" value="<?php echo isset($reload) ? PMA_sanitize($reload) : 0; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="purge" value="<?php echo isset($purge) ? PMA_sanitize($purge) : ''; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="cpurge" value="<?php echo isset($cpurge) ? PMA_sanitize($cpurge) : ''; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="purgekey" value="<?php echo isset($purgekey) ? PMA_sanitize($purgekey) : ''; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="show_query" value="<?php echo isset($show_query) ? PMA_sanitize($show_query) : ''; ?>" /> <?php echo '<fieldset class="confirmation">' . "\n" .' <legend>' . $strDoYouReally . '</legend>' .' <tt>' . htmlspecialchars($stripped_sql_query) . '</tt>' . "\n" .'</fieldset>' . "\n" .'<fieldset class="tblFooters">' . "\n"; ?> <input type="submit" name="btnDrop" value="<?php echo $strYes; ?>" id="buttonYes" /> <input type="submit" name="btnDrop" value="<?php echo $strNo; ?>" id="buttonNo" /> <?php echo '</fieldset>' . "\n" . '</form>' . "\n"; } // end if $do_confirm /** * Executes the query and displays results */ else { if (!isset($sql_query)) { $sql_query = ''; } // Defines some variables // A table has to be created or renamed -> left frame should be reloaded // TODO: use the parser/analyzer if (empty($reload) && preg_match('/^(CREATE|ALTER|DROP)\s+(VIEW|TABLE|DATABASE|SCHEMA)\s+/i', $sql_query)) { $reload = 1; } // Gets the number of rows per page if (empty($session_max_rows)) { $session_max_rows = $cfg['MaxRows']; } elseif ($session_max_rows != 'all') { $cfg['MaxRows'] = $session_max_rows; } // Defines the display mode (horizontal/vertical) and header "frequency" if (empty($disp_direction)) { $disp_direction = $cfg['DefaultDisplay']; } if (empty($repeat_cells)) { $repeat_cells = $cfg['RepeatCells']; } // SK -- Patch: $is_group added for use in calculation of total number of // rows. // $is_count is changed for more correct "LIMIT" clause // appending in queries like // "SELECT COUNT(...) FROM ... GROUP BY ..." // TODO: detect all this with the parser, to avoid problems finding // those strings in comments or backquoted identifiers $is_explain = $is_count = $is_export = $is_delete = $is_insert = $is_affected = $is_show = $is_maint = $is_analyse = $is_group = $is_func = $is_replace = false; if ($is_select) { // see line 141 $is_group = preg_match('@(GROUP[[:space:]]+BY|HAVING|SELECT[[:space:]]+DISTINCT)[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query); $is_func = !$is_group && (preg_match('@[[:space:]]+(SUM|AVG|STD|STDDEV|MIN|MAX|BIT_OR|BIT_AND)\s*\(@i', $sql_query)); $is_count = !$is_group && (preg_match('@^SELECT[[:space:]]+COUNT\((.*\.+)?.*\)@i', $sql_query)); $is_export = (preg_match('@[[:space:]]+INTO[[:space:]]+OUTFILE[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)); $is_analyse = (preg_match('@[[:space:]]+PROCEDURE[[:space:]]+ANALYSE@i', $sql_query)); } elseif (preg_match('@^EXPLAIN[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $is_explain = true; } elseif (preg_match('@^DELETE[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $is_delete = true; $is_affected = true; } elseif (preg_match('@^(INSERT|LOAD[[:space:]]+DATA|REPLACE)[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $is_insert = true; $is_affected = true; if (preg_match('@^(REPLACE)[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $is_replace = true; } } elseif (preg_match('@^UPDATE[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $is_affected = true; } elseif (preg_match('@^SHOW[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $is_show = true; } elseif (preg_match('@^(CHECK|ANALYZE|REPAIR|OPTIMIZE)[[:space:]]+TABLE[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $is_maint = true; } // Do append a "LIMIT" clause? if (isset($pos) && (!$cfg['ShowAll'] || $session_max_rows != 'all') && !($is_count || $is_export || $is_func || $is_analyse) && isset($analyzed_sql[0]['queryflags']['select_from']) && !isset($analyzed_sql[0]['queryflags']['offset']) && !preg_match('@[[:space:]]LIMIT[[:space:]0-9,-]+(;)?$@i', $sql_query)) { $sql_limit_to_append = " LIMIT $pos, ".$cfg['MaxRows'] . " "; $full_sql_query = $analyzed_sql[0]['section_before_limit'] . "\n" . $sql_limit_to_append . $analyzed_sql[0]['section_after_limit']; // FIXME: pretty printing of this modified query if (isset($display_query)) { // if the analysis of the original query revealed that we found // a section_after_limit, we now have to analyze $display_query // to display it correctly if (!empty($analyzed_sql[0]['section_after_limit']) && trim($analyzed_sql[0]['section_after_limit']) != ';') { $analyzed_display_query = PMA_SQP_analyze(PMA_SQP_parse($display_query)); $display_query = $analyzed_display_query[0]['section_before_limit'] . "\n" . $sql_limit_to_append . $analyzed_display_query[0]['section_after_limit']; } } } else { $full_sql_query = $sql_query; } // end if...else if (isset($db)) { PMA_DBI_select_db($db); } // If the query is a DELETE query with no WHERE clause, get the number of // rows that will be deleted (mysql_affected_rows will always return 0 in // this case) // Note: testing shows that this no longer applies since MySQL 4.0.x if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40000) { if ($is_delete && preg_match('@^DELETE([[:space:]].+)?(FROM[[:space:]](.+))$@i', $sql_query, $parts) && !preg_match('@[[:space:]]WHERE[[:space:]]@i', $parts[3])) { $cnt_all_result = @PMA_DBI_try_query('SELECT COUNT(*) as count ' . $parts[2]); if ($cnt_all_result) { list($num_rows) = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($cnt_all_result); PMA_DBI_free_result($cnt_all_result); } else { $num_rows = 0; } } } // E x e c u t e t h e q u e r y // Only if we didn't ask to see the php code (mikebeck) if (isset($GLOBALS['show_as_php']) || !empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { unset($result); $num_rows = 0; } else { // garvin: Measure query time. // TODO-Item http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=571934&group_id=23067&atid=377411 $querytime_before = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())); $result = @PMA_DBI_try_query($full_sql_query, null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE); $querytime_after = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())); $GLOBALS['querytime'] = $querytime_after - $querytime_before; // Displays an error message if required and stop parsing the script if ($error = PMA_DBI_getError()) { require_once './libraries/header.inc.php'; $full_err_url = (preg_match('@^(db_details|tbl_properties)@', $err_url)) ? $err_url . '&show_query=1&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query) : $err_url; PMA_mysqlDie($error, $full_sql_query, '', $full_err_url); } unset($error); // Gets the number of rows affected/returned // (This must be done immediately after the query because // mysql_affected_rows() reports about the last query done) if (!$is_affected) { $num_rows = ($result) ? @PMA_DBI_num_rows($result) : 0; } elseif (!isset($num_rows)) { $num_rows = @PMA_DBI_affected_rows(); } // Checks if the current database has changed // This could happen if the user sends a query like "USE `database`;" $res = PMA_DBI_query('SELECT DATABASE() AS \'db\';'); $row = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($res); if (is_array($row) && isset($row[0]) && (strcasecmp($db, $row[0]) != 0)) { $db = $row[0]; $reload = 1; } @PMA_DBI_free_result($res); unset($res, $row); // tmpfile remove after convert encoding appended by Y.Kawada if (function_exists('PMA_kanji_file_conv') && (isset($textfile) && file_exists($textfile))) { unlink($textfile); } // Counts the total number of rows for the same 'SELECT' query without the // 'LIMIT' clause that may have been programatically added if (empty($sql_limit_to_append)) { $unlim_num_rows = $num_rows; // if we did not append a limit, set this to get a correct // "Showing rows..." message $GLOBALS['session_max_rows'] = 'all'; } elseif ($is_select) { // c o u n t q u e r y // If we are "just browsing", there is only one table, // and no where clause (or just 'WHERE 1 '), // so we do a quick count (which uses MaxExactCount) // because SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS // is not quick on large InnoDB tables // but do not count again if we did it previously // due to $find_real_end == true if (!$is_group && !isset($analyzed_sql[0]['queryflags']['union']) && !isset($analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][1]['table_name']) && (empty($analyzed_sql[0]['where_clause']) || $analyzed_sql[0]['where_clause'] == '1 ') && !isset($find_real_end) ) { // "j u s t b r o w s i n g" $unlim_num_rows = PMA_countRecords($db, $table, true); } else { // n o t " j u s t b r o w s i n g " if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40000) { // detect this case: // SELECT DISTINCT x AS foo, y AS bar FROM sometable if (isset($analyzed_sql[0]['queryflags']['distinct'])) { $count_what = 'DISTINCT '; $first_expr = true; foreach ($analyzed_sql[0]['select_expr'] as $part) { $count_what .= (!$first_expr ? ', ' : '') . $part['expr']; $first_expr = false; } } else { $count_what = '*'; } // this one does not apply to VIEWs $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(' . $count_what . ') AS count'; } // add the remaining of select expression if there is // a GROUP BY or HAVING clause if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40000 && $count_what =='*' && (!empty($analyzed_sql[0]['group_by_clause']) || !empty($analyzed_sql[0]['having_clause']))) { $count_query .= ' ,' . $analyzed_sql[0]['select_expr_clause']; } if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40000) { // add select expression after the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS // for UNION, just adding SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS // after the first SELECT works. // take the left part, could be: // SELECT // (SELECT $count_query = PMA_SQP_formatHtml($parsed_sql, 'query_only', 0, $analyzed_sql[0]['position_of_first_select'] + 1); $count_query .= ' SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '; // add everything that was after the first SELECT $count_query .= PMA_SQP_formatHtml($parsed_sql, 'query_only', $analyzed_sql[0]['position_of_first_select']+1); } else { // PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40000 if (!empty($analyzed_sql[0]['from_clause'])) { $count_query .= ' FROM ' . $analyzed_sql[0]['from_clause']; } if (!empty($analyzed_sql[0]['where_clause'])) { $count_query .= ' WHERE ' . $analyzed_sql[0]['where_clause']; } if (!empty($analyzed_sql[0]['group_by_clause'])) { $count_query .= ' GROUP BY ' . $analyzed_sql[0]['group_by_clause']; } if (!empty($analyzed_sql[0]['having_clause'])) { $count_query .= ' HAVING ' . $analyzed_sql[0]['having_clause']; } } // end if // if using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, add a LIMIT to avoid // long delays. Returned count will be complete anyway. // (but a LIMIT would disrupt results in an UNION) if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40000 && !isset($analyzed_sql[0]['queryflags']['union'])) { $count_query .= ' LIMIT 1'; } // run the count query if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40000) { if ($cnt_all_result = PMA_DBI_try_query($count_query)) { if ($is_group && $count_what == '*') { $unlim_num_rows = @PMA_DBI_num_rows($cnt_all_result); } else { $unlim_num_rows = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($cnt_all_result); $unlim_num_rows = $unlim_num_rows['count']; } PMA_DBI_free_result($cnt_all_result); } else { if (PMA_DBI_getError()) { // there are some cases where the generated // count_query (for MySQL 3) is wrong, // so we get here. //TODO: use a big unlimited query to get // the correct number of rows (depending // on a config variable?) $unlim_num_rows = 0; } } } else { PMA_DBI_try_query($count_query); // if (mysql_error()) { // void. // I tried the case // (SELECT `User`, `Host`, `Db`, `Select_priv` FROM `db`) // UNION (SELECT `User`, `Host`, "%" AS "Db", // `Select_priv` // FROM `user`) ORDER BY `User`, `Host`, `Db`; // and although the generated count_query is wrong // the SELECT FOUND_ROWS() work! (maybe it gets the // count from the latest query that worked) // // another case where the count_query is wrong: // SELECT COUNT(*), f1 from t1 group by f1 // and you click to sort on count(*) // } $cnt_all_result = PMA_DBI_query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;'); list($unlim_num_rows) = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($cnt_all_result); @PMA_DBI_free_result($cnt_all_result); } } // end else "just browsing" } else { // not $is_select $unlim_num_rows = 0; } // end rows total count // garvin: if a table or database gets dropped, check column comments. if (isset($purge) && $purge == '1') { require_once './libraries/relation_cleanup.lib.php'; if (isset($table) && isset($db) && strlen($table) && strlen($db)) { PMA_relationsCleanupTable($db, $table); } elseif (isset($db) && strlen($db)) { PMA_relationsCleanupDatabase($db); } else { // garvin: VOID. No DB/Table gets deleted. } // end if relation-stuff } // end if ($purge) // garvin: If a column gets dropped, do relation magic. if (isset($cpurge) && $cpurge == '1' && isset($purgekey) && isset($db) && isset($table) && strlen($db) && strlen($table) && !empty($purgekey)) { require_once './libraries/relation_cleanup.lib.php'; PMA_relationsCleanupColumn($db, $table, $purgekey); } // end if column PMA_* purge } // end else "didn't ask to see php code" // No rows returned -> move back to the calling page if ($num_rows < 1 || $is_affected) { if ($is_delete) { $message = $strDeletedRows . ' ' . $num_rows; } elseif ($is_insert) { if ($is_replace) { /* For replace we get DELETED + INSERTED row count, so we have to call it affected */ $message = $strAffectedRows . ' ' . $num_rows; } else { $message = $strInsertedRows . ' ' . $num_rows; } $insert_id = PMA_DBI_insert_id(); if ($insert_id != 0) { // insert_id is id of FIRST record inserted in one insert, so if we inserted multiple rows, we had to increment this $message .= '[br]'.$strInsertedRowId . ' ' . ($insert_id + $num_rows - 1); } } elseif ($is_affected) { $message = $strAffectedRows . ' ' . $num_rows; // Ok, here is an explanation for the !$is_select. // The form generated by sql_query_form.lib.php // and db_details.php has many submit buttons // on the same form, and some confusion arises from the // fact that $zero_rows is sent for every case. // The $zero_rows containing $strSuccess and sent with // the form should not have priority over // errors like $strEmptyResultSet } elseif (!empty($zero_rows) && !$is_select) { $message = $zero_rows; } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { $message = $strPhp; } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { $message = $strValidateSQL; } else { $message = $strEmptyResultSet; } $message .= ' ' . (isset($GLOBALS['querytime']) ? '(' . sprintf($strQueryTime, $GLOBALS['querytime']) . ')' : ''); if ($is_gotofile) { $goto = PMA_securePath($goto); // Checks for a valid target script if (isset($table) && $table == '') { unset($table); } if (isset($db) && $db == '') { unset($db); } $is_db = $is_table = false; if (strpos(' ' . $goto, 'tbl_properties') == 1) { if (!isset($table)) { $goto = 'db_details.php'; } else { $is_table = @PMA_DBI_query('SHOW TABLES LIKE \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($table, true) . '\';', null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE); if (!($is_table && @PMA_DBI_num_rows($is_table))) { $goto = 'db_details.php'; unset($table); } @PMA_DBI_free_result($is_table); } // end if... else... } if (strpos(' ' . $goto, 'db_details') == 1) { if (isset($table)) { unset($table); } if (!isset($db)) { $goto = 'main.php'; } else { $is_db = @PMA_DBI_select_db($db); if (!$is_db) { $goto = 'main.php'; unset($db); } } // end if... else... } // Loads to target script if (strpos(' ' . $goto, 'db_details') == 1 || strpos(' ' . $goto, 'tbl_properties') == 1) { $js_to_run = 'functions.js'; } if ($goto != 'main.php') { require_once './libraries/header.inc.php'; } $active_page = $goto; require './' . $goto; } else { PMA_sendHeaderLocation($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . str_replace('&', '&', $goto) . '&message=' . urlencode($message)); } // end else exit(); } // end no rows returned // At least one row is returned -> displays a table with results else { // Displays the headers if (isset($show_query)) { unset($show_query); } if (isset($printview) && $printview == '1') { require_once './libraries/header_printview.inc.php'; } else { $js_to_run = 'functions.js'; unset($message); if (isset($table) && strlen($table)) { require './libraries/tbl_properties_common.php'; $url_query .= '&goto=tbl_properties.php&back=tbl_properties.php'; require './libraries/tbl_properties_table_info.inc.php'; require './libraries/tbl_properties_links.inc.php'; } elseif (isset($db) && strlen($db)) { require './libraries/db_details_common.inc.php'; require './libraries/db_details_db_info.inc.php'; } else { require './libraries/server_common.inc.php'; require './libraries/server_links.inc.php'; } } if (isset($db) && strlen($db)) { require_once './libraries/relation.lib.php'; $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam(); } // Gets the list of fields properties if (isset($result) && $result) { $fields_meta = PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($result); $fields_cnt = count($fields_meta); } // Display previous update query (from tbl_replace) if (isset($disp_query) && $cfg['ShowSQL'] == true) { $tmp_sql_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query']; $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = $disp_query; PMA_showMessage($disp_message); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = $tmp_sql_query; } // Displays the results in a table require_once './libraries/display_tbl.lib.php'; if (empty($disp_mode)) { // see the "PMA_setDisplayMode()" function in // libraries/display_tbl.lib.php $disp_mode = 'urdr111101'; } if (!isset($dontlimitchars)) { $dontlimitchars = 0; } // hide edit and delete links for information_schema if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50002 && isset($db) && $db == 'information_schema') { $disp_mode = 'nnnn110111'; } PMA_displayTable($result, $disp_mode, $analyzed_sql); PMA_DBI_free_result($result); // BEGIN INDEX CHECK See if indexes should be checked. if (isset($query_type) && $query_type == 'check_tbl' && isset($selected) && is_array($selected)) { foreach ($selected AS $idx => $tbl_name) { $indexes = $indexes_info = $indexes_data = array(); $tbl_ret_keys = PMA_get_indexes(urldecode($tbl_name), $err_url_0); PMA_extract_indexes($tbl_ret_keys, $indexes, $indexes_info, $indexes_data); $idx_collection = PMA_show_indexes(urldecode($tbl_name), $indexes, $indexes_info, $indexes_data, false); $check = PMA_check_indexes($idx_collection); if (!empty($check)) { ?> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="tblHeaders" colspan="7"><?php printf($strIndexWarningTable, urldecode($tbl_name)); ?></td> </tr> <?php echo $check; ?> </table> <?php } } } // End INDEX CHECK if ($disp_mode[6] == '1' || $disp_mode[9] == '1') { echo "\n"; echo '<hr />' . "\n"; // Displays "Insert a new row" link if required if ($disp_mode[6] == '1') { $lnk_goto = 'sql.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars . '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query); $url_query = '?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars . '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query) . '&goto=' . urlencode($lnk_goto); echo ' <!-- Insert a new row -->' . "\n"; echo PMA_linkOrButton( 'tbl_change.php' . $url_query, ($cfg['PropertiesIconic'] ? '<img class="icon" src="' . $pmaThemeImage . 'b_insrow.png" height="16" width="16" alt="' . $strInsertNewRow . '"/>' : '') . $strInsertNewRow, '', true, true, '') . "\n"; if ($disp_mode[9] == '1') { echo ' '; } echo "\n"; } // end insert new row // Displays "printable view" link if required if ($disp_mode[9] == '1') { $url_query = '?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&printview=1' . '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query); echo ' <!-- Print view -->' . "\n"; echo PMA_linkOrButton( 'sql.php' . $url_query . ((isset($dontlimitchars) && $dontlimitchars == '1') ? '&dontlimitchars=1' : ''), ($cfg['PropertiesIconic'] ? '<img class="icon" src="' . $pmaThemeImage . 'b_print.png" height="16" width="16" alt="' . $strPrintView . '"/>' : '') . $strPrintView, '', true, true, 'print_view') . "\n"; if (!$dontlimitchars) { echo ' ' . "\n"; echo PMA_linkOrButton( 'sql.php' . $url_query . '&dontlimitchars=1', ($cfg['PropertiesIconic'] ? '<img class="icon" src="' . $pmaThemeImage . 'b_print.png" height="16" width="16" alt="' . $strPrintViewFull . '"/>' : '') . $strPrintViewFull, '', true, true, 'print_view') . "\n"; } } // end displays "printable view" echo "\n"; } // Export link // (the url_query has extra parameters that won't be used to export) // (the single_table parameter is used in display_export.lib.php // to hide the SQL and the structure export dialogs) if (isset($analyzed_sql[0]) && $analyzed_sql[0]['querytype'] == 'SELECT' && !isset($printview)) { if (isset($analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][0]['table_true_name']) && !isset($analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'][1]['table_true_name'])) { $single_table = '&single_table=true'; } else { $single_table = ''; } echo ' <!-- Export -->' . "\n"; echo ' ' . "\n"; echo PMA_linkOrButton( 'tbl_properties_export.php' . $url_query . '&unlim_num_rows=' . $unlim_num_rows . $single_table, ($cfg['PropertiesIconic'] ? '<img class="icon" src="' . $pmaThemeImage . 'b_tblexport.png" height="16" width="16" alt="' . $strExport . '" />' : '') . $strExport, '', true, true, '') . "\n"; } // Bookmark Support if required if ($disp_mode[7] == '1' && (isset($cfg['Bookmark']) && $cfg['Bookmark']['db'] && $cfg['Bookmark']['table'] && empty($id_bookmark)) && !empty($sql_query)) { echo "\n"; $goto = 'sql.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars . '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query) . '&id_bookmark=1'; if ($disp_mode[3] == '1') { echo ' <i>' . $strOr . '</i>'; } else { echo '<br /><br />'; } ?> <form action="sql.php" method="post" onsubmit="return emptyFormElements(this, 'fields[label]');"> <?php echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="goto" value="<?php echo $goto; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="fields[dbase]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="fields[user]" value="<?php echo $cfg['Bookmark']['user']; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="fields[query]" value="<?php echo urlencode(isset($complete_query) ? $complete_query : $sql_query); ?>" /> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo ($cfg['PropertiesIconic'] ? '<img class="icon" src="' . $pmaThemeImage . 'b_bookmark.png" width="16" height="16" alt="' . $strBookmarkThis . '" />' : '') . $strBookmarkThis; ?> </legend> <div class="formelement"> <label for="fields_label_"><?php echo $strBookmarkLabel; ?>:</label> <input type="text" id="fields_label_" name="fields[label]" value="" /> </div> <div class="formelement"> <input type="checkbox" name="bkm_all_users" id="bkm_all_users" value="true" /> <label for="bkm_all_users"><?php echo $strBookmarkAllUsers; ?></label> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="tblFooters"> <input type="submit" name="store_bkm" value="<?php echo $strBookmarkThis; ?>" /> </fieldset> </form> <?php } // end bookmark support // Do print the page if required if (isset($printview) && $printview == '1') { ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //<![CDATA[ // Do print the page window.onload = function() { if (typeof(window.print) != 'undefined') { window.print(); } } //]]> </script> <?php } // end print case } // end rows returned } // end executes the query /** * Displays the footer */ require_once './libraries/footer.inc.php'; ?>
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