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File: tmhOAuth.php
<?php /** * tmhOAuth * * An OAuth 1.0A library written in PHP. * The library supports file uploading using multipart/form as well as general * REST requests. OAuth authentication is sent using the an Authorization Header. * * @author themattharris * @version 0.7.4 * * 19 February 2013 */ class tmhOAuth { const VERSION = '0.7.4'; var $response = array(); /** * Creates a new tmhOAuth object * * @param string $config , the configuration to use for this request * @return void */ public function __construct($config = array()) { $this->params = array(); $this->headers = array(); $this->auto_fixed_time = false; $this->buffer = null; // default configuration options $this->config = array_merge( array( // leave 'user_agent' blank for default, otherwise set this to // something that clearly identifies your app 'user_agent' => '', // default timezone for requests 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'use_ssl' => true, 'host' => 'api.twitter.com', 'consumer_key' => '', 'consumer_secret' => '', 'user_token' => '', 'user_secret' => '', 'force_nonce' => false, 'nonce' => false, // used for checking signatures. leave as false for auto 'force_timestamp' => false, 'timestamp' => false, // used for checking signatures. leave as false for auto // oauth signing variables that are not dynamic 'oauth_version' => '1.0', 'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1', // you probably don't want to change any of these curl values 'curl_connecttimeout' => 30, 'curl_timeout' => 10, // for security this should always be set to 2. 'curl_ssl_verifyhost' => 2, // for security this should always be set to true. 'curl_ssl_verifypeer' => true, // you can get the latest cacert.pem from here http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem 'curl_cainfo' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cacert.pem', 'curl_capath' => dirname(__FILE__), 'curl_followlocation' => false, // whether to follow redirects or not // support for proxy servers 'curl_proxy' => false, // really you don't want to use this if you are using streaming 'curl_proxyuserpwd' => false, // format username:password for proxy, if required 'curl_encoding' => '', // leave blank for all supported formats, else use gzip, deflate, identity // streaming API 'is_streaming' => false, 'streaming_eol' => "\r\n", 'streaming_metrics_interval' => 60, // header or querystring. You should always use header! // this is just to help me debug other developers implementations 'as_header' => true, 'debug' => false, ), $config ); $this->set_user_agent(); date_default_timezone_set($this->config['timezone']); } /** * Extracts and decodes OAuth parameters from the passed string * * @param string $body the response body from an OAuth flow method * @return array the response body safely decoded to an array of key => values */ public function extract_params($body) { $kvs = explode('&', $body); $decoded = array(); foreach ($kvs as $kv) { $kv = explode('=', $kv, 2); $kv[0] = $this->safe_decode($kv[0]); $kv[1] = $this->safe_decode($kv[1]); $decoded[$kv[0]] = $kv[1]; } return $decoded; } /** * Make an HTTP request using this library. This method doesn't return anything. * Instead the response should be inspected directly. * * @param string $method the HTTP method being used. e.g. POST, GET, HEAD etc * @param string $url the request URL without query string parameters * @param array $params the request parameters as an array of key=value pairs. Default empty array * @param string $useauth whether to use authentication when making the request. Default true * @param string $multipart whether this request contains multipart data. Default false * @param array $headers any custom headers to send with the request. Default empty array * @return int the http response code for the request. 0 is returned if a connection could not be made */ public function request($method, $url, $params = array(), $useauth = true, $multipart = false, $headers = array()) { // reset the request headers (we don't want to reuse them) $this->headers = array(); $this->custom_headers = $headers; $this->config['multipart'] = $multipart; $this->create_nonce(); $this->create_timestamp(); $this->sign($method, $url, $params, $useauth); if (!empty($this->custom_headers)) $this->headers = array_merge((array)$this->headers, (array)$this->custom_headers); return $this->curlit(); } /** * Make a long poll HTTP request using this library. This method is * different to the other request methods as it isn't supposed to disconnect * * Using this method expects a callback which will receive the streaming * responses. * * @param string $method the HTTP method being used. e.g. POST, GET, HEAD etc * @param string $url the request URL without query string parameters * @param array $params the request parameters as an array of key=value pairs * @param string $callback the callback function to stream the buffer to. * @return void */ public function streaming_request($method, $url, $params = array(), $callback = '') { if (!empty($callback)) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { return false; } $this->config['streaming_callback'] = $callback; } $this->metrics['start'] = time(); $this->metrics['interval_start'] = $this->metrics['start']; $this->metrics['tweets'] = 0; $this->metrics['last_tweets'] = 0; $this->metrics['bytes'] = 0; $this->metrics['last_bytes'] = 0; $this->config['is_streaming'] = true; $this->request($method, $url, $params); } /** * Utility function to create the request URL in the requested format * * @param string $request the API method without extension * @param string $format the format of the response. Default json. Set to an empty string to exclude the format * @return string the concatenation of the host, API version, API method and format */ public function url($request, $format = 'json') { $format = strlen($format) > 0 ? ".$format" : ''; $proto = $this->config['use_ssl'] ? 'https:/' : 'http:/'; // backwards compatibility with v0.1 if (isset($this->config['v'])) $this->config['host'] = $this->config['host'] . '/' . $this->config['v']; $request = ltrim($request, '/'); $pos = strlen($request) - strlen($format); if (substr($request, $pos) === $format) $request = substr_replace($request, '', $pos); return implode('/', array( $proto, $this->config['host'], $request . $format )); } /** * Public access to the private safe decode/encode methods * * @param string $text the text to transform * @param string $mode the transformation mode. either encode or decode * @return string $text transformed by the given $mode */ public function transformText($text, $mode = 'encode') { return $this->{"safe_$mode"}($text); } /** * Sets the useragent for PHP to use * If '$this->config['user_agent']' already has a value it is used instead of one * being generated. * * @return void value is stored to the config array class variable */ private function set_user_agent() { if (!empty($this->config['user_agent'])) return; if ($this->config['curl_ssl_verifyhost'] && $this->config['curl_ssl_verifypeer']) { $ssl = '+SSL'; } else { $ssl = '-SSL'; } $ua = 'tmhOAuth ' . self::VERSION . $ssl . ' - //github.com/themattharris/tmhOAuth'; $this->config['user_agent'] = $ua; } /** * Generates a random OAuth nonce. * If 'force_nonce' is true a nonce is not generated and the value in the configuration will be retained. * * @param string $length how many characters the nonce should be before MD5 hashing. default 12 * @param string $include_time whether to include time at the beginning of the nonce. default true * @return void value is stored to the config array class variable */ private function create_nonce($length = 12, $include_time = true) { if ($this->config['force_nonce'] == false) { $sequence = array_merge(range(0, 9), range('A', 'Z'), range('a', 'z')); $length = $length > count($sequence) ? count($sequence) : $length; shuffle($sequence); $prefix = $include_time ? microtime() : ''; $this->config['nonce'] = md5(substr($prefix . implode('', $sequence), 0, $length)); } } /** * Generates a timestamp. * If 'force_timestamp' is true a nonce is not generated and the value in the configuration will be retained. * * @return void value is stored to the config array class variable */ private function create_timestamp() { $this->config['timestamp'] = ($this->config['force_timestamp'] == false ? time() : $this->config['timestamp']); } /** * Encodes the string or array passed in a way compatible with OAuth. * If an array is passed each array value will will be encoded. * * @param mixed $data the scalar or array to encode * @return $data encoded in a way compatible with OAuth */ private function safe_encode($data) { if (is_array($data)) { return array_map(array($this, 'safe_encode'), $data); } else if (is_scalar($data)) { return str_ireplace( array('+', '%7E'), array(' ', '~'), rawurlencode($data) ); } else { return ''; } } /** * Decodes the string or array from it's URL encoded form * If an array is passed each array value will will be decoded. * * @param mixed $data the scalar or array to decode * @return string $data decoded from the URL encoded form */ private function safe_decode($data) { if (is_array($data)) { return array_map(array($this, 'safe_decode'), $data); } else if (is_scalar($data)) { return rawurldecode($data); } else { return ''; } } /** * Returns an array of the standard OAuth parameters. * * @return array all required OAuth parameters, safely encoded */ private function get_defaults() { $defaults = array( 'oauth_version' => $this->config['oauth_version'], 'oauth_nonce' => $this->config['nonce'], 'oauth_timestamp' => $this->config['timestamp'], 'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->config['consumer_key'], 'oauth_signature_method' => $this->config['oauth_signature_method'], ); // include the user token if it exists if ($this->config['user_token']) $defaults['oauth_token'] = $this->config['user_token']; // safely encode foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) { $_defaults[$this->safe_encode($k)] = $this->safe_encode($v); } return $_defaults; } /** * Prepares the HTTP method for use in the base string by converting it to * uppercase. * * @param string $method an HTTP method such as GET or POST * @return void value is stored to the class variable 'method' */ private function prepare_method($method) { $this->method = strtoupper($method); } /** * Prepares the URL for use in the base string by ripping it apart and * reconstructing it. * * Ref: * * @param string $url the request URL * @return void value is stored to the class variable 'url' */ private function prepare_url($url) { $parts = parse_url($url); $port = isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : false; $scheme = $parts['scheme']; $host = $parts['host']; $path = isset($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : false; $port or $port = ($scheme == 'https') ? '443' : '80'; if (($scheme == 'https' && $port != '443') || ($scheme == 'http' && $port != '80')) { $host = "$host:$port"; } // the scheme and host MUST be lowercase $this->url = strtolower("$scheme://$host"); // but not the path $this->url .= $path; } /** * Prepares all parameters for the base string and request. * Multipart parameters are ignored as they are not defined in the specification, * all other types of parameter are encoded for compatibility with OAuth. * * @param array $params the parameters for the request * @return void prepared values are stored in the class variable 'signing_params' */ private function prepare_params($params) { // do not encode multipart parameters, leave them alone if ($this->config['multipart']) { $this->request_params = $params; $params = array(); } // signing parameters are request parameters + OAuth default parameters $this->signing_params = array_merge($this->get_defaults(), (array)$params); // Remove oauth_signature if present // Ref: Spec: 9.1.1 ("The oauth_signature parameter MUST be excluded.") if (isset($this->signing_params['oauth_signature'])) { unset($this->signing_params['oauth_signature']); } // Parameters are sorted by name, using lexicographical byte value ordering. // Ref: Spec: 9.1.1 (1) uksort($this->signing_params, 'strcmp'); // encode. Also sort the signed parameters from the POST parameters foreach ($this->signing_params as $k => $v) { $k = $this->safe_encode($k); if (is_array($v)) $v = implode(',', $v); $v = $this->safe_encode($v); $_signing_params[$k] = $v; $kv[] = "{$k}={$v}"; } // auth params = the default oauth params which are present in our collection of signing params $this->auth_params = array_intersect_key($this->get_defaults(), $_signing_params); if (isset($_signing_params['oauth_callback'])) { $this->auth_params['oauth_callback'] = $_signing_params['oauth_callback']; unset($_signing_params['oauth_callback']); } if (isset($_signing_params['oauth_verifier'])) { $this->auth_params['oauth_verifier'] = $_signing_params['oauth_verifier']; unset($_signing_params['oauth_verifier']); } // request_params is already set if we're doing multipart, if not we need to set them now if (!$this->config['multipart']) $this->request_params = array_diff_key($_signing_params, $this->get_defaults()); // create the parameter part of the base string $this->signing_params = implode('&', $kv); } /** * Prepares the OAuth signing key * * @return void prepared signing key is stored in the class variable 'signing_key' */ private function prepare_signing_key() { $this->signing_key = $this->safe_encode($this->config['consumer_secret']) . '&' . $this->safe_encode($this->config['user_secret']); } /** * Prepare the base string. * Ref: Spec: 9.1.3 ("Concatenate Request Elements") * * @return void prepared base string is stored in the class variable 'base_string' */ private function prepare_base_string() { $url = $this->url; # if the host header is set we need to rewrite the basestring to use # that, instead of the request host. otherwise the signature won't match # on the server side if (!empty($this->custom_headers['Host'])) { $url = str_ireplace( $this->config['host'], $this->custom_headers['Host'], $url ); } $base = array( $this->method, $url, $this->signing_params ); $this->base_string = implode('&', $this->safe_encode($base)); } /** * Prepares the Authorization header * * @return void prepared authorization header is stored in the class variable headers['Authorization'] */ private function prepare_auth_header() { unset($this->headers['Authorization']); uksort($this->auth_params, 'strcmp'); if (!$this->config['as_header']) : $this->request_params = array_merge($this->request_params, $this->auth_params); return; endif; foreach ($this->auth_params as $k => $v) { $kv[] = "{$k}=\"{$v}\""; } $this->auth_header = 'OAuth ' . implode(', ', $kv); $this->headers['Authorization'] = $this->auth_header; } /** * Signs the request and adds the OAuth signature. This runs all the request * parameter preparation methods. * * @param string $method the HTTP method being used. e.g. POST, GET, HEAD etc * @param string $url the request URL without query string parameters * @param array $params the request parameters as an array of key=value pairs * @param string $useauth whether to use authentication when making the request. * @return void */ private function sign($method, $url, $params, $useauth) { $this->prepare_method($method); $this->prepare_url($url); $this->prepare_params($params); // we don't sign anything is we're not using auth if ($useauth) { $this->prepare_base_string(); $this->prepare_signing_key(); $this->auth_params['oauth_signature'] = $this->safe_encode( base64_encode( hash_hmac( 'sha1', $this->base_string, $this->signing_key, true ))); $this->prepare_auth_header(); } } /** * Handles the updating of the current Streaming API metrics. * * @return array the metrics for the streaming api connection */ private function update_metrics() { $now = time(); if (($this->metrics['interval_start'] + $this->config['streaming_metrics_interval']) > $now) return false; $this->metrics['tps'] = round(($this->metrics['tweets'] - $this->metrics['last_tweets']) / $this->config['streaming_metrics_interval'], 2); $this->metrics['bps'] = round(($this->metrics['bytes'] - $this->metrics['last_bytes']) / $this->config['streaming_metrics_interval'], 2); $this->metrics['last_bytes'] = $this->metrics['bytes']; $this->metrics['last_tweets'] = $this->metrics['tweets']; $this->metrics['interval_start'] = $now; return $this->metrics; } /** * Utility function to parse the returned curl headers and store them in the * class array variable. * * @param object $ch curl handle * @param string $header the response headers * @return string the length of the header */ private function curlHeader($ch, $header) { $this->response['raw'] .= $header; list($key, $value) = array_pad(explode(':', $header, 2), 2, null); $key = trim($key); $value = trim($value); if (!isset($this->response['headers'][$key])) { $this->response['headers'][$key] = $value; } else { if (!is_array($this->response['headers'][$key])) { $this->response['headers'][$key] = array($this->response['headers'][$key]); } $this->response['headers'][$key][] = $value; } return strlen($header); } /** * Utility function to parse the returned curl buffer and store them until * an EOL is found. The buffer for curl is an undefined size so we need * to collect the content until an EOL is found. * * This function calls the previously defined streaming callback method. * * @param object $ch curl handle * @param string $data the current curl buffer * @return int the length of the data string processed in this function */ private function curlWrite($ch, $data) { $l = strlen($data); if (strpos($data, $this->config['streaming_eol']) === false) { $this->buffer .= $data; return $l; } $buffered = explode($this->config['streaming_eol'], $data); $content = $this->buffer . $buffered[0]; $this->metrics['tweets']++; $this->metrics['bytes'] += strlen($content); if (!is_callable($this->config['streaming_callback'])) return 0; $metrics = $this->update_metrics(); $stop = call_user_func( $this->config['streaming_callback'], $content, strlen($content), $metrics ); $this->buffer = $buffered[1]; if ($stop) return 0; return $l; } /** * Makes a curl request. Takes no parameters as all should have been prepared * by the request method * * the response data is stored in the class variable 'response' * * @return int the http response code for the request. 0 is returned if a connection could not be made */ private function curlit() { $this->response['raw'] = ''; // method handling switch ($this->method) { case 'POST': break; default: // GET, DELETE request so convert the parameters to a querystring if (!empty($this->request_params)) { foreach ($this->request_params as $k => $v) { // Multipart params haven't been encoded yet. // Not sure why you would do a multipart GET but anyway, here's the support for it if ($this->config['multipart']) { $params[] = $this->safe_encode($k) . '=' . $this->safe_encode($v); } else { $params[] = $k . '=' . $v; } } $qs = implode('&', $params); $this->url = strlen($qs) > 0 ? $this->url . '?' . $qs : $this->url; $this->request_params = array(); } break; } // configure curl $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($c, array( CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->config['user_agent'], CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => $this->config['curl_connecttimeout'], CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->config['curl_timeout'], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => $this->config['curl_ssl_verifypeer'], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => $this->config['curl_ssl_verifyhost'], CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => $this->config['curl_followlocation'], CURLOPT_PROXY => $this->config['curl_proxy'], CURLOPT_ENCODING => $this->config['curl_encoding'], CURLOPT_URL => $this->url, // process the headers CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION => array($this, 'curlHeader'), CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT => true, )); if ($this->config['curl_cainfo'] !== false) curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->config['curl_cainfo']); if ($this->config['curl_capath'] !== false) curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CAPATH, $this->config['curl_capath']); if ($this->config['curl_proxyuserpwd'] !== false) curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->config['curl_proxyuserpwd']); if ($this->config['is_streaming']) { // process the body $this->response['content-length'] = 0; curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, array($this, 'curlWrite')); } switch ($this->method) { case 'GET': break; case 'POST': curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->request_params); break; default: curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->method); } if (!empty($this->request_params)) { // if not doing multipart we need to implode the parameters if (!$this->config['multipart']) { foreach ($this->request_params as $k => $v) { $ps[] = "{$k}={$v}"; } $this->request_params = implode('&', $ps); } curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->request_params); } if (!empty($this->headers)) { foreach ($this->headers as $k => $v) { $headers[] = trim($k . ': ' . $v); } curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } if (isset($this->config['prevent_request']) && (true == $this->config['prevent_request'])) return 0; // do it! $response = curl_exec($c); $code = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $info = curl_getinfo($c); $error = curl_error($c); $errno = curl_errno($c); curl_close($c); // store the response $this->response['code'] = $code; $this->response['response'] = $response; $this->response['info'] = $info; $this->response['error'] = $error; $this->response['errno'] = $errno; if (!isset($this->response['raw'])) { $this->response['raw'] = ''; } $this->response['raw'] .= $response; return $code; } }
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