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File: Documents.php
<?php /*+******************************************************************************** * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License * The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger. * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger. * All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************************/ include_once('config.php'); require_once('include/logging.php'); require_once('include/database/PearDatabase.php'); require_once('data/CRMEntity.php'); // Note is used to store customer information. class Documents extends CRMEntity { var $log; var $db; var $table_name = "vtiger_notes"; var $table_index= 'notesid'; var $default_note_name_dom = array('Meeting vtiger_notes', 'Reminder'); var $tab_name = Array('vtiger_crmentity','vtiger_notes','vtiger_notescf'); var $tab_name_index = Array('vtiger_crmentity'=>'crmid','vtiger_notes'=>'notesid','vtiger_senotesrel'=>'notesid','vtiger_notescf'=>'notesid'); /** * Mandatory table for supporting custom fields. */ var $customFieldTable = Array('vtiger_notescf', 'notesid'); var $column_fields = Array(); var $sortby_fields = Array('title','modifiedtime','filename','createdtime','lastname','filedownloadcount','smownerid'); // This is used to retrieve related vtiger_fields from form posts. var $additional_column_fields = Array('', '', '', ''); // This is the list of vtiger_fields that are in the lists. var $list_fields = Array( 'Title'=>Array('notes'=>'title'), 'File Name'=>Array('notes'=>'filename'), 'Modified Time'=>Array('crmentity'=>'modifiedtime'), 'Assigned To' => Array('crmentity'=>'smownerid'), 'Folder Name' => Array('attachmentsfolder'=>'folderid') ); var $list_fields_name = Array( 'Title'=>'notes_title', 'File Name'=>'filename', 'Modified Time'=>'modifiedtime', 'Assigned To'=>'assigned_user_id', 'Folder Name' => 'folderid' ); var $search_fields = Array( 'Title' => Array('notes'=>'notes_title'), 'File Name' => Array('notes'=>'filename'), 'Assigned To' => Array('crmentity'=>'smownerid'), 'Folder Name' => Array('attachmentsfolder'=>'foldername') ); var $search_fields_name = Array( 'Title' => 'notes_title', 'File Name' => 'filename', 'Assigned To' => 'assigned_user_id', 'Folder Name' => 'folderid' ); var $list_link_field= 'notes_title'; var $old_filename = ''; //var $groupTable = Array('vtiger_notegrouprelation','notesid'); var $mandatory_fields = Array('notes_title','createdtime' ,'modifiedtime','filename','filesize','filetype','filedownloadcount','assigned_user_id'); //Added these variables which are used as default order by and sortorder in ListView var $default_order_by = 'title'; var $default_sort_order = 'ASC'; function Documents() { $this->log = LoggerManager::getLogger('notes'); $this->log->debug("Entering Documents() method ..."); $this->db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $this->column_fields = getColumnFields('Documents'); $this->log->debug("Exiting Documents method ..."); } function save_module($module) { global $log,$adb,$upload_badext; $insertion_mode = $this->mode; if(isset($this->parentid) && $this->parentid != '') $relid = $this->parentid; //inserting into vtiger_senotesrel if(isset($relid) && $relid != '') { $this->insertintonotesrel($relid,$this->id); } $filetype_fieldname = $this->getFileTypeFieldName(); $filename_fieldname = $this->getFile_FieldName(); if($this->column_fields[$filetype_fieldname] == 'I' ){ if($_FILES[$filename_fieldname]['name'] != ''){ $errCode=$_FILES[$filename_fieldname]['error']; if($errCode == 0){ foreach($_FILES as $fileindex => $files) { if($files['name'] != '' && $files['size'] > 0){ $filename = $_FILES[$filename_fieldname]['name']; $filename = from_html(preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $filename)); $filetype = $_FILES[$filename_fieldname]['type']; $filesize = $_FILES[$filename_fieldname]['size']; $filelocationtype = 'I'; $binFile = sanitizeUploadFileName($filename, $upload_badext); $filename = ltrim(basename(" ".$binFile)); //allowed filename like UTF-8 characters } } } }elseif($this->mode == 'edit') { $fileres = $adb->pquery("select filetype, filesize,filename,filedownloadcount,filelocationtype from vtiger_notes where notesid=?", array($this->id)); if ($adb->num_rows($fileres) > 0) { $filename = $adb->query_result($fileres, 0, 'filename'); $filetype = $adb->query_result($fileres, 0, 'filetype'); $filesize = $adb->query_result($fileres, 0, 'filesize'); $filedownloadcount = $adb->query_result($fileres, 0, 'filedownloadcount'); $filelocationtype = $adb->query_result($fileres, 0, 'filelocationtype'); } }elseif($this->column_fields[$filename_fieldname]) { $filename = $this->column_fields[$filename_fieldname]; $filesize = $this->column_fields['filesize']; $filetype = $this->column_fields['filetype']; $filelocationtype = $this->column_fields[$filetype_fieldname]; $filedownloadcount = 0; } else { $filelocationtype = 'I'; $filetype = ''; $filesize = 0; $filedownloadcount = null; } } else if($this->column_fields[$filetype_fieldname] == 'E' ){ $filelocationtype = 'E'; $filename = $this->column_fields[$filename_fieldname]; // If filename does not has the protocol prefix, default it to http:// // Protocol prefix could be like (https://, smb://, file://, \\, smb:\\,...) if(!empty($filename) && !preg_match('/^\w{1,5}:\/\/|^\w{0,3}:?\\\\\\\\/', trim($filename), $match)) { $filename = "http://$filename"; } $filetype = ''; $filesize = 0; $filedownloadcount = null; } $query = "UPDATE vtiger_notes SET filename = ? ,filesize = ?, filetype = ? , filelocationtype = ? , filedownloadcount = ? WHERE notesid = ?"; $re=$adb->pquery($query,array(decode_html($filename),$filesize,$filetype,$filelocationtype,$filedownloadcount,$this->id)); //Inserting into attachments table if($filelocationtype == 'I') { $this->insertIntoAttachment($this->id,'Documents'); }else{ $query = "delete from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?"; $qparams = array($this->id); $adb->pquery($query, $qparams); } //set the column_fields so that its available in the event handlers $this->column_fields['filename'] = $filename; $this->column_fields['filesize'] = $filesize; $this->column_fields['filetype'] = $filetype; $this->column_fields['filedownloadcount'] = $filedownloadcount; } /** * This function is used to add the vtiger_attachments. This will call the function uploadAndSaveFile which will upload the attachment into the server and save that attachment information in the database. * @param int $id - entity id to which the vtiger_files to be uploaded * @param string $module - the current module name */ function insertIntoAttachment($id,$module) { global $log, $adb; $log->debug("Entering into insertIntoAttachment($id,$module) method."); $file_saved = false; foreach($_FILES as $fileindex => $files) { if($files['name'] != '' && $files['size'] > 0) { $files['original_name'] = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST[$fileindex.'_hidden']); $file_saved = $this->uploadAndSaveFile($id,$module,$files); } } $log->debug("Exiting from insertIntoAttachment($id,$module) method."); } /** Function used to get the sort order for Documents listview * @return string $sorder - first check the $_REQUEST['sorder'] if request value is empty then check in the $_SESSION['NOTES_SORT_ORDER'] if this session value is empty then default sort order will be returned. */ function getSortOrder() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getSortOrder() method ..."); if(isset($_REQUEST['sorder'])) $sorder = $this->db->sql_escape_string($_REQUEST['sorder']); else $sorder = (($_SESSION['NOTES_SORT_ORDER'] != '')?($_SESSION['NOTES_SORT_ORDER']):($this->default_sort_order)); $log->debug("Exiting getSortOrder() method ..."); return $sorder; } /** Function used to get the order by value for Documents listview * @return string $order_by - first check the $_REQUEST['order_by'] if request value is empty then check in the $_SESSION['NOTES_ORDER_BY'] if this session value is empty then default order by will be returned. */ function getOrderBy() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getOrderBy() method ..."); $use_default_order_by = ''; if(PerformancePrefs::getBoolean('LISTVIEW_DEFAULT_SORTING', true)) { $use_default_order_by = $this->default_order_by; } if (isset($_REQUEST['order_by'])) $order_by = $this->db->sql_escape_string($_REQUEST['order_by']); else $order_by = (($_SESSION['NOTES_ORDER_BY'] != '')?($_SESSION['NOTES_ORDER_BY']):($use_default_order_by)); $log->debug("Exiting getOrderBy method ..."); return $order_by; } /** * Function used to get the sort order for Documents listview * @return String $sorder - sort order for a given folder. */ function getSortOrderForFolder($folderId) { if(isset($_REQUEST['sorder']) && $_REQUEST['folderid'] == $folderId) { $sorder = $this->db->sql_escape_string($_REQUEST['sorder']); } elseif(is_array($_SESSION['NOTES_FOLDER_SORT_ORDER']) && !empty($_SESSION['NOTES_FOLDER_SORT_ORDER'][$folderId])) { $sorder = $_SESSION['NOTES_FOLDER_SORT_ORDER'][$folderId]; } else { $sorder = $this->default_sort_order; } return $sorder; } /** * Function used to get the order by value for Documents listview * @return String order by column for a given folder. */ function getOrderByForFolder($folderId) { $use_default_order_by = ''; if(PerformancePrefs::getBoolean('LISTVIEW_DEFAULT_SORTING', true)) { $use_default_order_by = $this->default_order_by; } if (isset($_REQUEST['order_by']) && $_REQUEST['folderid'] == $folderId) { $order_by = $this->db->sql_escape_string($_REQUEST['order_by']); } elseif(is_array($_SESSION['NOTES_FOLDER_ORDER_BY']) && !empty($_SESSION['NOTES_FOLDER_ORDER_BY'][$folderId])) { $order_by = $_SESSION['NOTES_FOLDER_ORDER_BY'][$folderId]; } else { $order_by = ($use_default_order_by); } return $order_by; } /** Function to export the notes in CSV Format * @param reference variable - where condition is passed when the query is executed * Returns Export Documents Query. */ function create_export_query($where) { global $log,$current_user; $log->debug("Entering create_export_query(". $where.") method ..."); include("include/utils/ExportUtils.php"); //To get the Permitted fields query and the permitted fields list $sql = getPermittedFieldsQuery("Documents", "detail_view"); $fields_list = getFieldsListFromQuery($sql); $userNameSql = getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat(array('first_name'=> 'vtiger_users.first_name', 'last_name' => 'vtiger_users.last_name'), 'Users'); $query = "SELECT $fields_list, case when (vtiger_users.user_name not like '') then $userNameSql else vtiger_groups.groupname end as user_name" . " FROM vtiger_notes inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_notes.notesid LEFT JOIN vtiger_attachmentsfolder on vtiger_notes.folderid=vtiger_attachmentsfolder.folderid LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid=vtiger_users.id " . " LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid=vtiger_groups.groupid " ; $query .= getNonAdminAccessControlQuery('Documents',$current_user); $where_auto=" vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0"; if($where != "") $query .= " WHERE ($where) AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= " WHERE ".$where_auto; $log->debug("Exiting create_export_query method ..."); return $query; } function del_create_def_folder($query) { global $adb; $dbQuery = $query." and vtiger_attachmentsfolderfolderid.folderid = 0"; $dbresult = $adb->pquery($dbQuery,array()); $noofnotes = $adb->num_rows($dbresult); if($noofnotes > 0) { $folderQuery = "select folderid from vtiger_attachmentsfolder"; $folderresult = $adb->pquery($folderQuery,array()); $noofdeffolders = $adb->num_rows($folderresult); if($noofdeffolders == 0) { $insertQuery = "insert into vtiger_attachmentsfolder values (0,'Default','Contains all attachments for which a folder is not set',1,0)"; $insertresult = $adb->pquery($insertQuery,array()); } } } function insertintonotesrel($relid,$id) { global $adb; $dbQuery = "insert into vtiger_senotesrel values ( ?, ? )"; $dbresult = $adb->pquery($dbQuery,array($relid,$id)); } /*function save_related_module($module, $crmid, $with_module, $with_crmid){ }*/ /* * Function to get the primary query part of a report * @param - $module Primary module name * returns the query string formed on fetching the related data for report for primary module */ function generateReportsQuery($module,$queryplanner){ $moduletable = $this->table_name; $moduleindex = $this->tab_name_index[$moduletable]; $query = "from $moduletable inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=$moduletable.$moduleindex"; if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_attachmentsfolder")){ $query .= " inner join vtiger_attachmentsfolder on vtiger_attachmentsfolder.folderid=$moduletable.folderid"; } if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_groups".$module)){ $query .= " left join vtiger_groups as vtiger_groups".$module." on vtiger_groups".$module.".groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid"; } if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_users".$module)){ $query .= " left join vtiger_users as vtiger_users".$module." on vtiger_users".$module.".id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid"; } $query .= " left join vtiger_groups on vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid"; $query .= " left join vtiger_users on vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid"; if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_lastModifiedBy".$module)){ $query .= " left join vtiger_users as vtiger_lastModifiedBy".$module." on vtiger_lastModifiedBy".$module.".id = vtiger_crmentity.modifiedby "; } return $query; } /* * Function to get the secondary query part of a report * @param - $module primary module name * @param - $secmodule secondary module name * returns the query string formed on fetching the related data for report for secondary module */ function generateReportsSecQuery($module,$secmodule,$queryplanner) { $matrix = $queryplanner->newDependencyMatrix(); $matrix->setDependency("vtiger_crmentityDocuments",array("vtiger_groupsDocuments","vtiger_usersDocuments","vtiger_lastModifiedByDocuments")); $matrix->setDependency("vtiger_notes",array("vtiger_crmentityDocuments","vtiger_attachmentsfolder")); if (!$queryplanner->requireTable('vtiger_notes', $matrix)) { return ''; } // TODO Support query planner $query = $this->getRelationQuery($module,$secmodule,"vtiger_notes","notesid", $queryplanner); if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_crmentityDocuments",$matrix)){ $query .=" left join vtiger_crmentity as vtiger_crmentityDocuments on vtiger_crmentityDocuments.crmid=vtiger_notes.notesid and vtiger_crmentityDocuments.deleted=0"; } if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_attachmentsfolder")){ $query .=" left join vtiger_attachmentsfolder on vtiger_attachmentsfolder.folderid=vtiger_notes.folderid"; } if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_groupsDocuments")){ $query .=" left join vtiger_groups as vtiger_groupsDocuments on vtiger_groupsDocuments.groupid = vtiger_crmentityDocuments.smownerid"; } if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_usersDocuments")){ $query .=" left join vtiger_users as vtiger_usersDocuments on vtiger_usersDocuments.id = vtiger_crmentityDocuments.smownerid"; } if ($queryplanner->requireTable("vtiger_lastModifiedByDocuments")){ $query .=" left join vtiger_users as vtiger_lastModifiedByDocuments on vtiger_lastModifiedByDocuments.id = vtiger_crmentityDocuments.modifiedby "; } return $query; } /* * Function to get the relation tables for related modules * @param - $secmodule secondary module name * returns the array with table names and fieldnames storing relations between module and this module */ function setRelationTables($secmodule){ $rel_tables = array(); return $rel_tables[$secmodule]; } // Function to unlink all the dependent entities of the given Entity by Id function unlinkDependencies($module, $id) { global $log; /*//Backup Documents Related Records $se_q = 'SELECT crmid FROM vtiger_senotesrel WHERE notesid = ?'; $se_res = $this->db->pquery($se_q, array($id)); if ($this->db->num_rows($se_res) > 0) { for($k=0;$k < $this->db->num_rows($se_res);$k++) { $se_id = $this->db->query_result($se_res,$k,"crmid"); $params = array($id, RB_RECORD_DELETED, 'vtiger_senotesrel', 'notesid', 'crmid', $se_id); $this->db->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_relatedlists_rb VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)', $params); } } $sql = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_senotesrel WHERE notesid = ?'; $this->db->pquery($sql, array($id));*/ parent::unlinkDependencies($module, $id); } // Function to unlink an entity with given Id from another entity function unlinkRelationship($id, $return_module, $return_id) { global $log; if(empty($return_module) || empty($return_id)) return; if($return_module == 'Accounts') { $sql = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_senotesrel WHERE notesid = ? AND (crmid = ? OR crmid IN (SELECT contactid FROM vtiger_contactdetails WHERE accountid=?))'; $this->db->pquery($sql, array($id, $return_id, $return_id)); } else { $sql = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_senotesrel WHERE notesid = ? AND crmid = ?'; $this->db->pquery($sql, array($id, $return_id)); $sql = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE (crmid=? AND relmodule=? AND relcrmid=?) OR (relcrmid=? AND module=? AND crmid=?)'; $params = array($id, $return_module, $return_id, $id, $return_module, $return_id); $this->db->pquery($sql, $params); } } // Function to get fieldname for uitype 27 assuming that documents have only one file type field function getFileTypeFieldName(){ global $adb,$log; $query = 'SELECT fieldname from vtiger_field where tabid = ? and uitype = ?'; $tabid = getTabid('Documents'); $filetype_uitype = 27; $res = $adb->pquery($query,array($tabid,$filetype_uitype)); $fieldname = null; if(isset($res)){ $rowCount = $adb->num_rows($res); if($rowCount > 0){ $fieldname = $adb->query_result($res,0,'fieldname'); } } return $fieldname; } // Function to get fieldname for uitype 28 assuming that doc has only one file upload type function getFile_FieldName(){ global $adb,$log; $query = 'SELECT fieldname from vtiger_field where tabid = ? and uitype = ?'; $tabid = getTabid('Documents'); $filename_uitype = 28; $res = $adb->pquery($query,array($tabid,$filename_uitype)); $fieldname = null; if(isset($res)){ $rowCount = $adb->num_rows($res); if($rowCount > 0){ $fieldname = $adb->query_result($res,0,'fieldname'); } } return $fieldname; } /** * Check the existence of folder by folderid */ function isFolderPresent($folderid) { global $adb; $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT folderid FROM vtiger_attachmentsfolder WHERE folderid = ?", array($folderid)); if(!empty($result) && $adb->num_rows($result) > 0) return true; return false; } /** * Customizing the restore procedure. */ function restore($modulename, $id) { parent::restore($modulename, $id); global $adb; $fresult = $adb->pquery("SELECT folderid FROM vtiger_notes WHERE notesid = ?", array($id)); if(!empty($fresult) && $adb->num_rows($fresult)) { $folderid = $adb->query_result($fresult, 0, 'folderid'); if(!$this->isFolderPresent($folderid)) { // Re-link to default folder $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_notes set folderid = 1 WHERE notesid = ?", array($id)); } } } function getQueryByModuleField($module, $fieldname, $srcrecord, $query) { if($module == "MailManager") { $tempQuery = split('WHERE', $query); if(!empty($tempQuery[1])) { $where = " vtiger_notes.filelocationtype = 'I' AND vtiger_notes.filename != '' AND vtiger_notes.filestatus != 0 AND "; $query = $tempQuery[0].' WHERE '.$where.$tempQuery[1]; } else{ $query = $tempQuery[0].' WHERE '.$tempQuery; } return $query; } } /** * Function to check the module active and user action permissions before showing as link in other modules * like in more actions of detail view. */ static function isLinkPermitted($linkData) { $moduleName = "Documents"; if(vtlib_isModuleActive($moduleName) && isPermitted($moduleName, 'EditView') == 'yes') { return true; } return false; } } ?>
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