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File: init.php
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Id: init.php,v 2005/03/10 02:29:35 cryptographite Exp $ */ ?> <?php // Hack Prevention $sensitiveList = array('gallery', 'GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE', 'GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE_TYPE', 'GLOBALS'); foreach ($sensitiveList as $sensitive) { if (!empty($_REQUEST[$sensitive])) { print _("Security violation") ."\n"; exit; } } /* * Turn down the error reporting to just critical errors for now. * In v1.2, we know that we'll have lots and lots of warnings if * error reporting is turned all the way up. We'll fix this in v2.0 */ error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); /* * Seed the randomization pool once, instead of doing it every place * that we use rand() or mt_rand() */ mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); global $gallery; require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Version.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/util.php"); /* Load bootstrap code */ if (getOS() == OS_WINDOWS) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/platform/fs_win32.php"); } else { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/platform/fs_unix.php"); } if (fs_file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php")) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php"); /* Here we set a default execution time limit for the entire Gallery script * the value is defined by the user during setup, so we want it inside the * 'if config.php' block. If the user increases from the default, this will cover * potential execution issues on slow systems, or installs with gigantic galleries. * By calling set_time_limit() again further in the script (in locations we know can * take a long time) we reset the counter to 0 so that a longer execution can occur. */ set_time_limit($gallery->app->timeLimit); } /* * We TRY to make sure that register_globals is disabled. If the user has not disabled * register_globals in their php.ini, we try to emulate its functionality by unsetting all * variables from $_REQUEST. Some *Nuke systems apparently do not function well with this * emulation, so we have given users a method to opt-out. * * WE DO NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORT THE USE OF skipRegisterGlobals BECAUSE IT COULD POTENTIALLY * OPEN Gallery TO SECURITY RISKS! This is for advanced users only. */ if (empty($gallery->app->skipRegisterGlobals) || $gallery->app->skipRegisterGlobals != "yes") { $register_globals = @ini_get('register_globals'); if (!empty($register_globals) && !eregi("no|off|false", $register_globals)) { foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $key) { unset($$key); } } } // Optional developer hook - location to add useful // functions such as code profiling modules if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/lib/devel.php")) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/lib/devel.php"); } /* ** Now we can catch if were are in GeekLog ** We also include the common lib file as we need it in initLanguage() */ // If the old example path is still set, remove it. if (!empty($gallery->app->geeklog_dir) && $gallery->app->geeklog_dir == "/path/to/geeklog/public_html") { $gallery->app->geeklog_dir = ""; } // Verify that the geeklog_dir isn't overwritten with a remote exploit if (!empty($gallery->app->geeklog_dir) && !realpath($gallery->app->geeklog_dir)) { print _("Security violation") ."\n"; exit; } elseif (!empty($gallery->app->geeklog_dir)) { $GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE='GeekLog'; $GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE_TYPE = 'GeekLog'; if (! defined ("GEEKLOG_DIR")) { define ("GEEKLOG_DIR",$gallery->app->geeklog_dir); } require_once(GEEKLOG_DIR . '/lib-common.php'); } if (isset($gallery->app->devMode) && $gallery->app->devMode == "yes") { ini_set("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); } /* * Detect if we're running under SSL and adjust the URL accordingly. */ if(isset($gallery->app)) { if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"] ) && stristr($_SERVER["HTTPS"], "on")) { $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = eregi_replace("^http:", "https:", $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL); $gallery->app->albumDirURL = eregi_replace("^http:", "https:", $gallery->app->albumDirURL); } else { $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = eregi_replace("^https:", "http:", $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL); $gallery->app->albumDirURL = eregi_replace("^https:", "http:", $gallery->app->albumDirURL); } /* * We have a Coral (http://www.scs.cs.nyu.edu/coral/) request coming in, adjust outbound links */ if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'CoralWebPrx')) { if (ereg("^(http://[^:]+):(\d+)(.*)$", $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL)) { $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = ereg_replace("^(http://[^:]+):(\d+)(.*)$", "\1.\2\3", $galllery->app->photoAlbumURL); } $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = ereg_replace("^(http://[^/]+)(.*)$", '\1.nyud.net:8090\2',$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL); if (ereg("^(http://[^:]+):(\d+)(.*)$", $gallery->app->albumDirURL)) { $gallery->app->albumDirURL = ereg_replace("^(http://[^:]+):(\d+)(.*)$", "\1.\2\3", $galllery->app->albumDirURL); } $gallery->app->albumDirURL = ereg_replace("^(http://[^/]+)(.*)$", '\1.nyud.net:8090\2',$gallery->app->albumDirURL); } } /* * Turn off magic quotes runtime as they interfere with saving and * restoring data from our file-based database files */ set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); /* Load classes and session information */ require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Album.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Image.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/AlbumItem.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/AlbumDB.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/User.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/EverybodyUser.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/NobodyUser.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/LoggedInUser.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/UserDB.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Comment.php"); if (!isset($GALLERY_NO_SESSIONS)) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/session.php"); } $gallerySanity = gallerySanityCheck(); // Languages need to be initialized early or installations without gettext will break. // initLanguage is called again later in init.php to pick up user settings. initLanguage(); /* Make sure that Gallery is set up properly */ if ($gallerySanity != NULL) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/errors/$gallerySanity"); exit; } if (isset($GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE)) { /* Okay, we are embedded */ switch($GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE_TYPE) { case 'postnuke': /* We're in embedded in Postnuke */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Database.php"); if (!function_exists("pnUserGetVar")) { /* pre 0.7.1 */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/postnuke/UserDB.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/postnuke/User.php"); $gallery->database{"db"} = $GLOBALS['dbconn']; $gallery->database{"prefix"} = $GLOBALS['pnconfig']['prefix'] . "_"; } else { /* 0.7.1 and beyond */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/postnuke0.7.1/UserDB.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/postnuke0.7.1/User.php"); } /* Load our user database (and user object) */ $gallery->userDB = new PostNuke_UserDB; if (isset($GLOBALS['user'])) { $gallery->session->username = $GLOBALS['user']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['user']) && is_user($GLOBALS['user'])) { $user_info = getusrinfo($GLOBALS['user']); $gallery->session->username = $user_info["uname"]; $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } break; case 'phpnuke': /* we're in phpnuke */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/database/mysql/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nuke5/UserDB.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nuke5/User.php"); $gallery->database{"nuke"} = new MySQL_Database( $GLOBALS['dbhost'], $GLOBALS['dbuname'], $GLOBALS['dbpass'], $GLOBALS['dbname']); if (isset($GLOBALS['user_prefix'])) { $gallery->database{"user_prefix"} = $GLOBALS['user_prefix'] . '_'; } else { $gallery->database{"user_prefix"} = 'nuke_'; } $gallery->database{"prefix"} = $GLOBALS['prefix'] . '_'; /* PHP-Nuke changed its "users" table field names in v.6.5 */ /* Select the appropriate field names */ if (isset($Version_Num) && $Version_Num >= "6.5") { $gallery->database{'fields'} = array ('name' => 'name', 'uname' => 'username', 'email' => 'user_email', 'uid' => 'user_id'); } else { $gallery->database{'fields'} = array ('name' => 'name', 'uname' => 'uname', 'email' => 'email', 'uid' => 'uid'); } /* Load our user database (and user object) */ $gallery->userDB = new Nuke5_UserDB; if ($GLOBALS['user']) { $gallery->session->username = $GLOBALS['user']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['admin']) && is_admin($GLOBALS['admin'])) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nuke5/AdminUser.php"); $gallery->user = new Nuke5_AdminUser($GLOBALS['admin']); $gallery->session->username = $gallery->user->getUsername(); } else if (is_user($GLOBALS['user'])) { $user_info = getusrinfo($GLOBALS['user']); $gallery->session->username = $user_info[$gallery->database{'fields'}{'uname'}]; $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } break; case 'nsnnuke': /* we're in nsnnuke */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/database/mysql/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nsnnuke/UserDB.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nsnnuke/User.php"); $gallery->database{"nsnnuke"} = new MySQL_Database( $GLOBALS['dbhost'], $GLOBALS['dbuname'], $GLOBALS['dbpass'], $GLOBALS['dbname']); if (isset($GLOBALS['user_prefix'])) { $gallery->database{"user_prefix"} = $GLOBALS['user_prefix'] . '_'; } else { $gallery->database{"user_prefix"} = 'nukea_'; } $gallery->database{"prefix"} = $GLOBALS['prefix'] . '_'; $gallery->database{"admin_prefix"} = $GLOBALS['prefix'] . 'b_'; /* Select the appropriate field names */ $gallery->database{'fields'} = array ('name' => 'realname', 'uname' => 'username', 'email' => 'user_email', 'uid' => 'user_id'); /* Load our user database (and user object) */ $gallery->userDB = new NsnNuke_UserDB; if ($GLOBALS['user']) { $gallery->session->username = $GLOBALS['user']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['admin']) && is_admin($GLOBALS['admin'])) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nsnnuke/AdminUser.php"); $gallery->user = new NsnNuke_AdminUser($GLOBALS['admin']); $gallery->session->username = $gallery->user->getUsername(); } else if (is_user($GLOBALS['user'])) { $user_info = getusrinfo($GLOBALS['user']); $gallery->session->username = $user_info[$gallery->database{'fields'}{'uname'}]; $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } break; case 'phpBB2': include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/database/mysql/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/phpbb/UserDB.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/phpbb/User.php"); $gallery->database{"phpbb"} = new MySQL_Database( $GLOBALS['dbhost'], $GLOBALS['dbuser'], $GLOBALS['dbpasswd'], $GLOBALS['dbname']); // $gallery->database{"phpbb"}->setTablePrefix($GLOBALS['table_prefix']); $gallery->database{"prefix"} = $GLOBALS['table_prefix']; /* Load our user database (and user object) */ $gallery->userDB = new phpbb_UserDB; if (isset($GLOBALS['userdata']) && isset($GLOBALS['userdata']['username'])) { $gallery->session->username = $GLOBALS['userdata']['username']; $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } elseif ($gallery->session->username) { $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } break; case 'mambo': include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/Database.php'); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/database/mysql/Database.php'); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/mambo/UserDB.php'); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/mambo/User.php'); global $mosConfig_host; global $mosConfig_user; global $mosConfig_password; global $mosConfig_db; global $mosConfig_dbprefix; global $my; /* Session info about Mambo are available when we open a Popup from Mambo, ** but content isnt parsed through Mambo */ if (!empty($gallery->session->mambo)) { $mosConfig_host = $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_host; $mosConfig_user = $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_user; $mosConfig_password = $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_password; $mosConfig_db = $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_db; $mosConfig_dbprefix = $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_dbprefix; $MOS_GALLERY_PARAMS = $gallery->session->mambo->MOS_GALLERY_PARAMS; } elseif (!empty($mosConfig_db)) { $gallery->session->mambo->mosRoot = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if (substr($gallery->session->mambo->mosRoot, -1) != '/') { $gallery->session->mambo->mosRoot .= '/'; } $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_host = $mosConfig_host; $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_user = $mosConfig_user; $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_password = $mosConfig_password; $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_db = $mosConfig_db; $gallery->session->mambo->mosConfig_dbprefix = $mosConfig_dbprefix; $gallery->session->mambo->MOS_GALLERY_PARAMS = $MOS_GALLERY_PARAMS; } else { echo 'init.php: ' . _("Gallery seems to be inside Mambo, but we couldn't get the necessary info."); exit; } $gallery->database{'mambo'} = new MySQL_Database($mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db); $gallery->database{'user_prefix'} = $mosConfig_dbprefix; $gallery->database{'fields'} = array ('name' => 'name', 'uname' => 'username', 'email' => 'email', 'uid' => 'id', 'gid' => 'gid'); $gallery->userDB = new Mambo_UserDB; /* Check if user is logged in, else explicit log him/her out */ if (!empty($my->username)) { $gallery->session->username = $my->username; $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); /* We were loaded correctly through Mambo, so we dont need/want "old" session infos */ } elseif (!empty($gallery->session->username) && empty($my)) { /* This happens, when we are in a Popup */ $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } else { /* logout */ unset($gallery->session->username); unset($gallery->session->language); } /* For proper Mambo breadcrumb functionality, we need * to know the Item ID of the Gallery component's menu * item. +2 DB calls. <sigh> */ $db = $gallery->database{'mambo'}; $results = $db->query('SELECT id FROM ' . $gallery->database{'user_prefix'} . "components WHERE link='option=$GALLERY_MODULENAME'"); $row = $db->fetch_row($results); $componentId = $row[0]; $results = $db->query('SELECT id FROM ' . $gallery->database{'user_prefix'} . "menu WHERE componentid='$componentId' AND type = 'components' AND published = 1"); $row = $db->fetch_row($results); $MOS_GALLERY_PARAMS['itemid'] = $row[0]; // pick the first one break; case 'GeekLog': // Cheat, and grab USER information from the global session variables. // Hey, it's faster and easier than reading them out of the database. global $_USER; /* Check if user is logged in, else explicit log him/her out */ if (isset($_USER["username"])) { $gallery->session->username = $_USER['username']; } else { unset($gallery->session->username); unset($gallery->session->language); } /* Implement GeekLogUserDB and User class. */ require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/geeklog/UserDB.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/geeklog/User.php"); /* Load GeekLog user database (and user object) */ $gallery->userDB = new Geeklog_UserDB; /* Load their user object with their username as the key */ if (isset($gallery->session->username)) { $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } break; case 'cpgnuke': /* we're in CPG-Nuke */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/database/mysql/Database.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nsnnuke/UserDB.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nsnnuke/User.php"); $gallery->database{"cpgnuke"} = new MySQL_Database( $GLOBALS['dbhost'], $GLOBALS['dbuname'], $GLOBALS['dbpass'], $GLOBALS['dbname']); if (isset($GLOBALS['user_prefix'])) { $gallery->database{"user_prefix"} = $GLOBALS['prefix'] . '_'; } else { $gallery->database{"user_prefix"} = 'cms'; } $gallery->database{"prefix"} = $GLOBALS['prefix'] . '_'; $gallery->database{"admin_prefix"} = $GLOBALS['prefix'] . 'b_'; /* Select the appropriate field names */ $gallery->database{'fields'} = array ('name' => 'name', 'uname' => 'username', 'email' => 'user_email', 'uid' => 'user_id'); /* Load our user database (and user object) */ $gallery->userDB = new CPGNuke_UserDB; if (is_user()) { $gallery->session->username = $userinfo['username']; $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } if (is_admin()) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/nsnnuke/AdminUser.php"); $gallery->user = new CPGNuke_AdminUser(); $gallery->session->username = $gallery->user->getUsername(); } break; } } else { /* Standalone */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/gallery/UserDB.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/gallery/User.php"); /* Load our user database (and user object) */ $gallery->userDB = new Gallery_UserDB; /* Load their user object with their username as the key */ if (isset($gallery->session->username) && !empty($gallery->session->username)) { $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUsername($gallery->session->username); } } /* If there's no specific user, they are the special Everybody user */ if (!isset($gallery->user) || empty($gallery->user)) { if (empty($gallery->userDB)) { exit("Fatal error: UserDB failed to initialize!"); } $gallery->user = $gallery->userDB->getEverybody(); $gallery->session->username = ""; } /* Now we init the language ** Its done after initializing the user. */ initLanguage(); if (!isset($gallery->session->offline)) { $gallery->session->offline = FALSE; } if ($gallery->userDB->versionOutOfDate()) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/upgrade_users.php"); exit; } /* Load the correct album object */ if (!empty($gallery->session->albumName)) { $gallery->album = new Album; $ret = $gallery->album->load($gallery->session->albumName); if (!$ret) { $gallery->session->albumName = ""; } else { if ($gallery->album->versionOutOfDate()) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/upgrade_album.php"); exit; } } } ?>
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